Hotwife and Cuckold

Hotwife and Cuckold

I've always encouraged my wife, Tanya, to consider taking a lover, with her being very resistant. We married as she was finishing her PhD, and I was working to support our household. At 5'3", 130 lbs and quite voluptuous for her weight, she's a blonde, green eyed woman who was born and raised in Russia and emigrated to the United States when she was 15. She somehow has always had the time to work out daily, even though she is overwhelmingly dedicated to her research and teaching. The result: an extremely intelligent, sophisticated, and attractive woman -- which was the reason I fell in love with her.

Early on in our relationship, I posted ads online for us to meet a couple that we could get close to. Several times we met up with a prospective pair, however it never resulted in any physical interaction. They never seemed to be the right fit, and Tanya was always resistant. She had never been promiscuous and was quite reserved in her sexuality. Our sex life had always been amazing, and after letting her guard down, at times, she would embrace her feelings and really let go. It would be rare, however, and requiring a bit of drinking.

Over the years, I would talk with her a bit about what it might be like for her to take on a lover that was larger and heavier than me. At around 5'8", I'm fairly athletic, but only about 150lbs. During sex, I would often whisper to her about other men, which would usually make her breathe more rapidly, and push back against me harder during sex. As the years have gone on, she often times would close her eyes and seem far away during sex. Over time, I've purchased some good sex toys, and have encouraged her to use them on her own and with me -- which she did regularly.

At around 40, Tanya began to dress a bit sexier, with tighter dresses that were a bit shorter. I also noticed that several times, she would go with no underwear. I was a bit surprised at this, as she had never done anything like this before. I took this as a sign that maybe, just maybe, she might consider what I had mentioned for several years.

I decided I would put a focused plan into action to make this happen. Little would I know where this would lead and how it would forever affect our lives.

My plan had several components. First, I posted an ad on several web sites that honestly described my situation: I was looking for a younger, tall, athletic man who might work with me to seduce my wife. It took me around 3 months, but eventually, I had a few interesting communications. I eventually met with a few guys over coffee, with one being someone that I thought could be a good fit.

Austin was a graduate student at the university where my wife worked. He was 6'5", around 240lbs, and a former baseball player in undergraduate. We met, and I immediately felt good about him. He was relaxed, easy to talk with, and he understood my situation. He knew I wasn't looking for someone to screw up our relationship, but someone that could possibly give my wife something that she might be craving -- even if she wasn't readily able to admit it. As we talked, an interesting aspect about Austin came up: he sold pot. My wife enjoyed smoking on occasion, and I immediately thought this would be a great way to introduce Austin and get Tanya and him to spend some time together. Mentioning that I had met someone that might be able to regularly sell us some dope was a great, neutral way to introduce Austin, without trying to push the sexual encounter with her. Frankly, Tanya hated that type of artificial meeting, and I think that was a key reason why it had never happened previously. This situation needed to be organic, and natural -- not orchestrated.

That evening, I mentioned that I had met a guy at a coffee shop (which was technically true), and that we had struck up a conversation: as part of the discussion, I mentioned that we smoked occasionally, and he had mentioned that he sold pot, and would be happy to come over and hook us up. Tanya was immediately down with it -- given that our recent connection had dried up. I told her I would text Austin and see if he could come by.

After a couple days, we set up a time for him to come over as a first meeting. As I let him into the house and introduced him to Tanya -- I could tell by her body language -- ever so subtly, that she liked what she saw. She very covertly looked him over, but to the average eye, it was undetectable. We talked for a bit: Austin mentioned he was a graduate student, and we had a brief conversation about our common university connections. After some time, we all smoked a bowl together. After a bit, I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I purposely spend a bit of time there, to give Tanya and Austin some time to talk alone.

When I returned, they were chatting, very casually. We all hung out a bit more, then Austin took off, telling us that he would be happy to hook us up, and to just let him know, and we could work out the details. We said our goodbyes, and interestingly enough, he nodded goodbye to me, and then gave Tanya a hug. It seemed totally natural and relaxed, but I thought it was very interesting. Tanya wouldn't normally do that with someone she just met, which was just a small thing that I noticed. Again, it seemed completely relaxed and friend-like.

After Austin left, we both remarked at how cool he seemed. I told Tanya I would text him and set up a time to score.

Immediately after the first meetup, Austin texted me, and mentioned how cute and sexy my wife was. I immediately felt myself get a little flush, and I got a hard on. It was a very unique feeling: At that moment, I thought -- "Wow, this could really happen!" The result was an instant shot of sexual energy. I gathered myself, and then, later than evening, mentioned to Tanya that I texted Austin that day.

"So, hon, you remember Austin? I texted him today to try and set up a time to get a quarter -- are you still cool with that?"

Tanya looked at me like I asked a dumb question. "David - of course! Duh! Lets' do it. I thought he was cool and relaxed. When did he say he could hook us up?"

"I think sometime in the next few days. He mentioned that we should try to do it sometime before Friday. There was one other thing he told me: He mentioned he thought you were very sexy."

Tanya immediately flushed a bit. "Really? OOOKKK. That's always a nice compliment." She seemed a bit nervous but receptive.

I saw this as a sign and so went a bit further. "So, you know hon, I'm totally ok with you having close friends. If you wanted to hang out with Austin on your own, that's totally cool. You could even go over and pick up this bag if you wanted to - or have him come over here -- but it's up to you -- I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Tanya seemed to shift around a bit, showing her nervousness in her body language. "That's nice, I appreciate that. He seemed really nice. Are you sure that you are ok with me being friends with him? It could get complicated."

My heart immediately jumped a bit, and I felt my cock stir. This was the first time, the very first time, I had ever heard Tanya say something like this. Her "it's complicated" statement was her way of saying -- she's interested. I took the sign immediately in, and very carefully thought about my next statement. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and screw this up.

"I'm totally fine with it honey. I mean, you can have men friends. And Austin seems really fun, and he likes to smoke. So what if he thinks you are attractive? I mean, you know how I feel. You are a powerful, strong woman, and if you wanted to get close to another man -- that's ok. I love you and I just want you to feel good. I'm ok with this. I mean, is a close friendship like this something you could handle?"

Tanya looked down and bit her lip. She did that when she was nervous. "Oh yeah of course. I love you honey. It might be nice to have a friend like Austin. But only if you are ok with it."

I again reassured her. "Absolutely. Why don't I send you his number and you can text him and work out the details of meeting up?"

"OK! Thanks D. Send me his number and I'll text him. It might be nice to just hang out and become friends, maybe he can come over sometime to our house whenever."

I texted Austin's number to Tanya. The next day -- in the am -- I asked her again if she had texted him.

"Oh *******, no! I'll do it right now." I stood there as she texted him.

