Girls getting Blacked!

Me and my best friends a couple months back that i turned them on to the guys who had gangbanged me. They had a cumtastic time and are asking for more šŸ¤©
Me and 2nd friend had fun but called it a night wellll before our first friend that night. She was on a mission to let as many college guys bang her as possible that night. She had lifetime stories from that day/night
Work of art sexie Beautie :love: :love:
My hubā€™s a dog,,,ā€anything 8 to 80, blind crippled or retardedā€, but I know him, heā€™d hit this once and be done, tatts are fine, Iā€™ve got a Tiger Cub above and to the right of my puss, but this is too much, plus he canā€™t stand genital piercings, those are places he likes to put his junk, not looking forward to finding his cock doing an impression of a big mouth bass on the end of a hook,,,and gauges? Getdafuggouttaheyah!!! What, she couldnā€™t find any clay plates for her lips? If you place your appearance and validation above your sexual activity, even Iā€™d pass, and Iā€™ve been known to enjoy a labia or two.