Honest opinion

Hey all I have been dating my girlfriend for 5 years or more, I can't believe I am writing this but she doesn't enjoy sex with me, also I don't remember the last time I have made her cum during sex, what do you think I should do,
I very in to cuckold and IR, my girlfriend doesn't know am in to it, she is very vanilla in bed, do you think I should tell her my thoughts?
Tell her your thoughts but - more importantly - ask hers!
So what can you do? Again i say, ask your girlfriend. Ask her what she likes or what you can do to improve yourself.

i have found many people have a misunderstanding of what sex is. Some would say "intercourse" - but that's dead wrong! The biggest human sexual organ is the gray matter between our ears. Sexual stimulatioin is not merely physical but most of all we rely on mental triggers that open us up to arousal. If we fail that first step, we will not be enabled to having good satisfactory sex and orgasms. Also physical pleasure can be manifold. Penile-vaginal stimulation is but one of the many acts you can carry out in order to please yourself and your partner. Our nerve system is interconnected, and stimulating a variety of erogenous zones can trigger an orgasm even without touching the clit or dick, if mental build-up and timing are perfect. There are no rules to follow that would satisfy everybody, as anybody is different. So exploring sex as a couple together, having an open ear to your partner, bringing in some imagination - your own, or input from other couple's experiences - can help grow into having more fulfilling sex. You can use porn or toys if you like but always check your partner's reaction to your moves and never use preassure.

Any advice you ask in an online forum from people you don't know and who don't know you is not going to help in your personal life situation. The first and most important connection you need to make is that with your partner!

That is my honest opinion, which is what you are asking for, right?
Hey all I have been dating my girlfriend for 5 years or more, I can't believe I am writing this but she doesn't enjoy sex with me, also I don't remember the last time I have made her cum during sex, what do you think I should do,
I very in to cuckold and IR, my girlfriend doesn't know am in to it, she is very vanilla in bed, do you think I should tell her my thoughts?

With due caution but, sure, tell her your thoughts. Transparency and communication are very important in a couple. You have the opportunity to save your relationship. I don't think there is a vanilla girl, it depends on the context. With the "right" (black) men she will transform rapidly from vanilla to sluttish ;)
The most important thing is to reassure her that you still love her that you will be close to her, that you will protect her, that you will be faithful to her, indeed, even more than before
Hey all I have been dating my girlfriend for 5 years or more, I can't believe I am writing this but she doesn't enjoy sex with me, also I don't remember the last time I have made her cum during sex, what do you think I should do,
I very in to cuckold and IR, my girlfriend doesn't know am in to it, she is very vanilla in bed, do you think I should tell her my thoughts?
Like it has been mentioned you need to sit down and talk and be honest. It is pretty common for people to get bored if you can basically make a call by call play of what is going to happen in the bedroom. Sit down and talk about both of your ideas and which ones you can explore or make realities. It is going to be a little uncomfortable and odd but it's a good conversation for any couple to have.
Hey all I have been dating my girlfriend for 5 years or more, I can't believe I am writing this but she doesn't enjoy sex with me, also I don't remember the last time I have made her cum during sex, what do you think I should do,
I very in to cuckold and IR, my girlfriend doesn't know am in to it, she is very vanilla in bed, do you think I should tell her my thoughts?
This could be due to so many things. First like most people have mentioned on here you two should have an open sex talk in regards to wants and desires and see if you are on the same page. This will tell you if maybe you two just aren't on the same sexual wavelengths. You can also try and spice things up next time with different positions, games in the bedroom, toys and such. Take baby steps.