Girls getting Blacked!

Queen of Spades Philosophy & Creed
"I am a white woman of unique beauty to which I'm not only referring to my appearance but also my talents, my throne I shall ascend with besties for we shall live a long happy life with our beloved loyal faithful magnificent majestic gorgeous muscular strong intelligent kindhearted black king. Whom I too will always be by his side supporting him every step of the way, even after death our love will be told for generations to come in some shape form or fashion."
  1. Let a white woman of pure heart be honorably lovingly converted by her true love a black king African loyalty or not as she becomes mentally Queen of Spades climbing her metaphorically spoken throne.
  2. After a white woman from a Suburban neighborhood of a major city fulfills her destiny as Queen of Spades, may she have access to not only queen of spade style manicures & pedicures but also new hairstyles & new wardrobe.
  3. Never ever pretend to be a Queen of Spades if your love for a black man is not genuine, nothing is more infuriating then a white woman false claiming to be something such as a middle age white woman false claiming to be a "cougar" when she hardly tries to stays in contact with a black guy she just slept with recently if not years ago.
  4. As a Queen of Spades, never ever stop loving black men including your black king.
  5. Be yourself & awsome.
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I'll keep it brief, I use to be a fan of Deauxma so much so to leave a nice compliment on one of the photos she tweeted years ago. However she started being on some clown bullshit & didn't really acknowledge nor thank me for the nice compliment.
Overtime it became clear that she was false claiming to be a middle age "cougar" despite her Twitter page not really showing Fredrick Way a black guy she preformed with in Cougar Club 3 any love. Which I was lead to believe she at least stayed in contact with him, nope no love for this fine black guy.
Moral of the story don't false claim to be a "cougar" or Queen of Spades if your love for black men ain't genuine.
Such wasted potential of a good interracial relationship...😔
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I hate when whenever I bing or Google image search black man & white woman interracial couple photos, I always get the opposite. Which is annoying as hell because I'm trying to find something good for y'all to enjoy.