Secret of the Gentleman-Bull


Real Person
Gold Member
When asked in a recent post how to "Dominate" a couple, the answer, my answer was/is simple...

Shakespeare says:
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."

And he's correct. Treat people like People, with respect, dignity, honesty empathy when you are preparing for , during breaks, and after a date; Remorselessly, enthusiastically, tirelessly, treat them like the Fuck-meat of their fantasies when "on-stage"👍🏾
Anyone can "throw Dick". Bestowing " Dynamic D" and being held in high-esteem Bull to Couple, Bull to Hotwife, Bull to Singles, that my Dear Reader, to Me is worth 10,000,000 empty fuck sessions. If I can blow backs and minds out and get invited to and attend Family and Social events with none the wiser I'm smashing the 🍑 to smithereens, outside the public domain: Yep, that's Bonafide Bull.

I don't have to be a bad person/bad influence, just because I'm very good at what I do😈

To each their own.🤷🏿‍♂️
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