Interracial vacation

Every Queen of Spades should ask their girlfriend this question, would you rather live a boring Suburban life with a white guy who will eventually betray you in some kind of way if given the opportunity or the good life with a gorgeous magnificent majestic black man in Africa of royalty who not only loves you for who you are as a person with a unique personality & good heart. But is equally loyal & faithful to you as you are to him, even after marriage & countless phenomenal interracial sexual intimacy?
Or to be more realistically, a successful black businessman of a successful multimillion-dollar black owned company who is equally loyal & faithful to you so much so your financial struggles will be gone would you choose him instead of making the unwise choice of being with a white guy who is not going to really be loyal & faithful to you in the long run?
The reason why I asked this question, it's mostly because I'm still pissed that they brought back Sex in the City, as "And So It Begins" telling the same damn boring story with one of the main characters missing the somewhat tall blonde one with the main characters continue to be with white men in gentrified to hell and back New York City.
Please for the love of God ladies, I cannot stress this enough it's best to live the life of a Queen of Spades than to live a boring life with financial struggles having some jerk of white guy who doesn't treat you just as good as a kind-hearted loyal faithful black man would.
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