Please, Black Men Only..

He is honest that she’s unaware. This is better than men who pretend to speak on behalve of their wives.
That is true. It's far better to be honest than mislead and catfish. I actually believe he's a real person who wants to do these things with his wife. So you're right, it's nice that he's not a liar or a fake, or a catfisher. BUT, he also refuses to take the advice he solicits, and continues filling the forums with requests for the same advice.

Being honest that she is unaware doesn't solve his problem. He wants the solution to his problem to come from OUTSIDE his marriage, and that's not how it works. Healthy relationships don't involve mind reading, or conspiring to make a partner do something you won't even ask them to do. Hotwives don't happen magically without discussions with their husbands.

So I'm not attacking the OP. You might even say I'm rooting for him. But it's tedious seeing more iterations of the same thread pop up, all written by @mw29, asking the same question over and over again about how to create changes in his marriage, when he's apparently completely unwilling to take a single step toward realizing those changes, or accepting any responsibility whatsoever for the current nature of his own marriage. I'm not calling names or shaming. I'm just saying that continuing to post threads like these is pointless. He already has tons of them to refer to, all loaded with sincere responses, from people offering solid advice, which he absolutely will not take. Another thread with the same advice does him absolutely no good, and likely annoys the people who actually took the time and energy to try to help him.
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The fact he is posting a picture of his wife (assuming that the photo is real) could be a sign she is sexual active. Agree with you that you have to talk together instead to the members of this site. It could feel uncomfortable to speak about your desires or fantasy, but in a strong relationship it is possible.
The fact he is posting a picture of his wife (assuming that the photo is real) could be a sign she is sexual active. Agree with you that you have to talk together instead to the members of this site. It could feel uncomfortable to speak about your desires or fantasy, but in a strong relationship it is possible.
If you mean his profile picture, he's addressed it thusly:
Its what i hope our reality to be
If you mean the woman masturbating with a dildo in his first post in this thread, then yes. If that's his wife, we know she's not asexual, and is at the very least into self pleasure, if not more. Maybe she even has big dick fantasies. That looks like a pretty good sized toy. I'm not sure he even knows how she feels about it if he literally refuses to ask her. Personally, I think the woman in that picture is unlikely to flee if she was ever asked something like, "do you like the feel of a big dick, honey? Have your ever wanted to try the real thing?" But I'm starting to believe we'll never know how she would have reacted to such a question, because she'll never be asked. I'm pretty confident we'll keep hearing about how her husband wants someone else to get her to warm up to the idea though. Every month or two, if history is any indication.
Let me cut to the chase with none of this beating around the bush stuff. We are not here to convince, bamboozle, or trick anyone into joining this lifestyle. Not to be crass, but too many get on here asking us to convince their female counterpart or want us to be a part of some scheme. Trust me, as well as the others that already offered good advice, if she is not for it, don't ******* it. Don't even think about involving someone else unless they are a licensed professional, and even then, she needs to be willing to have that conversation, to assist you. Ask yourself, is your fantasy worth losing her trust and more importantly, her respect? If you answer yes, then it is time to cut ties and find someone else open to doing what you want. Also, as the saying goes, be careful what you ask for. I say this so you are not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Let me cut to the chase with none of this beating around the bush stuff. We are not here to convince, bamboozle, or trick anyone into joining this lifestyle. Not to be crass, but too many get on here asking us to convince their female counterpart or want us to be a part of some scheme. Trust me, as well as the others that already offered good advice, if she is not for it, don't ******* it. Don't even think about involving someone else unless they are a licensed professional, and even then, she needs to be willing to have that conversation, to assist you. Ask yourself, is your fantasy worth losing her trust and more importantly, her respect? If you answer yes, then it is time to cut ties and find someone else open to doing what you want. Also, as the saying goes, be careful what you ask for. I say this so you are not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Great answer
You've been given the only correct advice, literally dozens of times at this point. When are you going to do ANYthing about it? How in the world did you ever get the courage to ask your wife to marry you? Maybe try to be that guy again for a minute and see how if feels?
Maybe rather than posting the same thing again in a couple of months, and having more people tell you there's no way around the fact that you need to talk to your wife, which seems like an unsurmountable obstacle for you, perhaps it's time for a new approach?

May I ask you a few questions? For example:
  • What is the closest you've come to discussing this with your wife?
  • What did you ask and what was her response?
  • What kinds of sexual topics do you find easier to talk with her about?
  • When you say you want help getting her "involved in this lifestyle," what exactly do you imagine that looking like? Specifically:
    • What do you want for her?
    • What do you want for you?
    • What do you imagine when you say "the true potential this can become," and what makes you so sure that talking about it will ruin it?
I am not claiming to have any answers other than those I've already offered you, and I'd be very suspect of anyone who does claim to, but you definitely seem to be stuck. Maybe we could at least take a look at why that is, and maybe you can start taking a few baby steps toward your goal?
Have you ever discussed your fantasy with your wife?
if you dont let her know about your fantasy it will never happen. my wife and i have been fantasizing about it for years…..we watch interracial hotwife porn together and use a realistic black dildo on her. sexxx is ridiculously hot while fantasizing but once the sexxx high is over she says its only fantasy. ive tried and will continue to try to find just the right guy to work with me to make fantasy reality. i am certain right guy, right time, right place she will go for it…..and thank me.