Frugality Comes with a Price

Caitlin and I are a late-20s DINK couple that love to take nice vacations to exotic locales. We've been married for four years, and decided early in our relationship, before starting a family, we were going to spend time together traveling the world. So far, our finances have allowed for one large and one small vacation each year, with destinations that have included Paris, Buenos Aires, and Istanbul.

Using all our discretionary money for trips has not exactly been conducive to planning for the future, and even though we still wanted to wait a couple more years before having *******, we realized it was time to start saving. However, since we weren't ready to just stay home, the answer seemed to be to scale back. We had always leaned towards splurging, rationalizing that we might only have one chance to visit a place, but now that was going to need to change.

Caitlin and I met at work. At the time, I was an up and coming assistant product manager and she was fresh out of college working in the marketing department. We were introduced at a company happy hour and things immediately clicked. In fact, those working with us at the time like to tell stories about how they knew we were destined for each other from that very first meeting.

Fortunately for me, my wife is both attractive and intelligent, and she quickly wrapped me around her finger. She is a slender 5'7" tall with soft shoulder-length light-brown hair, matching brown eyes and full kissable lips. She has B-cup breasts tipped with tiny nipples that sit high on her chest and are well-proportioned for her frame. However, her best feature is her legs which are long, shapely and end in an extremely well-toned butt. I'm 5'11" with a medium build and a slightly receding hair line, not in bad shape, but I don't work out with near the fervor of Caitlin, so I'm a bit softer.

Having decided to make less extravagant destination plans, we threw ourselves into researching places that might fit our interests, and finally selected a Pacific beach town in Costa Rica. Since we both spoke some Spanish, it was appealing, and when the offseason rates were factored in it just seemed to make sense. To top it off, Caitlin was interested in learning how to surf, and there were many other activities nearby as well. It wasn't going to be first class this time, but we looked forward to it as something of an adventure.

We landed in San Jose and took a bus directly from the airport to the beach town. The bus was reasonably comfortable and the ride wasn't too bad except for a couple of tight turns around chasms in the mountains that caught our attention. Caitlin was dressed conservatively in hiking shorts and a short-sleeved button shirt, but still attracted male attention from the mix of locals and tourists.

We were dropped off near the center of town, and after asking directions to our hotel, we made what turned out to be a short 300-yard walk to its location, arriving right before sundown. It was one block off the beach, with no real view, but the room was clean with a king-sized bed, a bathroom with both a shower and tub, and there was a nice sitting area with a couch and a couple of chairs. The hotel also had a small pool with an outside bar and satellite TV, so all things considered, it exceeded our expectations.

"Can I buy you a ******* Mrs. Behrens?" I asked after we dropped our bags.

"Yes, you may. I need one! It's been a long day," she replied eagerly while flashing me her lovely smile.

We walked towards the beach and found a small bar with just a smattering of people, and after ordering our drinks, we relaxed while watching and hearing the sea roll in.

"Pretty big waves," I said, raising an eyebrow towards Caitlin.

"You need big waves to learn to surf properly," she replied, seemingly undaunted.

We signaled to our waiter for another round, and when he arrived, we started a conversation.

"Hector, do you know anyone that teaches surfing lessons," I asked the pleasant older man.

"Oh, yes. There are several instructors," he replied.

"How do you find them?" I followed.

"They work off the beach. Right along in there," he said, using his hand to gesture at the expanse in front of us.

"Anyone you would recommend?" Caitlin chimed in.

"The best is Juan Pablo. He is also the surfing champion," Hector informed us.

"And where do we find him?" she asked.

"Just a bit down there. You can ask anyone," he said while pointing to his left.

"Well, looks like tomorrow is planned," I said with a laugh.

"For part of the day. I'm sure it's tiring. We can relax and explore for the rest," she responded.

Caitlin tends to overdo things and it looked like this vacation would be no different. Since both of us were tired from the travel, we finished our drinks, went back to the hotel, and within minutes we were both asleep.

We were up early the next morning and after a light breakfast we wandered towards the beach. Unfortunately, it was still mostly empty, so we explored the town, noting several places for further investigation, and an hour later we returned to the water where things were beginning to liven.

"Hi, we're looking for Juan Pablo, the surfing instructor," I asked a young man in broken Spanish.

"There," he said, pointing towards a small hut under a few trees about fifty yards down the beach.

"Juan Pablo?" I asked a young man that looked to be in his early twenties, after walking to the hut.

"Yes, I am Juan Pablo," he replied in good English.

"My wife is interested in surfing lessons. We are told you are the best instructor," I said.

"Well, I think I am good, but perhaps not the best," he responded with a charming smile.

"How do you teach surfing?" Caitlin broke in, wanting to get to specifics.

"Ahhhh, well I teach about the board first and how the waves work and then we go to the water," he explained, turning and openly looking her up and down.

"How much are the lessons?" she asked, unfazed.

"Each lesson is $40 and lasts between an hour to an hour and a half," he told her, now completely ignoring me.

"Okay, when can we start?" she spoke, eagerly.

"We can now. I have no bookings this morning," he replied.

I paid him the $40 and told Caitlin I was going to wait on some chairs just down the beach, but just before leaving, I spotted a stack of colorful business cards on a ledge that ran along the front of the hut. Curious, I picked one up, then took Caitlin's bag and sat down just in time to see her peel off her shorts and t-shirt while Juan Pablo watched. She had purposefully worn a one-piece suit, anticipating that falling in the surf might be rough on a bikini, and had her hair pulled into a cute ponytail. As, I watched the young man stepped into the hut and returned quickly with something that he handed to my wife. She turned it a few times in her hands and then pulled it over her head. When it was in place, I could see that it was a dark, snuggly fitting long-sleeved shirt.

Juan Pablo took a long board and pulled it close to the water, and for the next thirty minutes I observed as he instructed Caitlin on how to lie, kneel and stand. She seemed to be enjoying herself and so did Juan Pablo, who had the energy of youth and a perpetual smile. Surfing in the cool water must have kept his body lean as there didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on his almost 6 ft. tall body. He had long dark hair that reached his shoulders and wore a swim suit that went almost to his knees. I noticed his body was smooth except for a trail of hair that started at his belly button and disappeared into his suit.

Remembering the card, I picked it up from the table and saw that it was advertising for a photographer in town. Since the name shown was Ezzi, I surmised the photographer was female, and thinking it could be fun to get a few shots of my wife surfing, I stuffed the card in my shorts with the intent to search out the shop later.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Caitlin asked, bringing me back to consciousness as I realized I must have dozed off in the pleasant breeze.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you done?" I asked.

"No, I'm not tired yet, so I'm going to do another lesson. I need some suntan lotion though," she replied, reaching into her bag.

Caitlin sprayed the lotion on her uncovered areas and started to leave when I asked, "What's that shirt for?"

"Oh, it's a special surfing shirt so I don't get chaffed," she explained, and with that she bounced back to Juan Pablo, who waited for her with a board under his arm.

They went out to a location where there were some small breakers, and with Juan Pablo holding the board, Caitlin climbed on. He would try to get her started as a wave passed, and the first half dozen times she fell, but the next three attempts she rode the wave long enough to stand for a few seconds. This continued with her making progress until, for no apparent reason, she began to revert. Finally, she waved him off, and they walked together back to the beach.

"I'm exhausted. It's much harder than it looks!" she exclaimed.

"I don't know, it looked pretty hard," I said, proud of her for what she had accomplished.

"I need another $40," she informed me, and I reached into my wallet and gave her the cash.

Caitlin walked back and gave her instructor the money, then stayed and talked with him for twenty more minutes.

"I have another lesson tomorrow," she explained, when she finally returned.

"Good, you were getting there," I said encouragingly.

"You think so?" she asked.

"Yes, I do. Good progress, although I think you were getting tired at the end," I told her.

Caitlin pulled a lounge chair next to me and we relaxed for another hour before collecting our things and departing in search of a place for lunch. After a good ceviche, we went back to the hotel for a nap. Feeling revived after some sleep, she started pestering me to try out ziplining and when we called the front desk and learned there was a nice place just a fifteen-minute drive away, it wasn't long before we were out the door. It turned out to be good fun, and in the late afternoon it was not crowded. When we were finished, we instructed the taxi to drop us at the beach where we walked over a half-mile in the surf then returned for a ******* at a beachside bar near our hotel to watch the sunset.

"Damn, full day," I stated, after ordering.

"Yes," Caitlin answered, although I could see she was looking at something down the beach and wasn't really paying attention.

"Maybe we should pace things a bit," I suggested, then added, "After all, we have six days."

"We're fine. You'll be okay old man," she replied, giving me a sharp dig.

Her words ended with a mischievous smile which ****** the same from me, and for the next twenty minutes we sipped the cocktails, aimlessly chatted and watched the sun disappear. The first ******* was followed by another which energized me.

"We need to find a partying place. You know, something livelier," I said, as we polished off our cocktails.

"Well, first it's only 7:30 PM on a Tuesday and second I'm not sure this is a party town," Caitlin replied with a laugh.

"Well, we can try," I told her, with a grin.

"No arguing with that logic, but I need to shower," she replied.

An hour later we were ready to hit the town. Me in knee length shorts and a polo shirt, and her in khaki shorts that ended mid-thigh with a sleeveless, blue pull over top.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Not really. Maybe later," she answered, as we strolled the streets.

The temperature, even after sundown, was still in the high 70s, so it wasn't long before we were looking for a cool place to land. Most of the bars looked depressing, with only a few people inside. However, after turning a corner, we came across a place called Diego's that had a bar with stools just off the street, and inside was a dance floor with western techno music blaring.

"Let's stop and get a *******," I suggested, since the place showed some energy.

We took a spot along the street, but the A/C from inside coupled with fans angled from the ceiling made it pleasant.

"Two margaritas on the rocks," I said to the bartender.

We sipped our drinks, chatted and took in our surroundings. The bar we were at separated the street from the rest of the club, and we could see another bar along the back wall. The dance floor was surrounded by bar height tables and to one side was an elevated stage. The place was mostly empty, although in the short time we were there more people had arrived. Most of these were young girls in fairly provocative attire, and it suddenly dawned on me that this might be some kind of special club.

Worried, I glanced over at Caitlin to see if she had noticed. Caitlin is not a goody-goody, but neither is she particularly experienced and tends towards the conservative in most things, so I wasn't sure how she would react.

"Interesting crowd," she said seconds later.

"Yes, seems to be," I replied, while cringing.

Fortunately, she left it at that and we went back to drinking the margaritas, discussing her surfing and the other activities we wanted to try. About that time, a middle age American man sat on the stool next to me.

"Howdy," he said when we made eye contact, with his accent confirming his nationality.

"How are you?" I replied.

"Good, thanks. Just out to see what's happening this evening," he answered.

"Us, too. Although, we're wondering if we came to the right place," I said in a low voice hoping Caitlin wouldn't hear.

"It's a friendly place. It's all good," he replied.

"Do you live here?" I asked.

The man introduced himself as Andy and explained that he didn't live in Costa Rica, but came down often for the fishing. I asked about the bar and he explained it was a pick-up spot for the working girls who were "independent contractors". They would meet their customers here and then depart with the man, woman or couple back to their hotel. There was also a "short time" motel around the corner that catered mostly to locals. He went on to tell me that it typically got filled Thursday thru Saturday with a combination of locals, expats and tourists, but tonight would be slow. Until I caught the eye of Andy looking over my shoulder, I hadn't realized that Caitlin was listening, too.

"Same old story. Men exploiting women," Caitlin said judgmentally, but without any real conviction.

"We're just a bunch of old dogs," Andy replied, not the least bit ashamed.

I introduced Andy to Caitlin, and we chatted a bit more about the place, and then some about the country and things to do. Andy explained that it was quite common for Anglo women to come into the bar, usually with their husband or boyfriend, and that there was no expectation that anyone had to partake. It was very much an open social scene, and everyone just mixed, chatted and drank. From nowhere, a woman suddenly appeared next to Andy and wrapped her arm in his.

"Meet Flor," he said to us, and we said our hellos.

Flor wasn't young but neither was she old. She was in a broad age category between thirty and forty that was hard to determine.

"We'll leave y'all be," Andy said to us a few minutes later, and he and Flor ambled back into the darker areas of the club.

More people had arrived, although it was still a small crowd, but we were clearly on the fringes of activity, with all the action occurring further inside. However, our spot along the street did allow us to watch without the stress of being in the middle of things, and being new to this it seemed like a plus.

"Do you want to go?" I asked Caitlin.

"Let's get another margarita. This is kind of interesting," she said, surprising me.

The bartender brought the fresh drinks, and our conversation shifted from vacation activities to observation and comments on what was unfolding before us. The girls were all Latinas, locals we supposed, but the men were mostly Anglo, either tourists or expats. The girls were gathered in clusters of two or three, although one would occasionally break free to engage with one of the smattering of men. Some proved successful in striking up a conversation, while others would be rejected and return to their friends. The girls came in all shapes and sizes, but for the most part they seemed quite young with only the occasional older woman like Flor.

"Ready?" I asked, standing to leave when our drinks were gone, thinking we were done for the evening.

