Namibian Heat

Namibian Heat

Ashley shifted to her right side. As she was lying on her sleeping mat in our tent, I admired the gorgeous look of her 28-year-old body, dressed in a beautiful knee-length nightgown, bra and panties, in the moonlight, which highlighted her lovely, strawberry blond hair.

We had been married for three years since we graduated from college and started successful careers at medium-sized, local companies.

It was the first night of the great camping trip, an annual tradition organized by Ashley's parents. Ashley and I had been looking forward to it, hoping we would be able to recharge our batteries after a year of hard work. That was what we had hoped, but we hadn't known about Taiwo and Tency.

I can still recall the unbelieving look on Ashley's face, when her older sister Debbie told her that we had to make room in our tent for her old friend and her husband. Debbie had known Tency since college, but after graduating, Tency decided to go back home to Namibia. Apparently, Debbie thought it a nice idea to invite her and her husband Taiwo to join us on that camping trip to refresh their friendship and to enable Taiwo to have his first visit to America. Unfortunately, and so typical of Ashley's unorganized sister, nobody had thought of a tent for the two visitors, which made the four-man-tent that belonged to Ashley and me the only option.

After arriving at the campsite, we set up the tents and since it was already getting dark, we all had a quick bite and went to sleep in our tents.

Neither Tency nor Taiwo had spoken much with us. Taiwo even seemed to avoid conversations all together since he didn't speak any English apart from very basic words like 'hello' or 'thank you'.

They were lying on sleeping mats on the left half of the tent with Tency lying outside and her husband next to her. Ashley and I were lying on the right side with me lying outside and Ashley between me and Taiwo.

"Thank you very much for letting us stay with you," Tency said. "We really appreciate this, and we are really sorry that we haven't brought a tent ourselves."

"It's alright," Ashley said, "we're happy to help you out!"

We wished each other good night and dozed off to a well-deserved sleep.

I was woken up by a strange noise. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I took a look at my watch: It was 2 o'clock in the morning, and the moon was shining brightly against the side of the tent.

"Uhh!" A soft moan caught my attention. It had come from the other side of the tent. Carefully I raised my head to have a look above Ashley, who was facing me, lying on her left side. What I saw caused my heart to skip a beat: Tency was there, sitting on top of Taiwo, hopping up and down. They were having sex! Right there next to Ashley and me!

As I kept watching, not yet able to fully analyze the situation, Tency, who was completely naked, was riding her husband with her knees on his sides and her hands on his chest. Her dark figure was highlighted by the silver moonlight with her 34B-cup breasts on display, lightly bouncing up and down with her movements. Beads of sweat could be made out on her back.

I glanced downwards. Taiwo's cock was clearly visible. It was quite thick, and judging from the range Tency was raising herself without it slipping out, it had to be fairly long as well. His hands were firmly placed on his wife's hips while he was meeting her with his own thrusts.

The state I was in could only be described as one of fascination. On the one hand, I was stunned by the boldness of those two. Never could I have imagined doing something that private that publically. Was sex regarded as a rather normal and less of a taboo thing where they came from? On the other hand, I was truly fascinated by the admittedly beautiful look of their naked bodies engaged in that sexual act. Their dark skin, illuminated by the moonlight, was a magnificent sight to behold.

Naturally it didn't take long before Tency's and Taywo's act took its toll on me. My cock had already begun to come alive when I first saw Tency's naked body, but now, after several minutes of watching the couple having sex, it was getting hard, and I could already feel it pressing against the fabric of my boxers.

When my cock had been all hard for some time and already begun to ache, I just couldn't help it anymore. My left hand slowly wandered downwards and with carful and discreet movements I managed to pull my boxers down far enough to let my cock slip out. My hand grasped it and, covered by Ashley's body, started stroking it.

Our African guests didn't seem to switch their position at all, which made me admire Tency's endurance. She even seemed to have become more vigorous, making the slapping sounds of her ass against Taiwo's body lauder, and her moans had become clearly more audible as well.

After watching them for some time while masturbating, I let my gaze wander back to Ashley, and I was shocked to see that she was lying there with her eyes open, watching me. She glanced down to my hand on my cock and then up again, her eyes locked on mine. She motioned for me to come closer to her, which I did, still trying to be as quiet as possible.

"They're having sex, right?" She asked me, her voice merely a whisper.

I nodded, feeling my breathing getting harder.

"Are they naked?" Ashley continued.

I nodded again, smelling the sex-infused aroma in the air.

Ashley's eyes remained on me with a questioning look. The silence between us was beginning to make me too uncomfortable so I was about to explain myself to her.

I was about to say something when Ashley took me by surprise. She bit her lip, then put a finger on her mouth, gesturing to stay silent, and moved her right hand down her body. Further and further I watched it move downwards. Her fingers pulled the hem of her nightgown up and slid into her sexy white panties, obviously going straight for her clit. I couldn't be sure, but I could swear that wet stains were visible on her underwear.

I was mesmerized. There we were, facing each other, pleasuring ourselves while that couple from Namibia was having sex, probably just a yard away from us.

Ashley's body started to move a little as her hand kept working. Her eyes were still locked on mine while I was taking care of myself. Tency's moans, now accompanied by Taiwo's as well, mad the background to our unusual nighttime activity.

I couldn't grasp what had gotten into us to do all that, but I felt that some kind of primal lust had taken hold of me, almost taking command over me.

"Roll over," I whispered to Ashley, when I had reached a point where simple touching wasn't enough anymore.

"What?" Ashley mouthed with raised eyebrows.

I let go of my cock and started to gently push Ashley on her back and then on her other side. She seemed to meet me with the slightest resistance but eventually followed my directions willingly.

She was now, like me, lying on her right side, facing Tency and Taiwo, who had just quickened their pace, oblivious to us. I took her left hand in mine and slowly guided it back to where her right hand had been just a moment ago, inside her now completely drenched panties. She instinctively resumed fingering her clit again, following a deep gasp when her hand had made contact with her pussy. My hand went back on my cock.

Suddenly, Tency's head turned. She saw us. Although I had known that moment had to come, it took me by total surprise, and my cock almost began to feel as though it might turn soft. What surprised me even more, however, was the fact that Ashley, although she must have seen her too, didn't make any effort to slow down or even stop her manual action. She just went on, breathing heavily and moaning very softly.

Tency's bright teeth were framed by a big smile, directed at us. She slowed her movements down and said something to her husband in their native language, which couldn't be understood by Ashley or me. Taiwo immediately turned his head and looked at us, smiling too.

"I hope you can forgive us for doing this in your tent, my friends," Tency said. "We are not trying to be rude, but you see: In our village, Taiwo and I declared to start having children, and this night has been made out to be my most fertile one. As much as we would love to respect your sense of modesty, we just cannot let this opportunity go by... Is this okay for you?"

"Y... you are making a baby?" I said, feeling my cock harden again.

"Yes, my white friend," Tency answered. "We are making a baby!"

Ashley gasped, which Tency met with an even bigger smile. All the while my wife hadn't stopped fingering herself.

"P... Please don't let us keep you from doing what you have to do," I heard Ashley say. I started stroking my cock again. She really seemed to be okay with it.

Tency resumed her original pace, now moaning a bit louder but still not too loud to be heard by the other campers.

I watched Taiwo's gaze. Realizing he was focused on Ashley pleasuring herself almost made my cock explode. Was she watching him too? Or was her attention rather directed on Tency? I couldn't tell, but my excitement soared with every second, leading to an inner fight whether I should act on it or not.

I let go of my cock, shifted a little and let my right hand take over. My left hand moved up and pulled the shoulder strap of Ashley's nightgown down. When I had reached her elbow, my slightly eager pushes made her pull her arm back to allow me to fully slide it off. She immediately returned to her pussy. I wasn't done, however. Under Taiwo's watchful eyes, my hands went to Ashley's front. They easily pulled the nightgown down and found the front clips of her bra, which were unclasped with ease. I could feel her body jerk a little and I heard Ashley gasp as her lovely 34-C-cup breasts sprang free. 'What the hell am I doing?" I thought while I was cupping her breasts. Taiwo's focus was unbroken.

"Mmm, you have magnificent breasts, my white friend," Tency said, looking at my wife.

"Th... Thank you. Yours are very pretty too!" Ashley replied hesitantly.

That wasn't enough. Pure lust was consuming me, and I wanted more. I reached down and pulled on her panties. Ashley, not showing any sign of dissent - on the contrary, she seemed to be more aroused than before - helped me pull them down by raising her hips. Taiwo's eyes widened as I then slowly pulled the hem of her nightgown upwards, bit by bit exposing my wife's shaven pussy with her hand working on it.

Ashley couldn't take it any longer. "Fuck me, David!" she said. "Fuck me, please!"

Tency smiled as I quickly put on a condom and entered my wife's waiting pussy from behind. Never before had my cock slipped in so easily. I wasted no time and started thrusting into her as hard as I could, making Ashley moan with pleasure.

After a while, Taiwo said something to his wife. She turned to us, "Taiwo says he likes your white body, Ashley. He asks why your husband is mating with you with a condom."

Ashley, obviously taken by surprise, answered, "Thank you... We haven't really decided whether we want to have children yet."

Tency nodded and talked with her husband in their language and then looked back at us, "He says a body like yours should not be penetrated with such a rubber thing. If he were to mount you, he would definitely do it without one and see that his seed fills you to make your belly grow."

"Oh my god," I heard Ashley whisper as she started meeting my thrusts as a response to Tency's words. They seemed to have turned her on very much.

The thought of my darling wife being impaled by that huge black cock, fucked bare and with the aim of knocking her up, sent pure lust through me, and I began pumping even harder.

Suddenly, Taiwo let out a rather loud moan. Tency said, "He is doing it. He is doing it any moment now!" She quickened the pace to the absolute maximum, almost squealing.

Taiwo stretched out his arm, offering it to Ashley. Under my curious gaze, my wife reached out and took hold of his hand. It was such a sexy and loving sight upon which I felt my own orgasm approaching.

Then it happened. Taiwo jerked and began to moan loudly, squeezing Ashley's hand tightly. As he started pumping his cum into his wife, who was still riding him passionately, Ashley, holding Taiwo's hand with her right and masturbating with the other, experienced a wild orgasm. This sent me over the edge myself, and under deep moans I released a huge load of cum into the condom.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Tency collapsing on top of her husband, lying on his chest with his cock still inside her. I was still inside Ashley, but I could feel my condom-covered cock begin to soften so I gently pulled out. As my arm was embracing Ashley, who was still holding hands with Taiwo, my eyes went heavier and heavier until I finally dozed off.

The sound of birdsong, combined with the early morning light woke me up. Not daring to turn my head I was simply staring at the tent roof. Images began flooding my mind. Images of Tency riding Taiwo, of my darling wife masturbating half-naked in Taiwo's view. Had it all just been a crazy, sexy dream? I inhaled the air in the tent that still carried the unmistakable scent of sex. No, it hadn't been a dream. I was lying there naked. Having found the courage to finally take a look around, I realized I was the only person in the tent. The others were gone.

"Honey! Wake up!" I heard Ashley's voice call me. "I've made us breakfast!"

I quickly got dressed and went outside to find Ashley waiting for me. "Come, love, let's join the others! I'm starving!"

Since Ashley didn't seem to be eager to address last night's events, I decided to avoid talking about them too, at least for the moment. We walked some 100 yards to the family's camping gear: A great camping table with outdoor chairs. Ashley's parents, Arthur and Susan, her sister Debbie with her husband Eric and Tency and Taiwo were already seated and enjoyed a rich breakfast.

