Public Fondling


My Black boyfriend has a rule that while out at an event (club, party, dinner party, etc.) and a Black guy greeting me or sitting next to me at the table, he is allowed to fondle me. In turn, I am required to accept his fondling and take it as a complement. Last night at a dinner event with another couple, a mutual Black friend arrived, greeted us and he sat next to the white female While the Black visitor gave her a kiss to the cheek, he fondled her bra-less breast. Unfortunately, she in turn moved away and discouraged him. Her Black boyfriend was not happy and felt embarrassed. So, he march her off to the family bathroom and yes, she got her ass spanked. Returning teary eyed, she apologized to the Black visitor and became much more open to him. Throughout dinner they became much more acquainted in the leg department. Later in the women's restroom, the woman complained to me that she did not think it was fair to have to get spanked like she did and felt she should have more to say about who gets to fondle her breasts and legs. I told her, it is entirely up to her Black boyfriend and she should see it as a complement. I told her she got the kind of spanking she deserved for her unruly behavior.
My Black boyfriend has a rule that while out at an event (club, party, dinner party, etc.) and a Black guy greeting me or sitting next to me at the table, he is allowed to fondle me. In turn, I am required to accept his fondling and take it as a complement. Last night at a dinner event with another couple, a mutual Black friend arrived, greeted us and he sat next to the white female While the Black visitor gave her a kiss to the cheek, he fondled her bra-less breast. Unfortunately, she in turn moved away and discouraged him. Her Black boyfriend was not happy and felt embarrassed. So, he march her off to the family bathroom and yes, she got her ass spanked. Returning teary eyed, she apologized to the Black visitor and became much more open to him. Throughout dinner they became much more acquainted in the leg department. Later in the women's restroom, the woman complained to me that she did not think it was fair to have to get spanked like she did and felt she should have more to say about who gets to fondle her breasts and legs. I told her, it is entirely up to her Black boyfriend and she should see it as a complement. I told her she got the kind of spanking she deserved for her unruly behavior.