However, I received a real shock when Caitlin replied, "Let's get another ******* on the other side of the bar. It's hard to see from here."

Suddenly, things became awkward and somewhat uncomfortable for me. I wasn't exactly experienced in these kinds of places, so there was definitely some curiosity on my part, but I was wondering when Caitlin would get her fill and become disgusted. I had a bad vision of her becoming preachy for the remainder of the trip. However, I dutifully stood and led my wife to the other side where we claimed two seats. The music, especially the bass, was much more pronounced in just the few feet we moved, and a thin cloud of cigarette smoke hung in the air. Several girls had moved to the dance floor and were moving together to pass the time. After we ordered another round, we went back to people watching, this time much closer.

Sitting on the bar stool, Caitlin's shorts had ridden up showing most of her long legs and I noticed an older local guy, on the stool next to her, staring at them openly even after I caught him looking. I looked around the place for a few minutes and when I glanced back, he had moved so that his jean covered leg was touching Caitlin's bare thigh. It was a minor thing for sure and Caitlin didn't seem disturbed, so I let it go. A constant, slow parade of girls circled the floor and two quite attractive ones suddenly appeared before us. They made eye contact with me and I couldn't help but grin which my wife saw.

"Hola," she quickly said to them, causing me to start, confused about her intent.

The girls both responded in Spanish and over the hard beat of the music Caitlin held a discussion with them where we soon learned their names were Maria and Daniela. Maria was in a tight, black miniskirt and a red tube top. She was the petite one, short with small breasts. Daniela was larger, but not at all fat, and was wearing jeans and a white buttoned shirt that was partially open, exposing some cleavage. I caught enough of the conversation to hear that Caitlin was describing that we were on vacation, and that she had taken surfing lessons earlier.

"Did you learn the nickname for Juan Pablo?" I heard Maria ask in a low voice, that I don't think I was meant to hear.

"No?" Caitlin replied, looking at her with interest.

"I will tell you later," she replied, glancing in my direction.

Maria asked Caitlin if we would buy them a ******* and she agreed, so I ordered two cocktails for the girls which were more expensive than ours, but still cheap enough that it wasn't a big deal. Their chatting continued with all three appearing to enjoy themselves, and soon I was ordering another round for everybody. The bits and pieces I could overhear let me know that Caitlin was gently probing the girls on the specifics of their jobs. Fortunately, she was doing it in a way that wasn't offensive and she seemed to be getting detailed replies.

Now Caitlin is not a big drinker, and we were already past her tolerance point, but since it was vacation, I didn't say anything. Maria and Daniela seemed to realize my wife was feeling the alcohol too, and were getting closer and "touchier" with their hands, occasionally landing them on her knees and thighs. The creepy local guy was still there too, with his leg pressed against my wife's, and I realized it was like she was surrounded.

I surmised that Maria and Daniela might think we were a swinging couple, and that Caitlin might be bisexual. It seemed they were strategizing that she was the key to a pick up.
"Do you girls like to dance?" Caitlin asked, in tipsy Spanish.

"Yes, of course," Maria replied, "Would you like to?"

Caitlin began to get up and looked at me to join them, but I shook my head preferring to sit back and watch. This evening had become very entertaining, both from the new experience the club provided, and the reactions and attitude that my wife had shown. The girls walked to the middle of the floor and at first moved slowly, but then began to pick it up. Caitlin's long, lightly tanned legs were sexy as hell, and by the looks she was attracting, the rest of the bar thought so, too.

Maria was clearly the troublemaker of the pair. She started by undoing another button on Daniela's shirt giving the room an even better view of her breasts inside her lacy black bra. Then, she turned to Caitlin and started lifting her top showing her trim tummy and belly button to some cheers from several nearby men. When Caitlin pulled it back down, Maria left it for a moment then did it again, this time raising it even higher. Just when I thought she was going to take it off, Caitlin pulled it back in place with a laugh and a fake slap at Maria's hand. Soon thereafter, they came back to me and resumed they're chatting as Maria and Daniela once again moved in very close to Caitlin. They were talking to each other almost in whispers, and I didn't know if it was the ******* or some unknown fantasy of Caitlin's that I was witnessing, but my dick became rock hard with anticipation.

Then, just like that, it was over.

"Baby, let's go, I'm tired," Caitlin announced, which brought looks of disappointment from Maria, Daniela and me.

"Give them some money," she whispered into my ear, as she stood.

I pulled out two $20s and gave one to each girl, both gladly accepting, and everyone said their goodbyes with a smile. Caitlin was leaning against me on the short walk to the hotel, which I made as quickly as possible, and as soon as we got inside the room, I pulled her against me and kissed her hard.

"Are you horny?" she said in a tipsy, flirty voice, as she squeezed me through my shorts.

Rather than answer I stripped her naked in seconds and pushed her onto the bed. My clothes were next and she just looked up at me with a smile as I got undressed. I thought about foreplay, but I wanted inside her badly at that moment. I put the head of my dick at her entrance and pushed forward and found her so wet that I easily slipped inside.

"Oh baby...oh yes..." she moaned.

"You're so wet," I gasped, "Did those girls excite you?"

"Ummm...everything did," she sighed, as I started going faster.

"Everything? Tell me," I demanded.

"That place is so naughty," she panted, "Oh feels so good."

"Do you want to be with a girl?" I asked, needing to know.

"No, that was just play...for you," she replied.

"For me?" I asked, slowing down.

"Yes, to get you turned on," she giggled, then added, "Can't I be naughty once?"

"Then what turned you on?" I asked.

"The sex vibe...all the men looking at me. Everything about sex...and open," she answered, after only a brief hesitation.

"Sweetie all men want you," I told her.

"That's not true. But anyway, in that place no one is hiding it," she explained.

"Like the man with his leg pressed against yours," I asked, admitting to her I had seen it.

"Yes, and his hand on my butt," she replied.

"What?" I exclaimed in shock, and stopped moving.

"Yes, he put his hand on my butt for a second," she said, causing my dick to harden even more.

"You're kidding?" I responded, unable to think of anything else to say, and then added, "Damn, Caitlin."

"No more talking, just make love to me," she pleaded in an urgent voice.

It was more a taking than love making, as I went hard and fast, bringing myself to a climax quickly. Fortunately, I was so aroused that my erection never really left and we started again after a brief rest. Her wet pussy, now filled with cum, emitted erotic slurping sounds as I drove into her, and after getting her started again, I turned her onto her hands and knees and pushed back inside. When I looked down at her sexy ass, a strange wave came over me, like a mixture of high excitement and power, as Caitlin suddenly ceased to be my loving wife and instead became an object for my selfish pleasure.

"You like this cock in you?" it was more a statement than a question.

"Yes, I love it. Don't stop," she whined, with her voice muffled in a pillow.

"You like being naughty don't you. Acting like one of the bar girls," I said to her, as my lust overtook good sense.

"Yes baby, for you," she replied.

It wasn't the first time we had been vocal and aggressive during sex, but was always the exception rather than the norm. However, the combination of the tropical location, our experience at Diego's and the alcohol we had consumed acted as fuel for our lust.

"Was that hand on your ass for me?" I replied, continuing to be provocative.

"Oh it. It feels so good," she grunted between thrusts.

"Answer me," I demanded.

"No," she whispered.

"No what?" I asked, slapping her ass.

"It was just once," she moaned, and I knew she was being playful.

"For you then? Tell me," I demanded, excited by her atypical behavior.

"Mmmm...maybe," she answered in a low voice that I knew was intended as titillation.

Despite the A/C, I was sweating and looking down at Caitlin I could see a sheen on her body as well. The bed was squeaking loudly telling the rooms around us what was going on, and her pussy squished with each of my aggressive thrusts.

"You going to be a naughty girl for me again?" I asked, with my head now spinning.

"If you want me to," she replied quickly.

"Do you want to? Do you want to be bad?" I pushed her.

"If you want me to" she repeated.

"Say fuck me, baby. That's how bad girls talk," I demanded.

"Fuck me, baby," she said softly.

"Louder," I demanded, slapping her ass again.

"Fuck me, baby," she said louder this time.

"Again!" I yelled at her.

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me good," she began pleading repeatedly, with her ass pushing back, forsing my dick deeper.

When I leaned forward and pinched her small nipples, it quickly sent her over the edge.

"Ohhh...oh God I'm there...I'm ohhh...oh baby don't stop...don't...keep...fu...ohhh..." she cried out, as the waves of pleasure swept through her body.

I could feel the walls of her pussy contracting around my dick, but even though I tried to cum again I couldn't get there and eventually stopped as my breath exited in ragged gasps. For almost a minute, her body continued to experience sudden spasms from the electrical impulses left over from her orgasm. Finally, I fell forward on top of her, pinning her to the mattress, and still very much inside.

"Do you love me?" she asked after a few minutes.

"I adore you," I told her, quickly kissing her neck.

"Do you really think I was a bad girl?" she giggled.

"Yes," I teased, and then quickly added, "But, I think I like you naughty."

"Mmmm...okay," she whispered as I rolled off her, and we quickly fell asleep with me in the middle of a large wet spot.

We woke just after eight, with Caitlin's hangover much lighter than I feared, and since her lesson was supposed to start in an hour, we had to rush to eat and get ready. During breakfast, no mention was made of the night before, and returning to the room to change for the beach, Caitlin grabbed her one-piece swimsuit.

"I don't think so," I said to her, feeling mischievous.

"What?" she asked, looking at me with confusion.

"Not that one," I told her.

"Which one then?" she asked.

"The one I like. My favorite," I answered.

My erotic thoughts from the previous night were still with me, and I wanted to see if I could coerce Caitlin into being a bit risqué.

"That one is for sunbathing not surfing. The top will come off in the waves," she tried to explain.

"You'll have that shirt on so it will be okay," I replied.

"I guess that's right, but what's gotten in to you?" she asked.

"It's what naughty girls wear to surf," I told her, trying to look serious.

With just a hint of a smile, Caitlin pulled the small bikini from her suitcase and put it on. The bottom was cut low, highlighting her smooth, firm tummy, and the back left a lot of her butt exposed. Stings over her hips connected the front and rear which accentuated her long legs. Small triangles covered each breast, and it was a crimson color which accented her brown hair and eyes.

"Good thing you shave," I laughed.

"It might come off," she said again with a worried expression, giving me another chance to change my mind.

"Let's go" I replied.

Caitlin took a beach cover and pulled it over her head then stepped into her sandals and we headed out. Juan Pablo was waiting for us at his stand when we arrived.

"Have you thought about surfing all night?" he asked, with a gleam in his eye.

Caitlin put off removing her cover as long as possible, but when she finally did, she stopped the young man dead in his tracks. She was looking down so she didn't notice the double take he made when her body came into view, although I saw it clearly. At that time of morning, the beach wasn't very crowded, but several older local men were watching too and didn't hide their stares. I had to admit there was a striking difference in her appearance from yesterday to today. Previously, in the one-piece, with her hair pulled back, she had looked innocent and fresh, but now, with her hair loose and more of her body on display she screamed of sexiness. I sat in a beach chair, closer this time, as I didn't want to miss any of the show.

Juan Pablo had her refresh with the board lessons on the beach first, and I noticed this time his hands were more involved in the instruction. He would touch her arm, her back and sometimes her leg when making a point or correcting a position. Her movements had caused her bottoms to ride up, so that now they looked more like a thong than a bikini.

Next, he took her into the water and like the previous day they practiced riding small waves. He would hold the board steady until one came, then get her going. Sometimes she would fall off quickly, but every now and then she would ride it a good distance. On her third fall, the bikini bottom must have moved some because I could see she was adjusting it underwater before she returned to Juan Pablo. A few minutes later it came untied on one side and I watched her hurriedly re-tying it while her instructor looked on with a smile. Two of the older men noticed her troubles as well and shamelessly moved their beach chairs so they were directly in front of where she was surfing. Several tries later she rode the board all the way to the beach and finished right in front of the men who began clapping. With an embarrassed smile their way and a look of contempt towards me, she turned and walked the board back out wiggling her butt more than necessary, I thought.

Just a few minutes later, after a nasty fall, I saw her messing with the bottoms again, and as the water around her receded, we watched her fumbling with the string on one side. Another wave came through and she lost her balance, but Juan Pablo came to her rescue, lifting her to her feet and holding her steady while she re-tied the suit. Being so close, I wondered if he got a view of my wife's lovely mound, and for some odd reason I found myself hoping he did.

Caitlin evidently didn't want to end on a down note, so she rode two more waves, coming all the way in on the second, and then called it a day. Her little show had left my dick quite hard as there was something about her recent behavior that churned in my head, exciting me. It was like a world of opportunity had suddenly been unleashed, and even though I tried several times to cleanse my thoughts, I was unsuccessful. That Caitlin heretofore had shown no predilection in this area, either at home or during our travels, only enhanced my erotic thoughts.

"Did you enjoy that?" she asked, as soon as she got to me.

"I certainly did. Everyone else did too, I think," I responded with a laugh, surprising myself with my boldness.