The normality of it all felt strange. Neither Tency and Taiwo nor Ashley appeared to have experienced anything extraordinary. Everyone behaved as if last night had never happened so I just went along on the outside although I was dying of curiosity and excitement inside.

After spending a rather uneventful morning, Ashley's parents, her sister and her husband decided to go and have a hike in the forest surrounding the campsite. Ashley and I chose to spend some time at the nearby lake and maybe go for a swim. I was hoping to have some alone time with my wife to be able to talk about last night, but our Namibian guests decided to join us.

We put on our swimming gear and walked to the lakeshore, which was about five minutes away from our campsite. Ashley was wearing a green bikini and I green swimming trunks. Tency opted for a black bikini suit and Taiwo for red swimming trunks.

Ashley and I put large beach towels on the ground and lay down while the others went for a swim. Finally, I had some time alone with my wife.

"What a night that was..." I started, lying on my stomach, my head, resting in my folded arms, turned to Ashley to my right.

Ashley, lying just like me but facing left, sighed. "Yes, darling. I still can't believe it really happened." She was looking at me with a tender smile on her face.

"I... I mean...," I said, trying to articulate my thoughts properly, "I can only speak for myself, but I just can't recognize myself. I was so caught up in the moment. So driven by lust. Under normal circumstances I couldn't have done this... Ever..."

"That's exactly how I feel, baby," Ashley replied, "I don't know what happened, but I couldn't control my urges too. I just... let go somehow."

"Maybe," I said, "it had something to do with them looking so exotic, especially having sex. The fact that they were making a baby didn't really make it any less sexy, did it?"

Ashley closed her eyes and sighed, "Oh god, yeah. Thinking about them doing something that private in front of us still turns me on. Do you remember Tency talking about him even knocking me up? It was sheer madness, haha."

As Ashley was laughing a bit nervously, I remembered Tency talking about Taiwo taking my wife bare and how much it turned her on. I wondered what she really thought about that and decided to investigate a little.

"Well, it did seem to make you very hot, my naughty wife," I said with a teasing tone.

Ashley looked at me and instantly blushed. "Uh, but that was nothing real, right? I mean, it was all just some kind of dirty talk, wasn't it? Something in the heat of the moment."

"Yeah, probably," I said, "but still: It turned you on, didn't it? Even if it was said playfully, which we can't be sure about." I had a naughty grin on my face while my eyes were piercing Ashley's.

"W... Well...", she said, not sounding too confident, "if you must know, it did turn me on. I know it's such a crazy thing to think about, and talking about it now it seems more than absurd to me. However, in that very moment, it just seemed to trigger something inside of me. Some urge, I guess."

"Some urge?" I had thought she might confess she was turned on, but that sounded a little more intense. "What do you mean? Would you have liked to... D... did you want to actually do something about that? I mean, you even went so far as to touch him, even if it was only his hand."

"Oh, honey, no! Please don't get me wrong! I could never do anything that hurts you! It's just..." she paused, "It's just that Tency's words awakened something within me... Something that was curious about what could happen. I guess it's just some evolutionary hormone thing. And besides: Having you jack off and practically expose me to them didn't really help making it go away, mister!" She smiled sheepishly.

Upon hearing Ashley say that, my cock woke up immediately. I had always known that my wife had something of a wild side to her, but hearing her talk about such naughty things was a completely new experience.

She must have realized I was deeply processing her words when she added, "I'd say we really shouldn't overthink this! I bet the others don't! And besides: Tency was probably just kidding when she said those things!"

"I was kidding? About what?" Tency said with an inquiring look on her face.

Ashley and I had obviously been too involved in our little discussion to notice the two return from the water and quietly walk towards us. As we were too puzzled to speak, they lay down on beach towels to Ashley's right.

"Were you referring to Taiwo mating with you? If you were, I can assure you that I wasn't kidding at all. If he were to have sex with you, he would only do it bare," Tency told us as if that was the most ordinary thing in the world to tell another couple.

The honesty and boldness of her words stunned me. Ashley was the first to regain the will to speak. "Why would you say that? I mean, doesn't it make you jealous to think about your husband with another woman?" I knew it was a reasonable thing to ask, but it felt more than strange to hear my wife talk about sex with someone else that way.

"Jealous?" Tency laughed a bit and answered, "Why should I be jealous? Would you be taking anything I cannot have? No. On the contrary: I would be quite happy to share something that precious with a fellow woman. Taiwo isn't just a guy like any other. In our tribe, his family has a proud tradition of producing excellent warriors and leaders, so I'm quite used to other women craving for him."

"I... I'm not craving..." Ashley instantly tried to defend herself.

"Please, my white friend," Tency interrupted her, "don't try to fool me or yourself. I know the look of lust in a woman's eyes, and that look was pouring out of yours last night." She smiled at us as Taiwo was lying on his back behind her, oblivious to us and letting the sunlight warm his muscular body.
"Well, yeah, I admit that your little show was quite hot, alright," Ashley said, sounding a bit irritated. "However, being turned on by that doesn't mean I would want to switch places with you! And besides: I think it's rather disrespectful to both me and David, right honey?"

My eyes blinked as I suddenly regained a more conscious state. The little controversy of the two had captured my attention, making me almost forget I had actually a part to play here.

"Yeah! I agree, darling!" I said, trying to sound as confident as possible.

Tency glanced at me. I tried to hold her gaze, but it wandered away from my eyes and down to my crotch. Her grin told me she had become aware of my erection that must have built up during their talking. Trying to make a confident impression, I decided not to do anything to hide it.

"I see," Tency said, still looking at my crotch, which was now showing a firm erection, with a grin, "The last thing I want to be is disrespectful to you two, even if your husband does seem to like what we have been talking about. I don't want any arguments among us, so just let me say this: the offer has been made. The decision is yours."

With a warm smile she turned around to lie on her back next to her husband and closed her eyes.

When they appeared to have dozed off, Ashley gave me a nod in the direction of the campsite. I sensed she wanted to avoid talking and thereby waking the others up. I went along, and we quietly packed our stuff and left.

We didn't say a word, lost in thoughts on the short walk back to our tent. After entering, we closed it and, still dressed in our swimming gear, lay down on our backs on our sleeping mats. The scent of last night's events still maintained a slight presence in the air.

"Oh my, I definitely need some rest, but I just couldn't do it with them nearby!" Ashley said. "I mean, can you imagine? She offering me, a married wife, to have sex with her husband? That's so inappropriate!" She was clearly upset, but I wasn't so sure whether she was just offended or whether Tency had also hit a nerve.

"Calm down, honey! Maybe that's some kind of cultural thing. You know, just some different attitudes towards being faithful, or something like that," I said, trying to defuse the situation.

"And you..." she looked at me, "you got hard from that!" Her eyes seemed as if they were trying to read me. "Do you actually enjoy thinking about that? About... me... fucked by him?" She clearly was reluctant to actually utter those words.

"I... I don't know..." I stuttered a little bit.

Ashley was examining me. "Take off your swimming trunks, I want to see something!"

Sensing this might lead to some fun between us, which would be a much welcome relief after all the talking before, I smirked at her and did as she said.

Ashley, shifted on her left side, resting on her lower arm and leaning towards me. Her mouth came close to my ear. "I want you to imagine me riding Taiwo, just like his wife did tonight!" She answered my immediate and anxious look with a rather serious one. "Just do it!" she said.

I didn't know whether that was right, but the image of Taiwo, lying naked on his back, quickly appeared in my head. Only this time, it wasn't his wife that was fucking him... but mine. I pictured my darling going up and down on his big, black cock, her beautiful tits bouncing with her. That left me no choice: my cock went rock-hard in mere seconds.

"It's really true," Ashley said, looking at my dick, "it does turn you on..."

'This is a game that can be played by two,' I thought and reached over to put my hand inside her bikini panties. Before she realized what was happening, I had placed a finger on her soaking wet pussy.

"Well, well, my love," I teased her, "look who's turned on herself!" I instinctively started taking care of her clit, which immediately stopped her initial effort to push my arm away and caused her to moan. "Now it's your turn to think about it! Imagine taking Tency's place from last night!"

"Ohh, my gosh," Ashley moaned, her eyes closed. "Oh god, that's so intense!"

"Are you thinking about fucking him?" I asked her with my cock throbbing from lust.

"Y... Yes, I am," Ashley answered. Her body was moving wildly, trying to always meet my fingers at the right spot.

There was no point in trying to think straight at that moment, which somehow scared me a little. It all seemed to develop a dynamic of its own, like a little tornado sucking us in.

"Is his black cock sliding in and out of your tight, little pussy?" I asked her, trying to act more dominantly. That thought made my cock ache. I knew I should rather feel ashamed for such words, but I couldn't help it.

"Yeah... It's stretching me out! So good!" Ashley moaned as my fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot.

My mind got even kinkier. "Is he fucking you bare? Is he inside of you totally unprotected?" I now started to jack off with my other hand, which almost made me cum right away.

"Yes! Oh yes, dear, I've got his bare, black cock inside of me! Oh that feels so good!" Ashley almost grunted a little.

"Where is he going to cum?" I asked, now really going for it.

"In... Inside... He's going to cum inside me! Oh my god, he's going to knock me up, David!" I could feel she was very close.

"Do you... Do you actually want to do this?" I asked her, now very anxiously and excited.

"Y... Yeah! I... I want to do this!" Ashley managed to say, a moment away from cumming.

"Will you... Will you do this tonight? For real?" I said, almost fainting when I realized I had actually said it.

"Yes, David! I will!" Ashley exclaimed as she started cumming with almost violent jerks. "Uhhhh, yes! Yes! Fuuuuuck!"

That was too much for me. My cock throbbed and without touching myself, I shot a seemingly never-ending load of cum on the floor, almost crying from pleasure.

We both took a while to recover from our orgasms. I couldn't figure out my own emotions. I felt ashamed, aroused, frightened, emboldened and many other things at once. Ashley came close to me and laid her head against my shoulder. Our chests were still rising and falling quickly as we were recovering from our orgasms. No word could be heard, only the sounds of our breaths.

After a little while, I reached behind me into a bag pack, and as Ashley curiously looked up, I pulled out a nice bottle of red wine and an opener. With a smooth popping sound the cork went out, and I had a few sips from the bottle. I offered the bottle to Ashley, and she too raised her upper body - still covered in her bikini top - and took a few sips.

"Did... Did we really say those things?" Ashley asked after a while when I could already feel the effects of the alcohol. "I mean, did we really discuss the possibility" She seemed to be trying to somehow summarize what we had talked about.

"The possibility of you... what?" I replied with a sheepish and playfully ignorant face. The alcohol made me feel light-hearted, which was very pleasant compared to the constant tension I had been feeling since last night.

"Well... you know... of me sleeping with Taiwo," Ashley answered with a curious look. "You somewhat made me say I would do it..."

"Alright, alright, my love," I interrupted her, "first of all: I didn't make you say anything. Everything you said was what you wanted to say. And to answer your question: Yeah, it seems we really did talk about that." Talking about it was so much easier under the influence of the wine.

My wife shifted a little, clearly a bit uneasy, "So... Should I really, or...?" she asked.

My heart was racing, and I quickly took some more sips of the wine. We had reached an important crossroad. I could feel it. A decision as to where this would go had to be made.