TANYA: Hey Austin this is Tanya!

AUSTIN: Who is this?

TANYA: This is David's wife. We talked about connecting sometime?

AUSTIN: Oh yeah! You are very sexy!!

Tanya showed me the texts. "Are you sure about this D? Are you ok with this? If I ask him to come over, he'll think I'm interested in him."

"Honey, yes. He thinks you're sexy! You should be flattered. I mean, you are sexy. He's just flirting with you. Friends do that sometime. It's cool with me -- and if you wanted to get close to him, again, I'm ok with that. I can tell you are a bit interested in him -- its ok to admit that."

Tanya knew that when I said "get close" that I was implying sex. I knew that if I came out and said -- you can have sex -- she would get uncomfortable. But its ok to "get close". I thought that, if we just took this one step at a time, it might possibly work.

Tanya responded. "OK cool, I just wanted to check with you again." She shifted back and forth a bit on her feet. I could tell she was feeling a bit flushed and worked up. She responded to Austin's text.

TANYA: Did you want to come by our place sometime today or tomorrow? I think David is gone in the afternoon today, we could hang out.

AUSTIN: That's great! I'm free around 1pm. Does that work?

TANYA: Yes! That's perfect. Text me if anything comes up. I'll see you at 1!!

Tanya still looked a bit flushed. Her whole face was slightly pink and she was breathing a bit heavily. "OK he's coming over this afternoon. I should probably get to work and get a few things done before he shows up. You will be gone, right? That's ok isn't it?"

"Yes! I'm really glad you are making a new friend. I need to get to work also -- how about we just talk about this tonight? I have to shower and get out of here in the next hour."

Tanya hugged me, but with no kiss. I felt how warm she was -- and I was hoping she couldn't notice that I had a rock-hard cock at that moment!

I had just a bit of time to get this worked out. I set up my video camera in our bookcase after Tanya went upstairs, and set it to record. I had already tested this out previously: I had a power connection along the bookcase, and I had a full SD card that was 32gb loaded. I hit record, and then covertly hid the record light and camera, other than the lens. I only had one camera so thought I would record the living room where they probably would hang out.

I took off around 9am -- and went to work, which wasn't really work: I couldn't focus on anything. I tried to take my mind off what might be happening at home, which was extremely difficult. I texted Tanya a couple times in the AM -- but she didn't respond. That was normal: Sometimes she was busy and would ignore her texts. However, given that she was meeting up with Austin, I thought it was a bit odd. But I tried to put it out of my mind and just get through the afternoon.

I headed home around 530pm.

When I got home, Tanya was there, putting some things away in the kitchen. Everything seemed normal: She didn't seem any different, and I detected nothing out of the ordinary. After about 5 minutes, I asked her how her meetup with Austin went. She didn't look at me directly but mentioned that went fine -- and that they just hung out and talked.

I probed her more. "So, what did you talk about?"

Tanya sat down on the couch. "Well, he asked me about where we lived before here, and I mentioned that we most recently had lived in San Francisco. He asked me about our time living there -- and if we ever went to any sex clubs - you know, in the Mission or the Tenderloin. I told him no -- but that you really wanted me too! We smoked a bowl -- and he described his graduate work to me. We just got aquainted. That's it -- nothing in depth."

It seemed like Tanya was holding something back. I could tell she wasn't telling me everything.

"So, can I ask this: did he kiss you?"

She shifted around in her seat. "I'm not sure if I'm comfortable talking about this. You said it was ok for me to have friends, right? You were ok with us hanging out and getting close?"

I got closer to Tanya. "Honey I'm ok with it! Really. I'm not upset or anything. I just was hoping you would tell me how your time with him went. I'm not angry or anything like that. I just want you to be happy. But I would like you to tell me what happened if you are ok with it. If it makes you uncomfortable, then that's ok -- you don't have to talk about it."

Tanya looked at me. Her eyes seemed very fragile, almost in a pleading sort of way. "OK D, but I don't ever want to hurt you. You know I love you." I could see her eyes watering a bit. "If you want me to tell you, I will, but I hope you are ok with it."

My gut wrenched a bit. I was excited to hear what she had to say, but at that moment, I felt a pang in my stomach. Was I ready to actually hear what she had to say? I had thought I wanted this to happen, but to hear Tanya say those things, and to see her eyes well up with tears -- I suddenly didn't know.

I didn't have any other options really. "Yes honey, I want to know -- and I won't be upset." I could tell that my words sounded hollow -- or at least they seemed hollow to me. I tried to cover up that impression as best I could.

Tanya let out a sigh that seemed like a combination of nervousness and relief. "OK well I love you D. But I have to admit that I was attracted to Austin. We talked for a bit, and we smoked a bit of dope. And then we sort of just cuddled a bit. After a while, it just seemed sort of -- natural -- and we made out".

She stopped and tried to assess me. I was hiding my feelings at that moment -- which were a combination of being excited, and complete nervousness. I wanted to know more.

"So that's it? You kissed and that was it? I just need to know, hon -- did you guys do more than that?"

At that moment, Tanya completely started crying. She couldn't hold it back. She didn't sob or moan, but tears just started flowing. She started shaking ever so slightly -- and she looked directly at me, like she was trying to convey her words to me with her eyes without having to say anything to me. This went on for about 30 seconds. She slowly started to talk as she cried.

"I've never felt anything like that before! It was the first time I've ever had that happen, I don't know what to say David! I'm sorry!"

She held my hand and sobbed a bit, and continued to stare at me, trying to assess my feelings. I still wanted to hear her say it.

"So, did you guys have sex? Is that what happened?"

She looked directly at me, and suddenly stopped crying so much, and said: "Yes -- we did. I think this changed me! I'm sorry!" She started to cry again.

I was starting to now realize that this may have been something I actually wasn't prepared for. I kept looking at the camera, hidden on the bookshelf. I couldn't help but wonder what was on the recording.

I looked at Tanya -- and my voice got a bit whispery: "So can you tell me more? Like what happened? Did you cum?"

She looked down. "Yes - I came. I think I squirted." She looked up at me, again with eyes that said, "I'm sorry."

Tanya wiped her eyes and suddenly shifted a bit in her emotions. "Look D, I enjoyed it. You wanted me to enjoy it, right? Well, I did. We cuddled and kissed. I sucked on his cock. He fucked me multiple ways. I've never had a man like that."

She paused for a couple seconds, and then looked right at me. "He talked about you as well."

"What do you mean he talked about me?"

"He said that what you really want is to be cucked. That he wouldn't be surprised that you would want to suck his cock before he has sex with me." She folded her hands over her chest and looked right at me, with a slight smile.

