I wasn't expecting you back so soon

And in fact this dreamy scenario, for me, played out one evening when my now ex-wife took it upon herself, based on our desires and fantasies, to surprise me on this day after work when arriving home.
There was a post-it on the door, you know the yellow ones, inscribed with a brief note: "we have company."
So walking in, having had a bad day that still lingered with me, i entered our apartment paying scant attention to the note, much less understanding its meaning.
So when i walked into the bedroom and saw her more or less like this...
looking up at me and then saying, "we've been fuckng for hours."
To which I replied, "Don't let me interrupt you." And the brother eating my wive's pussy looked and said to her, "you weren't kidding." Which she told me later belied his fear of her inviting him home knowing i would soon be arriving.