"Uhm, I'm not sure," I said. "I have to admit it really turns me on now. However, you heard what she said about him not using certain things and all that. That's... That's totally crazy, isn't it? I mean, you would be going for the real thing, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know. It's so crazy. So that's not a 'go'," Ashley said.

"No, it's not," I replied.

"But... It's not a 'no' either," she continued, her eyes inquiring.

"No, I guess it's not," I answered with goosebumps.

We were that focused on our discussion that we didn't really notice how quickly we were emptying the bottle, and the last thing before falling asleep that I could remember was the sight of my naked body next to Ashley's almost naked one, snuggled against each other.

I woke up. It was dark. Still feeling the alcohol and starting to grasp that we had fallen asleep and seemed to have missed dinner, my mind slowly adapted to the situation.

"Oh, hello there. Did you enjoy yourselves a little while you were alone?" Tency's voice came as a whisper, but I could understand it well.

I turned my head and saw both of them sitting on the left side of the tent, still dressed in their swimming gear and facing us. Looking down at Ashley, who was lying on her side, facing the couple, I realized that she was still only dressed in her bikini. My heartbeat quickened.

"I... we were just..." I tried to explain, but she just shook her head, indicating she didn't need to hear it.

"You've thought about it, haven't you?" Tency gasped as she made a meaningful pause, closed her eyes for a moment and bit her lip as if she was imagining something. Opening her eyes again, she went on, "You've thought about my husband giving his seed to your wife. You've thought about them mating." Her gaze was piercing me.

I looked back at her, trying to think of something smart to reply, but the harder I tried the more I would picture what Tency had just talked about. As I was holding her gaze, my cock betrayed me. It swelled. Quickly.

Tency smiled and said something to Taiwo which made him grin at me and my now visible erection. "You don't need to say anything, my white friend," she whispered. "I know you want it, and I don't blame you. Your wife is a very beautiful specimen of your race. Wanting her to be with a complement of my race is only natural. Even I would gladly watch them mate, and I guess I don't have to point out that my husband is very eager too."

How could she be that bold? Still not sure whether I was in a dream - a quite sexy dream - I was staring at the couple from Namibia. The silence within the tent was slowly growing to an unbearable degree.

I was stunned. Neither could I think of anything to counter Tency's incredible words nor did I see myself fit to appropriately evaluate the situation. The tension was killing me.

"Why don't you lie back down behind your beautiful wife?" Tency suggested all of a sudden.

Almost glad to be told what to do I lay down behind Ashley, who was still asleep. My naked body touched my wife's, only dressed in her bikini. Tency nodded in approval as my hand instinctively started to caress my wife, starting with her arm, then going across her belly and bikini-covered breasts. She moaned in her sleep as my hands cupped her perfect boobs and allowed my fingers to explore her hardening nipples while I kept holding Tency's gaze. Ashley, obviously aroused but still sleeping, responded with soft, ******* moans.

Tency said something to Taiwo, and he quietly raised himself, pulled off his trunks, and knelt down just about one and a half yards away from Ashley's face. A shiver went through my body when I saw his impressive, already semi-erect cock so close. Tency untied her bikini top and knelt down next to her husband. She was grinning at me as she started to jerk his cock with her left hand, allowing it to grow to its massive size in the shortest time.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Tency asked me, looking down at my own, smaller erection. "It's a source of the utmost pleasure and it's truly been made to impregnate a woman. Don't you think so, too?"

"Yes, it's beautiful..." I answered, mesmerized by the sight of that magnificent cock, standing out proudly in all its black glory, its musky smell invading my nostrils.

"Don't you want to see that inside your beautiful white wife? Aren't you longing to witness it unleash my husband's semen deep inside her?" Tency bit her lip, closed her eyes and exhaled dramatically. Then she looked back at me again.

Her eyes were piercing me. My brain was practically screaming no, but my cock was forcefully pushing for a yes. It was as if a dark ******* was keeping me from responding anything to those dirty and daring suggestions. I just kept looking at her.

My hand, which had just been on Ashley's breasts began to make its way down my wife's sweet body. It went past her breasts, her belly and found her bikini bottom. As I was pressing my hard-on against her ass, my fingers began caressing her bikini-covered pussy lips. Even in her sleep she instinctively started moving her hips along to the rhythm of my fingers to allow her pussy to properly experience the new pressure on it.

Why was I doing that? Jealousy and fear of what was to come were raging within me. It would have been so easy. A simple no would have done it. However, there I was, deeply aroused and excited, knowing all too well that my marriage and I were walking on the edge of a cliff, potentially falling down any second.

The fabric of Ashley's bikini bottom was getting wet. I could feel the moisture on my fingers and the growing wet stain on the fabric. Her breathing had turned rather heavy, and I knew her body was now expecting sex.

A silent tension was filling the tent. The only sounds that could be heard were my wife's breathing, her soft moans and the sound of Tency's hand gliding up and down her husband's hard cock.

Suddenly I felt something on my cock. Diverting my focus from Taiwo's black meat, I was shocked to find Ashley's left hand had reached behind her and taken hold of my dick. She was stroking me. Now I knew she was awake. She knew what was going on.

"Oh god, Ash," I started to say, "you're awake! I was just... I..." What could I say? What comment could I bring up to explain what was going on? Nothing came to my mind.

"What your husband is trying to say," Tency decided to take the initiative once more, "is that we had just talked about our offer once more. Since you have got the evidence of his feelings towards it in your hand, I guess no further words from our side are needed, my white friend. The offer stands. What you make of it is up to you."

My wife didn't say a word. She just kept stroking my aching cock, still enjoying my fingers on her pussy, only separated by the thin fabric. I could swear I had heard a little gasp from her when Taiwo repositioned himself to kneel more comfortably before her.

Ashley suddenly stopped stroking me. Her hand went to mine and signaled me to stop massaging her pussy too. As I complied, she rolled over on her other side so she was facing me now, her back exposed to the others. She looked me in the eyes with a mixture of arousal and curiosity as my cock was sticking out and poking against her covered pussy, hard and ready.

"What now?" Ashley whispered, slightly moving her pelvis back and forth, which made my cock feel like it was going to explode.

"I... I don't know," I responded. Was she really considering acting on it? Was she really prepared to fuck another man? Was there any way our marriage could survive undamaged? "Do you... Do you want to do something?"

Ashley grabbed my hand and guided it down inside her bikini bottom. She pushed one of my fingers inside her dripping, wet pussy. "I don't know either..." she replied with a moan as my finger entered her.

As she started to move her pelvis again, I quickly took the hint and began fingering her. She was moaning heavily as I finger-fucked her sweet, married pussy, aiming for her favorite spot.

I was so concentrated on my wife that I hadn't paid much attention to the other couple in the tent. When I looked behind Ashley, I saw that Taiwo had laid himself behind Ashley, facing her. Tency was lying behind him with her hand over him, still masturbating his cock, which was now only inches from my wife's firm, round ass.

"Yes, this is it! Can you feel the tension in here, my white friends? Can you feel the anticipation in the air?" Tency said as Taiwo started to moan.

"Oh god, David!" Ashley moaned all of a sudden, "I can feel his cock on my ass! It's touching me!" Biting her lip she closed her eyes.

The thought of Taiwo's cock on Ashley's lovely bottom made my horny mind go wild. As I was still finger-fucking my darling wife, I told myself that the only physical barrier between his dick and her pussy was the thin fabric of the bikini. My own cock was rubbing against her thighs, which was enough to substitute actual stimulation.

"Take it off!" I said.

"What are you saying, honey?" Ashley exhaled.

"Take your bikini panties off!" I answered. My decision had been made. There was only one way the whole situation was going to be resolved. I wanted it.

With widened eyes, my darling wife complied. Her hand found the strings of her panties and pulled. On both sides, they just fell down to the floor, exposing both her sweet ass and her already dripping pussy.

Taiwo wasted no time. It took him but a heartbeat to position himself closer to Ashley. His bare, black shaft made contact with her soaking wet pussy, making her gasp. I couldn't hide a surprised reaction myself when the tip of his cock suddenly touched my hand, taking care of my wife's clit. I instinctively removed it, leaving her opening undefended to the invader, which Taiwo was now making slide back and forth against her wetness, greeted by her moans and motions of her hips to match his.

"Oh god, honey, he's between my legs!" Ashley moaned. She was looking at me, her eyes half closed.

I didn't dare looking down, but I could only imagine how her juices were starting to cover his shaft, lubricating it.

"Can you feel it?" Tency said. "Can you feel his power against your opening?"

"Yes! Yes, I can feel it!" Ashley replied.

"And what do you say now, white woman?" Tency asked. "What do you say to our offer? Do you want my husband to do it? Do you want to experience him like a true woman?"

It was all going so quickly, but to me it felt so differently. It seemed to me as if I was in a boat, floating on a river towards a great waterfall. The boat was moving very slowly, but the inevitable end at the waterfall was looming.

Ashley looked at me. It was obvious she wanted it, but she was waiting for my approval. She was waiting for me to officially give my blessing to that unholy ceremony we both wanted.

I gulped and nodded.

My wife took a couple of deep breaths. "Yes," she finally managed to say, "yes, I want it, Tency."

It had been said. It was out. No going back now. As my mind was trying to process what was actually going on at that moment, my eyes were now resting on Tency, waiting for her response.

Tency smiled. "Good." She spoke to Taiwo in their native tongue again, and he immediately turned around, back to her and onto his back, leaving his fully grown, African cock in all its glory for us on display.

"There is but one tiny thing I must ask of you before we start." Tency reached behind her and presented a scarf to Ashley. "Our men used to take other married women only as means of humiliating other defeated warriors. Tradition demands that your husband's hands must be tied behind his back as he witnesses the act. Are you willing to submit yourselves to this?"

We both nodded.

Tency didn't waste a second and crawled behind me. I'll never forget the grin on her face as she passed by. Without applying any *******, she pulled me up on my knees, my arms behind my back, and within seconds, my hands were tied, leaving me kneeling in front of them, dressed only in a t-shirt.
Ashley got up to a kneeling position herself and looked at me. She was smiling insecurely. Both of us knew that there was no turning back from what we were both craving now.

Tency went back behind her husband and reached her hand out towards my wife. "Are you ready for this?" she asked as Ashley took her hand and got to her feet, raising as far as the height of the tent allowed her.

"Y... Yes, I am," my darling wife responded.

Without further ado, Tency pulled her towards her waiting husband. My body started to shiver on the sight of my wife, dressed in nothing but her bikini top, towering over Taiwo.

She went down on her knees, and with one elegant motion, she swung her left leg over Taiwo so that she was now practically sitting on his stomach. Tency motioned for me to crawl next to her, and I willingly complied until I was positioned at Taiwo's feet, having a magnificent view of his cock and my darling's perfect, white bottom.

"It is time, my friend. Please raise your body," Tency asked.

I could swear I could feel a little hesitation in her, but eventually, Ashley did as she was told and raised herself.

My heart was pounding violently as I saw Tency position Taiwo's throbbing cock against the innocent opening of my darling wife.

As she withdrew her hand from her husband's cock, she said, "This is it, my white friend. The only thing you need to do is let yourself slide back down and welcome the manhood of my husband. You are about to be entered by a true warrior, so I advice you to savor this moment and enjoy it." Tency kneeled back down next to them, smiling at me.

The next moments didn't seem to pass. Anticipation was holding me in a tight grip, almost preventing me from breathing. In less than a few seconds, everything was going to change. And I wanted it.

"Uh!" Ashley immediately exclaimed as she started lowering herself. I could see the head of Taiwo's cock building up pressure against her pussy, but when it was enough, it slipped right in, splitting her pussy lips apart.