I froze. It was like the moment slowed down. At one moment she was crying, but now she seemed more confident - and could see right thru me. l I didn't know what happened, but at that moment, I just gave in. "I guess I do."

As soon as I said it, I had feelings of relief and regret at the same time. I was glad I said it, but embarrassed at the same time.

Tanya slightly shook her head and continued to smile. Like she knew something I didn't. Her tears seemed to go away. "Good. Austin said you would say that. Before today -- I would have never in a million years have thought you would say that. But after Austin -- I actually like that idea."

Tanya got up -- and started to walk upstairs. She said nothing.

I just sat there. After a bit, I couldn't help myself. I took the camera and went up to my office and played the video. I was contemplating everything that happened, but I was so turned on, I couldn't help myself from immediately wanting to see what was on the recording. I fast forwarded to when Austin arrived. The video was of the couch and chair of our living room -- so it really started when Austin sat down after being let into the house.

Tanya was dressed in tights and a tee shirt, barefooted. it looked as if she had no bra on. She noticeably sat close to him with her feet tucked up under her legs. Her hair was down. The video didn't record much sound -- so I could only hear muffled words. They talked for about 15 minutes, with various times, Tanya put her hand on his arm. He was in jeans and a tee shirt, and flip flops. Over time, he seemed to get a bit closer to Tanya -- particularly when they started to get high. He pulled out a joint, and they started smoking. When she would take a hit, he would hold the joint for her in his hands, and she would lean in close to him to take a drag. As they finished, they both seemed to get even closer, and then, suddenly, Tanya put her hand on his leg, fairly high up along his thigh. As she did this -- Austin looked right at her, and she, him.

Austin then touched her chin and kissed her slowly. She leaned in on the kiss and put her body against him.

At this point, I was masturbating.

They began to kiss more deeply, and he pulled her whole body onto his lap. She seemed so tiny next to him. She had to be on her knees in his lap to reach his face. As they made out, he suddenly stuck one of his fingers in her mouth -- and she started sucking on it.

Again I could NOT believe I was watching this. I suddenly came all over the place. I couldn't help it. I paused the video -- and after cleaning up -- started it again, but with a bit less excitement. What had I done?

Austin and Tanya continued to make out -- with Austin putting his hands all over her and up her shirt. After about 5 minutes -- he was forsing his hands down her pants. It was like 1 minute later that he had her tights off and her panties off. She still had her top on. With his arm wrapped around her from behind -- he began to finger her. Tanya had her mouth open and was wiggling on his finger while on his lap. With his other hand, he began to ******* her gently and whisper something to her. Her eyes got wider, and she began to buck on his hand -- more than I had seen her even during sex. She was clearly cumming, because I could hear her moaning on the video.

Suddenly -- Austin stopped. He got up and said something to Tanya. She got up, holding his hand, and following him out of the video. As she followed him, she was looking at him submissively.
As the video ended, all I could think was: What had I done? I'd essentially encouraged and given my wife to another man – and she had experienced something that had changed her. I didn't know exactly what had happened in the bedroom, but I could only imagine. My thoughts of her fucking Austin – my vision of seeing her cumming, kept going thru my mind over and over again. I honestly couldn't help thinking about it, and every time I did, I got worked up again. 10 minutes after the video ended, I had to masturbate again – and I came as hard as I did before. I saved the video and went to try and talk to Tanya again. I knew I should probably just give her space at this moment, but I couldn't. She was getting ready for bed.

"Honey can I talk to you?" I said after knocking on the door and peeking in. She was in her PJs and getting ready to go to bed.

"David – No. I honestly need some time, OK? Look – lets just talk about it tomorrow. "

She started to go into the bathroom, then turned around and kept talking. "I'm tired, and frankly, a little confused. Didn't you want this? You've been asking me about it for I don't know how long – years. You whisper about it during sex. Are you surprised that I might like it? Well I did. I really liked it. And apparently – you liked it also."

Tanya sat down at the foot of the bed as I stood beside her. She seemed to gather herself. "Look, I just need some time to process what happened. I know it sounds hard to believe, but I feel different. Between what happened today, and what you admitted – It feels like our relationship has changed. I'm not saying I want a divorce or anything like that. I love you and I care about you. I'm just saying I need some time."

At that moment she looked at my midsection. "Do you have a hard on?" She said it incredulously – like she couldn't believe it." "Is this turning you on?" She smirked again, like she did downstairs after she asked about whether I wanted to blow Austin.

I didn't say anything. My facial expression and shrug essentially conveyed that, yes, I was turned on and I couldn't help it. And that was really true. I couldn't help it. As she said that, my cock got even harder. I readjusted my pants to try and hide it.

She continued. "Wow. I mean, I know you were ok with me having a close friend – but I guess I didn't know how much this actually turned you on." She motioned for me to sit beside her on the bed – which I did.

"Honey, like I said, let's just give this some time. I'm not angry or anything like that. I just need to process everything, alright?" She smiled and put her hand on my thigh, near my cock. I had mixed thoughts at that moment. I initially was thinking, SHES's not angry? Shouldn't I be the one that is saying I'M not angry?

But those thoughts quickly faded, as I remembered that just hours ago, Austin had fucked her. What would it be like to lick her pussy? Would I still taste him?

I pushed those conflicting thoughts away and smiled at her. We kissed, very gently but very short. She climbed into bed, and I went into the bathroom. When I came out – she was fully asleep, like in 5 minutes. She must have been tired. I didn't have to wonder why.

The next two weeks were uneventful. We went about our work and home life like nothing had changed. She seemed completely normal, and pretty much the same as always. I did notice one thing, but I couldn't tell if it was just my sensitivity to the topic at hand: she got a manicure and pedicure – which is very normal for her. But this time, she got hot red, which is not a color I had ever seen her get. I was a little surprised, but so what? I didn't really give it much thought, but after what had happened, it was hard to miss.

That next Friday, we went out for dinner and drinks. We had a fun time: she had a couple drinks before dinner, and then a couple more with dinner. We talked about work, politics, some other local topics, just a typical date. We held hands a bit, and she wore a cute dress that was body fitting: she looked great. She had her hair down, and with her tight body and green eyes, she had several men looking her up and down. Again, I couldn't tell if I was overly sensitive, but she looked like the sex she had with Austin had slightly invigorated her. I still had mixed feelings of jealousy and arousal, but I kept those in check: I didn't want to her to sense that I was upset or nervous about her or us. I just tried to be normal and engage with her.

At the end of the evening, as we were finishing up our meal and the last of our drinks, I couldn't help but mention how great she looked.

"I love that dress T. And it works good with your nails – I was going to tell you how cute I think that looks on you." She smiled and touched my hand across the table. "Aw thank you! I felt like I needed a new color. It's a little more daring but I thought, what the heck."

