Scared but ready

Invite the guy for a *******, chat and see what kind of personality he has, if all seems good then slowly let your defenses down until you feel confident and then just make your moves so he knows what you want and the rest will become history. But you must be sure in yourself first that you want to fuck a black man. Go look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are sure. Take a long, hard deep look. Once you KNOW, then the rest will be easy.

Just read some of your comments below - so right now it's like just a thought with no real intentions. You got to get your mental act together before you can even think of making that a reality. Your still floating in a fantasy world.
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a few drinks might help to ease any anxiety that you may have. do you know how you will be going about it? do you have somebody in mind already?
Talk to you hubby first and figure out the rules you want to follow. Rubbers or no? Kissing or no? Anal or no? Who picks the guys? Can one spouse veto the others choice? At what point can a spouse ask the other to step away from a playmate or the lifestyle altogether? Many many others too