GF is angry and going out

What's up everyone, first real post on here about my own story. First of all, I'm a pretty private person, so sorry if I don't post any full pics (at least yet), but maybe a few people would get a kick (or a stroke) out of this, especially knowing that it's real. Basic stats, I'm in my young 30s, gf is 24. I'm mixed and she's blonde. Has an amazing body, and cute young face. We're in the bay area in California. I work in tech. Interview tomorrow in SF :S we've been together for a year.

Long story short, we have pretty good communication, are very open about talking about fantasies and all of that - she's not someone that I have to work on to hint at any fantasies. Speaking of, I don't really consider myself the standard 'cuck' type, though it's a turn on. I've ranged from being interested in femdom, male domination, cuck, open relationships, and enjoy all aspects of sexuality. I am jgenerally confident, vocal, and sometimes aggressive. Of course, she's the jealous type so probably no open relationship on my side, which is probably just as well for me since I would spend way too much time chasing girls until my head was spinning if it was, and I am a very busy person with 2+ jobs, and a few side investment gigs etc.

So most of the time, we don't talk about her messing around with anyone else, but she teases me about it relatively often. About being into black guys, guys who are larger, etc. Or about a guy she used to fool around with who's body she's in love with. It's definitely not something she just does to tease me, as she really is into it as well. Like what happened when she installed Tinder... But we value our relationship and her safetly so are not just diving into anything and not sure if we will.

Anyway, again long story (attempted to be) short, we had a bit of a tiff yesterday (about a detail on having *******), and she told me that she's going out dancing and feels (in that 'true joke' type of way) like she should be able to make out with one of her fellow dancers, or fuck one guy that she used to mess around with in the car (she is very sexually upfront and not shy about things). Now, I don't really think she will, but she is definitely having real urges, and not sure what's gonna happen. Ok, she also joked (but sounded serious) that our disagreement about family planning won't mattter cuz she'll be coming home with a black baby cooking in her womb anyway. That girl knows how to get to me.

Probably nothing. But maybe I should piss her off more often :p