me , contacta me , girls sand me photos please

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I think its so interesting that this profile was created 3 days after the last time that this person ( ) was here....... Same age and location...but the other profile kept getting harassed for using fake photos....

But of course his profile photo is completely his own......
This is really sad..guy is in Angola..and expects women to spend real money traveling to Angola to get laid by him..are any women this pathetic they have to go to Angola to get bbc..I don't think so..osp:bounce:

There are women who marry serial killers and other sociopaths that are in prison for life with no possibility of parole or conjugal visits, so anything is possible. And from what you know of this site, is it that far of a reach to say that there is somebody dumb enough to fall for this comedy? Remember what P.T. Barnum said, "there's a sucker born every minute."
