My Filipina Wife

I never set out to become a cuckold. My Filipina wife is more than 30 years younger than me. (I’m 59, she’s 28.) We’ve been married for over 6 years, when I brought her to the US on a fiancée visa. My wife has a much higher libido than me, and though she never overtly expressed her frustration, I could sense it. Ultimately, I told her that I would have no problem with her dating someone else as long as our marriage always came first and there were never any secrets.

Long story short, her half-black boyfriend of 3 years is around her age, and has a libido that matches my wife’s. I am happy with sex about once every 2-3 weeks. My wife’s boyfriend moved in with us just over a year ago, and they make love daily, sometimes more. I’m never “denied” or anything, since my wife and I make love often enough for my liking. There’s no humiliation or anything like than. My wife’s boyfriend sees me as an older friend, like an uncle.

When my wife and I have sex (as I said, about every 2-3 weeks), it’s almost always after she’s been with her boyfriend. I love the way her sweet pussy tastes when she’s full of her boyfriend’s seed, and how delightfully slippery she feels when I’m inside her. We make love in a very calm, emotional, and loving way, which is fulfilling for both of us. This whole arrangement works out well for all involved.