Mueller looking at NRA now

No one called you stupid ma'am. But I will not be judged either. If you only had courage enough to serve others first. Not your ego. You are not worth the skin you inhabit. I pity you.
No one called you stupid ma'am. But I will not be judged either. If you only had courage enough to serve others first. Not your ego. You are not worth the skin you inhabit. I pity you.

Lol . Trump supporters are funny. Idolise an orange bafoon who is a draft dodger but “ you pity the skin I inhabit”
Do you have a kkk meeting that you are late for? Perhaps a cousin marryin’ Ceremony?
They’ll be dragging that piece of crap of the White House and you and your idiot friends will be talking about deep state!
HERE IS THE PROBLEM......WE CAN NOT HAVE A CONVERSATION WITHOUT INSULTING AND CALLING NAMES, AND YES ITS THE LEFT THAT CALLS NAMES AND ASSUMES THE MOST, BUT THE RIGHT DOES AS WELL. PEOPLE ARE SO DAMNED SENSITIVE AND OFFENEDED BY EVERYTHING. ITS PATHETIC!...... Just because you have an opinion one way or the other doesnt make you a racist or any of that other bullshit. Its obvious sign of defeat and weakness when your only response is name calling and assuming.
Lol save that crap!
This is past tolerance!
That prick in the White House is not bad at being a president. He’s bad at the human being stuff.
And people who defend his racist, bigotry, treasonous behaviour is disgraceful.
I’ve been around politics, some of my best friend are politicians and they are conservatives and I disagree with them but we love each other. But even our conservatives hate Trump . It not his inability to string a sentence together that pisses others off. It’s his narcissistic behaviour that we are disgusted by. It’s the way he speaks about everyother human being.
So save your fake out rage and pick up a book! Get educated first!
Roger stone is one of us
He had regularly in the past had ads in swingers magazine and on the internet looking for black men to fuck his wife
I guess our lifestyles have no party lines lol

He may be one of us......but he has been involved in dirty politics since he was involved in the Nixon administration

so was Manafort.....set up BBc gangbangs for his wife.....doesn't change the fact he is a crook.....wonder what his wife and ******* thought when all that hit the news
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The Best People: Paul Manafort made his wife engage in ...
The Best People: Paul Manafort made his wife engage in group sex while he recorded it and Roger Stone advertised in a magazine called Local Swing Fever for "exceptional, muscular single men" to have sex with his wife (

Donald Trump adviser follows New York bondage and swinger ...
Paul Manafort was following the Midtown bondage and swinger’s club Decadence on Twitter The GOP policy consultant signed up to Twitter two weeks ago The 67-year-old might not have known who he ...

The Latest Updates on the Trump Allegations - The Atlantic
Donald Trump began his campaign by denouncing Mexican immigrants as “rapists”—and now he’s ending it by blaming the allegations of sexual assault he faces on a Mexican.
He may be one of us......but he has been involved in dirty politics since he was involved in the Nixon administration

so was Manafort.....set up BBc gangbangs for his wife.....doesn't change the fact he is a crook.....wonder what his wife and ******* thought when all that hit the news
Lol save that crap!
This is past tolerance!
That prick in the White House is not bad at being a president. He’s bad at the human being stuff.
And people who defend his racist, bigotry, treasonous behaviour is disgraceful.
I’ve been around politics, some of my best friend are politicians and they are conservatives and I disagree with them but we love each other. But even our conservatives hate Trump . It not his inability to string a sentence together that pisses others off. It’s his narcissistic behaviour that we are disgusted by. It’s the way he speaks about everyother human being.
So save your fake out rage and pick up a book! Get educated first!
You just proved my point
Lol save that crap!
This is past tolerance!
That prick in the White House is not bad at being a president. He’s bad at the human being stuff.
And people who defend his racist, bigotry, treasonous behaviour is disgraceful.
I’ve been around politics, some of my best friend are politicians and they are conservatives and I disagree with them but we love each other. But even our conservatives hate Trump . It not his inability to string a sentence together that pisses others off. It’s his narcissistic behaviour that we are disgusted by. It’s the way he speaks about everyother human being.
So save your fake out rage and pick up a book! Get educated first!

got to agree with all that
and who started and made an issue of the name calling/
Mr. Asshole himself during his campaign to belittle anyone who said anything against matter if fellow star families...veterans...handicapped...native americans… didn't matter this fucking orange monster attacked them all
his specialty is the press......just for reporting the facts...….that he has said or done or doesn't want the public to know about

and now that it is coming back to haunt him...being called a "motherfucker" and he is offended....give me a fucking break!

so the orange pervert just goes on and some turn a blind eye in hope he will do something for them......he is...he is fucking them they just don't see it
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Again point proven

not saying much from a trumpie...your refusal to see things for what they are says it all
defend the lying crooked Russian perverted racist mom fucker to the end!

even over your own country.....traitors don't have a care in the world..only see what they want to see
and with a name like that is it some kind of Russian joke or slang for fool?
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Oh...It's the "commie" lover back with more one liners
talk about a typical trumpie!
full sentences are so hard
