Hi everyone

call me J, lol. I’m still not 100% sure about this life style so I’m keeping things very discreet for now, but I think there’s pretty much no escaping it. I’m 23, but I’ve already had 2 girls leave me for larger, better, black men. And as for right now, I’m talking to a girl but it’s long distance. She’s seen pics of me, and she claims I’m enough, and “bigger than average”, but as far as I know every guy she’s has dated but before me has been black too, so I’m sure there’s no way around it.

Basically for now though, I am hoping to find some people who are down to humiliate me to start with, basically make fun of my size (or lack thereof). Maybe go from there and see what happens. Basically I just want to “get used to it” :) anyways, hi again, hope to get to know all of you :)