With all the drinks, and us being flirty at dinner, my cautiousness gave way, and I just blurted out what I thought: "I'll bet Austin would like them." I immediately regretted saying it. What was I thinking? I kicked myself inside.

Tanya slightly smiled at me. "He did." I looked at her inquisitively. She answered my questionable look. "Yes, I saw him – yesterday. We just had lunch – that was it." She looked completely at ease in saying that, and I honestly felt that she was telling the truth. It came out so naturally and openly that I didn't have any reason to question it.

I smiled and looked at her, but I couldn't say anything. Oddly enough, right at that moment, I wasn't angry at all. It was almost like any animosity I felt went away, replaced by my slightly buzzed feelings of horniness. My cock twitched.

She continued, seemingly a bit braver to discuss the subject after a few drinks, and also given the fact that our table was in a fairly secluded location in the restaurant. "I mentioned to Austin that you agreed with him." We both knew exactly what she meant.

"He suggested that our friendship might be more comfortable if we all hung out. Is that something you could handle?" She seemed to hang on that last word - 'handle'. She continued. "I mean, I'm going to see Austin again. But maybe if we all hung out, it could make the situation a bit less of an issue for you." She touched my hand. My cock started to definitely get hard. I felt flush in the face. I was hoping I wasn't turning red.

"But the only way I'll do this is if you just relax and go with the flow. If you get upset or angry, that's it. I'll just see him on my own. I like his company, and I'm going to hang out with him. Can you handle that?"

Tanya seemed different. She would have NEVER said that before. She seemed very sure of herself and what she wanted. Maybe the alcohol was helping with that, but either way, it was obvious. As she talked about this and touched me, all I could think about was her and Austin: would she want me to suck his cock? What would it be like to watch them have sex? Would she squirt cum? Where was this going?

I finally managed to talk, a bit nervously. "Yes, I can handle it. I love you and I can...I can definitely handle it." I was trying to sound confident in what I was saying, even though all kinds of thoughts were racing thru my head. I held both her hands and said this looking right into her eyes.

As I did, she smiled, and her eyes twinkled a bit.

"Good answer. Now let's get out of here, what do you say?" She grinned at me slyly. My cock immediately got totally hard.

We paid the check and left – we held hands leaving, and I kissed her as we got to the car. We pressed our bodies up against each other, and I knew she could feel how hard I was. I wasted no time driving back to our house!

After we got home, we slowly worked our way upstairs to the bedroom. She was changing clothes, I went to the bathroom. By the time I entered the bedroom, she had her PJs on and looked like she was ready to go to sleep!?!

"Honey, I thought maybe we could fool around tonight?" I put my hands around her waist. She smiled, sexily but in a sort of comical way. It caught me off-guard.

"Oh sweetie, you know, with all that alcohol, I'm not really in the mood. I need to get a good night's sleep: I have to teach tomorrow, and I have meetings the rest of the day." She kissed me gently on the lips, but not intensely. More like a peck.

"What would you say if Austin came over next week and we all had drinks here at the house? I promise that I'll make it worth your while if you do?" She casually moved her hand across my cock – which was already hard.

I didn't know why, but I kept having these feelings of anger and jealously, mixed in with being so horny, more so than I had been – well – ever! All I could say was "That sounds fun honey, I appreciate you wanting to do that." It sounded pathetic as it came out of my mouth, but at this point, I was so excited about the idea of just SEEING them have sex, I didn't care. And I was still buzzed.

Tanya grinned and kissed me again – more firmly. "Great! This will be fun. I'm starting to understand why you kept bringing this up. You know, honestly, I just wasn't able handle anything like this until we were older. But now, I'm actually OK with it. I think it just required the right man!" She grinned as she said it.

I immediately felt conflicted as she went to bed and I stayed up a bit longer – and had another *******. I didn't expect to feel this way. For years I had thought how turned on I was thinking about Tanya with another man. But now, with her clearly excited about Austin, and having already had sex with him, I wasn't sure how to deal with the conflict I felt. Would she want to continue this? What would it be like to see her with him? Would I ever be able to satisfy her after him?

I also couldn't help thinking that he HAD to have a bigger cock than me – and what would it be like to suck it, and insert it into Tanya? I shuddered. I had always thought about that, and now, it could actually happen. I knew that, if the situation occurred, I wouldn't be able to resist it, regardless of the implications.

The next day – I couldn't stop myself. I texted Austin on my own.

DAVID: Hi Austin this is David, Tanya's husband.

It took a couple hours, but he responded.

AUSTIN: Hey what's up.

DAVID: I just wanted to say hi. I hope this isn't awkward to text you.

AUSTIN: Not at all. Tanya texted me earlier today. So, we are all gonna hang out? You cool with that right? She is super cute – and tight! Thanks for connecting us.

A lump in my throat formed. I ****** it down and kept texting.

DAVID: Yeah, she is. So, you guys had fun before.

AUSTIN: Oh yeah – she described it to you right? She seriously got into it!

DAVID: Well she didn't give me all the details, just that you hooked up. Cool, I'm glad – I was hoping she would have fun.

AUSTIN: She didn't tell you all of it did she? I figured. Dude she came all over the place. She mentioned how you wanted to blow me. That's cool. As long as it's to get me hard for her. I'm not gay dude.

What?? SHE mentioned it? My head reeled. TANYA mentioned it to Austin? She had said it the other way around, that Austin had mentioned it. I started to have thoughts come at me at light speed.

Did Tanya want this? Did she somehow know that I thought about this? I racked my brain to think if I had ever said anything about blowing a man during sex. I couldn't think of any time that I specifically had said that – but I had talked to her a lot about "thick cocks" and what it would feel like inside her or having "someone" help to slide a big cock in her.

At this point, I just went with the flow with Austin. It was only texting, right?

DAVID: That's cool, I just want her to cum hard. So, you are ok with me watching?

AUSTIN: Totally. Just get me hard with your mouth and then step back and watch her squirt hard. She's starting to get used to my cock dude. After lunch this week she rode me for a while at my place. I figured you knew.

So, she did fuck him again! I had really thought she hadn't. At this point, I just gave in. This was happening and I couldn't stop it if I wanted. My cock was really hard, and I was jacking off while I was texting Austin. I didn't care.

DAVID: OK cool. So, I guess I'll see you early next week?

AUSTIN: Oh yeah you will. Get ready.

I came all over the place right after Austin's last text. And then like 20 minutes later, I came again.

Tanya set everything up for Wednesday night. Austin would come over for dinner – I was going to cook for all of us. When Wednesday came, I could tell Tanya was nervous and excited. She came home early from work. She spent a considerable amount of time getting ready, more so than usual for her. She didn't say much to me – other than to make sure that I had enough alcohol.

