Premature Ejaculation Cuckold

I hadn’t always cum fast but after my wife started fucking other guys and became less interested in intercourse with me she’d tell me “just cum and be done” which I did
Now that our lovemaking is pretty much her helping me masturbate, I still cum very quickly and her pet name for me is “Quick draw” ?
It always happens once a bigger cock goes in there ours become a pet toy just to jerk as she gets pleased by her stud .we get use to it .
I was actually faster than this guy in the video. I used to cum on the first or second thrust and be done in about 10 seconds every time. Occasionally I wouldn't cum on the first or second thrust and instead, lose my erection and not be able to get it back up, usually when I was real tired. I'm no longer allowed to fuck, so no more PE or pussy for almost 26 months. Hand jobs only for me now.