If the United States had a presidential today who would you vote for ?

I believe i would vote for myself, You can write in anyone you wish. I have several reasons for this the first being I'm old. The voters seem to love age ? This has always amused me, My great grandmother was a little younger than many of the choices made in my lifetime. She had some obvious mental glitches that were explained to me as a problem of her age. Nothing criminal witch might be why she was never on any ballot. Then there is trust and honesty. Both important to me you see i grew up when those values were things many people taught children. I trust myself and it's been getting harder to find a politician i would trust or believe. If i have to explain that feeling to anyone you haven't been paying attention.
I'm not completely delusional, i know I'd never get elected but in reality that's a job I'd never want. My thought if everyone wrote in their own name there would be no winner. Would the shock and confusion of that be enough to wake up that herd of self serving do nothings we have elected to collect a paycheck from we the people for doing less & less every term. So divided i doubt they would agree on weather or not the earth is flat.
They would have to hold hearings at about a million dollars a day and you know there would be more than one out there on some sound bite trying to justify that it is indeed flat. There might be a few votes among the flat believers to be had.
All jokes aside the time has come for a third party. The best thing that could happen in 2022 is that everyone up for re election gets voted out. The Libertarians has a fairly wide base and logical financial plans. The best that could happen is that neither the Democrats or Republicans control either house. Then in 2024 we get a third party President. The blame for the mess in Washington is our fault, we keep on electing these clowns. I have watched the polarization in politics getting progressively worse over the last 30 years, it's time we fix it.