Right before Austin was supposed to arrive, Tanya came down. She wasn't decked out like I thought she would be. She looked very casual – in more like summer wear for the beach. She had on short shorts, flip flops, a crop shirt with her hair down. Her ass looked amazing: with such a tight body, her booty and legs really popped out. She looked like she had went tanning – her skin looked a bit more bronzish. The one thing I noticed: no wedding ring. She almost always wore her ring, even during her workouts, but not tonight. I didn't ask.

It also looked like he had an anklet on that I had bought her. A couple years ago, I had bought a hotwife anklet that had heart charms in red. She had never worn it – until tonight. It made her look all the more sensual. Just looking at her and thinking about what might happen made my cock ache.

"What do you think?" she said somewhat nervously, smiling, and turning around.

"You look great T. Dinner is almost ready. Did you want a *******?"

"Not yet, I thought we could wait for Austin..." right at that moment – the doorbell rang. As it did, I saw her breathe in heavily. It was honestly something I had never seen in her. She almost skipped across the floor to answer the door.

She opened the door, and there he was. I had forgotten how big he actually was. When he gave Tanya a hug, I notice that she literally only came up to about the middle of his chest – he had to lean down to hug her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Right when that occurred, I knew that things were going to be different. I had wanted this, and actually made it happen, and now it WAS happening. Had actually already happened. Before I knew it, she had already came hard with this tall, large young man – twice. And I could tell that it had affected her.

As he walked in, she led him by the hand over to me. Their hands were interlaced.

"David, you remember Austin?" He shook my hand again – looking at me – and grinned. The grin had this unmistakable look to it, like "She's mine." It felt that way. I tried to smile back. The other thing was, his hands were like baseball mitts. As he shook my hand, all I could think about was how they had been all over Tanya, and that she had loved that feeling.

I tried to compose myself. "Hey. good to see you again. Do you want a *******?" Really, I was the one that wanted a *******, badly. I needed to take the edge off my nervousness.

"Definitely. Beer or wine is fine." As Austin said that, Tanya leaned into him – and they both looked at each other and grinned. He put his arm around her – and she blushed deep red. I don't think I had ever seen her blush like that.

They both looked at me, and I knew I should get the drinks. So, I retreated to the kitchen and started getting that together, checking on dinner. They sat down on the couch, looking like a cute couple. One would never had thought that Tanya was MY wife. Somehow that increased my arousal. I ignored those feelings and got our drinks.

The evening started to loosen up a bit after that. We all had a couple drinks, and we started to be a little less nervous. Tanya spend a lot of time cuddling next to Austin – but she also touched my leg a few times, and during one conversation about my work, we all laughed, and she kissed me. It didn't feel uncomfortable, just more like, something new. However, once in a while, Austin would put one of his hands on Tanya; her leg or shoulder, and she would seem to snuggle into him, almost sitting in his lap, she was so tiny compared to how big he was. As much as this hurt, it looked – right. It looked like she fit into his lap perfectly. I didn't want it to look that way, but it did.

Dinner was relaxed. I had made baked chicken with roasted vegetables and salad – no dessert. Tanya remarked at how I did most of the cooking, and that she enjoyed me taking care of that. I smiled; Austin said nothing, but was looking intently at Tanya. As dinner finished, we took our drinks back to the couch, where we again assumed the same places we were in beforehand: with Tanya close to Austin, and me on his other side, further away.

With most of the small talk over, our conversation got a bit more intimate. Austin commented on how cute Tanya looked tonight. She again blushed a bit, and said thank you, and looked at him. As he looked at her, they kissed. It was slow and very sensual. As I sat there, it seemed like neither of them cared if I was watching or not. As the kiss ended. Tanya laid her head on Austin's chest and snuggled into him, putting her arm around his lower chest, and straddling his one leg with both her legs. She looked at me.

"So D, what do you think? Are you comfortable with this happening?" She said it in sort of this drunken voice. But she wasn't *******. It was almost as if she was ******* on the feeling she was having at this moment. As she said this, her hips moved ever so slightly back and forth on Austin's leg. He slipped his hand into the back top of her shorts, above her ass.

I could feel my mouth hanging open. I quickly tried to regain my composure at what I was seeing. My cock was completely hard, and actually, I felt like I could cum in my pants without even touching my dick. I couldn't say anything. All I did was nod my head and mouth the word "yes". I could see Austin's cock bulging through his pants. As I looked at it, Tanya laid her hand on his bulge – which looked like this thick thing running down the left side of his leg. She just put her hand on it, like it was meant to be there. I glanced up at Austin's face. He was looking right at me, with a small grin.

And both of them just stayed in that position for a couple minutes. She was slowly, in an imperceptive manner, grinding on his leg, with her hand on his cock. He had his hand in her pants and was slowly moving it down between the crack of her ass. She buried her face into his lower chest with her eyes closed. He continued to stare at me and grin.

So, I just sat there. I couldn't move at all. I wanted to desperately touch my cock, but I couldn't. I sort of felt paralyzed in watching them, watching what was happening. Was this ACTUALLY happening?

Things slowly progressed. Austin's arms were so long, he had no problem reaching all the way down Tanya's ass, with her shorts still on. I could see him starting to finger her pussy from behind. When he started to do that – her eyes popped open – and she looked at me. Our eyes locked for maybe 30 seconds before she started to fade off, not being able to contain the feelings that were bubbling up inside her. She started to slightly moan.

Austin looked at me – and suddenly he spoke. It sort of made me jump because I wasn't expecting him to say anything, and I was lost in the moment of what I was seeing.

"Dude take off her shorts." He said it in a very matter-of-fact manner. Like – what are you thinking. Take off her shorts.

As soon as he said that, I got up. It was almost like I was following orders and I had to. I mean, I didn't HAVE to, but it felt that way. I had to, I wanted to.
I got up and slowly stood behind Tanya and pulled her shorts and panties down. As I did, she lifted up her hips off of Austin and put her legs together so I could take them off. I pulled them down to her ankles and removed them. As I did, she moaned slightly. Like an enjoyable moan. I noticed that she was shaved completely.

As soon as I took them off – she resumed her position straddling Austin's one leg. She looked as sexy as I had ever seen her – naked from the waist down, a short crop top, with Austin's huge hand sliding into her smooth, wet pussy. As she resumed her position, he put his other hand around her throat and kissed her gently. It reminded me of the video from their initial meeting. I sat back down where I was before.

Austin looked in complete control. His arms and hands were all over Tanya. It was something that I could never do, and she looked like she understood that completely. She started to try and release his cock from his pants.

"You want this huh?" Austin said and put his hand on top of her hand, which rested on his cock. She looked submissively up at him and shook her head, yes. She then turned and looked at me, and it was a look I will never forget. She looked completely accepting to the fact that she wanted his cock, and she was letting me know that, she didn't care what I thought.