She didn't reply and instead walked the short distance to Juan Pablo's hut where she pulled the shirt off. I thought she was just making the next day's appointment, but she stayed talking with him for almost a half hour, and it dawned on me that she was flirting, letting him see her up close. Also, I knew she was purposefully rubbing my nose in it, but if it was meant as punishment it didn't register with me that way. For Juan Pablo's part, he may have been young, but he evidently wasn't easily intimidated because he never shied away from her or the attention. Quite the opposite, as he openly stared at her body during their entire discussion. Finally, Caitlin returned and we tanned together for a bit before returning to the room just before noon.

"I need to rest. Last night and the surfing is catching up to me," she announced.

"You want lunch first?" I asked.

"No, maybe after. I just want to rinse off and fall into bed," she replied.

"Okay, I think I'll explore some then," I said, seeing in her eyes that she was indeed tired.

I left the hotel and started meandering down the beach with no real destination when I remembered the photographer's card. That morning, I had snatched it from the dresser, and now looking at it, I spotted the address. I asked directions from a street vendor who pointed me in the right direction, and quickly covered the quarter-mile distance. When I arrived, a sign in the front window announced that it was a photography studio owned by Esmerelda Caldera. I stepped through the open door into a small, spartan room with several blown-up photos adorning the walls.

"Hello?" I called out, wondering if anyone was around.

Within seconds, a thirty-something woman stepped from the back, and I guessed by her look that she was a native Costa Rican. She had a medium height and build, with an attractive face and a certain sparkle in her eyes that made me think in her youth she had been quite the looker.

"Yes, can I help you?" she asked, while looking me over.

"Well, I'm here with my wife on vacation and she's taking surfing lessons. I got one of your cards at the instructor's hut and thought I'd have a look," I explained.

"I see. From Juan Pablo?" she asked.

"Exactly," I replied, then added, "I assumed it meant you did photos of people surfing."

"Yes, I do surfing, other sports, weddings, parties and commercial work too. Would you like to see some examples?" she asked in a soft accent.

I nodded and the way it energized her made me wonder if she got much business. At the end of the counter where I was standing was a large monitor and she turned it in a way where we could both see the screen and then grabbed the mouse. Soon, the screen was filled with nice photos of surfers expertly riding large waves.

"Do you have any of beginners?" I laughed.

"Of course," she answered.

With a few clicks, the screen switched to a photo of a fortyish looking man trying desperately to maintain his balance on a board as the instructor stood by. She scrolled through several more which all showed tourists in an awkward state. The comparison of the photos of the well accomplished, effortlessly slicing through the water, to these was so profound that I quickly lost interest. After all, for memento purposes, I could just snap a picture with my phone.

"They don't look very inspiring, do they?" I said, and then when I thought about the way it came out, I added, "I mean the subject not the photo itself."

If she was offended, I couldn't tell because she looked at me with a smile and replied, "I can't make someone a better surfer with my camera!"

"Okay, well thank you," I said preparing to leave.

"Perhaps there are other things that might interest you," she responded in a way that made it clear she didn't want to lose a customer.

Not wanting to appear rude, I gave her my attention and she began to scroll through other photos that included people zip lining, fishing, four wheeling and golfing. I didn't find any of them nor the concepts appealing and was just about to leave when a picture suddenly appeared of a young slender, dark haired girl in a small bikini lying on the beach with her legs partially in the water. She looked to be a local, but the similarities to my wife were striking. Seeing my interest, the photographer stopped the scrolling.

"Does this photo appeal to you?" she asked with a smile.

I hadn't even thought about anything like it, but now seeing the girl and envisioning my wife in the same pose, I felt my dick begin to swell and a dryness come to my mouth.

"Maybe..." I croaked.

" will make a lovely gift for your wife and you will enjoy it for a long time," the woman spoke with some excitement.

"How does it work? I mean how do you do it?" I asked, wanting to know some details.

"There are several beautiful beaches just a short drive away that are without many people. It is best to go in the morning or evening when the light is good and few are around," she described.

"How long does it take?" I asked.

"Two hours would be sufficient," she responded.

We talked for a further fifteen minutes and she dutifully answered my questions, although I couldn't bring myself to ask the one I most wanted. When we were done, it was agreed that Esmerelda, or Ezzi for short, would pick us up at the hotel at four that afternoon and drive us to a nearby, secluded beach. I was instructed to make sure my wife brought the suits she wanted and had put on whatever makeup she desired.

After leaving Ezzi, I bummed around town thinking about the upcoming session and how I would explain it to Caitlin. Suddenly, I found myself in front of Diego's just as they were opening the front part for the day. Deciding a beer sounded good while I thought, I picked a stool and waited for the bartender to arrive.

There was no one else there, so when he returned with the beer, he was happy to engage in a conversation. Over the next twenty minutes, we talked about all kinds of things, from the local soccer team to fishing, as well as the ongoing happenings at the bar. I learned his name was Rodrigo, and he explained to me that in the high season it was much more crowded and livelier. I asked if he ever sampled any of the young girls, which he laughed off by explaining that getting pretty girls in Costa Rica was not difficult.

On a whim, I asked about the stranger that had felt up my wife hoping that it had not become common knowledge. It only took a simple description and me pointing to the place at the bar where he sat for Rodrigo to know who I was describing.

"Ahhh, yes. That is Senor Tejeda. He is a regular," Rodrigo explained.

"He seemed very quiet," I offered, probing for more information while trying not to appear pushy.

"Yes, he is quiet and quite strange too it seems," he answered.

"Does he ever go with the girls? I mean, last night he didn't talk with anyone," I said.

"I have never seen him with a girl and I think they stay away," Rodrigo replied, while getting me a fresh beer.

I decided I had probably asked enough, and although Rodrigo had been responsive, I hadn't really learned anything about the man that was interesting. We returned to discussing various subjects when out of the blue he returned to Senor Tejeda.

"That man. I know the owner doesn't like him. He calls him the pig farmer from the hills," the young bartender explained.

"Why doesn't he like him?" I asked.

"He thinks he is bad for business," he responded.

Caitlin was still sleeping when I returned, and I sat quietly on the couch and waited another thirty minutes before she started to stir. Her eyes slowly opened and when she saw me, she got a puzzled look on her face.
"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just watching you...realizing how lucky I am," I responded as a big grin spread across my face.

"You are lucky. Don't forget it!" she giggled.

With a deep breath, I told her about Ezzi and the photo session I had booked for later that afternoon. I explained about the card I picked up at the hut, my initial motivation about the surfing pictures, and then described how I had come across the picture of the young woman on the beach and thought of her.

"Just you, me and the photographer who is a woman?" she asked.

"Yes, honey. They'll be great!" I responded, trying to infect her with my enthusiasm.

After that, Caitlin warmed up quickly to the idea and we were soon discussing suits and poses. She loved the idea of being partly in the water like the model I had seen, but made it clear that she wasn't going to get naked.

"Where will I change?" my wife asked, bringing up a good point.

"She said it was a quiet beach," I shrugged, not sure what else to say.

Ezzi was waiting for us in a small SUV outside the hotel when we came down, and climbing in the vehicle, I could see a stack of equipment in the back. The drive took less than twenty minutes and when we arrived both of us were pleased to see a lovely beach with clean sand and several rock outcroppings. Plus, other than some ******* playing on the very far end, there was no one around. Fortunately, the sun was out, and although there were some scattered clouds the light was good.

After helping Ezzi unload and a brief discussion on the program, we left her to set-up while Caitlin used a mirror to do some final touch-ups. She had worn my favorite suit to the beach, so as soon as Ezzi was ready, she directed my wife to a spot where the incoming waves would gently roll around her and for the next fifteen minutes snapped away. Caitlin took a variety of poses, standing, knees and prone, and by the smile on her face I could see she was truly enjoying the experience.

"Perhaps we should move to the rocks. Do you want to change?" the photographer asked.

"Not yet," I replied, after receiving a look from my wife.

We moved thirty yards to the closest outcropping and Ezzi returned to directing my wife. The setting was amazing and Caitlin looked fantastic, so I was hopeful that Ezzi's skills would be equal. I knew that if they proved to be, we would have a collection of photos that we would cherish for the rest of our lives.

"The sun will be perfect in thirty minutes, so if you want to change now, we can take more. You can change back later if you like," our photographer stated.

"How about the yellow one?" I suggested, referring to a bikini that I was fond of.

"Okay," Caitlin answered in a bubbly voice, and moved towards the car to collect the garment and change.

"Will you want nudes?" Ezzi asked boldly when my wife had left.

Even though the thought had been on my mind and I wanted to broach the subject, the suddenness of her question caught me off guard and I stammered a reply, "Uhhh...I don't know. Is it normal? I mean, I'm not sure Caitlin will want to."

"Many women want to once they start. I think your wife will agree. However, there is a twenty-percent additional charge," she explained.

"You think she will?" I asked, looking towards the SUV and seeing Caitlin had opened the door and was attempting to discreetly change behind it.

"Oh, yes...she is very beautiful," she responded.

"Well, if she wants to," I said in a low voice.

Soon, Caitlin returned and Ezzi took a set of photos in similar positions as before but this time with the different suit. When she had finished, she let us know the best light was approaching and we had about ten minutes to decide on the bikini, change and get ready. Of course, I knew I wanted her in my favorite, so I asked her to change back which she agreed to with a quick nod.

Ezzi positioned my wife with the surf lapping around her knees as she lay facing us with the sun setting over the rocks behind her. I moved where I could get her perspective and knew they would be awesome pictures. Ezzi and Caitlin had developed a rapport, with my wife moving efficiently to the direction of the photographer, and my words of encouragement helped feed the scene.

"We have just a few minutes," Ezzi suddenly announced and stopped.

I knew the meaning of her words, but Caitlin expression showed confusion. I thought about letting it go and just enjoying the amazing experience that had occurred so far, but I decided the likelihood of getting another chance was so small it was worth the risk.

"Honey, uhhh...maybe you should take your suit off," I said in a shaky voice.

"Well, I knew that was coming," she responded with a roll of her eyes.

As I struggled for a good rationale, it was the local woman who stepped in and helped, "Caitlin I think you will be disappointed later if you don't. Your body is so beautiful and it will be such a wonderful gift to your husband."

Caitlin looked at us silently from twenty feet away for several seconds, and then her hands went behind her back, and in less than ten seconds she had removed her top and stepped out of her bottoms. Her lovely smooth pussy was on full display and only her tan lines disrupted the color of her body. For the next few minutes, Ezzi positioned my wife, taking pictures that highlighted her awesome butt, then turned her over so her nicely proportioned breasts, taut tummy and smooth mound filled the lens. I stood still, unable to move and barely able to breathe, as I witnessed the artful process. Then it was over, and with a quick movement, I handed Caitlin her suit and held her steady as she dressed.

"You are very beautiful. The pictures you will certainly like," Ezzi announced.

Thankfully, the nudity didn't dampen the fun that Caitlin had experienced, and as we packed and headed back towards town, she became animated while expressing how much she had enjoyed the experience. Ezzi said she would have some proofs ready the following day and both of us expressed how eager we were to see them.

"That made the trip," I said to her as soon as we stepped out of the SUV at our hotel.

"It was fun," she admitted with a big smile.

"It was amazing," I replied, letting her know her description was inadequate.

As soon as we got back to the hotel, Caitlin made for the shower to rinse off the sand and salt from the beach. Then, we headed out for dinner, but ended up walking along the beach before stopping in a place.

After we were seated and had ordered, I felt like being a bit playful, so I asked Caitlin, "What bikini are you going to wear tomorrow?"

"One piece, no more shows," she answered instantly.

I was annoyed that my attempt at playfulness had been shot down so quickly and emphatically, but decided not to press. Much had occurred in the last few days and it was probably best to take a break anyway. However, it wasn't long before another thought came into my head and I wasn't able to suppress the question.

"I heard Maria say that Juan Pablo has a nickname. What is it?" I asked, curious as to why the young ******* made it sound like a secret.

"Did she? I'm not sure I remember," she answered in a way that let me know she was being evasive.

"Yes, what did she tell you?" I demanded, giving her a look that told her I wasn't going to let it go.

"El Domador," she said, after a pause for effect.

"What's that mean?" I asked, not recognizing the word.

"The trainer," she answered.

It sounded logical given his role as surf instructor, but the context of Maria's discussion made me think there was more to the story. Then, when I considered the root of the word, I got even more suspicious.

"Hmmm..." I said and pulled out my iPhone.

I watched Caitlin play with her glass, trying not to smile, while I found an online translation site.

After a few minutes, I said, "This says it means "tamer". What exactly do you suppose he tames?"

I caught my wife taking a sip, and my question made her start coughing, which eventually turned into giggle, so it was several seconds before she could respond, "The rumor is he is very well endowed."

"And to think you were almost naked right next to him," I said sarcastically.

"I know!" she replied quickly and began laughing loudly.

We decided a good night's sleep made the most sense, so as soon as we finished, we returned to the hotel and immediately went to bed. The best part of going to bed early is you feel so fresh and lively the next morning. We were up at eight and made love, with Caitlin acting quite horny. We had barely started our foreplay when she pushed my head between her legs. I gently lapped at her until she pulled me up, and then rode her to a satisfying climax. Watching her let go put me over the top, with my release starting just as hers was ending. It was a great start to the day, and afterwards she rested with her head on my chest as I played with her hair.

