Mueller looking at NRA now

Hmm. And yet more papers and documents are being found that show the Trumptard signed a deal in Russia.. Yet he told everyone he NEVER had any dealings in Russia or any Russian representatives LIVE ON TV TOO....He even tweeted about it in 2013 yet denied it when asked before the US elections.... Seems to every sane person that never can you believe a work trump or his sheep followers say....
Hmm. And yet more papers and documents are being found that show the Trumptard signed a deal in Russia.. Yet he told everyone he NEVER had any dealings in Russia or any Russian representatives LIVE ON TV TOO....He even tweeted about it in 2013 yet denied it when asked before the US elections.... Seems to every sane person that never can you believe a work trump or his sheep followers say....

Bah bah ;}
I can see from your answer that you tried, thank you for that.

It is still a list of things that you dislike/don't support/are unhappy about. What you want the USA to be?

what it started out to be....what it was 30 years ago ...before greed tookover
I take you are another trump lover......
What douments? Oh the fake dossier?
watch the news much....only what trump tells you

and you are to stupid to know that it was a couple of Republicans that started that dossier to begin with...that not brought up much at all...but when trump beat them in the primary it was to late for the dossier to help them...and steele wanted paid to finish...that's when he went to Hillary and she gave money.....but cruz and rubio originally started it!

besides the dossier means nothing Mueller has all their own papers which more than hangs them anyway...all the evidence against them...came from their own papers!
Hmm. And yet more papers and documents are being found that show the Trumptard signed a deal in Russia.. Yet he told everyone he NEVER had any dealings in Russia or any Russian representatives LIVE ON TV TOO....He even tweeted about it in 2013 yet denied it when asked before the US elections.... Seems to every sane person that never can you believe a work trump or his sheep followers say....

you are not going to convince any of these trumpies of anything...….look at long as he been shooting one liners with nothing really to say...just the left this and the left that....pure brain dead...and now we have a couple more fueling his fire
and besides this is an NRA thread.....thse jerks need to take their trump loving ******* to the correct notice they don't say anything on the impeachment thread? he would rip them a new ass!
Listen ta the bull shite fly - no charges after 2 years - Mueller has nothing - keep on hoping started.l the trump bashing....your the one calling names buddy....go back to your fake reality and dream are the reason the county is in trouble. I have more important things to do then blame everyone else you think your ******* dont stink