Austin lifted her up off his leg. He did it with ease and sat her down on the couch. He took off his shirt – which revealed a massive chest and cut abs. More ripped that I thought from looking at him before. As he did this, I noticed Tanya looking up at him. Her eyes were locked on him, like she couldn't wait to see what was underneath. He took off his pants and underwear all in one effort.

I really didn't fully understand what I had done until I saw Austin naked. He was large and athletic and hung. His cock was very long and especially thick, a lot bigger than me. His legs were thick, and he had that V-shape abdominal muscular look. He stood there for a moment as Tanya and I looked at him. I felt like he purposely let us both take him in.

He then took Tanya's hand, and started to walk upstairs with her, like he knew the place. She followed him, much like the video – except in this instance, I was part of the video. He said nothing to me. As they walked upstairs, I instinctively followed them, giving them maybe 10 seconds before I trailed after them.

When I got upstairs – Austin was taking off Tanya's top. She looked to be in his complete control. His cock was slightly hard. God it was thick. I had never seen another man with a cock like this, and I don't think Tanya had either. Again, it wasn't just his cock. He was large everywhere, which made him an imposing figure, even more so naked. I felt like he could do whatever he wanted to Tanya and I couldn't do anything about it.

He slipped into our bed, and Tanya immediately climbed on top of him. She completely straddled him, laying on top of him so his cock was pressed up against her stomach, and just laid there, with her head on his chest. She sighed. She looked to be in ******* – and they hadn't even had sex yet. Austin stroked her hair and again, put his hand on her ass. Again, I couldn't believe how big his hands were: one covered her entire ass. He put his middle finger down the crack of her ass – and could still wrap the other parts of his hand around her cheeks. She looked like a baby next to him. He kept whispering to her.

They laid there for a bit. I actually just stood there beside the bed for a bit. Then I sat down on the edge of the bed, still fully dressed. I felt a bit self-conscious to undress given how hung Austin was. My cock hurt, it was so hard.

Austin whispered something to Tanya. She moaned and said "yes" ever so quietly. He whispered again, and again she said "yes, yes, I do want that." As she said that, she looked right in his eyes, her head still laying on his chest.

Suddenly they shifted, and she sat up closer to him. His cock popped out from under her, and it looked a lot bigger. She was now sitting on him, straddling his stomach, with his cock sticking up behind her.

"Tell him what you want." Austin said to her.

She looked at me, still seeming to be in a dream-like state, and mumbled: "Suck on his cock D. And then put it in me." She seemed to grind on him as she said it, arching her back, making her little pussy fully accessible. I could see it was literally dripping wet. And it did look little compared to Austin's cock.

I didn't question her at all. At this point, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was doing this, and that I wanted to do this. Regardless of the implications, the impact to the relationship, whatever, I needed to do this.

Fully clothed – which felt a bit odd, but I honestly didn't care – I leaned down to Austin's cock. I had blown one guy in college: I had told Tanya, but we hadn't gone into any detail. Now here I was, with Austin's cock in my face. I felt a thrill, an exhilaration run thru me. I gently started to suck on just the tip of his cut cock, licking and sucking the pre-cum. His cock instantly grew a bit more.

I looked up and I could see Tanya looking down at me, her mouth open, like she was panting. Right as I looked up, I heard Austin say "He's doing it baby, he's blowing me just like you wanted." I immediately took in more of his cock in my mouth, straining my lips to get it all the way around and down about a quarter of the way. I continued to stare at Tanya, who looked at me again with this dream-like stare.

I continued to suck his cock, accepting the fact fully. I tried to suck him as deep as I possibly could. After only about a minute – I felt him pull me up off his cock – and could immediately sense what he wanted. As I pull off his cock, Tanya pushed her ass back. She was writhing on him and was fully ready for his cock.

Giving in to my feelings, I steered his cock to her pussy. Now I felt like I was the one in a dream-like state: Everything slowed down. As his cock entered her just slightly, she jerked her hips sideways, as if it was too large and she needed to stretch her pussy for him. She moved like this, back and forth on the tip of his cock. She had never done this with me. EVER.

By now I couldn't stop myself. I pulled my pants down and started to jack off, sitting on the end of the bed. They were both completely oblivious to me, like I wasn't there. Tanya was trying to ride his cock, and I say try, because she was slowly working his cock into her pussy. Austin, apparently experienced in this type of thing, was slowly fucking her, slowly working more and more of his cock into her. Tanya was now making noises I had never heard before from her, and she was twisting on his cock, trying to get more of it in her. Her pussy was tightly wrapped around his cock, and every time he would pull out a bit, you could see her pussy stretch and pull out a bit. I honestly couldn't believe it.

At the sight of that, I came all over myself: I literally shot cum up onto my face and neck, everywhere. No one noticed. After I came, with the post-orgasm state hitting me immediately, all I could do was stare as Austin continued to slowly work his cock into my wife. She was now crying, and I could see cum running out of her pussy onto his cock. He was whispering to her. I heard him say "I'm going to keep doing this to you...", and she responded with a haggard "yes that's what I want that's what I want...", which came out as a moan and between tears.

They continued. I couldn't believe it, but, as he fucked her slowly, he started to go deeper and deeper into her. After about 10 to 15 minutes, he was slowly fucking her with almost all of his cock. It wasn't this pounding type of sex. It was slow and purposeful. Every slow thrust, she cried, and I could tell, she was cumming over and over again.

At one point, as I sat there, I heard Tanya say "I'm yours I'm yours..." over and over again. She was literally panting. He just said "I know." to her responses – in this very quiet and relaxed voice.

As they fucked, I suddenly thought, they weren't using any condoms. Had they already gotten to the point that they didn't want to use them with each other?? I hadn't even considered asking about it.

Still in the same position, slowly fucking, I walked out of the room, feeling the need to rinse out my mouth. I walked downstairs, and I could still hear their slow moans and thrusts from the living room.
As I sat downstairs listening to Tanya's moans from upstairs, I started to have serious questions about whether I made the right choice. It hadn't been real until now. Even though she had met up with Austin and they had hooked up, I hadn't seen it or been involved until now. I couldn't get the picture of Tanya's face, or how her body was grinding on him in this fervent, out of control fashion. She had completely embraced it. As I thought about it, I had embraced it too. I enjoyed blowing Austin and putting his cock into Tanya. I had never been so hard or had cum as hard as I did after that.

As sat there thinking about it, I felt the tremendous urge to watch again. I snuck back upstairs. The door to the room was slightly ajar.