"Are you surfing this morning?" I asked.

"No, he's booked this morning. I have a lesson at noon. Can we go shopping?" she asked, looking up and flashing me her "I want my way" smile.

We had been lucky so far with the weather since it was the rainy season, but today was overcast and dreary, so her idea made sense. We wandered the streets stopping in countless shops where Caitlin would browse the cheap items, and occasionally find something to buy as a gift for a friend. We passed Diego's along the way and were both struck by the different way it looked in the daytime where, without the people, the music and the lights, it almost seemed like a carcass. Later, back at the hotel, Caitlin put on her one-piece suit, and now that I knew there wasn't going to be a show, I decided that sitting on the beach watching her surf would be pretty dull.

"Honey, I'm going to wander around some. I'll check on you later," I said, and she seemed happy with it, so we parted in the lobby headed in separate directions.

After getting bored, I ended up once again at Diego's, talking with Rodrigo, although this time I avoided questions about Senor Tejeda. An hour and several beers later, realizing it was past time for my wife's lesson to end, I left and went to the hotel. Expecting to find her cleaning up, I was surprised to find the room empty and immediately left to look for her on the beach. It had started to drizzle, so the beach was mostly empty, and there were no signs of Caitlin or any surfers for that matter.

Juan Pablo's hut was shut, and I was just about to return to the hotel thinking I must have just missed her, when I saw the door open and Caitlin emerge with her instructor right behind. I was far enough away that they didn't notice me and I moved behind a tree and watched as they continued talking. Caitlin was wearing her one-piece suit with her cover held in her hand. Then, right before me, I saw the young man's arm circle her waist and pull her to him as if to kiss, but Caitlin at the last second put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away. She escaped his embrace and turned, walking away quickly with her gaze downward which gave me the opportunity to walk in her direction as if I was just arriving. Over her shoulder, I saw Juan Pablo spot me and he quickly darted back into the hut.

"Hey there," I said with a smile, when we were ten yards apart.

Caitlin, still looking down, was startled by my voice, but quickly returned my smile.

"Where have you been? It was my best day!" she asked, with feigned annoyance.

I stifled a myriad of smartass comments and innuendos, and instead kissed her quickly then answered, "I'm sorry honey. I lost track of time. How many waves did you ride?"

"Hmmm..." she whined before her desire to brag took over, "I was up on almost all of them. I feel like I'm getting my balance and rode half all the way in. Juan Pablo wants me to go into heavier surf now."

"That's great sweetie," I said, and we started walking towards the hotel

As soon as we were in our room, Caitlin stripped and headed for the shower. Thinking of Juan Pablo alone with her in the hut made me very curious, so after a few minutes I joined her.

"What are you after?" she laughed when I stepped in.

I took her in my arms and turned her so her back was against me, and with my face nuzzled into her wet hair, I let my hands roam her body feeling and massaging her breasts first before letting them wander lower until I dipped a finger into her slit, finding it quite slick.

" must be horny, too," I whispered.

"You're making me that way," she answered, and moved her butt until my hard shaft was nestled in her crack.

I kissed her neck and fondled her body some more before I finally spoke, "You sure it wasn't from you and Juan Pablo playing in the hut?"

There was an awkward silence, and I felt her body stiffen slightly before she answered, "We didn't do anything."

"What were you doing then?" I asked, as my finger gently circled her clit.

"Mostly talking," she replied, which left a whole lot of other things to consider.

"What else?" I demanded, in a firmer tone.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. I've been bad...I'm sorry," she spat out after several seconds of silence.

"What did you do?" I asked calmly.

"I...I...saw him naked. I saw his...his penis," she ****** out, after another short silence.

"What did he see of you?" I asked. It was the obvious follow-up question, and when she didn't answer, I tried again, "What did he see?"

"I...uhhh...he didn't see anything, but he touched me...some...and we kissed," she finally answered, as I felt her shoulders slump.

She must have been too upset to notice, but my dick was completely hard which gave away what I was thinking.

"Caitlin, I don't want to play twenty questions. Tell me what happened," I demanded.

"Okay...okay...well...'s difficult to explain," she started.

"Caitlin," I said in a stern voice.

"Okay, well...ummm...when we were surfing, he was getting closer. I think because you weren't there and I could feel him against my leg sometimes and uhhh...well between that and the girl's description curious. I mean I was just curious, but when we finished, we went into the hut because it was drizzling, and I don't was wrong...I feel so guilty," she tried to describe, but started to whimper.

"Go on, Caitlin," I said.

"His suit was kind of bulging, like he was getting hard, and he caught me looking. He asked if I wanted to see it," she began and then stopped. When I didn't respond, she waited several seconds and then continued, "And I guess I said yes..."

"He didn't see you?" I asked, finding it hard to believe he wouldn't demand it.

"I said no," she answered, and gathering herself, she added, "He wanted to, but I said no."

"He was okay...he accepted that?" I probed, finding it unlikely.

"Yes...finally, he did..." she replied.

"He took everything off?" I asked.

"His bottoms...his suit..." she answered meekly.

"Then what?" I asked, now dipping my fingertip into her slit.

She became silent once more and she shot me a quick look over her shoulder before she replied, "He took my hand and put it on him."

I was sure I knew what she meant but still wanted to clarify, "On his cock?"

She nodded her head and said in a whisper, "Yes..."

"Where were his hands, what was he doing?" I responded, a little too urgently.

"Touching my breasts," she answered in a barely audible whisper, and after a deep breath she added, "But it was through the suit."

"Did he try to do more? Did he try to fuck you?" I asked, frustrated by the time it was taking to learn the extent of her indiscretion.

"He wanted to but I wouldn't let him...I wouldn't do more," she replied, and suddenly I felt her hand on my hard dick.

She began stroking it slowly, but I was too far into the interrogation to stop.

"Caitlin, damn tell me what happened!" I demanded, in a manner that was totally out of character for me.

"I...I...please don't be mad...please don't but I...uh...masturbated him...some..." she finally was able to get out.

"He climaxed?" I quickly asked.

"No!" she responded emphatically.

"Did you do anything else? Did you suck on him?" I asked as a final question.

"No!" she answered strongly, again.

"So, let me understand. You get horny during the lesson because his cock is rubbing against you and you follow him into the hut where you tell him you want to see his cock and then he puts your hand on his cock and you start stroking it while he is playing with your tits?" I fired out rapidly, and when I didn't receive an immediate reply, I asked, "What else, Caitlin?"

"We kissed some..." she answered as her hands covered her face, and the continued with, "I'm very sorry."

"How many times? How long did you kiss?" I demanded.

"I don't know...maybe ten minutes," she whimpered.

"Was it worth it Caitlin? Was he big?" I replied, asking the question that had started it all.

"Yes, it's big," she admitted.

"Sounds like he did tame you," I said, then pinched her nipple.

"Owwww..." she cried out from my assault, and then followed with, "Am I in big trouble? Do you hate me?"

"Caitlin, I'm not mad that you did what you did. I'm surprised because it's not like you. You've always been so conservative, but I'm kind of intrigued by this different Caitlin. I'm concerned you weren't going to tell me and if you didn't and I found out it would make me very mad. Very mad. Do you understand?" I asked, trying sincerely to explain my feelings.

"I was going to tell you, you just caught me off guard," she responded.

"Good. What else do you need to tell me?" I asked, hoping it would clear the air.

"Well, I told him maybe we would be at the bar later," she answered, and after a few seconds of silence, as I absorbed the message, she turned, looked at me and said, "Let's make love."

It was damn hard not to fulfill her request. I was pressed against her warm, beautiful body with a raging erection, and I knew she was very aroused as well. However, she needed to stew in the situation she had created for a while and I knew she was thinking our lovemaking would signal forgiveness. Plus, something in the back of my brain came screaming forward to tell me the remainder of the day could be lots more fun if Caitlin was horny.

"Later, sweetie," I answered, releasing her and stepping out of the shower.

I was on the bed in boxers watching TV when my wife appeared a few minutes later with a towel around her body and another around her head. She climbed onto the bed and was silent for a time before finally speaking.

"I'm sorry," she said meekly.

"Caitlin, I'm not angry. It's okay," I said looking at her.

"Please make love to me. I want us to make love and have you tell me you love me," she begged.

"We will later sweetie, but I do love you so calm down, okay?" I said, hoping it was enough to reassure her.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful until we went to Ezzi's shop to look at the photos. I was hopeful that her talents would prove sufficient, and as soon as I saw the first picture, I knew I would be very happy. She had managed to capture the light in an amazing way, but even more importantly her lens had found in my wife a combination of innocence and sensuality that was truly amazing. After going through a half-dozen, I realized I was so focused that I hadn't gauged Caitlin's reaction, however when I looked at her, I could see that she was also very pleased.

"They're perfect," I said to Ezzi, which made her beam.

"Ezzi, I love them. They are so good!" Caitlin exclaimed.

We continued to look through the rest, and when we came to the nudes our chatter ended. I could feel my dick swell as I took them in, suddenly taken back to the beach, and realizing what a unique experience it had been. One shot in particular made me pause, as the clarity was so perfect that it showed the detail of a single drop of water hanging from her nipple. When we were finished, I paid for the shoot, and Ezzi provided us with a flash drive with all the files.
Still bubbling from the photos, we walked down the beach to a restaurant near the outskirts of town that I had previously spotted, and with few patrons at the early hour, we were able to sit outside and enjoy a nice breeze. Caitlin was wearing khaki shorts that came to her knees and a sleeveless shirt that made me think she was intentionally trying to look non-sexy. I sensed something was on her mind, and thought it likely it related to her indiscretion with the surfing instructor.

"Honey, the past few days have been weird and crazy. It's not like us. Can we just go back to normal?" she asked, with a pleading look on her face.

Her message was broader than just the Juan Pablo situation and encompassed Diego's and maybe even the photoshoot, too. She was right, as these things were not normal to our everyday life, but surprisingly I found them to be interesting, fun and non-threatening. Even her encounter with the young man didn't bother me as much as I realized it should. In fact, so far, I had viewed the events as an opportunity, a portal, into her inner secrets.

"Of course we can, sweetie. I love you and want you to be happy. I certainly don't want you upset," I replied.

My words brought a huge smile to her face, and I refilled her glass with the Chilean chardonnay we were enjoying while we waited for our dinner to arrive.

A few minutes of silence went by and I could tell that something was still on her mind. Finally, she let it out, "You know it wasn't all me. You kept pushing."

"How did I push hon?" I asked, purposefully putting on a confused look.

Of course, I knew exactly what she was talking about, and knew she was right. I had expected this from her at some point, so I had prepared myself.

"How? What about the little bikini for surfing? What about that man in the bar and the photos on the beach? Nude photos!" she challenged me.

"As I remember, you let the man fondle your bottom and I didn't even know it," I responded, referring to the strange man at Diego's, which brought a guilty look to her face.

"You know what I mean," she said looking down.

"I know what you mean, but the difference is that I don't feel bad about it. I'm glad I pushed. I've enjoyed it," I replied with a smile.

"But you said you wanted to stop," she answered, clearly confused.

"No, you said you did and I want you happy, so I agreed, but I'm not unhappy we had some fun," I explained.

"I see. Well, I think we've had enough fun," she said with some finality, then after a pause added, "We've done more crazy stuff in the last few days than in our entire marriage!"

Caitlin's nervousness made her ******* fast and I was soon pouring the last of our bottle into her glass. We had our dinner, including dessert with after dinner drinks, then started strolling back towards the hotel.

"You're not jealous?" she asked from nowhere, as we walked with my arm around her shoulders.

"Jealous of whom? Of what? I'm the one that takes you home and makes love to you," I told her, although I knew she was likely referring to her encounter with Juan Pablo.

That brought another smile and I felt my words were having an effect, although I wasn't sure if it would prove enough to overcome her anxiety. Across from the hotel was an outdoor bar that looked to be half-full, and we decided to stop in for a nightcap. I felt that Caitlin really didn't want to call it a night, but her sensibilities had made her partly ashamed about her behavior. I had no interest in going to the hotel, even if it was to make love to my wife, as I far preferred another night at Diego's, but wanted Caitlin to suggest it.

"Can we walk around some?" Caitlin asked, when we were almost done with the *******.

I nodded my ascent and minutes later we were walking down the streets of the city which contained mostly shuttered businesses at this hour. Like playing on a Ouija board, we seemed to drift towards Diego's, and even though it took twenty minutes we finally found ourselves standing across the street.

"Want to go in?" Caitlin asked as we passed.

It was Thursday night and the place looked packed and boisterous.

"No honey," I responded, which brought a surprised look, before I continued with, "You're not dressed for it."

"I can change," she shot back, with some eagerness.

"If you want to," I said, trying to act indifferent, but thrilled at what was happening.

"I know you want to. Quit acting so smug," she responded, which made me laugh.