"Oh god, it's so big!" Ashley moaned heavily as she was slowly lowering herself on Taiwo, consuming his cock bit by bit.

Never before had I been so aroused, afraid and excited at the same time. It was happening. It was really happening. I had allowed my wife to sleep with another man.

"Yes! Don't rush, my friend," Tency said, placing a hand on Ashley's shoulder, "breathe! Take it slow! Let your inside adjust to his size!"

"Uh-huh!" Was all Ashley could respond. After what felt like ages and under constant moaning, Ashley finally had sunk down all the way on Taiwo's cock. She paused.

"How is it?" Tency asked. "Tell your husband what you are feeling!" She began to masturbate herself.

Ashley turned her head as far as she could, managing to only look at me from the corner of her eye. "Oh my gosh, honey! I'm so full! He's stretching me so wide! His bare cock is all the way inside me!"

"Are you... are you okay? Are you good?" I stumbled to which she nodded.

It didn't take long before it started. Ashley placed her hands on Taiwo's chest and slowly raised her ass. His cock came out on display again, this time covered in my darling wive's wetness, glistening in the moonlight. Just before his head would pop out, she went back down again. The speed slowly but steadily increased.

When she was actually fucking him, Taiwo placed his hands on her hips, securing her in her position and started meeting her movements with thrusts of his own. Ashley couldn't hold it any longer. Her moans transformed into squeals. "Oh god! Oh god, give it to me!"

My own rock-hard cock was aching. At that very moment, there was nothing I would have loved to do more than taking care of my throbbing erection. However, there I was, my hands tied, kneeling down before my wife fucking another man with my hard cock pointed out uselessly in the air.

Then Ashley's orgasm set in. Under heavy thrusts, consuming that big black cock, a wild orgasm rocked through her. Spasms and squeals from her presented me with a wife I seemingly encountered for the first time in my life.

When her orgasm was wearing off, Ashley came to a rest and paused on top of Taiwo. He used the interruption to say something to his wife.

"Alright, my friend, it won't be long now," Tency said. "Taiwo has just told me he is close and ready to release his semen."

The fact that Taiwo was fucking Ashley without any protection suddenly re-entered my mind. A touch of panic began to arise within me, but my erection had taken over control. It was so wrong and stupid, but arousal and alcohol had become the judges of my actions.

"My white friend, may I ask you to turn around? It would be nice if you and your husband could look at each other when it happens, wouldn't it?"

Ashley got up and turned around. She seemed to be reluctant. "There's no way he would cum outside? In my mouth perhaps?"

"No, there isn't!" Tency said tenderly but assertively. "I told you warriors like him only engage in the sexual act in order to release their semen into the belly of a woman. You knew what was going to happen when you accepted him, and I now ask you to complete the act. Give your lovely body what it is so desperately longing for!"

Ashley looked at me. Mouthing 'I love you' she positioned Taiwo's cock back at her entrance and slid down again. Our eyes were locked as she started pumping up and down on his cock, causing both him and herself to moan. His hands were now resting on her hips again. The contrast of his black skin against her fair body was almost hypnotizing.

I felt something move at my left. As I turned my head, I noticed Tency had knelt down next to me, eagerly masturbating.

"They are beautiful, are they not?" She said to me. "Isn't it magnificent how his dark manhood enters her white flesh?"

"Y... Yes, it is," I murmured. "It's beautiful indeed."

"And are you ready for it? Are you ready to witness your wife accepting his seed?" Tency whispered. She moaned as her hand was working on her clit inside her bikini panties.

"Yes, I'm ready," I murmured as if I was in a trance.

No five seconds after I had said that, Taiwo suddenly said something to his wife.

"He is so close now! Ashley, I want you to say something. Repeat after me!" Tency said and in a slow and clear way she pronounced words which obviously were in her native language. To my surprise, my wife, although she was more than occupied with the big cock inside of her, managed to repeat what she had heard.

"What... Uhh! What have I just said?" she asked Tency.

Tency grinned and answered, "You just said, 'I want you to own my belly! Please bless me with your baby!"

"Oh god!" Ashley gasped and increased the pace.

My mind was running wild. Every last bit of reason and pride that hadn't been silenced by my aching cock was screaming within me. How could I let that happen? What were we going to tell our families? What would the neighbors think? Would our relationship survive? My cock and my arousal, however, made each of those considerations futile. I wanted it to happen. It had to happen.

Suddenly Taiwo started moaning heavier. His grip on Ashley's hips tightened.

"Now!" Tency exclaimed, "Now it is happening! He is about to flood your belly, my white friend!" She was now fingering herself quite aggressively, her orgasm obviously not far away.

My wife looked at me. "Honey, I love you! Uh! Come... Uh! Come what may!" With that she bit her lip and increased her pace one last time.

That was too much for Taiwo. The hard thrusts of his African cock were meeting my darling's married pussy. Then he started grunting.

"Oh god! Ashley squealed, "I can feel it! Yes!" All the while she wasn't slowing down in any way. Her pussy went up and down on his shaft, seemingly eager to harvest every single drop of cum that cock was able to offer.

Tency couldn't hold it any longer as well and came right next to me, moaning and showing spasms of her body.

How much would I have liked to cum myself in that very moment. A simple touch by a hand on my cock would have been enough to send me over the edge at that point. Instead, I remained kneeling before my wife with my cock sticking out helplessly as another man was cumming inside my darling's wanting pussy.

It seemed as though Taiwo's orgasm was never going to end. I imagined how wave after wave of his potent seed was shot into her, going straight for her womb. He would surely breed her, I told myself.

When he was finished, Ashley slowed down. She reduced the pace until she finally came to rest on top of him. Then she raised herself and let his already softening cock slip out of her. A thick, white thread of cum was slowly oozing out of her red and gaping pussy. Never before had I seen her stretched so much.

Tency placed an arm around my shoulder. I could smell the scent of her pussy coming from her fingers.

"I congratulate you both," Tency said, "and I cannot stress enough how much of an honor this is for you. So many women of our tribe would feel blessed if they could be in your wife's spot right now." With that she crawled back to her sleeping mat and lay down.

Taiwo gently pushed Ashley to his left and lay down beside his wife. He was clearly spent.

My wife didn't look at me. She immediately crawled up to me and removed the scarf that had tied my hands. After that she laid herself down on her side on her place. She was facing the others.

I lay down behind her, my cock still hard as a rock.

"Hold me!" she said. "Please hold me!"

I did as she had asked and snuggled up behind her, putting an arm around her used body. My cock was now pressed against her back and my stomach. I knew I wasn't going to be taken care of that night, but that was okay. Actually I didn't want to experience post-orgasm clarity at that moment. We had done something unimaginable, and I didn't want to face the full gravity of reality right then.

"I love you," I whispered in Ashley's ear.

"I love you too, my love!" she answered.

As I could feel his cum leaking out of my darling's pussy, I pulled the blanket up to cover us and went to sleep.
It was early in the morning when I woke up. Once more my mind needed some time for orientation. I was still in the tent, lying next to my darling wife Ashley, who was fast asleep. When she moved a little, I quickly noticed I was naked and so was the lower half of her body.

All of a sudden, the events from the night before came back to mind. Anxiously I placed my hand on Ashley's naked ass. When my fingers found the dried thread of cum that had leaked out of her pussy, I was certain: it had really happened. My wife had fucked Taiwo, one of our Namibian guests, and let him cum in her unprotected pussy.

My breathing quickened. Glancing over to the sleeping Namibian couple, I felt like I was running out of air. Panic arose within me, and I needed to get out. I needed fresh air.

With outmost care, I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that were lying next to me and quietly got out of the tent. The fresh morning air filled my lungs and immediately helped me calm down a bit. Not knowing why, my feet carried me to the lakeshore, which I found deserted and peaceful with the morning sun just about to rise behind the mountains.

What was going to happen now? Was Ashley pregnant with Taiwo's baby? What if he had STDs (I immediately hated myself for not considering that the night before)? Would she stay with me? Did I want to stay with her? What would our parents say? Question after question kept popping into my head, and as hard as I tried: I couldn't come up with an answer to any of those.

I sat down on a large rock near the water and started to throw small rocks into the lake. It may sound silly, but that gave me some consolation. That small occupation helped me to ease my spinning mind.

"Beautiful morning, isn't it?" the most familiar of voices said behind me after a while.

Ashley, dressed in a summer dress, didn't wait for a response and just sat down next to me on the left side of the rock. She must have realized I wasn't going to take any initiative, so she just leaned her head on my shoulder. That small gesture felt incredibly comforting. She took my left hand into hers, and we just stayed that way for a couple of minutes. Although we remained in complete silence, there were so many things expressed at that moment: affection, love, understanding, togetherness, insecurity.

"How are you?" I finally managed to ask her. I didn't dare to look her in the eyes and kept my gaze on the distant mountains.

"I'm fine..." Ashley answered, "although I really find it difficult to process what happened tonight. How about you?"

"Yeah, I feel exactly the same," I said, "It all just seems so surreal, doesn't it? If you had ever told me a story containing last night's events, I would've laughed. Just unbelievable. Here we are though..."

"Yeah," she said, "here we are... "

"You've got his cum in you," I went on.

"I do," she said.

"You could be pregnant..." I said.

"I could be," she replied. "Do you... do you want to leave me?" She lowered her head.

Although the question wasn't too far-fetched, it took me by surprise. Did I want to leave her? On the one hand, she had slept with another man and might be carrying his baby, but on the other, everything she had done had been approved by me. I had had plenty of opportunities to stop it all. I could've said no. Instead, I rather helped the events to unfold. Wouldn't it be even more shameful to just walk away?

"No," I said, trying not to let the pause grow too long. "I don't want to leave you, my darling! I mean what I said tonight: I love you. Besides, I didn't protest against a single thing you did. I have to say, the possible consequences are scary though."

Ashley turned my head towards her. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I love you too, honey!" She kissed me, letting her tears run down my cheeks. "I love you with all my heart!"

After some time, however, I couldn't suppress the urge to address the future. Neither she nor I would benefit in any way if we just declared our love for each other without talking things over. We eventually had to make our way back to the others after all.

"Well, how do we proceed?" I started. "Should we just act as if nothing's happened? Should we talk to them? And what about you? Should we go and get a morning-after pill? Should we just do nothing?"

"Would you consider that?" Ashley suddenly said. "Would you consider doing nothing?"

"Well, that depends on what you want," I said. "Would you actually be okay with having a baby with Taiwo? Another man who we probably won't see for a very long time? And a black baby at that? Imagine how our families and neighbors would talk..."

"Uh, I really don't know," she said in a rather insecure tone. "I hope you won't be mad at me, but the idea of being impregnated has somehow become a rather pleasant one for me. In addition -- and I know this may sound silly -- all that talk of being chosen by a warrior and so on really made me feel proud in a way I can't explain. And as for our families and neighbors: I know, it would be so difficult to explain and we'd probably have to endure quite some gossip, but aren't we stronger than that? We could be honest about it towards our family and tell them it was a moment of weakness from both of us, and the damn neighbors don't need to be told anything."

"So you've already made up your mind, I see," I said. I was in a bit of a shock because I had thought she would consider not having a baby. Hearing her talk about it so confidently with such determination somehow helped me to warm up to the idea of her actually having Taiwo's baby.

"I know, it's too early to already know what to want," my wife said, "but if I wanted to go through with this, would you stick with me? Would you still be by my side?" Her beautiful eyes were locked on mine.