They had changed positions. Tanya was now reversed: she was still on top of Austin, but with her back to him. What I noticed immediately was how sweaty she was. It was dripping from her body and her hair was drenched. She wasn't moaning as much, and she was fully fucking Austin now, all the way down on him and all the way out. It still looked like this small girl with this huge man. I could tell she was getting tired -- but she seemed to be driving herself more physically than I had ever seen from her sexually.

No one noticed me there. I couldn't help but start to jack of again. I stood in the hallway, masturbating -- this time, edging myself as I watched.

They suddenly stopped as Austin pushed Tanya off him and flipped her on her back. It was this casual move, like it was so easy for him to do it. Tanya did exactly what he wanted, with her eyes glazed but staring at him the whole time. Again they didn't even acknowledge that I was there.

Austin got on top of her and pushed her legs up straight in the air, and rubbed his cock on her pussy, as she put her hands on his hips, holding him back. He slowly worked his cock into her. This was clearly more intimate now: As he did this, they both stared at each other. As Austin separated Tanya's legs, he lowered his body onto her. Because of his size, her head faced his chest. He again started whispering to her -- slowly fucking her. He had his chin on the top of her head.

Tanya started to cry again, while kissing Austins' chest. As she did that, he really started to fuck her intensely, rotating his hips in circles and rolling his hips back and forth.

I couldn't help it. I came again but continued to watch. They were fucking like they were a couple. They were holding hands. They talked to each other in low whispers as they fucked and moaned. They kissed and stared at each other. Tanya kept sobbing and mumbling.

Austin slowly started fucking harder. Until now, he was slowly pumping, back and forth, back and forth, in this regular, continuous stroking. Now he was more aggressive -- I could tell he was starting to feel himself getting ready to cum. Tanya was trying to hold him back from fucking her too hard -- she had her hands on his hips, trying to prevent him from going all the way it.

As he kept fucking like this, Tanya suddenly gave in. She stopped holding him back and started to really grind on him. Then they both suddenly came together, at the same time. Austin started moaning that he was cumming, and Tanya sobbed. It was something that I had never seen, ever. He didn't pull out but came inside her. They both seemed to not care. I could see the bed starting to really get wet from the cum leaking out of her.

As they both started to come down from their ******* and started to slow down -- they both looked at each other and seemed to release all this emotion. Austin smiled and laughed in relief, and Tanya laughed and cried at the same time. They hugged and kissed. As they did this, I opened up the door and sat on the side of the bed again. After about a couple minutes, Austin rolled off Tanya. As he did, Tanya cuddled up next to him, wrapping herself around his leg and nestling her head in his chest. They looked at each other and kissed, again, not saying anything to me.

I felt like a third wheel at this point. I quietly got up and went back downstairs. I sat down and essentially was numb. I didn't feel terrible or amazing. I felt, defeated. Like I had given in. I sat there and just stared at the wall, replaying what I had just saw in my head over and over again.

After about 10 minutes I heard the shower turn on. About a half hour later, both Austin and Tanya came downstairs: Austin was fully dressed, Tanya was in her robe. They were holding hands, with Austin leading Tanya.

Austin grinned at me but didn't say a word. I sat there but couldn't really say anything. As Austin approached the front door, Tanya wrapped herself around his waist.

"Please text me?" as she said that, she choked up a bit, the emotion welling up in her ever so slightly. "Of course. You need to stay over my place this weekend." Austin briefly looked my way, again with a slight smile.

"I will, I will. Please just let me know when and I would love to come over. I'll do whatever you want." Again, she sobbed just slightly.

"Oh, I know. I have plans for us." Austin grinned again and looked at me again. I couldn't look him in the face -- I glanced down.

Austin leaned down and kissed Tanya. She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tiptoes. He slightly picked her up off the floor, wrapping his arms all the way around her. After their kiss ended, he continued to hold her up off the floor, as she laid her head in the crook of his neck and sighed. I heard her whisper in the smallest voice "Thank you".

Austin put her down, kissed her forehead, and then made his exit.

As Tanya closed the door, she paused for about 5 seconds before turning around to face me. As she did, we both stared at each other, not saying anything. Her face had a matter of fact look to it, like she was preparing to tell me how things were going to go from now on.

I tried to beat her to the punch. "Well -- I really hope that was good for you T. I -- I just want you to be happy and I love you." I felt tears coming up in me, but I ****** them down.

Tanya let out a small sigh. "Well it was pretty intense wasn't it?" She smiled and grasped my hand. "I'm glad you didn't freak out. You did exactly what I wanted, and you ARE making me happy. This has been really tough for me, but I feel like I can tell you this: I think Austin made me cum for the first time ever. When it happened the first time, I felt so guilty. I didn't think I should be able to feel this way, that it was wrong." Tanya sat down on the couch and continued.

"I also had these intense feelings of wanting you to be involved. I wanted you to see how I was feeling, how amazing it was for me." She choked up just a bit but regained her composure.

"But today was really perfect. I wanted you to watch us. I wanted you to suck Austin's cock. I hope its ok I'm saying this? I honestly wanted all of it, and this time, I was able to fully relax. You knew what was going on, I felt safe, and I wasn't as nervous the first time."

She grabbed my hand and looked at me very gently, the emotion on her face evident. "I want this to continue David. I really need it to continue. I want to explore where this could go, and I want you to continue to do what you are doing. What we did today, I want that again."

She looked intently, almost pleading with me. Her emotions were making me emotional as well. I could feel the tears in my eyes again. I didn't know how to handle this, but I felt more love for Tanya now than I had in a while. I know that's an odd thing, but it's true.

I finally worked up the courage to speak. "You don't think less of me because I sucked Austin, do you?" I felt my voice quiver as I said it.

"No! Honey no. I actually think it's one of the most loving things you have ever done. I know you did it for me, that you want me to be happy. When you took my panties off, it honestly felt so amazing: I think when you did that, I accepted the fact that you were really doing this for me, which I think is the most selfless thing anyone has ever done for me."

I gripped her hand. "Thank you for saying that. It's true, I never thought I could do it, but when we were all upstairs, it just felt right. I knew that this was what you wanted."

Tanya cuddled next to me, putting her arms around me. "I'm so glad we can talk about this. I think this could really take our relationship to the next level. And I still think you're sexy and I still want to have sex with you!"

Even though I had masturbated twice, I felt my cock stir. The idea of sex after she was with Austin was intoxicating.

"You mean, right now?" I asked.

Well, I'm a little sore, so maybe not sex right now, but if you wanted to go down on me, I wouldn't stop you!" She opened up her robe, revealing her tanned legs and shaved pussy.

