IR pornstars with white boyfriends/husbands

Bet he eagerly anticipates her next blacked scene every day. I think we will see such stuff a lot more.

1990s: IR cuckold is taboo
2000s: IR cuckold is common but not mainstream
2010: IR cuckold is common and making an appearance in the MSM through several movies and tv shows. However public IR cuckold couples are very rare
2017: IR cuckold couples in the public profile are fairly common. Twitter, instagram, youtube etc.
2022: Gone public AND with mixed babies? That is the next frontier I think.
IR is always going to be taboo
It takes one hell of a husband to be married to a woman who sleeps with black men for a living. The say it's just work but there is no way they do not enjoy the moment many times.
Isn`t it best with any kind of work to not only make bucks but also enjoy it? Who wouldn`t wish that for his wife or gf? :)
Sorry not sorry, what a nonsense! (Unless you are a prophet. *lol* ) It`s statements like yours that keep it going. :(
I wouldn't expect you to be aware of what's right in front of you, so I figured you would say that. Hell, you didn't even know what a trans woman was until today. Why would you be aware of anything else in the world. People still get disowned, verbally attacked, physically attacked and killed for being in IR relationships to this day. Keep playing the "people like you keep it going" game though.

Also, "sorry not sorry" isn't clever. It's lame.

How can you even ask that question? People divide themselves into groups over all sorts of matters and then set up rules to be strictly adhered to lest they be ridiculed or worse. One thing is certain, race is always going to be a factor in group dynamics no matter how far civilization advances.