Have a dilemma.. should I let a co worker fuck me or not..

Sweetie that's how I started was with a co-worker that kept hitting on me and look what it did to me :blackgreedy:
Did this cause a problem later with him or with gossip with other people in the office or was it a one off.. this guy is bloody sexy and well endowed, if it was a guy outside off work I would have let him fuck me, and thatsthe problem but I just don’t want the grief, it wouldn’t be good in my position at work. Guess I should sack him so I can fuck him lol
Yes, we are entitled to disagree and I'm glad our thinking is extremely different.
Why are you on B2W? As you're past messages would indicate, you have a desire to see your wife blacked. Why? It gets you off. You are now emboldened to see that through, make it happen. But there are risks. STDs, relationship changes, loss of wife to another man. Is that really so different than the op's supposed dilemma? And if you're above the normal, human condition, then why not just remove your account and be solely exclusive and monogamous to your wife? Seems the sensible choice for a stand-up guy like you.

I'm not even trying to engage in controversy. I just am trying to figure out how you think I was incorrect in saying that the passion that has been unleashed is now very hard to contain, much like your desire to have your wife blacked.
Like others have said be careful. Even with chemistry having sex with someone you work with can create a series of problems. Not only do you need to keep it discreet but you also have to be very careful of the way you act around him. Someone in your workplace can see the two of you together and can report you both. Then you are both out of a job. Is it worth losing your job to sleep with him? Also know that if your co-workers know and you do have a problem with sexual harassment from a different co-worker they may not believe you. I would consider everything others have said and also what the implications would be if caught before every playing with him.
Thanks very wise commitment
No sex just played with his cock and I think he did cum.. but no penetration
LOL This sounds like Bill Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman!" You are both married and if all four aren't on board than that wouldn't be right. florida crackr you are making a good deal of sense and we do have self will in which animals do not. Playing with this man's cock, kissing him and letting him insert his fingers in your pussy is sex. What if even that got around at the work place, most people not in a cuckold relationship would think that is a big deal and they would respond differently.
This black guy I work with keeps hitting on me, rubs my ass or smacks it.. I originated from the Christmas office party where I was ******* and we kissed, he played with my pussy and had a couple of fingers in my pussy and I did play with this cock, but didn’t suck him off or do anything else just a bit of fun when *******. Now he keeps on trying to go further. He is good looking and has a nice cock. But he’s married with ******* and I have to work with him from time to time .... unsure what will happen if I have sex with him and the gossip in the office ..?????????
Office flings can be a lot of fun and also a double edged sword. First and foremost if you're like most people working full-time you spend more time around your coworkers than most other people so it happens. The thrill can be naughty and that can even drive some of the fun. The bad parts are yes if it goes bad you are still coworkers and if he decides to brag you can become the office rumor of conversation piece. I'd see what type of a person he is and if he is vindictive or is one for sharing everything over shop talk it might be for the better to stay away. As far as his wife and family that is something he has to answer for and he has to deal with. It could be potential drama for you if she finds out and decides to come storming into the office to throw down. If you don't want to even take a small chance there stay away. My suggestion would be talk it out with him and make sure everyone knows it is private, for fun, and drama free and when and if one of those stops being the case it is done and everyone moves on.
Why are you on B2W? As you're past messages would indicate, you have a desire to see your wife blacked. Why? It gets you off. You are now emboldened to see that through, make it happen. But there are risks. STDs, relationship changes, loss of wife to another man. Is that really so different than the op's supposed dilemma? And if you're above the normal, human condition, then why not just remove your account and be solely exclusive and monogamous to your wife? Seems the sensible choice for a stand-up guy like you.

I'm not even trying to engage in controversy. I just am trying to figure out how you think I was incorrect in saying that the passion that has been unleashed is now very hard to contain, much like your desire to have your wife blacked.

I think you are misreading. Yes, that's what I'm trying to do but with the caveat that all people know and understand what's going on.
The original post was more in line with cheating if the mans' wife doesn't know that he is with another woman. Cheating isn't the theme of this site.