As soon as she said that, my mind locked in on the fact that I would be eating out her pussy with Austin's cum still in it. She didn't have to say anything else. I got down on my knees and knelt between her legs. She pulled her robe back, spreading her legs wide. I gently started licking her clit and pussy, sticking my tongue into her. I could taste the mixture of their cum, and I lapped it up. Tanya sighed and had her eyes closed, as if she was in another place. I continued, gently sucking on her clit, licking circles around it, and going back and forth between her pussy and her clit. I could tell her pussy had just been fucked, and as i licked and sucked, I fantasized about her and Austin, him fucking her. I also kept thinking about what it was like to suck Austin's cock.

I was fully hard again, but I was focused her Tanya. As I licked her, I kept watching her face. Eventually she opened her eyes and looked at me as I sucked and licked her. As she looked at me, I felt this urge to speak -- so I did. "Honey I will lick you pussy after you are with Austin every time if you want that."

"I do. I do want that. I want you to continue sucking Austin and licking my pussy and watching us. I want to you to help me fuck Austin, help me grind on his cock. Can you do that?" The honestly in Tanya's voice was very apparent.

"Yes honey -- I'll do anything you want. I'll suck Austin's cum if you want." I panted as I spoke.

She smiled. "That's good D, that's very good." Tanya slowly pulled her legs together, obviously having enough of me eating her out.

Over the next three months, Tanya and Austin became a couple. She would usually stay at his apartment on the weekends, and about once a week, he would come over to our house, and I would suck his cock hard, getting him ready to fuck T. It became more regular, like something that was expected. Several times, I sucked Austin's cock until he came, while Tanya kissed him and whispered to him about how she wanted me to suck his cum. At first, it was difficult. He came a lot, and the first time I gagged big time. Tanya and Austin both laughed -- which resulted in me laughing too. However, over time, I felt like I was getting better at it. And I actually enjoyed it. I didn't need to have sex with them, I really liked helping them have sex. I would sometimes hold Tanya's hand or foot while they fucked.

Tanya and I had sex a few times during this time period. However, things were different. Our sex was more loving, caring, but not aggressive, pounding sex. I could tell she was a tiny bit looser, but not in an excessive way. I found myself thinking about Austin and her as we fucked, fantasizing about them fucking or me blowing him. When I did that, I almost always came very fast. Similarly, when I masturbated, I always thought about them fucking, which made me cum in like 5 minutes.

On a Monday after she had stayed at Austin's, Tanya mentioned she wanted to talk.

Over the past couple months, Tanya really had started to look and act much sexier, which was obviously a result of her connection with Austin. She openly flirted more. She was clearly more confident in her sexuality and seemed to use it regularly. She regularly kept her pussy shaved. She regularly wore anklets, and started to wear spade anklets, which made me wonder if she was interested in other men -- namely, black men. She had started to regularly wear very tight leggings, so tight that you could usually see the slight outline of her pussy, which she would wear with short shirts. Overall, her relationship with Austin had put her in a much better mood all the time.

"D, do you have time to talk about Austin?"

I nodded yes. Over time, Tanya had become very open about her and Austin. I had told her that she should be fully honest with me. So when she mentioned she wanted to talk, I knew it had some sexual reference. I also had become much more compliant to Tanya's sexual needs. Anything she wanted, I would do.

"I just wanted you to know that I've started to hang out with Austin and his roommate."

I wasn't surprised. I had a feeling that she was interested in other men, and I had just been going with the flow. She had flirted with several men while we were out to dinner last week, right in front of me. Several of the men were somewhat taken back.

I tried to respond in a non-confrontational manner. "Just so I understand, are you having sex with Austin's roommate? Is this something new?"

She smiled slightly. "I just figured you would be ok with it. He's actually very nice, and not pushy at all. If you want to meet him, I'm totally fine with that!" She again smiled ever so slightly.

I honestly was starting to not like this. I enjoyed what was going on with Austin, but I had no idea who this other guy was. I didn't really have a lot of control over the situation, but I went ahead and voiced my concern.

"I don't know honey. Are you sure about this? I don't know who this guy is, I've never met him."

Tanya's body language seemed to suggest she didn't like what I was saying. She folded her arms and she frowned. "Look, like I said, he's a nice guy. He works in town -- he's not in school at the University. I honestly thought you would be ok with this. I mean, you want me to be happy, right? We're together, right? I mean, I haven't left you, even though you like sucking cock. Most women would just take off, especially if they were getting laid the way I am. I'm just saying, I might enjoy seeing what other men are like. I never really did that when I was younger, and now, I can do that."

Tanya's words hurt. It seemed like if I didn't agree with her, she would get more pissed off. I tried to diffuse the discussion.

"Look I didn't say you can't. I was just suggesting that it might not be the best idea. But you know best. So, can I ask again -- have you already had sex with this guy?"

Tanya continued to keep her arms folded. "Well I'm not sure that's any of your business. But if you must know, yes. I mean, Austin is fine with it, so I don't know why you wouldn't."

I continued to probe. "Can you at least tell me what happened? I'm still your husband."

Tanya laughed. "My cock sucking husband. I mean, you like it D, admit it. I can tell, you like sucking cock, so just embrace it -- like I enjoy being fucked by athletic men. Fine, I'll tell you what happened. We were all sitting around having a *******, and Austin was telling James about you -- how you found him online, and acted like you just ran into him a coffeeshop."

I tried to not show any emotion at all, but I felt my eyes get bigger. I quickly recovered.

"Didn't think I knew about that huh? Oh, I've known the first time Austin and I met. That's a key reason why I started letting him fuck me. But in some odd way, I'm so glad you did it."

"Anyway we were all sitting around, and Austin was talking about you, how you set me and him up, and how I've been needing to cum for a long time. We all had a pretty honest discussion about my needs. James was very open about wanting to show me what it would be like to cum with him, and how he could help to educate me. It's funny, I have no problem anymore talking about that with men. So he did. I guess I should say they both did! I had my first real threesome, and I can tell you -- it was amazing. I thought I had experienced everything, but I was wrong."

Tanya leaned in to me, like she was telling me a secret. "They tied me up. Gently. And then they both fucked me everywhere. I mean everywhere."

She looked happy to tell me. She smiled and crossed her legs. She looked at me, waiting for my response. I didn't say anything. She continued.

"So, this is something I think I'm going to continue, fucking them both. It's really ironic that, for the longest time, this is what YOU wanted. And actually, I would have done that with you and Austin, but I never EVER thought you would actually take me up on the idea of sucking Austin's cock."

"So, here's the deal: If you want to be involved, and you wanna watch and suck James' cock, I'll ask him. I'm not sure he will be down with it, but if you want that, OK. Otherwise, I'll continue fucking them and whoever else."

Tanya seemed pleased with herself. She seemed happy, almost relieved to say what she was saying. He eyes almost sparkled as she said it. And I felt like I had no options other than saying yes.