Looking For Fuck Buddies

Lori Girl

It is very hard to find the right guys. Not many have personality and the ability to carry on a conversation. Craig's List is a joke. And so are some of the pay sites. Guys just because I VERY much want to fuck doesn't mean I will. Not all of us like being treated like a cum dump. Intense erotic sex with a "fuck buddy" can be very special. Many guys just don't have the game they think they do. But I always enjoy looking for the right connection. Any other good interracial dating site? Suggestions? Play safe. Peace & Hugs,,,,Lori Chemistry.jpg Deep Kissing.jpg
It is very hard to find the right guys. Not many have personality and the ability to carry on a conversation. Craig's List is a joke. And so are some of the pay sites. Guys just because I VERY much want to fuck doesn't mean I will. Not all of us like being treated like a cum dump. Intense erotic sex with a "fuck buddy" can be very special. Many guys just don't have the game they think they do. But I always enjoy looking for the right connection. Any other good interracial dating site? Suggestions? Play safe. Peace & Hugs,,,,Lori View attachment 1484239 View attachment 1484241
Vegas is the worst place to find people in general Girl or guy most people there are shitbags I lived there for 3 months never again bottom line is a guy with game is rare nowadays I can understand wanting to find someone with an erotic personality which is hard in itself to many guys watchvto much porn and think showing their dicks works on women when it does not for most and it's"Mind Over Matter" for most women that I do know but women have different kinks and fetishes so I can't specify what you need;)