How addicted to Interracial Porn are you?

Whenever I watch any porn, it’s IR. Nothing else does much for me at all besides that. Almost daily I look at something so I’d say I’m pretty addicted. Maybe not to the extreme that some are, but way above average I’m sure.
This is my phone wall paper as of today. Middle age white married male who has become addicted since the pandemic in 2020. Now every white girl i see, I can’t imagine not getting fucked by a black man. How about you? What can we do? Is there way out of it? or we just gotta take it.View attachment 5806832
You seem to be suffering.

IR porn addiction is most certainly due to the emergence of very unhealthy cultural and racial norms, especially in the US.

But IR porn is porn, and acknowledging that you are addicted is half the battle of breaking free.

Well, maybe.

All forms of porn, if consumed in excess, change (= warp and desensitize) your brain, i.e. your neural pathways are altered and affected over time. It also negatively impacts your body.

This kind of addiction is often related to relationship issues and/or poor self-image or severely low sense of self-worth (just look at all the so-called 'cuck' fantasizers on this and other websites).

Do not, however, judge yourself too harshly. Breathe.

Rethink your life like you want to own it.

Do what you need to do to break free.

There is a way out.