I gulped. "Yes, my love," I answered as confidently as I could muster. "Yes, of course I will stay with you! 'In good times and in bad,' remember?"

Ashley smiled and squeezed my hand. "Oh darling, there are no words to express how much I love you!"

Her right hand wandered down to my crotch. "Hmmm, am I mistaken or is there someone with some unfinished business?" she said giving me a smirk.

My cock instantly reacted and started getting hard. As I began to moan, Ashley quickly got on her knees in the sand in front of me and, with my help, pulled down my shorts to free my already semi-hard cock.

She didn't waste any time and closed her loving lips around it. She knew how to suck a cock, that's for sure! After getting hard in a heartbeat, I instinctively placed my hands on her head, guiding her up and down my erect shaft as let her tongue play the head of my cock.

"Oh god, Ash, that's so good!" I moaned as she used her hands to stroke my shaft too.

"I'm glad I can give you some comfort, honey!" Ashley said after raising her head but still going on stroking with her hands. "After tonight, you deserve to get some relief!"

Still moaning the images from the night before re-entered my mind: Ashley was riding Taiwo, his big, black cock was gliding in and out of her lovely pussy ready to shoot his load into her waiting womb. I could feel the dominant arousal sneaking up again.

"Did you... Did you like it tonight?" I asked hesitantly. "Did you enjoy having sex with him?"

She looked at me and tightened her grip around my cock. "Yes, honey. I enjoyed it very much. You know I love having sex with you, but that last night was just a totally extraordinary thing. Did... Did you enjoy watching me with him?"

"Mmm, yes," I moaned, "I enjoyed it. Watching his black cock enter your gorgeous, white body was incredible!"

Ashley gasped meaningfully and sucked my cock for a little while again. "And did you enjoy him finish inside of me? Did you... Did you like the idea of him knocking me up?"

My cock made a little twitch upon her words. "Yeah..." I confessed. "Yeah, I liked that. I wanted it." I paused, struggling with myself whether I should really say those next words, but they came out: "Do... Mmmm! Do you want to do it again?"

My wife paused for a few seconds. She clearly hadn't expected me to say that, but she resumed stroking me quickly.

"Do you want me to do it again?" Her eyes were piercing me.

"Y... Yeah," I managed to stammer. The excitement was growing and growing inside me. I knew I wouldn't last very long.

"Do you want me to let him knock me up?" I could see the lust and kinkiness return in her eyes.

"Yeah, I want that!" I answered.

"So would you be okay if, for the time being, he was the only man to have unprotected sex with me?" She asked.

"Oh god!" I moaned as the naughtiness of her words became clear to me. "Yeah, I wou... Uuuhh! I would!"

Ashley nodded as she tightened her grip again and resumed sucking me. That was enough for me. Under loud moans my cock exploded inside her loving mouth, probably sending the biggest amount of cum I had ever produced into my wife's waiting throat. It was so much she obviously struggled to swallow it all.

"Oh my," Ashley said with a thread of cum running down her chin, "that was quite a load, honey! It seems you've saved up a very big amount of cum."

I laughed. While Ashley was washing her mouth with the clear lake water, I pulled my shorts back up. Having just cum, I couldn't quite believe I had actually just allowed my wife to pursue her delicate side trip with our African guest even further. My guts were aching. However, I quickly told myself that, despite I was having post-orgasm doubts, I was going to be okay with it again very soon.

Ashley returned to me, took my hand and walked to the campsite with me to find the others already enjoying breakfast.

"Hey there, lovebirds!" Ashley's dad Arthur called us. "Why don't you come and join us? There's plenty of food that needs to get taken care of!"

We sat down on two chairs just opposite to Tency and Taiwo. They were smiling at us knowingly. I just hoped the others wouldn't see that and start asking questions.

To my relief, they all seemed to act normally. That is all except Debbie. I quickly noticed she was staring at us in a suspicious way.

My suspicion proved to be right when she, after some time into breakfast, turned to Ashley and me and whispered, "Guys, we need to talk about last night."

Ashley was immediately going to reply, but Debbie just kicked her beneath the table. "Later! No discussion!" she hissed.

Frustration took hold of me. I could have been sitting there, enjoying a wonderful breakfast, but instead uncertainty began to penetrate my mind. What did Debbie want to talk about? Did she hear us? Ashley and Taiwo were pretty vocal after all... I was to find out soon.

When we had finished, Debbie got up and announced, "Guys, would you excuse Ashley, David and me for a bit? They wanted to show me some new yoga position down at the lake." I admired Debbie's creativity. She knew how bored everyone else usually was when we were talking about our yoga class, and just as she must have predicted, nobody made the slightest attempt to follow us.

Walking down the beach, I could feel my guts turning. Debbie was leading the way with her back turned towards us. The determined steps she took and the silence she had met us with revealed she was quite upset. I decided to stop thinking about it, since I was going to find out soon.

"Alright guys: What. The. Heck. was going on last night?" Debbie started right away when we had reached the still deserted lakeshore. "What on earth were you doing in that tent? You weren't really trying to be quiet, were you? And don't you tell me some bullshit excuse about a sprained ankle or anything like it."

My heart was sinking rapidly. She had heard it. She had heard it all. What could we say? Was there any plausible explanation without revealing the truth?

"We had sex," Ashley suddenly said. "We had sex in our tent. Is that a crime now?"

Debbi looked at her and raised her eyebrows. "So you had sex. With two strangers -- my guests -- sleeping right next to you? Have you no sense of any decency?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Debbie, but is it a crime now for a married couple to sleep with each other in their OWN tent?" It had been quite a while since I had heard Ashley's voice in that angry tone. "Not only did you forget to arrange one for your guests, but now you go on and rail at us for behaving indecently in front of them?"

Feeling the tide turning gave me an immediate relief. Sure, explaining why a couple would sleep with each other with strangers nearby wasn't easy, but reminding Debbie why those strangers were there in the first place was clever.

"I see," Debbie answered in a strangely calm manner, "how could I accuse a married couple of having sex, right? However, tell me this, Ash: Why did I heard you moan, and the guy moaning with you wasn't your faithful husband but Taiwo? Why didn't I hear anything from Tency and David but only from you two together?"

Debbie's glare couldn't have been anymore triumphant and disgusted at the same time. She knew it. She must have figured it out.

Ashley and I were looking at each other, possibly giving the impression of two criminals who had just been convicted.

"That's because..." Ashley started to explain, "because..." She didn't seem to find an excuse.

"I'm listening?" Debbie interjected.

"Because Ashley and Taiwo slept with each other," it suddenly burst out of me. "They had sex with Tency's and my permission."

There it was. I had said it. The truth was out, and it couldn't be taken back. I tried to hold Debbie's unbelieving gaze as my mind was already playing through the different outcomes that might lie ahead.

"You fucked Taiwo, Ash?" Debbie started after regaining her composure. "You fucked him with David and Tency approving? And did you guys fuck as well?"

"No, we didn't," I answered. "It was only Ashley and him. We were *******, and in the heat of the moment, well... it just happened."

"It just happened?" Debbie was staring at me. "And you just watched your wife fuck another guy? And Tency was okay with it too?"

"Yes," I said.

There was no sense in denial anymore so Ashley and I told Debbie what had happened between the African couple and us. She clung to our lips as we told her how they surprised us by making a baby, how much it turned us on, how Tency brought forward her naughty offer and how we, ******* and turned on, eventually went along with it.

"So you had unprotected sex with Taiwo until the very end, and your husband and his wife were watching?" Debbie paused. "That's so... so... I don't even know what to say. You're all adults, I know, but I've never ever heard of anything as wicked as that."

Her words were the first comments from an outsider on what happened. Although I had feared to meet even harsher things, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about her remarks. My sister-in-law knew that her brother-in-law let her sister fuck a black guy. What would she think of me?

"So where is this going to go from here?" Debbie continued after neither Ashley nor I had made any attempts to say something. "Was that a one-time thing or are you going to keep this... this affair going? Are you... Are you going to -- I can't believe I'm saying this -- Are you going to let him knock you up?"

Both Ashley and I were stunned by her frank words. She didn't beat around the bush, a trait I had always admired about her.

"Well... I... We don't really know where this is going," Ashley answered. "I guess we'll just see where all of this is going to take us."

The disbelief in Debbie's eyes, especially since Ashley didn't rule out getting pregnant by the African man, was more than obvious.

"Well, I can't tell you guys what to do, that's a fact," Debbie said in a severe tone. "You're both adults, and you can do whatever you want. However: Please think twice about that, I urge you! Don't do anything irrational and stupid just out of a moment of weakness. Consider the consequences, for all of us!"

"Sure, Deb, we will. We promise," Ashley answered. "Do you think the others heard us too?"

"I guess not," Debbie said. "Our parents and Eric and I usually sleep with earplugs when we're camping. Last night I forgot to put them in, otherwise I wouldn't have heard anything too. Eric was behaving normally, and if mom or dad had heard it, they would've been acting strangely, you know them."

Knowing that Debbie was the only one who knew about us and that she'd been acting rather cool about it was a big relief. She even promised to keep our secret but urged us again to be careful. When all arguments and concerns had been brought forth, we decided to go back to the others.

On our way back, Debbie didn't seem to be able to let it rest. She kept saying that she'd never thought we'd be the kind of people who'd do such things, and that she didn't know how to look at Tency and Taiwo the same way again.

After returning to the campsite and having to listen to Arthur telling a rather bad yoga joke, the rest of the day was surprisingly calm and uneventful. We all went for a long hike and had a nice barbecue before it was time to go to sleep again. To my relief, neither Tency nor Taiwo had been showing any strange behavior towards us in any way.

Finally Ashley and I were lying on our spots in the tent with me on the far right again and her to my left. It was still very hot, so I was only dressed in my boxers, and Ashley was wearing the short nightgown she had worn the first night and some panties. Tency and Taiwo were outside brushing their teeth. The lamp inside the tent gave us a dim and comfortable light.

"So here we are again," I said, lying on my side with Ashley facing me.

"Yeah," Ashley answered. "Are you okay, honey?"

"I'm alright," I said, "it's just that... I'm nervous about what might happen. What might happen to you..."

Ashley gave me a serious look, "Do you want anything to happen?" She had seen my already hardening cock and started caressing it.

Her touch was enough to help my arousal get the better of me once more.

"Mmm, maybe..." I answered, causing her to grin as she let go of my rock-hard cock.

"Ah, and by the way," Ashley said, "I've asked Tency about... you know... whether Taiwo's clean and all that. She told me that both of them hadn't ever slept with anyone else but themselves until last night, so there's as good as zero chance I could've caught anything like a disease."

Taiwo and Tency suddenly entered the tent. To our surprise they were completely naked. For the first time I had a good view at Tency's trimmed bush covering her pussy. Her perky breasts were nicely-shaped and bounced a little with her movements. My eyes then caught Taiwo and his impressive cock, swaying majestically between his strong legs has he made his way to lie down on his back behind Ashley again.

"Well, my friends," Tency said, "aren't you feeling hot too? Come on, why don't you get rid of your clothes? I think we're past that." She laughed.

Ashley and I looked at each other. Her look told me straight away that she agreed, and after I gave her a nod, we both stripped down completely. When we were both fully naked, we lied back down on our sides, facing them.

"Oh my, I told you my husband likes your white breasts, my beautiful friend," Tency said to Ashley nodding towards her husband's cock, which was hardening very fast while his gaze was focused on Ashley's lovely breasts.

