Mindy in Mexico

CJ walked up on the grouping of beach chairs and stood for a moment admiring the sight before him. He had the people that had made him fortunate financially surrounding the woman that had brought him insane pleasure the night before. He was grateful. He nudged Tom from his stupor and got him focused.
“How did the fishing go?” Asked Tom, rubbing his eyes.
“The fish were not biting. I think they were overfed by all the chum that our employees were puking overboard. Was worried they might fine me for an environmental disaster.” Both men laughed.
“Well… we’ve been lazy asses. I don’t think I’ve moved in hours… Fuck! I’m burned!” Tom had the sudden realization that hours in the sun wasn’t the best for a fair skin. “She hasn’t left our sides all afternoon.” Motioning toward Mindy. “She said something about going into town with some other friends, but didn’t seem to happen.”
“I kinda expected she’d stick around today.” Said CJ with a grin. “What do we have planned for tonight? More team building rah rah *******?”
Tom winced. He didn’t want more time with the lower level employees. He and CJ had switched back and forth since they had arrived. He needed down time. “What if we give everyone the night off? There is plenty of ******* to get into at the resort that doesn’t require parental supervision.”
“I am in complete agreement on that, partner.” CJ said nodding. He eyed Mindy’s body laying next to his friends. “I would like a night off tonight too.”