Girls with tattoos!

who is that

Such a shame to see really beautiful young women ruin their bodies with a hodge-podge of tats. :(
It's one thing to have tasteful artwork (like a flowered vine or colorful serpent) that enhances or draws ones eye to their curves, but a bunch of non-related "sailor style" blotches placed willy-nilly does nothing for me. :cold:
Just wondering folks...the women who cover themselves in that a statement of their appreciation of the art or is it a way to build a barrier to men who may have an interest...with the high number and level of tats does it limit their options? ...not a criticism..the women are fine, just asking the question..osp
I think it depends where you are in life, i have quite a few tattoos. 2 of which previous boyfriends got me have. My hubby loves naughty tatts and turns him and other guys on. On the other hand i dont want my 2 boys having one (i know thats hypocritical) and if i was a young girl wanting to marry a lawyer or something then not advisable. Saying that our prime ministers wife has a dolphin tattooed on ankle!