We walked back to the hotel, now with more purpose in our steps, and went up to the room where Caitlin hurriedly changed.

"Okay, let's go," she said, standing and putting on her sandals.

"Not like that," I said, not moving.

"Like what then?" she asked, quickly realizing where my mind was.

"How about your yellow sundress," I suggested.

"Okay, I like that dress," she answered, and began looking through her clothes.

Caitlin took off the outfit she had on down to her bra and panties and prepared to put on the dress.

"Hold on there," I said, knowing I was at a moment of truth.

"What?" she replied, with a confused look.

"No bra or panties," I said.

She didn't reply and stood still, staring at me for a moment. I thought maybe I had pushed things too far, and that events had taken the play out of her, but after a pause, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, shrugged it off and then pulled her panties down and off her ankles. Quickly, the dress was over her head which fell down her legs to mid-thigh. Since the top of it was loose and Caitlin's nipples are quite small, it was hard to tell she was braless, and if her nipples got hard, I thought it would come across more as a tease than an outright show. However, she moved to the mirror and spent several minutes performing an inspection before she turned back.

"You sure got pushy again," she stated, although I felt I saw some mischief in her eyes.

"It's just you and me sweetie. No one else is here. Besides, I think I've discovered your bad side," I responded, moving behind her and putting my arms around her waist.

"You do, huh?" she answered, while shrugging me off and stepping towards the door.

We got there quickly, but struggled to find a spot to sit, eventually having to settle for standing at the end of the bar. Senor Tejeda was in his same spot, and I wondered if he was a permanent fixture.

Caitlin looked for Maria and Daniela, but didn't spot them, so we sipped our drinks and inspected the crowd. There were more Anglo women in the bar than last time, but they were all older, probably accompanying their husbands on fishing trips. Tonight, there was a girl dancing onstage wearing a bikini who was quite attractive, so many of the men were watching her. In general, there was a nice positive energy in the place with everyone enjoying themselves.

"What time were you and Juan Pablo planning to meet?" I asked my wife, intentionally being provocative.

"Eleven," she said in a carefree way, not taking my bait.

Looking at my watch I saw that it was after nine and I wondered what was going through this young man's mind after being in an intimate situation with my wife earlier in the day. Had he been left highly excited and was he thinking that if he met her tonight, that somehow, he would get his tamer into her pussy?

I looked away for what I thought was just a moment and when I turned back Maria had slipped past me and was speaking to my wife. As before, she was in a tight miniskirt with low cut top that showed off most of her breasts. By the way they were talking, it looked like they were complimenting each other on their clothes. Caitlin gave me the sign to buy the young girl a *******, so I busied myself with this task while they chatted. With the ******* in my hand, I made the few steps to where they were standing and handed Maria her cocktail.

"Hi Maria, how are you?" I asked smiling.

"Very good. It's good to see you again," she replied.

"Where's Daniela?" I asked.

"She will come later. Last night was very good for her," she explained.

"What happened?" my wife asked eagerly.

"She went with an American man and woman. She didn't get home until four this afternoon!" Maria explained.

"With both?" Caitlin followed quickly, then added, "She went to their hotel?"

"Yes, it was a good night for her," she replied.

"What did they pay... I'm sorry, never mind. It's all so crazy," my wife started, before realizing how inquisitive she was being.

"And you?" I asked, to change the subject.

"It has been a poor time for me. I have been unlucky," the girl replied, and then said, "Perhaps you and your wife will help my luck."

I had to laugh at Maria who was relentless in her determination to go home with us. Caitlin resumed her discussion with the young ******* leaving me free to watch the people in the bar. While scanning the room, I noticed a table had come open and with a tap on my wife's arm, we grabbed it before someone else did.

"Much better," I said when the three of us were seated.

More drinks arrived and we chatted some more before the girls left to dance while I minded the table. The floor was full and the room was dark, so only Caitlin's bright dress allowed me to spot her. They stayed out a long time, and I finished one ******* and started another before they finally returned, out of breath with a sheen of sweat on their bodies. While they were gone, I spotted several girls hooking up with men and in one case with a husband and wife. I also observed Senor Tejeda, stoic and still, moving only to ******* his beer, and I wondered what he felt about having had the chance to briefly fondle a beautiful, young American woman.

"Daniela!" I heard my wife cry, and saw our other friend walk up to the table.

Daniela, like Maria, was dressed in a miniskirt with a low-cut top that advertised her ample bosom. She sat with us and Maria immediately engaged her in a conversation in Spanish that I couldn't understand. When she finished, they switched to English and Caitlin joined them, no doubt discussing the events of the previous night for both girls.

They finished their drinks then returned to the crowded dance floor, once again leaving me alone. Like before, I used the time to scan the room taking in all the lovely local girls, and the numerous ongoing interactions. It was maybe ten minutes later when Maria and Daniela returned to the table without my wife. They sat and began chatting in Spanish giving no indication where Caitlin had gone, which made me think it was to the bathroom. It was only when I spotted her dress through the crowd and saw her partner that I realized she was dancing with Juan Pablo.

"Let her have fun with her date," Maria said, putting her hand on my arm.

"Stay with us," Daniela joined in, and put her hand on my leg.

"Do I have a choice?" I said, laughing at the two girls which lightened the mood instantly.

"No!" they announced in unison, and joined in.

"I understand he has a nickname," I said to Maria.

"Oh yes. He is well known for his ability. Your wife should be proud to be his lover," she replied, as if it was already decided.

"I don't think she intends to be his lover," I laughed.

"I would say they are already lovers," Maria responded which let me know that Caitlin had confided in her, and I had to agree that there was an argument for her view.

My wife stayed out with him for what seemed like thirty minutes before finally returning to the table breathing hard and quite sweaty from her dancing. She sat and immediately asked that I get her a *******, so I flagged the waitress and bought another round for the table while Caitlin, Maria and Daniela had a whispered conversation with lots of giggling.

"What are y'all talking about?" I interrupted, after the waitress left.

"Your wife wants to experience a younger man," Maria said, which brought a shocked look and a slap on the arm from Caitlin.

"I didn't say that." Caitlin cried out.

"You didn't have to. It's in your eyes," Maria replied, with a wicked grin.

"It's not eleven yet," I said to Caitlin.

"He couldn't stay away," Maria answered before my wife could speak.

Her words made Daniela start to laugh and soon my wife joined in. It was clear it was going to be a situation of me against them.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know. When I said I needed to rest, he disappeared," she responded.

"He is young and worried about the husband. Not like the man at the bar," Maria announced.

Her words caused me to turn and look towards Senor Tejeda. It also let me know that my wife had confided in that interaction as well. Also, I saw that the seat next to him was now open, which evidently Maria noticed too as she decided to speak.

"Would you prefer she be with him as her lover?" she asked, nodding in the direction.

"Maria, please stop." Caitlin called out, which brought a nod from her, but made Daniela laugh.

"She is unsure how to stop," Daniela said after her laughing ended, which brought chuckles from the rest of us and a dirty look from Maria.

The drinks came, along with a bottle of water for my wife, and we chatted until they were mostly gone. A song came on that Daniela liked and it got her to stand and begin moving which inspired the others until they all headed back to the dance floor. This time, I kept an eye on Caitlin and within minutes she was joined by Juan Pablo who slowly separated her from the others until they were at a spot that was the furthest distance from the table.

Before long, I saw Maria and Daniela quit dancing and begin to work the men at the bar. Evidently, they had determined that nothing was coming from us but free drinks and they needed to get to work if they wanted to make some money. Maria struck up a conversation with an older tourist and it looked like she might have finally gotten lucky. Daniela, on the other hand, worked her way down the bar without making contact and ended up standing by herself just to the side of the entrance.

Even though Caitlin was dancing alone with Juan Pablo, as best I could tell nothing unseemly was taking place. It wasn't long before, once again, to catch her breath, she returned solo to the table.

"Where are Maria and Daniela?" she asked, panting and waving her hand over her face.

"They decided they needed to make a living," I explained.

"Can't we just pay them? I like talking to them," she whined.

"If it's that important to you, I'll see. You want them for an hour or all night?" I teased.

"All night of course," she shot back with an impish smile.

"You know this isn't turning out to be the budget vacation we planned," I replied.

"I guess we can just go back to the room..." my wife answered with a pouty look.

"What the hell," I said, and when I started laughing, she quickly joined in.

I had ordered her another ******* and a bottle of water while she was gone which she quickly attacked. I was at a point where I was definitely feeling the *******, but the dancing and sweating must have been helping Caitlin because she seemed in good shape. I was watching her take a big swig of water when our waitress appeared with four shots on her tray.

"What's this?" I asked.

"From a friend," the girl said, and when I asked who she just shrugged and walked off.

I put my finger in one and tasted it to determine the contents and found out it was tequila, and I assumed that either Maria or Daniella had decided to take a turn on the drinks.

"Looks like it's an all-in night," I said to Caitlin, then emptied the first glass.

"Is it good?" she asked when she saw my expression, and when I nodded my head, I saw her tilt her head back too.

The remaining two glasses were emptied in short order as we toasted our vacation, and then I decided it was time for a talk.

"What are your expectations with your guy?" I asked.

"Nothing, just dancing..." she answered, but the look on her face didn't match the words coming from her mouth.

"So, nothing more...just dancing..." I confirmed.

There was some silence as we looked at each other before she asked, "What do you want?"

"I want you to be honest," I said.

"I haven't thought that far ahead," she answered vaguely, and we ended the conversation with a lingering stare.

Following Caitlin's request, I found Daniela and asked her if I could pay her to keep company with us for the night. Instantly, her face broke into a smile and after a minute of negotiating she accepted $100. I told her the same deal went for Maria if she was interested and she set off to find her friend. Less than five minutes after I left Caitlin, we were sitting with both girls.

With their time settled for the night, the girls were much livelier, almost rambunctious, as they drank with us and chatted, mostly with Caitlin. A few minutes later, the waitress arrived with four more shots, and although I pressed for details, she claimed no knowledge of the buyer. Of course, now that it was clear it wasn't one of our friend's, I was left to ponder who might be our benefactor. Caitlin had one with me but Maria and Daniela declined which left two more. Caitlin said she was done, so I took another then left one for later. I realized I was getting truly hammered, but since it was vacation and we were only a couple blocks from the hotel, I ignored my brain's warnings. Looking around to see if I could spot who might be sending the drinks, I saw that the stool next to the strange man was empty again.

I took my wife by the arm and pulled her close to me and in a slurred whisper said, "Go sit on that stool."

Caitlin gave me a strange look wondering if I was serious or ******* before replying, "No honey."

"Come on baby," I prodded, unable to think of any rationale.

"No," she responded.

"Come on want to keep flirting with your boy-toy?" I challenged her.

We stared at each other for a long time before she silently stood and walked to the bar and sat on the stool making sure her dress covered her bottom. The two local girls were silent, but when I looked over, Maria was smiling at me, while Daniela had an odd, almost shocked, look. With the crowd constantly moving between us and them, it was difficult to see consistently, but I assumed the man would once again attempt to fondle my wife's ass.

"You want her to feel pleasure from him, "Maria stated, rather than ask.

"Let her be with Juan Pablo," Daniela said, with a tone of bewilderment.

While we watched, something strange happened. The man who heretofore had never shown expression nor spoke a word leaned towards my wife until his lips were against her hair and started saying something. By the posture of her body, we could tell that Caitlin was nervous, but she listened, occasionally nodding her head, before she responded. There followed a short exchange before we saw her get up and head back to our table.

"What happened? I asked when she was seated.

"I just got asked to go to the Mermaid Hotel," she told us.

"That is right around the corner," Maria said and then asked, "How much did he offer to pay?"

"$200," she said in a way that didn't provide any hint as to her state of mind.

"That is a very good price," Maria answered, and fortunately the comment made Caitlin laugh.

"I had to get him up from $150," she replied when the laughter had died, and now we all looked at her in surprise.

"You negotiated with him?" I asked, in shock.

"$150 just wasn't enough," she giggled.

"Did you accept to go?" Maria asked, looking very interested in the outcome.

"I told him I needed to ask my husband," Caitlin replied, and looked straight at me.

"Not for a penny less than $300," I responded sarcastically.

"Maybe he will accept, but it is unlikely," Maria quickly said.

I started snickering at my cleverness and shrugged, thinking the incident was over, when Caitlin suddenly rose from her chair and returned to the man. Now, I was completely stunned and confused about her intent, although I suspected she was trying to one up me for sending her over. Since her stool had been occupied, she leaned down and spoke to him while others around watched and after trading a few words, Caitlin returned to the table.
"He said no. Let's go dance," she informed us, and led the girls out.

My wife had only been dancing a minute or so when I saw Juan Pablo join her again. He was wearing long shorts and a tight surfing shirt that highlighted his lean body. Slowly, they separated from the two prostitutes and relocated to the same dark spot. They moved easily with each other, and before long I saw him put his hand on her hip and guide her as they swayed to the music. I could see, even from my distance, Caitlin was enjoying herself.