If you want to cheat, then perhaps Ashley Madison would be a more appropriate site.
Office flings can be a lot of fun and also a double edged sword. First and foremost if you're like most people working full-time you spend more time around your coworkers than most other people so it happens. The thrill can be naughty and that can even drive some of the fun. The bad parts are yes if it goes bad you are still coworkers and if he decides to brag you can become the office rumor of conversation piece. I'd see what type of a person he is and if he is vindictive or is one for sharing everything over shop talk it might be for the better to stay away. As far as his wife and family that is something he has to answer for and he has to deal with. It could be potential drama for you if she finds out and decides to come storming into the office to throw down. If you don't want to even take a small chance there stay away. My suggestion would be talk it out with him and make sure everyone knows it is private, for fun, and drama free and when and if one of those stops being the case it is done and everyone moves on.

Should you also include his wife with this knowledge?
I would like too but don’t want the hassle so yeah unsure and you are probably right. Think once think twice and don’t do it. Easy to say I guess hard to do when your are one another for 9 hours a day aaaarh
I think you are misreading. Yes, that's what I'm trying to do but with the caveat that all people know and understand what's going on.
The original post was more in line with cheating if the mans' wife doesn't know that he is with another woman. Cheating isn't the theme of this site.

If you want to cheat, then perhaps Ashley Madison would be a more appropriate site.
I didn't say anything about cheating. I don't condone cheating. What I'm saying is, and I thought I said it pretty clearly, is that the temptation will be hard to stow away at this point. The cat is out of the bag.

Argue much do you?
I didn't say anything about cheating. I don't condone cheating. What I'm saying is, and I thought I said it pretty clearly, is that the temptation will be hard to stow away at this point. The cat is out of the bag.

Argue much do you?

Sure you implied cheating when you referenced the original post and somehow relished in the thought that we are animals by nature and couldn't resist our urges. Try not to think of yourself as an ******* that can't control your urges even if it means hurting another person.
We all have strong urges but our thought process doesn't go beyond not being able to control those urges.
The cat might be out of the bag but it can be put back inside the bag. It must be difficult for you to be uncontrollable.
This black guy I work with keeps hitting on me, rubs my ass or smacks it.. I originated from the Christmas office party where I was ******* and we kissed, he played with my pussy and had a couple of fingers in my pussy and I did play with this cock, but didn’t suck him off or do anything else just a bit of fun when *******. Now he keeps on trying to go further. He is good looking and has a nice cock. But he’s married with ******* and I have to work with him from time to time .... unsure what will happen if I have sex with him and the gossip in the office ..?????????
guess u got to see pro n cons i done it 3 times fuck female workers 2 of them
Was wild n we used to fuck before or after work in the parking lot but the last 1 was a mess cause she said something to a coworker n turn out. Big gossip, but it both want n know the rules n consecuenses go for it - and are u married???
Did this cause a problem later with him or with gossip with other people in the office or was it a one off.. this guy is bloody sexy and well endowed, if it was a guy outside off work I would have let him fuck me, and thatsthe problem but I just don’t want the grief, it wouldn’t be good in my position at work. Guess I should sack him so I can fuck him lol
It never caused any problems. We had a thing for about 6 months and never a problem :)
Sure you implied cheating when you referenced the original post and somehow relished in the thought that we are animals by nature and couldn't resist our urges. Try not to think of yourself as an ******* that can't control your urges even if it means hurting another person.
We all have strong urges but our thought process doesn't go beyond not being able to control those urges.
The cat might be out of the bag but it can be put back inside the bag. It must be difficult for you to be uncontrollable.
I won't highjack this thread any longer. But seriously, you are a complete jackass, as your numerous posts and opinions clearly indicate.
guess u got to see pro n cons i done it 3 times fuck female workers 2 of them
Was wild n we used to fuck before or after work in the parking lot but the last 1 was a mess cause she said something to a coworker n turn out. Big gossip, but it both want n know the rules n consecuenses go for it - and are u married???
Divorced sweet a while ago
It never caused any problems. We had a thing for about 6 months and never a problem :)
I agree, the misconception is that it will cause a problem. I did it twice, didn't have a problem both times. One was older white chick, the other was younger Asian chick.
It can be done as long as y'all both smart about it