Go Ahead...Call Me Easy 😁.

so many great comments in this post... and so many thoughts/questions I've asked myself... firstly to answer the initially asked question....I also find that I'm more open to a broader range of women outside of being a "10". like someone said earlier, it's about more than just physical... so if there is chemistry, personality etc etc I'm more open to engagement
Chemistry is the biggest component for sexual attraction for me. I have been routinely surprised when I feel nothing around a "8-10" . But get a raging hard on in the presence of a "5-7". Not always the case...But enough for me to notice. Also if my dick doesn't like you immediately...Neither will I 🤣.
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Chemistry is the biggest component for sexual attraction for me. I have been routinely surprised when I feel nothing around a "8-10" . But get a raging hard on in the presence of a "5-7". Not always the case...But enough for me to notice. Always if my dick doesn't like you immediately...Neither will I 🤣.
true words...I break it down into two sides ...some women my body reacts to immediately...other women my body responds as I get to know them more or see them in specific situations
true words...I break it down into two sides ...some women my body reacts to immediately...other women my body responds as I get to know them more or see them in specific situations
Agreed 100%. Has it been your experience that the immediate chemistry overwhelming makes for best eventual sex?
1000% if there is alignment in chemistry...the sex as well as the flirtation, building of desire and conversation is on a whole different level. and it's funny because one never knows who is going to bring it out of me in that way
1000+ Bro 👍🏽😉👌🏽👊🏽💪🏽😎✌🏽. When I have been able to get at it. Within the span of a first encounter... It's been some of the most thrilling experiences I've ever had. Nothing like "Get it while it's hot".
first encounters are great... especially upon first meetings and you can feel the magnetism.
"get it while it's hot" indeed... though there is also something incredible that happens with the "slow simmer"
As a Black man who has a broad range of what I find attractive in women...
Meaning if she isn't a "10" .
Doesn't necessarily keep me from wanting to fuck/date/bond with her.
I find this dynamic to be more prevalent in Black men than white men.
Ladies if you agree with this...
1) Why do you think it is this way?
2) How does it make you feel about Black men?
3) How does it make you feel about white men?
4) Black men if you are like me in this regard... Why are you like/not like this?

Depending on the responses.
I will elaborate on my own reasons/experiences.
But for now...
I'll just say it's because historically...
As a white man I don't really care about what BBC's preferance is. But this post makes argue that for some reason I lose a lot of respect for white women that and up with small or black looking black cock. Not sure why I feel that way but I do. While we are at it, you have a nice looking cock so I respect white girls that spread their pussies for you. Not sure if its relatable to the topic, I am not sure if I understand completely what you are trying to say? That you don't reject white girls that are not a 10? Well that's fine. But white girls should reject BBCs that are not a 10 😋
Could it be in your eyes the only worth a Black man has lies solely in his dick🙄?

Ofc not. But majority of the white women that are into this are size queens and are in this for fun, not looking for a soul mate in a black bull. Or I got it wrong in your opinion?

Wonderful that you as a white male cuck don't speak for white women 😏?
Could it be in your eyes the only worth a Black man has lies solely in his dick🙄?

Wonderful that you as a white male cuck don't speak for white women 😏?

I don't comment representing anyone. I represent myself and I comment on how I percieve and understand. Why are you so edgy? ☺️
I represent myself and I comment on how I percieve and understand.

I am not sure if I understand completely what you are trying to say
You've stated that you don't understand. I'm not surprised. Your comments are ignorant, condescending, and patronizing. Pick up a dictionary if you need to. Not edgy at all. This is how I respond to comments such as yours. Also my original post is not specific to white women alone. Are they the only women that matter from your perspective 😏?