"Well... Thank you..." Ashley responded a bit shyly.

"No, I have to thank you!" Tency replied. "That makes it easier for me."

With a smirk and a swift motion, Tency mounted her husband, and under our watchful eyes, she quickly lined Taiwo's big black cock up against her pussy and let it penetrate her. This time she didn't go for a slow start but started humping in a very fast and eager way. With her hands on his chest she was riding him aggressively and passionately, moaning under a heavy breath.
"Uh! Yes!" Tency moaned, "I'm surely carrying his baby already, but I want to be sure!"

Ashley, obviously turned on by that sexy show, started grinding her firm, little ass against my hard cock. My hand reached over and found her breasts.

"Please, David! Fuck me too!" Ashley said.

I didn't need to be told twice, of course. However, just when I positioned my cock at her wet pussy, she quickly moved forth, breaking contact with my cock.

"Oh honey," she whispered, "haven't you forgotten something?"

Then I remembered. With a little, disappointed sigh I reached behind me, opened a condom and quickly put it on. After retaking my position behind my wife, I let my cock slide into her waiting pussy with ease.

The moan Ashley gave felt more than welcome, because after last night I had been wondering whether she would be able to feel me. To my relief she seemed to enjoy sleeping with me just as she always had, and so we kept having sex while watching the Namibian couple.

Under Tency's eager movements Taiwo didn't seem to be able to control himself for long. It took him about 10 minutes until he came inside his wife, who kept riding him until his orgasm had subsided completely. When she was done, she hopped off again, gave him a passionate kiss and lay down again behind him.

Ashley and I kept fucking, now watching Taiwo's semi-hard cock on full display with cum glistening on top of it. He was watching my wife, taking my thrusts and moaning. Then, to my astonishment and just after about two minutes or so, his cock suddenly started hardening again, and in no time, it was standing out in all its glory once more.

"Mmm, look at that," Tency said, now lying on her side with one leg raised up and playing with her cum-soaked clit. "It seems looking at your beautiful, white body has made my husband's flesh hard again. Would you want to enjoy him once more?"

"Uhhh!" Ashley moaned. Hearing Tency's words made her body come alive even more. "Y... Yes. Yes, I would!"

Ashley turned her head towards me as far as she could. "Can... Can I?" She managed to ask me while I hadn't stopped fucking her.

"If that's what you want," I reluctantly said.

My answer caused her to smile lovingly at me, and within moments, my wife got up and took Tency's former position above Taiwo.

He started fondling her breasts as she positioned the sticky head of his cock, still covered in cum, against her pussy and worked it inside of her in no time. I had to admire how quickly she had adjusted to taking such a size.

Tency motioned for me to come over, and before I knew it, I was kneeling in front of Taiwo and Ashley once more with my hands tied behind my back.

"I truly admire your devotion for your wife," Tency said to me, kneeling beside me. "It takes courage to allow your wife to prefer another man's seed over your own. I hope you don't see this as an act of humiliation but as an act of love and care towards her."

"Yeah," I answered her while my cock, which was still covered in a condom, was in desperate need to get any kind of relief. "Watching her being fulfilled like this makes me more than happy."

This time, Ashley had three orgasms before Taiwo was close again, and just like yesterday, Tency asked her to turn around so she could face me when Taiwo would cum in her.

"Come here, David!" Ashley said all of a sudden. "Come here to me!"

Taken by surprise and curios as to what she had in mind, I crawled forwards on my knees until I was right between Taiwo's legs and in front of my wife. She wasted no time, leaned forward and started kissing me more passionately than I had ever experienced. Her hand found my condom-covered cock and started stroking it. I was in heaven.

Then Taiwo grunted. Holding Ashley's hips close to his, he started pumping his potent semen into my wife's waiting womb once more. Her soft breath carried her whimpers into my mouth as she was still kissing me. Overwhelmed by it all I came too and shot my load into the condom, moaning and breathing heavily.

When we had all come down, the four of us went back to our sleeping mats. I held Ashley, just as I did the night before.

"I love you, David," Ashley whispered.

"I love you too, darling," I said, kissed her neck and quickly dozed off to sleep.

The next morning came and Ashley and I woke up to find ourselves to be the only ones in the tent. I was spooning her, and she snuggled up to me.

"Good morning, my love," she said.

"Good morning, darling," I answered. "Did you sleep well?"

Ashley turned around to face me and grinned. "You bet I did! What about you? Are you alright? I mean... are we still ok?"

"Yeah, we are." I kissed her, sensing her relief. "We're..." I exhaled heavily, "We're going to have a black baby, aren't we?"

"I guess we are," Ashley bit her lip. "I've checked my calendar, and these are the most fertile days of my cycle... Are you okay with that?"

I looked at her. If anyone had asked me whether I was okay with my wife having a baby with a guy from Namibia, I would've declared them insane. The past days, however, had changed everything.

"Yes, darling," I said. "Yes, I'm okay with that. You've done nothing I wasn't aware of or clearly against. This baby is going to be my responsibility just as it's going to be yours. This baby, should you be pregnant, is going to be ours, and I'm going to be the ******* it deserves."

Ashley had tears in her eyes. "Oh, David! I'm lost for words!" She kissed me. "You're so wonderful, and I don't know how I deserve you! I love you with all my heart!"

"I love you too, my darling!" I answered and kissed her passionately.

That was the last day of our camping trip. We were going to head home in the evening, so after breakfast, we dismantled the tents and packed everything we didn't need during the day in the cars. Ashley's parents then went to pay some old friends their annual visit after telling us they wouldn't be back before evening. We all thought about what we were going to do until then, and in the end we decided to visit the spa close to the lake.

After some massages and a nice rest in the sunbeds we went outside to relax in one of the mountain springs in the spa's outside area. Dressed in bikinis and swimming trunks we were sitting on stone benches inside a round pool. Debbie and Eric sat to our right, and Tency and Taiwo to our left. No other visitors could be seen.

"Aaahh, this is it, guys," Debbie's husband Eric said after some 20 minutes. "I love these pools!"

"Oh yes, it is very comfortable here," Tency agreed. "Have you always come here?"

"Yep, always," Eric answered. "In fact, I can't remember a single camping trip with Deb's parents without coming here since we started dating ten years ago. Do you remember the fun we had in here, honey?" He turned to Debbie and chuckled.

Ignoring Debbie's apparent unease, Tency inquired further, "What fun are you talking about?"

"Uhh, you know, the usual stuff," Eric said. "Skinny-dipping and... you know... doing what lovers do..."

"So it is okay to enjoy this water naked?" Tency cheerfully said.

"No! I didn't mean..." Eric tried to interject, but it was too late. Tency had already untied her bikini top.

As we were all watching in awe, Tency quickly got rid of her whole bikini and put it on the grass behind her. Her petite, black body with her perky breasts and her pussy were clearly visible in the clean water.

Tency talked to Taiwo, and he didn't hesitate to get rid of swimming trunks as well. Neither Ashley nor Debbie could keep their eyes from looking at that big, black cock floating so gently in the water.

"What is it?" Tency asked when she realized we weren't going to follow their example. "Are you ashamed of your bodies? If you could do it in the past, why not today?"

She looked at Ashley and me, "Come on, my friends. We've seen each in certain ways in the tent, have we not?" A quick panic arose within me, but Eric seemed to have overheard that. "Please don't let Taiwo and me be the only ones to follow that old tradition of... what was it called? 'Skinny-dipping'?"

Ashley looked at me. When she saw nothing but an indecisive look in my face, she sighed and started untying her own bikini top.

"Well, I guess there's no real harm in going European style, is there?" a nervous laughter escaped my wife as she stripped down completely.

When I saw the challenging look she was giving me, I couldn't help it and took my swimming trunks off as well. My cock had already begun to harden on the thought that both Debbie and Eric could now see my wife fully nude, but being exposed myself added another layer of excitement.

When Debbie and Eric, although they were clearly taking in the views they were getting, didn't make any effort of following our examples, Ashley suddenly reached in the bag behind her and presented us with our last bottle of red wine.

"Well, maybe this might help to ease the tension," Ashley said with a smile. "I know, apart from Taiwo, the guys can't ******* since they're going to have to drive, but at least Taiwo and us ladies can have some!"

Ashley took a big sip from the bottle and handed it round to the others, who gladly took their share. It didn't take more than about ten minutes for the alcohol to unfold its effects on the women and Taiwo, who became quite tipsy.

"Well, Debbie," Tency finally said, "will you now join your sister and me and take that bikini off?"

Debbie shifted a little. "I... I don't know," she said. "do I really have to?"

'Wrong question,' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, come on, Deb!" Ashley said. "There's nothing to be ashamed of here, is there? We're family after all!"

Debbie hesitantly looked at Eric, and as he just shrugged and didn't object in any way, she gave in and got out of her bikini. While Ashley was rather the slender and perky type, her older sister of 29 years was quite the opposite: she had blond hair, a healthy and curvy figure with big D-Cup breasts, which were now on full display just as her wild and untrimmed bush covering her pussy.

I couldn't help but stare a little at her voluptuous figure and wonder what things she could do in the bedroom. I immediately felt guilty for those thoughts, but thinking about the last days I decided I didn't really have to feel too bad about it.

"Alright, honey," Debbie said to Eric, "I've done my part. You're the last one to get into their birthday suit." She giggled.

Eric didn't make any effort to get himself out of that, got up and pulled down his swimming trunks. What they revealed was an average-sized cock, just like mine, with untrimmed, dark pubic hair.

"Very good, Debbie," Tency said in a happy tone, "doesn't that feel better?" Her hand had wandered on her husband's black cock and got it hard under water. She didn't seem to care that it could be clearly seen by everyone in the pool.

"Oh yeah, it does, Tency," Debbie answered. "However, I bet it doesn't make you feel as good as your husband made my sister feel last night."

My heart sunk within seconds. Both Ashley and I looked at Debbie in disbelief. She had promised to keep our secret safe, but apparently the alcohol and the action inside the pool had caused her to become careless.

"Debbie!" Ashley hissed, "you promised not to tell anyone!"

"Hold on! Hold on!" Eric suddenly interjected. "What's going on here? Did I catch that correctly? You had something with Taiwo, Ashley?" His mouth remained open as he was staring at her.

"Well... you see... I..." Ashley stammered, but she had been caught off guard, and she didn't have any time to come up with something.

"Yes, she had, Eric," Tency said all of a sudden. "My husband has chosen to bless her with a baby, and he's given her his seed two times already."

Eric looked from Tency and Taiwo to us with a smirk on his face. "Haha, you almost got me there, guys! You don't expect me to believe something as silly as that."

My nervousness grew with the second. Would we be able to still cover everything up and pretend we'd only made a stupid joke or would he soon find out that something 'that silly' had happened indeed?

"Do you think I'm a liar?" Debbie, now having problems to articulate her words properly, said to her husband. "Come on Ashley, show him! Show him what you guys have been doing!" She was giggling in a silly way, making it obvious the alcohol had taken hold of her.

I didn't know what to say. Ashley and I were looking at each other, scared of how this situation was escalating that rapidly.

Tency got up. Her exotic, naked body arose from the waist-deep water and, despite having some difficulties walking straightly, quickly moved towards us. She held out her hand.

"Come, my white friend," Tency said to my wife, who hesitantly reached out for her hand. "Come and show Eric that Debbie is not lying. You must not feel ashamed. Come!"

