Question about Splash Mocha.


We will be attending Splash Mocha in Orlando for New Years. We have questions about the theme nights. We plan to participate. Just curious what other people have chosen to wear during these?
First night is Christmas themed and she plans to wear some Christmas red and white lingerie. Second night is college team night and we have that one locked down. But the black and white night. Ladies in black and men in white. How formal do most people dress? Thanks in advance.
Hearing so much about this, would love to hear more, how safe are these events, if me and my wife just wanted to attend just to sit back and watch, would there be any pressure on us to participate
Never been to their NYE event, so maybe it is more formal.

But we have been to SM four times, and this is what we have observed with the themes. First, they are totally optional, and a majority of the people we saw did not dress in theme at all. What is true however is that the main dance room had a heavy concentration of those dressed in theme. Those in the playrooms are dressed more for their expected activity. Second, even among those dressing in theme, there was a very wide range of how people dressed. From men entirely head to toe in white suits, white shoes, white hat, to guys just wearing a white shirt. Third, the women, dressed in theme or not, are less dressed. Lingerie is very common.

Personally I wear a fairly nice, hopefully sexy dress. But just a normal one, I don't dress for the themes, and I have never felt like I was conspicuous in not wearing costumes. Tina from SM often responds on this board, and will probably tell you that while they encourage the themes, you should dress however you feel comfortable.
Hearing so much about this, would love to hear more, how safe are these events, if me and my wife just wanted to attend just to sit back and watch, would there be any pressure on us to participate
Completely safe. Completely. Frankly the events are probably one of the safest places in the cities they are held in.

There is not pressure to participate. What there will be are offers, sometime quite frequent and usually pretty direct. As long as you understand that offers are not pressure, and are just people getting to the point, you will not feel pressured. But yes even if you are sitting on the sidelines and watching, someone will probably ask your wife if she wants to play.