My bladder was about to burst, so I stood and headed towards the restroom realizing almost instantly that I was much drunker than I had thought. I struggled to move across the room without holding onto something, but made it in a series of small steps. Once there, I found it empty and went up to a urinal and began relieving myself. Midway through, I heard the door open behind me and steps approach, then stop. It was unnerving to have someone behind me this way and I girded for the worst, but instead of receiving a blow, a gruff voice began speaking with a heavy accent.

"Your wife. She is very beautiful," the voice said, identifying who it was.

I finished, zipped up and then turned to find, as expected, the man from the bar stool.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying my best not to fall.

"I do not have the $500, but yet I want her very much," he stated boldly.

At first, I was confused, but even with my alcohol sodden brain I was able to deduce that Caitlin had given him a much bigger number.

"Well, I guess that's too bad," I said, starting to move past him.

"We must reach an agreement," the man said, and stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Hey, let go," I said jerking my arm free, but falling in the process.

Struggling to get up, I felt the man loop his arm beneath mine and lift me to my feet, and when I was steady, he quickly apologized, "I meant no harm. Please forgive me."

"Forget it." I said and started to walk past, but after a few steps, I stopped and turned to him, "How much do you have?"

"I have $325, but I must pay for the room," he replied.

"How much is that?" I asked.

"$40 for the hour," he informed me.

"Did you buy the tequila?" I asked, when a sudden thought hit me.

"Yes," he replied.

"And how much did it cost?" I followed.

"$4 per *******," he told me.

With that, I walked back to the table, moving slowly to avoid falling, and found Maria and Daniela had returned, but not Caitlin, who I saw standing on the far end of the room talking to Juan Pablo.

Looking back, I realized my drunken state did not let me see the total madness of the situation. Here I was sitting with two prostitutes we had paid to keep us company and my wife was talking to a young local man that wanted to take her to bed while I discussed selling her to another. Unfortunately, rather than simply leaving and returning to the safety of our hotel room, I continued to feed the dangerous beast that was my twisted, alcohol enhanced, mind. With a drunken voice, I explained to the two prostitutes what the man had told me, making sure they understood that she had asked for far more than I instructed her but, they didn't seem the least surprised.

"It is fortunate she did. It is better not to go with him," Maria said, and I saw that Daniela was nodding her head.

There seemed to be some knowledge on the man that those that worked in the bar understood, but were reluctant to share.

"She wants to fuck Juan Pablo. Give her the permission," Maria implored, stroking my arm.

"Yes, they are in love," Daniela added.

Minutes later, Caitlin appeared at the table with her instructor alongside. He looked at me nervously, but stood silently as my wife took her place on the chair beside me.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Are you?" she replied with a disappointed look.

"Yes, I am," I said, and when I saw her sad expression wasn't changing, I added, "You want to invite him back?"

"I don't know. It seems" she started, paused and then said, "Maybe just for a little bit?"

After watching her flirt and dance all night, I suspected what she really wanted was my approval. She wanted to allay her guilt and responsibility by making it my decision.

"Up to you," I responded, choosing to put it completely on her.

"Can they come too?" she asked, looking towards the girls.

"Sure," I responded.

"They won't stay long, just for a little while," she stated.

Her answer had come with little hesitation which told me she must truly be burning for the man, and for the first time, I did feel pangs of jealousy. We had only been in the place for a few days, but something had been unleashed within her that had never been revealed before. To get us to this moment, I wondered what role my pushing played, how much was coming from her inner fires and the impact of situation and simple opportunity. In the end, was it really a magical convergence of all these elements? And what was her true intent? What did it mean to come by "for a little while"? Did it mean she wanted to flirt some more? Perhaps kiss a little? Or, did she desire even more?

When I nodded, she smiled broadly, if a bit drunkenly, and together we rose, left the bar and started towards the hotel. The security guard required that we register the girls at the front desk, which I didn't anticipate, but it was quickly done and we rode the elevator up in silence. Things became awkward as soon as we stepped into the room with no one sure about what to do.

"Can uhhh...can we go to the hut?" my wife asked after a brief, whispered conversation with Juan Pablo, giving a strong indication of her true interest.

"No, you need to stay here," I said gruffly.

After more milling around, I turned the TV to a music station, turned off the lights and opened the curtains illuminating the room from the outside while directing the girls on the couch with me and leaving my wife and Juan Pablo standing.

They quickly sat at the end of the bed and started whispering to each other while we watched. However, I soon felt Maria's hands unbuttoning my shirt and they were joined by Daniela's which began working on my belt.

"Honey, can...uhhh...can we talk?" Caitlin asked and indicated we should go into the bathroom.

I joined her with my shoes off and my shirt and belt undone. In the bright light, I could see her skin was flushed and that her eyes showed a mixture of both excitement and fear.

"Are you sure about this? It really seems...wrong..." she whispered.

"It was your choice," I replied, reminding her of her decision at Diego's.

"I know...but...are you really...okay with it?" she asked.

"Caitlin, what's your intention? What do you want to happen?" I asked, deciding it was time to get specific.

"I know...ummmm..." she stammered.

"You want to fuck him?" I interjected, purposefully being coarse.

She looked at me for several seconds, and then said, "''s so wrong..."

"Okay, fine then...we can hang out some then they can leave," I said.

"Okay..." she replied softly with disappointment clearly in her voice.

Now, there was no doubt in my mind that she wanted validation to experience the man. She wanted to be told it was okay, and since I hadn't provided it, she was left confused.

"Later..." I said to her when she tried to kiss me.

With that, I reached for the door and opened it, and we re-entered the room. All eyes were on her as she stepped towards the bed and settled next to Juan Pablo, while I moved back to the couch. After only a slight, Daniela returned to my pants while Maria's hand stroked my chest.

"No, Daniela," I said and stopped her hand, wanting to slow things down.

My wife and the surf instructor started a whispered conversation that lasted for quite some time. When it ended, I saw the young man attempt to kiss her, but she turned her head before he could connect. Another conversation ensued, and this time when it was over his lips made contact. The first kiss was short, but the second one lingered, and I watched as he guided her back until they were flat on the bed.

"Mmmm...ohhh..." I heard Caitlin gasp, when his lips moved to her sensitive neck

"Give her permission," Maria whispered.

For the next few minutes, we watched them kiss while Maria teased my nipples and Daniela squeezed my dick through my pants. Juan Pablo was clearly experienced because he took his time, planting kisses all over her face and neck bringing forth a litany of mews and whimpers. With his hand, he pulled her tightly against him, and when she was nestled, it moved to her breasts and began to knead them through her dress. She made no effort to stop him, but after several minutes they began whispering again. I thought maybe she was telling him it was over, so I was a little surprised when they started kissing again, and even more so when his hand left her breasts and moved to her legs. He stroked her smooth flesh with slow movements, and each time his hand rose he would carry the hem of her dress higher. Soon, it was barely covering her ass, and that's when I saw his hand snake beneath the garment.

"Mmmmm..." Caitlin let out in a stifled moan.

I suspected he had found my wife's slit, and when she threw a leg over his, I knew it was so he could have better access.

Daniela spoke to her friend rapidly in Spanish, and when they finished, Maria said, "Let them fuck."

My wife's sounds were coming more freely now and I could see Juan Pablo's arm moving in a way that indicated he was giving her a good finger banging. Suddenly, the young man stopped, quickly stood, and after a quick glance my way he began to work his shorts down until suddenly, his large cock sprung free. There was a gasp from the girls, most notably my wife who was looking straight at the appendage as it stood proudly just feet away. He was completely hard and it pointed upward with the power of youth. I guessed it was over eight inches long and quite fat, protruding from a thin tangle of pubic hair, and the shaft appeared to be a much darker color than his body with an almost leathery texture. He was uncircumcised, with the bright pink head already fully extended, and several veins were prominent along the length.

I thought he would immediately try to mount my wife, and I wondered how she would react. However, he had other plans, and after removing his tight shirt, he pushed her dress up until her pussy was uncovered and then landed his tongue. He started a lashing that quickly had her whining and I realized she had given up all efforts to mask her responses.

"He's getting her ready," Maria whispered huskily into my ear.

I knew she was correct and wondered if Caitlin would even attempt to seek my approval. Since our conversation in the bathroom, she had shown no inclination to control the young man. Quite the contrary, as every touch from him had so far been met with passion.

Maria and Daniela, inspired by the show in front of us, stood and quickly stripped, and when they finished, they pulled the rest of my clothes off leaving Caitlin as the only one with anything on. I put a hand between the legs of each of the girls while Maria pinched my nipples and Daniela stroked my dick.

"Slowly," I whispered to Daniela, afraid that I would cum too quickly.

Juan Pablo worked her into a frenzy and then got on his knees between her legs and started to move forward. When he was above her, my wife placed her hand on his chest, lifted and turned my way. Instantly, she saw the girls with their hands all over me and a strange look appeared on her face.

"Honey?" she called out after several seconds.

I knew by the tone of her voice that she was once again seeking permission. She had tried multiple times that evening as she just didn't seem capable of making the final decision on her own. For some reason, I didn't want to make it easy, so I remained silent. Time seemed to stand still and everyone was frozen in place as the seconds ticked by before she finally fell back onto the bed. Juan Pablo leaned close to her and they had another discussion, and when it ended, he looked at me with a smile and began to move.

He positioned himself between her legs, dropped his hips to get the right angle and pushed forward. The movement continued several times while he sought my wife's opening and finally, we saw her hand move between them to help guide the spear.

"Mmmm...uhhh...nnnhhhh..." she suddenly groaned.

"It is very small," we heard him whisper, as he paused for a moment before pushing again.

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." came the extended cry from Caitlin that let us know she was being penetrated.

"Yes...yes, it is there..." her lover declared and he started making small motions with his ass that I knew was meant to get her use to his size.

"Ummm...unnghhh...ohhhh...ohhhh...ungghhh..." she grunted with each movement.

Her sounds, which seemed part passion and part pain, continued for several minutes before he stopped moving. It became quiet in the small hotel room, and the three of us on the couch watched as their lips met and he kissed her deeply. Then, very slowly, he lifted his ass until he was almost completely out before pushing forcefully into her.

"Oh...oh...God...ohhhh..." she let out, which started another litany of passionate cries as he began his ride.

"He is fucking her good," Maria said to me, in her normal voice.

Naked on the couch, the three of us touched each other while we watched my wife being thoroughly fucked by this well-endowed young man. I had to admit that they looked like the perfect sexual couple, both lean and athletic, entwined and focused on their carnal pleasure. Caitlin's continual moans left no doubt that Juan Pablo's efforts were bringing her sexual joy. Plus, the way their bodies merged made them seem melded together as if they had performed this ritual a thousand times.

"Yes, oh yes...yes...yes..." we heard Caitlin suddenly pant in reply to more whispers from Juan Pablo.

I was so intent on watching her that I didn't realize that Daniela was putting a condom on me until I felt her hand pushing it down my shaft. I had always thought that Maria would be the bold one, but I made no attempt to stop Daniela when she climbed over me.

Daniela started her own soft moans which melded with Caitlin's cries and helped to fill the room. Although I wanted to concentrate on my wife, when Daniela pushed her breasts into my face I began licking and sucking them and lost the connection with the bed. Even with my dick covered by the condom, the young *******'s pussy felt wonderful, and it was only when my wife's sounds became louder that I switched my attention back to her.

"Mmmm...ohhh...ohhh...fuck me...fuck me...ohhh it's so good..." Caitlin grunted in time with her lover's thrusts.

"Tell us how the snake feels," I heard Maria ask loudly, and looking over I could see she was rapidly rubbing her pussy.

"It's good...ohhh God..." my wife answered unashamedly.

"Is it past everything before?" Maria asked.

"Yes...oh good..." my wife cried out.

Her legs were now wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck while he took long, full strokes into her body. Juan Pablo picked up the pace until he was sawing into her rapidly, and he began speaking to her in rapid Spanish that I couldn't understand.

"What's he saying?" I grunted out to the two girls, as Daniela rode me.

"He says the pussy is for him now...his property," Maria answered, approaching her own release.

"It will always be there for him," Daniela added.

Caitlin was quickly losing the last of her control and her soft hair began tossing across the bed as her cries of passion grew even louder. Finally, her body stiffened, and then released and seconds later stiffened again, followed by a series of wails.

"Ahhhhhhnnnnn...ohhh...ohhh...oh fuck yes...fuck me...don't good...oh fuck..." she cried out loudly, as she climaxed more completely than I had ever witnessed.

Her fingernails were deep into his ass and I could see tension in her neck as she became rigid.

Juan Pablo was only seconds behind, and his Spanish became even more rapid before we watched his ass clench and push into her hard, release, then push into her hard again then hold in place while he threw his head back and cried out, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...Madre..."

Maria followed soon with her own orgasm announced by her high-pitched squeaks and the site of her thighs closing tightly around her moving fingers. It lasted for a few seconds then she slumped against the arm rest with her eyes tightly closed.

Now, the room was quiet except for the sounds that were coming from Daniela and me. The alcohol I had consumed seemed to be having an impact on my ability to get to a release and I was about to stop her when I looked towards the bed and saw Caitlin, still coupled with her young lover, looking around his arm. Our eyes met and even in the dim light I could see in them a hungry look that told me she wanted more. Her gaze also had an effect on my balls because I felt them begin to tingle and quickly, I began building towards a climax.