Ashley gave me a last, insecure look, got up and followed Tency, who led her towards the middle and motioned for her to face Debbie and Eric. Some words were spoken in the African couple's native language, and after mere seconds, Taiwo was standing behind my wife with his hands resting on her shoulders and his hard cock pressing against her left ass cheek.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Was that really happening? My cock grew rock-hard in an instant. It already knew what to expect from a sight like that.

"Tency, what's going on here?" Eric said nervously. "Have I missed something?"

"Just relax and watch!" Tency told him. She sat down next to Debbie and signaled me to take my place next to Eric. Under his unbelieving, and slightly disgusted, gaze I made my way towards them with my erection pointing forward and sat down.

"Lean forward, my friend," Tency said to Ashley, who had started to shiver lightly.

My wife gulped. She seemed to know what was about to happen. Slowly she leaned her naked body forward and placed her hands on her thighs to support her stand.

Behind her Taiwo didn't waste any time. He lowered himself enough to align his massive, hard cock with my wife's pussy, grasped her hips and pulled himself inside of her.

Both Eric's and Debbie's mouths fell open as they witnessed Ashley being penetrated by their African guest's cock. Soft whimpers of my wife accompanied Taiwo's thrusts as he started fucking her in front of us after pushing himself completely into her.

"Do you believe it now?" Tency asked Eric. Her hand had found her clit, and she was now masturbating herself.

"I... I..." Eric stammered. "I don't know what to say. David, are you okay with this? I mean, another guy is fucking your wife, here in front of you!"

I looked at him and tried to remain as calm and cool as possible. "Yes, Eric. It's alright. She's got my permission."

Eric just stared at me and then looked back at Ashley, who was now moaning uncontrolledly as Taiwo's thrusts against her grew harder and harder. Her eyes widened when he reached forward, took her wrists into his hands and pulled her arms behind her back so that him holding her became the only reason Ashley wasn't falling over.

"Oh yes, my white friend!" Tency moaned, "I can tell my husband is close! Tell them what you want! Tell them what you want from him!"

Ashley raised her head. Her eyes were directed at us, but she didn't seem to be able to really concentrate.

"I... Uh! I..." she was trying to speak, but the sensations that black cock was giving her appeared to be a hard opponent to fight against. "I want it! Uhhh! I want his cum in my pussy! I want him to knock me up, oh my...Uhh! God!"

A deep and heavy growl emerged from Taiwo. His thrusts had reached an incredible speed and suddenly he buried his cock deep inside Ashley and came to a total standstill. He kept moaning deeply as he was still holding her hands behind her back.

"Yes! Oh yes!" Tency exclaimed, obviously having an orgasm, "He is giving her his seed! Uh! He is releasing his semen!"

That seemed to be enough for Eric. He gasped heavily, and when I turned my eyes to him, I saw that he was cumming underwater without even touching himself. Jets of cum were shooting out of his cock as he witnessed the public insemination of his sister-in-law.

Taiwo released Ashley and both of them sat down next to Tency and me respectively without looking at anyone.

"We... We should get going," I sad after we all had been sitting there in total silence for about five minutes.

Nobody uttered a word as we got dressed again and made our way back towards the inside of the spa.

In about forty minutes, we would be on our way home again.
The ride home was agonizingly long. There was nothing I wanted more than head straight home and fall into our bed, but unfortunately, it would have taken us too long to drive the three extra hours back home from Debbie's and Eric's house, where we had to make a stop, since the sun had already set, and we had been on our feet the whole day.

Right before we had embarked on that fateful camping trip, we had agreed with Debbie and Eric that it might be the best idea to spend the night at their place and then head home in the morning.

"What a crazy, crazy weekend, right?" Ashley asked me as she kept looking at the road ahead, almost appearing to talk to herself.

"Yeah," I answered, "crazy indeed. I still can't believe we - and I do mean it: we - did this. I'd thought we wouldn't have our first baby until next year and that it would be... you know... mine."

Ashley looked at me. A sad smile appeared on her face. "I know," she said, "it's been so strange. Thank you so, so much for being so incredibly loving, supportive and understanding! I really don't know how on earth I could deserve such a wonderful person like you to be my husband. And I know: even though Taiwo is the one to impregnate me, it is you who's going to be the most amazing dad!" Her smile turned bright.

I smiled back at her and then briefly at her still so beautifully flat belly before shifting my view back on the road ahead. I imagined how that belly would swell over the next months. How it would be the home of the beautiful, black baby she had conceived with that man from Africa. My cock hardened in my pants.

After a rather short drive, we finally reached our destination. When all had parked their cars in the driveway, the six of us made our way inside the house (Ashley and I only took our sleep wear with us).

All the while Debbie and Eric were giving us strange views, revealing the incidents from a few hours ago were still very present in their minds. I didn't know why, but sensing their insecurity around us somehow gave me a superior feeling. It was as if I were part of something they couldn't quite comprehend and were excluded from.

Tency and Taiwo, on the other hand, were always meeting us with big smiles. Taiwo could never resist staring at Ashley, especially her belly, making her blush every time. It seemed as if he already knew she was carrying his baby, just as his wife Tency probably was.

"A little wine? Anyone?" Eric said, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand, as he joined us all in the living room. I wondered whether he couldn't stand the confusing situation and needed some alcohol to ease the mind. I couldn't blame him since he witnessed his sister-in-law, now sitting in that very room, getting black bred just in front of him a few hours ago.

"Well, maybe not for Ashley and me," Tency said directly. "We might be with baby already, and it was foolish enough of me when I drank alcohol back earlier."

Eric seemed to be lost for words. Hearing Tency articulate that naughty fact appeared to be just what he had been afraid of.

"Yeah, man," I said, trying to rescue him, "I'm sure Debbie, Taiwo and I will gladly have some.

He nodded and quickly got glasses for everyone but Ashley and Tency. As we were ready to toast, Taiwo said something to his wife.

"Uh, my white friend," Tency said to Ashley, "my husband has just said, that before he is going to ******* his wine, he would like to go to the bathroom with you and make sure you have enough of his seed one final time. Are you okay with that?"

The room suddenly fell so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Both Debbie and Eric, their glasses in hand, were staring at Tency and Ashley as if they had seen a ghost.

Ashley didn't pay them any attention and turned to me, biting her lip. "Are we?"

I gulped, taken by surprise myself. "We are," I answered her, knowing I had just allowed my wife to let Taiwo fuck her and cum inside her for the fourth time.

Ashley nodded, and without further ado or asking her sister whether it was okay, she took Taiwo's hand and lead him upstairs to the guest bathroom.

"Shall we sit down on the couch while we are waiting for the others?" Tency suggested as if we were all just waiting for the pizza boy.

"Y... Yeah, why not?" Debbie said with a weird look on her face. She took a big sip out of her glass without even mentioning to toast again.

There were three couches set around a TV table. Tency and I sat down on the right one and Debbie and Nick on the middle one.

We had been sitting there quietly for about two minutes or so when we finally heard it. Debbie and Nick turned their heads to their left in the direction of the guest bathroom upstairs. Moans could be heard. Familiar moans that turned louder and louder with the second. Ashley was having sex with Taiwo.

"I can't believe this," Eric mumbled. "This must be some kind of dream."

"It is not a dream at all," Tency quickly responded. "It is really happening: Taiwo is blessing your sister-in-law with a beautiful baby. If her own husband can be happy for her, I'm sure you can be too."

"But why?" Eric countered. "Why is he the one doing that and not her rightful husband? Why are you letting this happen, Dave? She's your wife, for god's sake! Have you no honor? Have you no shame?"

I looked at him. His words hit me. What he said reflected many thoughts I had been having for the past couple of days. Had I lost something that could be described as 'honor' when I let my wife fuck that African man? Had I in some way disgraced myself and my wife? These thoughts had been keeping bothering me, but I couldn't help it. When it came to it, I always blessed the union of my wife and Taiwo.

"I know you might not understand this," I heard myself speak, "and for all I know I might not too if I were you. All I can say now is that Ashley does want Taiwo to make her pregnant, and I respect and support her in this."

Ashley's moans turned into squeals. The vibrations the two bodies caused against the furnishings could be lightly felt by us.

"And you have forgotten to mention one more thing, my white friend," Tency added, suddenly and to the shock of Debbie and Nick reaching over to open the zipper of my pants to work out my already stiff cock, accompanied by a hearable gasp from Debbie. "He enjoys it. He enjoys my well-endowed and mighty husband claiming his wife. He enjoys knowing that he unleashes his semen into his wife's body to give her a baby."

I lowered my head. Although she was perfectly right, I couldn't stand to see the shocked and disgusted look on Eric's face.

"Touch yourself again, my white friend," Tency told me. "Show them how much you enjoy my husband impregnating your beautiful wife."

"Dude, don't listen to her," Eric interjected, "keep what little honor you have still left!"

As I ignored him and started masturbating in front of them, Tency turned back to them. "Oh Eric, don't you pretend you disliked watching Taiwo penetrating your sister-in-law when we were in that pool. I saw you release your semen when my husband released his inside of her!"

My eyes caught Debbie's giving me a rather pitiful look. However, she didn't seem to be as upset as her husband.

"I... But... That was something completely different!" Eric protested.

"Are you sure?" Tency grinned, "If I did not know any better, I could swear that it turned you on just as much as it turned on my friend here. Maybe you would have enjoyed it even more if Taiwo had taken Debbie instead?"

Debbie blushed upon hearing her friend say that.

"I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed that!" Eric said aggressively. "How on earth could anyone enjoy their wife being impregnated by someone else?!"

I continued masturbating as I was now curiously listening to their argument with my wife screaming in pleasure in the background.

"That can be tested quite easily," Tency said with a smirk. "I want you to imagine it, Eric. I want you to imagine Debbie taking the place of her sister in that pool. Imagine how my husband's flesh is gliding in and out of her opening! Imagine the pleasure she is receiving, how much her body is longing for his seed to make her a mommy!"

Eric was protesting, making comments about how ridiculous it was and why Tency felt so bold to talk to him like that in his own house. However, his body betrayed him. All our attention was quickly drawn to the bulge that was quickly forming inside his pants. A bulge that was clearly and forcefully pressing against the fabric. A bulge that told everyone he liked what he had just heard.

"Ba... Baby, are you actually turned on by that thought?" Debbie whispered after taking a big sip of her wine.

"No, sweety, of course not!" Eric tried to defend himself, but he appeared to not be able to think of something adequate to say. Ashley's squeals and the vibrations were growing ever more intense.

"Get out his manhood, Debbie!" Tency suddenly commanded.

Debbie looked at her friend. She looked as though she were a deer staring into the lights of a truck that was about to hit her.

"Wh... What?" She asked, breathing heavier.

"I told you to free his manhood," Tency simply repeated, looking at Debbie in a serious manner.

Debbie was breathing with her mouth open. Her eyes moved from Tency's to her husband's and then to his crotch. As if she were possessed by a strange ******* and very slowly, she reached out with her arm with Eric looking on in apparent disbelief. Debbie's hand went for her husband's shorts.

Slowly, almost like in slow motion, her hand opened the button and unzipped his fly.

"Deb, what are you doing?" Eric said as if he were in shock, but he didn't make any effort to stop her.

Debbie didn't give him an answer and looked him in the eyes. She moistened her lips with her tongue and reached inside his boxers. Eric moaned as his wife's hand grasped his rock-hard cock and pulled it out quickly.

The four of us were sitting there, staring at the naughty scene. I was jacking off slowly as Debbie was holding her husband's hard cock in her hand, staring at it as if she were in a trance while we still heard Ashley and Taiwo fucking.

