My wife wants her bull to impregnate her

Think it over..
Its very humiliating experience.
Shocking to some. Most our family has disowned us after the birth.
It's hard work raising another man *******.
In any case
It's hard on your wife. Christy is small like your wife..
They not meet to have these big black babies..body not made for it.
I was scared worried all throw delivery
Don't listen to all these 'unverified" people. None of them have any pics on their profile at all. On this site we have hundreds of time told people to get verified (which is super easy) so that fellow site members know with whom they are talking. In absence of being verified you should consider that the person on the other end with a high probability is fake.

As far as the "unsecure male" is concerned you should just dismiss all these nonsense advice they are dishing out. Being in the lifestyle to bring more excitement to it sexually and bringing you and your wife closer to each other doesn't mean that your wife should go and get pregnant by another guy whom with all certainty will not be around to raise that kid. Parenthood is serious business and you should NOT mix your sexual desires with the challenges of a having a baby your wife conceived with another man. Having had 3 children I know that it is not an easy task and full of challenges. Now imagine that you have a baby to care for who is not yours and was only brought into this world because she just cared more for another man to carry his baby. I am sorry but this is nonsense and inconsiderate behavior. The size of your penis doesn't have much with your ability to ******* your own baby. They can harvest your sperm and place it in her cervix or uterine cavity, I am sure you have heard of artificial insemination. It is upsetting that some wives are using the lifestyle as an excuse to "cheat" on their husbands. If she wants a baby with another guy, please keep the door open and hand over the divorce petition to her on the way out!
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Hot Baby has some level-headed council you'd do well to ponder. The truth of the matter is, this isn't the best of times to be rearing children anyway. Many couples are postponing parenting until their 30s and later. And if some reasons for this are positive [ex: women pursuing higher education], others are not. Socio-economic and political instability plus highly volatile international situations give intelligent couples significant grounds for waiting.

Unless your position is such that a pregnancy is a viable option for you [plural], it would be most unwise to proceed. And given such circumstances as I describe, I don't like the idea of your wife as your 'ex' raising this little one alone.

That said -- and if you're leveling with us -- you may not have much choice or say in the matter. You're a cuckold now. If her lover is influencing her toward a pregnancy skillfully, this may be as good as a 'done deal.' After all, birth control is very easily forgotten in the moment. Additionally, the risk of a pregnancy itself can be as hot as hell.

We don't know about your relationship with your wife. Does referencing you as 'Babydick' imply that she no longer thinks of you as her 'husband' or as a man? I can't be certain how serious she is about all this. Then again, maybe she isn't a particularly serious person. Maybe your marriage isn't particularly stable. Or maybe it is. I can't say. But you do need to broach these things with her. I suggest taking the best ideas presented here, print them out and use it as a basis of discussion with her.

You also made the comment that you're 'not convinced this is right.' Does this mean you're not sure it is a 'right idea?' Or, do you mean that you have moral issues in the sense that 'this is outright wrong and shouldn't be?' You must know your own mind on these things. And after that, there is the question of whether your general circumstances would support this decision. Then you can ask whether you really want this and are willing to agree with your wife for it to happen.

All the best!
Don't listen to all these 'unverified" people. None of them have any pics on their profile at all. On this site we have hundreds of time told people to get verified (which is super easy) so that fellow site members know with whom they are talking. In absence of being verified you should consider that the person on the other end with a high probability is fake.

As far as the "unsecure male" is concerned you should just dismiss all these nonsense advice they are dishing out. Being in the lifestyle to bring more excitement to it sexually and bringing you and your wife closer to each other doesn't mean that your wife should go and get pregnant by another guy whom with all certainty will not be around to raise that kid. Parenthood is serious business and you should NOT mix your sexual desires with the challenges of a having a baby your wife conceived with another man. Having had 3 children I know that it is not an easy task and full of challenges. Now imagine that you have a baby to care for who is not yours and was only came into this world because she just cared more for another man to carry his baby. I am sorry but this is nonsense and inconsiderate behavior. The size of your penis doesn't have much with your ability to ******* your own baby. They can harvest your sperm and place it in her cervix or uterine cavity, I am sure you have heard of artificial insemination. It is upsetting that some wives are using the lifestyle as an excuse to "cheat" on their husbands. If she wants a baby with another guy, please keep the door open and hand over the divorce petition to her on the way out!
You are so right, I really appreciate your post