"Uhhh...uhhh...damn...uhhh..." I grunted, as Daniela's pussy drained my balls into the condom.

Looking up, I saw the young ******* staring at me with a knowing smile, and she appeared unconcerned that she was the only person in the room to not have an orgasm. Silently, she rose from her position and went to the bathroom leaving me exposed with my deflating, condom covered dick. It turned out there was no reason for concern because by then Caitlin's attention had returned to her lover.

As soon as Daniela reappeared, I took her place in the bathroom while passing close enough to the bed to see that my wife was intimately kissing Juan Pablo. Removing the condom and peeing, I was only gone a few minutes, but when I returned, Daniela had left and Maria was now sitting up and had covered herself with her shirt. Only my wife and Juan Pablo were in the position I had left them. Without speaking, I found my boxers and returned to my seat next to Maria on the couch.

"Where did Daniela go?" I asked her friend in a low voice.

"She went home to her baby," she answered.

I was just about to ask her why she stayed when a rustling sound came from the bed and Juan Pablo rolled to his back with my wife quickly climbing on top and descending back onto his shaft. With her arms on his shoulders and moans of pleasure coming from her mouth, she started to move her hips and I visualized how far inside her his organ must go each time she pushed against him.

"The snake, it is hungry again," Maria whispered, like she was watching some ritual.

"Ohhhh...ohhh...ohhh my God..." my wife suddenly let out in a passionate cry.

"She is his now. The snake has taken her," she said in a way that sounded like she had intended to transfer some deep knowledge.

Caitlin started to move faster and her moans and whimpers kept pace while the younger man remained silent. He seemed to be content to just stare up at her face, and for several minutes she rode him before apparently growing tired. Suddenly, she fell forward onto his chest and their lips met in another deep kiss. One of his hands went to her back and the other to her ass where he helped to slowly guide her, and when the kiss ended, he started telling her how beautiful she was.

Juan Pablo turned in the bed and sat up with his feet on the floor with my wife straddling his lap, still very much connected. They stayed that was for just a few seconds before the young man lifted her and placed her on her hands and knees making it clear what he planned to do. With his hand, he gripped the base of his fat cock giving us a good view, and I could see his large, pink head was coated with a slick mixture of my wife's juices and his semen. He brought the head back to her opening and slowly pushed the beast inside until his entire length had disappeared. Just as slowly, he extracted his shaft until only the head remained inside then, without warning, he slammed into her.
"Oh God!" my wife screamed, and her hands gripped the bed cover tightly.

Her head turned to look at him and I could see a mixture of pain and lust on her face, and when she began to turn back our eyes met briefly, but it was clear she was gone, having given herself completely to him. He pushed into her hard again, which brought another loud moan, then he started fucking her fast with his hands holding her hips tightly.

"Do it...oh fuck me...fuck's all's's your pussy..." my wife cried out shamelessly.

It wasn't long before he made her cum again and I had to admit that he had well and truly played the tamer. She had always been passionate in bed and joyous when she climaxed, but this was a whole new level where she was essentially at a point of complete abandon. Juan Pablo fucked her through her climax and was now holding her up to prevent her collapse on the bed as he continued to pummel her pussy from behind. It was the rawest show of base sex I had ever seen, and when Maria's hand touched my shaft, I lasted only seconds before I spewed my discharge onto my stomach. The young man made it a few more minutes, and then, with a deep, satisfied groan, he once again planted his seed deeply into my wife's body.

"She will never say no to him now," I heard Maria say while I stared at the sordid scene.

Slowly, the heavy breathing in the room slowed and the alcohol I had consumed, coupled with the energy drawn from me via my ejaculations made me give in to sleep. I woke the next morning to the light streaming in through the open window to find that both Maria and Juan Pablo were gone. Caitlin was sprawled on the bed face down and between her legs I could see her red, swollen pussy was still very wet making me wonder if she had been recently fucked while I slept. Closing the curtain, I crawled into bed and slept until the maid knocked on the door four hours later.
The maid opening the door woke me, but as soon as the young woman saw me on the bed, she quickly backed out. My head was pounding and my mouth felt like an army had marched through it however, I ****** myself to rise and take stock of the situation. Caitlin was gone, although I suspected I knew her location, so after taking a shower, I walked towards the beach leaving the messy room and the big wet spot to the maid. I arrived as Caitlin's lesson was winding down, noticing that she was wearing her sexy bikini, and found a spot where I could observe the pair without being seen.

Together, they left the rough water and made for the hut, quickly entered and remaining for almost an hour. I knew my wife was inside pleasuring the man and that Maria's words were proving to be prophetic. When Caitlin finally emerged, I walked parallel for a bit before intercepting her outside the entrance to the hotel.

"Did you fuck him again?" I asked, with no sugar coating.

"Yes," she answered guiltily after a brief pause.

After staring at each other for several seconds, we moved together up to the room and Caitlin immediately went to the bathroom leaving me alone to contemplate the events of the past twenty-four hours. She stayed there for a long time before finally appearing with a towel around her body.

"Let me see you," I demanded.

"Why?" she replied with a concerned look.

"Let me see," I said again, and she undid the towel and let it hang from her right hand.

Her pussy was clearly swollen, but other than a small hickey above her left nipple her body was clean, which was far better than I expected. I patted the spot next to me on the bed signaling for her to sit.

"Let me get dressed first," she said, and started rummaging through her clothes.

"What happened in the hut?" I demanded in a stern voice.

The fact that she had so readily given herself to him again irritated me. Especially, since she had done it alone.

"We made...we had sex," she responded, catching herself mid-sentence.

"No bra or panties," I instructed when she was about to get dressed.

"Why?" she asked with a nervous expression.

"If you're going to play the bad girl, then it's going to be all the time," I explained.

Her nervous look morphed into one of concern, but pulled a flowery sun dress over her head and slipped on a pair of sandals without responding.

"How many times has he had you?" I asked, being intentionally blunt.

"Four...but didn't stop could have," she replied, trying to twist my silence into permission.

"What's your excuse for fucking him in the hut," I challenged her, and then followed before she could respond, "What happened exactly?"

"I told you. We had sex," she replied.

"Details Caitlin...what happened," I demanded.

"We went in and he undressed me. Then, he...uh...we...we did it from behind," she stammered.

"Did you suck him?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered after a hesitation, although her words were unnecessary as the look on her face had already provided the truth.

"Before or after?" I continued.

"Both," she admitted sheepishly.

"Did he cum in your mouth?" I asked, as for some reason I wanted to know every dirty detail.

"No, know" she answered.

"Now, what?" I probed.

"Now, we continue our vacation," she replied, forsing a smile.

"So, you're through with him? No more boy-toy?" I asked, surprised she would give up her new lover so quickly after all that had occurred.

"Yes...oh and by the way I didn't give you permission to be with Daniela," she stated, trying to take the offensive.

"Look, don't even try," I replied, and then added before she could speak, "Besides, I used a condom."

That stopped her cold and she looked at the floor for several seconds before she turned to me with her big doe eyes and asked, "Do you still love me?"

"I do..." I started, then paused for a moment before adding, "I'm just surprised...four times, and in his hut...sneaking."

"I know. It was too much...all too much. I'm sorry," she answered in a tiny voice, looking truly ashamed.

With that, we left for lunch then walked around some before returning and deciding to sun by the small hotel pool. Caitlin wore her sexy bikini, although there wasn't much of a crowd to take notice, and we were both so exhausted from the events of the previous night we dozed off and on. Later, it was up to the room where we showered then jumped in bed for more sleep.

By dinner time, my annoyance had faded as I realized how culpable I had been. We decided to go to a resort restaurant that was located five miles up the coast. So, just after six, we headed for the elevator with Caitlin back in a sun dress and me in shorts and a polo shirt. We made it to the place just as the final sliver of sun disappeared over the horizon and I ordered a bottle of wine. The food was excellent and we took our time, going through a second bottle before finally leaving. Feeling the alcohol, I began kissing Caitlin in the taxi on the drive back, ignoring her giggling pleas to behave.

As soon as we got to the room, our clothes went flying and I had my wife on her back with my head buried between her legs, lapping at her already wet pussy. She only let me lick for a couple minutes before she pulled on my shoulders then took my dick and brought it to her slit.

"Ohhh...go slow..." she moaned, as I pushed in.

I knew it was her soreness from Juan Pablo's fat shaft that brought the warning, but she still felt amazing as my dick made its way in. When I was completely inside, I started a slow, gentle motion that soon had her purring nicely.

"I love you," she announced.

"I know," I whispered.

"You're so special," she moaned in response, while we continued our slow pace.

"Did you like it?" I asked, after almost a minute of silence.

"Yes," she answered after a moment, then added, "Thank you for letting me."

"You came hard," I followed.

There were several seconds of silence before she sighed into my ear, "Yes, it different."

"How was it different?" I asked, maybe a bit naively.

"You know...just...being...being naughty...being watched...and it was so big," she whispered.

"And now you want big cocks," I said, purposefully pushing.

"I want you," she moaned, and licked my ear.

We became silent again, except for our moans, as we continued to make love very slowly. Growing tired, I was about to roll her on top of me when a thought hit my brain.

"What time are you supposed to meet him?" I asked, rising on my arms so I could look into her face.

At first, she didn't respond, but slowly a guilty look came to her face and with an awkward smile she said, "I'm supposed to call if I can."

"Your phone doesn't work here," I reminded her, as I had turned off the international features so we wouldn't get any accidental charges.

"Your...your phone does," she replied, as an impish grin appeared.

"You've had enough boy-toy fun," I responded sternly.

The knowledge that she had discussed a rendezvous with him and was keeping it from me lifted my spirit of gentleness, and I instantly began to move faster and push harder. My actions brought forth little squeals from her that I sensed were a combination of pain and excitement. However, when I felt my balls begin to tighten, I drove on not really caring about the source.

"Mmmm...ohhh...damn...damn!" I cried out when I erupted.

Quickly, my movements slowed and then stopped, and while still panting from the exertion I fell to her side, snuggling against her warm body. She rolled to face me, and we kissed softly until we drifted off.

Later, I woke and looking at the clock I could see it was just after ten, meaning I had slept for a little over an hour. Caitlin was still pressed against me and her steady breathing let me know she was sound asleep. Soon, I was wide awake and for the next thirty minutes I stared at the ceiling thinking about the recent events and my wife. What we experienced was certainly not normal for married people, but at the same time I didn't feel betrayed. Rather, it was the thought of the future and what might come next that had my mind in turmoil. Would we be able to go home and just return to our normal routine with no impact? Could what we had done be so easily turned on and off? Plus, even with me being open minded she had acted sneaky, which concerned me.

Bored, unable to sleep and not wanting to wake Caitlin, I climbed from the bed, dressed quietly and then slipped out the door making sure to take my phone with me. I had intended to drop down to the hotel bar for a beer, but when I got there it was completely dead, so before I knew it, I was walking towards Diego's.

At that hour on a Friday night, the place was so full the crowd was spilling out onto the sidewalk. I thought for a minute about abandoning the idea, but with a shrug, I jostled my way into the throng an ordered a beer. Fortunately, just a few minutes later, a stool opened on the street side and I grabbed it even though it didn't offer much of a view. One beer turned into two which led to a

trip to the toilet and on the return, I spotted several empty stools on the inside, so I grabbed my beer and was able to return before they were taken. Settling in, I spotted Senor Tejeda in his normal spot and for a moment, we made eye contact.

It took a while before I spotted Daniela and Maria, but whether they hadn't seen me or chose to ignore my presence, they remained across the club. All in all, I wasn't displeased by their behavior as it allowed me to ******* in peace and think. Of course, other girls made attempts to strike up a conversation, however a quick shake of my head resulted in most of them moving on and before long they quit trying.

"Honey, are you okay?" I heard Caitlin's voice, and looking up, I saw her standing in front of me in her sundress.

"I'm fine sweetie, just couldn't sleep," I answered, now thankful I had elected not to interact with the girls.

"You left me!" she exclaimed, while giving me an odd look.

"You looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't want to bother you. Plus, I was just going downstairs, but it was so empty I ended up here," I explained, helped by the fact that it was true.

"Okay," she replied with a look that still showed some confusion.

I ordered her a ******* then stood so she could sit, and by the time the bartender returned Daniela and Maria had arrived. They tried to move in close, but with the crowd it was difficult, so I took the opportunity to go to the toilet while they talked. There were several people in the small room and when I finished, I turned to see Senor Tejeda standing near the sink. It was clear he wanted to talk so I went slow and let the remaining guy leave before I turned to him.

"I have the money," he stated boldly.

I knew he was referring to the $500 Caitlin had quoted the previous night, but I didn't want to get into it.

"Look, I don't think so," I replied, and moved to walk by him.

"It is quite a lot, but I think she is worth it," he responded.

"Not tonight," I said quickly, and left.