Debbie started stroking Eric's cock to which he immediately started moaning deeply.

"It turns you on..." Debbie said. "It really turns you on to think about him... and... me...!"

"Uh, no! It... Uh! I... Uh!" Eric tried to speak, but the pleasure his wife's hand was giving him appeared to overrule him.

Ashley's screams suddenly stopped. He must have cum. She must be full of his seed once more.

The scene before me kept going until I finally saw Ashley and Taiwo entering the living room.

"Wow," I heard Ashley say, frowning as she was making her way with Taiwo towards the empty couch opposite of that Tency and I were sitting on. A thread of cum running down her thigh was just visible below the hem of her blue summer dress. She didn't seem to be wearing any underwear. Taiwo hadn't bothered dressing up at all and was just wearing a large towel around his waist, barely hiding the huge bulge his softening cock was making.

When they had sat down, looking curiously at us, Tency first spoke to her husband in their language upon which he grinned brightly and nodded.

Then she addressed Ashley, "We've just learned that your husband is not the only white man in this room to be thrilled by the thought of his wife being with my husband."

Ashley bit her lip, "Is that so? Are you really thinking about it too, Eric?" With a seductive look on her face, she reached over to Taiwo and opened his Towel, revealing his massive, black cock. Cum was still glistening on its head.

Debbie and Eric's eyes were immediately caught by the African man's impressive manhood. Eric started breathing more heavily, and Debbie's lips mouthed a silent 'Oh my god!'.

Ashley's hand grasped her lovers flesh and began stroking it gently.

"Would you also be willing to share your wonderful husband with my big sister, Tency?" Ashley asked.

Tency smiled. "Share my husband with one of my oldest friends? Share motherhood with her and her sister? Of course!"

I couldn't believe this was actually happening!

"Debbie, my old friend," Tency asked as Ashley was stroking Taiwo's again growing black cock, pointing it out so Debbie could let its full glory sink in, "aren't you curious? Aren't you curious why your sister has fallen for it? Don't you want to share in this extraordinary gift?"

"I... I... I don't know..." Debbie said, staring with a frightened look at Taiwo's cock in the grasp of her sister. "I... I shouldn't..."

"My white friend," Tency suddenly turned to me, "would you do us a favor and remove this table in the middle?"

I quickly and eagerly complied. Taking my shorts and boxers off as I stood up, I took the TV table and, with my hard cock sticking out proudly, I placed it in a corner, returned to my spot and continued jacking off slowly.

"Eric," Tency got up and took his hands, "please kneel down here on the floor!"

I watched as Eric reluctantly obeyed. Debbie watched in awe, as her husband got up and, with his eyes opened wide, let Tency gently push himself down until he was kneeling in the middle of the couches.

Tency asked Debbie for a scarf, and before Eric could make any sense of it, she skillfully tied his hands behind his back, explaining him what she had explained to me back in the tent. Eric didn't resist at all.

"And now, please lie down on your back, Eric." Tency told him.

Eric kept the confused expression on his face, but he did as he was told and lay down.

"Debbie, come here please," Tency was holding out her arm, and Debbie slowly rose to her feet and came to her until she was standing in front of her husband's head.

Tency swiftly got behind Debbie, and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Let me help you get ready for it," she whispered in her friend's ear, loud enough for us to understand.

Under Eric's watchful eyes, Tency let the straps of Debbie's red summer dress fall down her arms before a gentle pull caused the entire dress to fall down to her feet. Debbie just stood there petrified as Tency unclasped her bra to free her glorious D-Cup breasts. A shiver went through Debbie's body, but she kept still, closing her eyes. I had to slow down my stroking to prevent me from cumming right away when Tency then pulled Debbie's panties down. She knelt down beside her and removed them and the dress with Debbie's help.

"Oh my god," Debbie mumbled as she was now towering above her husband completely naked. Her wild bush, blond as her long, open hair, couldn't cover the wetness that had already started oozing out of her pussy.

"Touch yourself, Debbie!" Tency demanded and gave her back a tender kiss as she was standing behind her with her hands on her friend's shoulders.

Debbie did as she was told and gasped as her fingers made contact with her soaking wetness. Her husband watched her from below as she was starting to pleasure herself. His cock appeared to be close to exploding.

"Debbie, tell me: are you on any birth control?" Tency asked and continued kissing my sister-in-law's back.

"No... No, I'm not."

"And Eric usually enters you with a condom around his manhood?" Tency went on.

"Yes, he does." Debbie let out a deep gasp, and I could see a little drop of her wetness fall down just before Eric's head.

"Has any man ever entered you with his pure, uncovered flesh before?" Tency asked, now caressing Debbie's ass cheeks.

"No... never!"

Tency suddenly started to push down on Debbie's shoulders.

"Then it is time. Kneel down, Debbie," Tency said. "Kneel down to Eric."

Debbie obeyed again. Under her heavy breath she followed the direction in which her friend was pushing her until she was kneeling down with her fingers still massaging her clit, mere inches away from Eric's face.

"Lean forward, and get on your hands and knees!" Tency went on.

Under my eager eyes, Debbie bent over until her head was inches away from Eric's cock. Her hands moved to his sides to support her.

We were all waiting. The anticipation sent an almost electric atmosphere through the air. Everyone knew what was about to happen. Everyone knew, and no one was going to prevent it.

"My white friend," the African woman said to Ashley, "please help my husband take his position!"

My wife nodded with a lustful look in her eyes and helped Taiwo get up and kneel down behind her sister. My wife's hand was still holding his cock as she was kneeling down behind him.

I gasped as I saw her move the cum-covered head of his cock towards her sisters waiting opening. Debbie let out a deep and heavy moan as her sister started sliding Taiwo's cock up and down her wet slit, teasing her with the African phallus.

"Oh god, Ashley!" Debbie moaned, "What are you... UH! Doing? Sto... Stop!"

Ashley stopped but let the head of Taiwo's cock rest against her sister's opening.

Tency knelt down in front of Debbie, carefully avoiding touching Eric's helplessly waiting cock. She gave Debbie a passionate kiss on her lips.

"This is for you, Debbie," Tency said as she started slowly pushing her friend against her husband's waiting flesh. "This is for you. For our friendship. Just relax and enjoy it like your sister did."

"Uuuhhh!" Debbie moaned as Taiwo's cock started sliding into her married pussy with ease. Inch by inch her curvy hips closed in on his body. Inch by inch his cum-covered cock sank deeper and deeper into her unprotected womanhood. Eric's face was only inches away from their sexes, and he watched in awe as his wife was losing her marital innocence.

"Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful!" Ashley said as she was coming over to sit down next to me.

My wife's hand found my throbbing cock, pushed my hand aside and started stroking me. I didn't waste any time and gladly returned the favor.

Tency got up and sat down on the couch opposite from us. Her hand wandered directly to her wet pussy and started to take care of her.

"Oh yes, Eric!" Tency said, moaning excitedly, "behold the flesh of a warrior filling out your gorgeous, white wife! Isn't it amazing? He's going to bless her just as he blessed myself and your wife's sister!"

Eric didn't respond. He kept staring as Taiwo's cock now started to slide in and out of his wife as the black man began to pound into Debbie's jiggling ass, causing her to moan ever more heavily from pleasure.

"Oh god, Eric!" Debbie moaned, "He's fucking me! Uh! I'm... Uh! So sorry! UUUUUUHHH!"

Debbie's body started jerking as she was obviously experiencing an orgasm.

"Yes, Debbie!" Tency said, "accept the pleasure! Let him make you feel like a woman!"

Debbie nodded, and to my amazement, Taiwo didn't make any effort to slow the pace and allow her to calm down from her orgasm. Instead, he started pounding into her more forcefully, causing his balls to bounce back and forth, occasionally slapping against Eric's face.

"Oh lord!" Debbie shouted, "I'm cumming again! Aaahhh!"

Her body was now jerking so wildly that it caused their sexes to make contact with Eric's mouth. I could only imagine how the combined juices of his wife and the African man would smell and taste, but Eric was experiencing it.

The black man from Namibia continued fucking Debbie for about 15 minutes until he suddenly said something to his wife.

"Okay, Debbie," Tency said. "It is happening soon. My husband will not last very much longer now. He is going to impregnate you. He is going to unleash his semen in your belly and make you a mom."

"Oh god!" Debbie cried in pleasure. "Yes, please let him cum in me! I want to feel it! I want to feel that big cock explode in my pussy!"

Eric tried to say something, but since Debbie had shifted her position a bit lower when she had her last orgasm, the sexes of Debbie and Taiwo were constantly pressing against his lips. When Tency asked him whether he was ready for it, he simply nodded.
Taiwo suddenly started to pound into Debbie very aggressively. I knew he was going to cum now. I had seen it three times. He started grunting loudly as he vigorously slammed his cock into Debbie, holding her in place with his hands on her hips.

"Uhhhh! Eric, I can feel him! I can feel him pumping it into me!" Debbie cried out loud. "So... Uh! So much!"

Taiwo wasn't stopping. I knew his potent spunk was still continuing to shoot inside my wife's sister. It was too much for me. I gasped and jerked uncontrolledly as wild spurts of cum began shooting out of my cock. While most of my cum landed on the floor, I saw some spurts landing on Debbie's ass cheek and Eric's face.

When Taiwo had come down from his orgasm, he slowly pulled out of Debbie. As she still kept her position, thick threads of cum came oozing out of her pussy. She was looking down her body and watched in amazement as the cum started dripping down, landing on her husband's face, covering his mouth and nose.

"Ah, a warrior's seed." Tency said with a grin on her face. "Consider yourself lucky, Eric. I know many wives who would do anything to come into contact with it."

Eric didn't show any reaction, and when Debbie had finally gotten up, she quickly helped her husband on his feet and untied him. He was now standing there with his erection still pointing out of his pants and Taiwo's and my cum on his face.

"We should go to bed," was all he said, and without a further word he took his naked wife by the hand and led her to their bedroom, not looking back once.

I sensed that any word would be redundant at that moment, and so we all wished each other good night and made our ways to the two guest rooms.

"It appears that one of these rooms is going to be redesigned into a nursery soon," I whispered, lying in the bed next to my wife.

"Yeah, I think so too. I wonder who's going to win the race," Ashley giggled as we could hear the moans of Debbie and Eric having sex.
My wife looked at me. "Honey, I love you! Uh! Come... Uh! Come what may!" With that she bit her lip and increased her pace one last time.

That was too much for Taiwo. The hard thrusts of his African cock were meeting my darling's married pussy. Then he started grunting.

"Oh god! Ashley squealed, "I can feel it! Yes!" All the while she wasn't slowing down in any way. Her pussy went up and down on his shaft, seemingly eager to harvest every single drop of cum that cock was able to offer.

How much would I have liked to cum myself in that very moment. A simple touch by a hand on my cock would have been enough to send me over the edge at that point. Instead, I remained kneeling before my wife with my cock sticking out helplessly as another man was cumming inside my darling's wanting pussy.

It seemed as though Taiwo's orgasm was never going to end. I imagined how wave after wave of his potent seed was shot into her, going straight for her womb. He would surely breed her, I told myself.

When he was finished, Ashley slowed down. She reduced the pace until she finally came to rest on top of him. Then she raised herself and let his already softening cock slip out of her. A thick, white thread of cum was slowly oozing out of her red and gaping pussy. Never before had I seen her stretched so much.
This is such a turn on! So nice to read! 😘 I'd love to make this happen to my wife too! :love::love: