Ladies in Lifestyle Bi Question

I’ve had sex with other women about a dozen times in my entire life and 100% it was to please a demanding Dom Bull. Some guys love seeing it, I never really like it, but did as I was told (which always gets me fucked by the Bull(s) VERY well), so being a Sub hotwife sometimes you do what you’re told for the greater good. Nothing I ever look for.
I have and continue to enjoy my bi side , some amazing sexual experiences with some amazing women.

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@StillHot Of course, I'm not going to respond to your inquiry experientially, but I'm offering part of the answer from the sidelines. (And besides, you know I dig the fuck out of you, so...)

Culturally, our 'norms' for sexual relations are still catching up to where a fiercely expanding population of us already exist - sexual roles come in all variations. Whereas, we mainly don't expect men to open the door for women or always expect the man to pay, the "who picks up whom?" norms are still a few laps behind. It sucks to be rejected - period - but we still too often feel it's the opposite sex that counts. So when a woman rejects a man, it's a bigger deal than when a man rejects another man. Same for women. Attitudes reflecting "you can't even get a woman to give you a shot?" is demeaning, not to mention sexist or somewhat misogynistic, but it nevertheless assigns more negative pressure and hits to self esteem to same sex rejection.

The solution to alleviating these unwarranted assignments of shame? I say do what men who have more sex than others do - fuck the rejection and keep on hunting. The more pussy you'll get, the more pussy other women will get and the stigma associated with a woman being rejected by another woman will wane.

And when you get more black pussy to submit to your advances, remember to add to the pleasures...(you know how to reach me ;):cool::devilish::p💦💦)
I would have had more experiences with women if it were easier to find them. Men are easy, they are always interested in sex, but it feels a lot riskier going for another woman, for fear of rejection. Anyone else feel this way?
Absolutely. As a woman who was always heterosexual and had only a few men before marrying, I can tell that fear of rejection is not the only reason for not having more sex in general. Education is like a piece of software that controls your decisions. For me, sex with women has been possible only when there was one or more men bringing us together. After my first experiences, I mentally opened up and I think I am able to approach and socialize with women to the point I could know if we are on the same page. And I am happy now because I know no one can celebrate my female body better than another woman. No disrespect to black men. Sex with women is another league, as mixed-sex threesomes are too.