When I returned, a stool had opened to my wife's left and she was saving it for me while she chatted with the two young prostitutes. However, I noticed a change in their demeanor when I approached and I suspected they had been discussing the events in our hotel room. Like before, I was directed to buy the girl's drinks, and while I was ordering I could hear enough of what was being said to know my suspicions were correct.

Just as I turned with the cups, from nowhere, a local man in his mid-30s appeared next to Daniela and began talking to her in a low voice.

"Ahh! It's Daniela's regular customer," Maria said, and then followed with, "She will be leaving us."

Maria's words proved true as her friend offered a brief goodbye and turned to leave with the man.

"I'll miss Daniela," Caitlin announced.

"Oh, she will be back shortly. He never buys more than an hour," Maria explained.

"God that just seems so raw. I mean...I'm sorry I don't want to be judgmental, but it's so straightforward and basic," Caitlin said, struggling to find the right words, "Does she enjoy it?"

"The man is kind to her, so it is not unpleasant," she replied.

Looking at Caitlin I could see her nipples were now visible through her top, and I wondered if this real time witnessing of the workings of "the oldest profession" was somehow exciting her. In reality, she had seen it first-hand the night before when Daniela rode me, but I guess she was too distracted by Juan Pablo for it to fully register. In any event, the brief exchange between Daniela and her customer had resulted in a visible change in Caitlin. There was now a nervous look in her eyes and her body had become rigid. I also realized that without prodding she had come in search of me without a bra and I guessed without panties, either. That, coupled with her prearranged communication plan with the young surfing instructor, signaled to me that she still held illicit carnal thoughts.

"You must give her your phone," Maria suddenly whined.

"Maria!" Caitlin cried out in shock.

"Let her have her fun and I will go with you and make sure you have fun too," she replied with her eyes directed towards me. I had to give the working girl credit for being constantly in sales mode.

"No, she doesn't deserve it," I answered.

"Of course, she does," Maria responded, while my wife looked on.

"No, she didn't do as I asked," I said, letting the string out a little more.

"What do you mean?" the young ******* asked.

"Yes, what do you mean?" my wife chimed in showing confusion.

"When I told her to tell that man $300, she told him $500," I answered, nodding towards Senor Tejeda.

"How did you know..." Caitlin started, then caught herself, which made me laugh.

"He told me. He followed me into the bathroom last night and told me what you said. He wanted you so badly that he wanted to work out an arrangement and he was the one that bought the tequila shots," I explained.

"She is too beautiful for him," Maria said.

"And tonight, just now in the bathroom, he told me he has the $500," I continued, ignoring the *******'s message.

A shocked look instantly appeared on my wife's face as she no doubt wondered what I might demand. There followed a tense period of silence before Caitlin spoke.

"So?" she finally said, attempting to act indignant.

"So, no more boy-toy," I replied.

"It is not fair," Maria said instantly.

"Okay," Caitlin said with indifference, although her body language hinted at disappointment.

Her response silenced Maria and all was quiet for a bit before they began chatting about random things. It wasn't long before, with a quick flurry, they left me and went to dance. While they were gone, on several occasions I looked over to Senor Tejeda and could see he was more animated than normal, fidgeting in his chair and looking towards Caitlin while she moved. Clearly, he was consumed with the idea of her, and I couldn't help but feel guilty for the way we had toyed with him.

Caitlin and Maria reappeared ten minutes later, and we sipped our drinks and chatted for a few minutes before they left again. Just as they returned, almost an exact hour after she had departed with her customer, Daniella appeared. Once again, there was a barrage of whispered questions from my wife about the brief encounter.

As that conversation ended, a waitress approached Maria and began speaking into her ear. All of us watched with interest, with the odd expressions crossing the young girls face only adding to our curiosity. Maria was surprisingly coy when the waitress left and avoided our questions, and then shortly after departed. Her actions brought a shrug from Daniela, who hesitated for a moment and then turned and followed her friend.

They returned a few minutes later and Maria, looking at me, announced, "Your friend wants my time."

"Who?" I asked, momentarily confused.

"The man who you have touch your wife," she clarified, referring to Senor Tejeda.

"Really?" my wife exclaimed, while a strange look came to Daniella's face.

"Yes, he is being generous, so I must say yes," the working girl explained.

"We understand," my wife responded, although she was clearly disappointed.

A silence engulfed us for several seconds before Maria spoke, "Perhaps you would like to come with me and see how it is done."

"What?" Caitlin replied with a gasp, while Daniella turned her head.

"You have shown interest. Perhaps you would like to see the Mermaid Hotel and how we are to act," she suggested.

Maria was right in the sense that Caitlin had been pestering the girls with questions since they first met, concerning all aspects of their work. However, that was intellectual curiosity, and this, if I understood the Latin girl correctly, would be field work. Even if it was just watching, it would be very bizarre, unthinkable before this trip, and not without some danger.

"Maria...I...I can't do that," she countered, but in her voice, I sensed a tiny bit of curiosity.

"I think you will find it helps with your questions. You may go home with the knowledge you have been asking about," Maria replied in a way that made me think she sensed an opening.

"Maria!" my wife exclaimed again, but this time she looked towards me.

"Come...keep me company," she responded, and put her hand on my wife's arm.

"It's just too crazy. I can't do that. I mean I would be watching have sex," Caitlin answered, although I could tell she was now wavering.

"Come, we have all seen each other," Maria replied.

"Honey?" my wife said, looking at me after several seconds of silence in a way that left me unsure whether she was seeking support or a way out.

I was silent for a moment, but my wife's interest intrigued me and I found myself asking, "Where is this hotel?"

"Just around the corner. Perhaps, 100 meters," Maria quickly replied.

"And just for an hour?" I clarified.

"Yes," Maria answered.

Now, my wife's expression seemed to contain elements of confusion, trepidation and excitement. However, it was impossible to tell which emotion was the most dominant. Our eyes locked, and we held the gaze for a few seconds, although it felt like an eternity. In that time, I thought about her safety and convinced myself that she was probably in no real danger. The only other downside I could think of was that she might get thoroughly disgusted by the act. The upside was a bit more difficult to fathom. Was her curiosity truly that strong? Would it open her up even more and did she need any more openness? Hadn't we done too much already?

"Up to you," I finally said, thinking that like before, the most interesting aspect of it all was her decision.

"I can't believe I'm considering this," Caitlin responded a few seconds later with clear tension in her voice and body.

"Come with me," Maria pleaded once more.

"Maria!" Caitlin exclaimed, but let the girl take her hand.

After that, it all moved very fast. I could tell Maria wanted to leave before my wife changed her mind, so with a firm grip, she guided her swiftly away. Seconds later, Daniela and I watched as the three departed, and for a moment a strange feeling of foreboding swept through me. Amazingly, it disappeared swiftly, and I turned and asked Daniella if she was ready for a *******. She nodded her ascent, but by the time they arrived, I could see she was scanning the room for opportunities.

"Daniella, stay and talk to me," I requested.

"It's getting late and I must make some money," she answered.

"I'll take care of you like before," I told her, which brought a pleased look to her face.
"Perhaps, we should go to your hotel," she suggested, and ran her hand up my leg until it bumped against my dick.

It was an odd message because I had assumed that getting paid and not having to perform sex was preferable.

"I better stay here in case Caitlin returns," I replied.

"I think perhaps we have time," she responded, as her fingertips found my balls.

"Why Daniella?" I asked, sensing there was a meaning in her words.

"It is nothing," she answered.

Then, in a moment of lucidity, it dawned on me what was taking place, "How much did the man pay Maria to get my wife to go?"

"Nothing," she replied, but the look in her eyes told me I was on the right track.

"Danielle, tell me how much. I know that's what happened," I pushed.

"Let's go to your hotel," she whined and used her fingers on my balls once more.

"Tell me Daniela, I want to know for when Caitlin gets back," I asked, doing my best to show a smile even though I was extremely tense.

"I think maybe $50 extra," the ******* answered, confirming my suspicions.

So, there it was. My wife, who had been so kind and supportive of the young girls, had been sold out for a mere $50. Now, I had to determine very quickly whether she was in danger and what I should do about it.

"What is the plan?" I asked, keeping my smile, knowing that Daniela responded better if there was no conflict.

"The man thinks that if she watches she will become excited," she answered.

"So, he hopes if she sees him with Maria, she'll want to have sex with him too?" I tried to clarify, making myself treat it as funny.

"Yes, he very much wants to," she replied.

"They aren't going to make her, are they?" I followed with a ****** laugh.

"" Daniella quickly answered.

The way she spoke gave me a profound sense of relief, but it still didn't seem right to leave Caitlin to face these predators even if they didn't intend to accomplish their goal through *******.

"Let's go to the Mermaid Hotel," I said to her as I stood.

"But you have the better hotel," she responded.

Her lack of appreciation for my concern provided more comfort, although I was now sure I wanted to be close to my wife.

"Let's get the room next to them so we can listen," I told Daniella, and it seemed my explanation struck a chord with her.

Of course, my previous behavior certainly reflected a voyeur interest, so it wasn't a stretch for her to think she knew my thoughts. With no more discussion, we found ourselves on the humid streets of the city walking towards the short-time facility. It only took a few minutes to arrive, and along the way I gave Daniella instructions about what to do, so when we stepped to the small counter, she started speaking in Spanish to the clerk. Several minutes later, after paying for the room along with a $20 "special" tip, we were climbing the stairs to the third floor to occupy the room that we were told was next to the pretty foreign woman.

The only piece of furniture in the small room was a bed. It was queen size, with simple linens, and the bathroom was down the hall. A fact I learned when Daniella excused herself and left me alone. As soon as the door closed, my ear was against the wall we shared with the identified room, but there were no sounds. We were ten minutes behind them, and I assumed some activity must have started, so I was at a loss about the silence.

Daniella returned soon, and when she stepped into the room she immediately started to undress. With practiced hands, her clothes came off quickly, and I was treated to the view of her young body once again. She seemed undaunted by my lack of progress in removing my things, and stepped towards me to help.

"Wait. I want to see what my wife does first," I pleaded in an attempt to forestall any sex.

A broad smile came to her face and she moved to the wall and pressed her naked body against it mimicking my previous move. I did the same, but it was still quiet which made me give her a confused look. Daniella mimed a blowjob while laughing softly, apparently enjoying the game. Then, once again she tried to work on my clothes.

"Let me go to the bathroom," I implored her, partially out of need, but also to avoid the interaction.

A few minutes later I returned and when I opened the door Daniella was sitting on the bed playing with her phone. She smiled at me as I entered, and I was instantly drawn to her breasts, much larger than my wife's, with long nipples from nursing her baby. It was an incredibly feminine look, and for a moment my thoughts left Caitlin. As if reading my mind, she stood and pressed her supple body against mine until her breasts were pushed flat. Then, her hands started working on my clothes and soon my shirt was off. My shorts had just hit the floor and Daniella was reaching for my boxers when we heard a banging sound start against the wall.

"Perhaps it is Maria...or perhaps your wife," she said, looking at me with a smile and laughing eyes.

I put my finger to my lips and started towards the wall, but Daniella yanked on my boxers making me pull my feet out before I could continue. Now naked, I pressed my ear against the wall with her alongside me doing the same. Very faintly, soft grunts were detectable and in between were sounds in Spanish.

"It is Maria," Daniella declared, and gave me a feigned look of disappointment.

"I wonder if Caitlin left?" I said, thinking out loud.

"No, I am certain she is watching," she replied.

"Why?" I asked, intrigued by the girl's thoughts, while realizing she was being quite talkative for the first time.

"She likes the sex," she responded, and while it was a simple statement, I instinctively knew she was correct.

Daniella pulled me to the bed and had me sit, then took a condom from a pocket in her skirt. She put it next to me and then took my dick firmly in her hands and began to stroke it. With her breasts right before me, it responded quickly and when it was stiff, she leaned forward and started running her tongue over the head.

"Uhhhh..." I moaned in response to her efforts.

The young girl's strokes and licks soon fell into rhythm to the pounding on the wall and strangely my mind went to a vision of Caitlin beneath the man. The sounds continued for over five minutes, and although Daniella never said anything, I think she understood what I was thinking, too. Then, without warning, it became quiet except for the wet sounds of the young girl's mouth on my dick. She looked up and our eyes met, and in that moment, I knew she was challenging me to think about what might happen next. If the banging on the bed started again, then it could very well mean they had been successful in seducing my wife, and while I thought it was extremely unlikely, there was a certain element of ******* as each small sound put me on edge.

Daniella, opened the condom wrapper and started rolling it over my dick. I had given up on holding her off as I was now very horny and excited. She was just lifting herself over me, preparing to drop onto my shaft, when a light knocking sound filled the room. With a quick glance at me and a smile, she jumped off the bed and opened the door a few inches, and then suddenly it opened wider and Maria entered.

"Where is Caitlin?" I immediately asked.

"She is with the man you want her to fuck," Maria answered with a challenging smile.

"You left her alone?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Yes, and she is naked and very wet," I was told.

"What do you mean? I mean tell me what's going on?" I fired back quickly.

"They are together waiting for me to return from the toilet, but I think we must provide some time," she answered with a small laugh.

While I processed her message, the two prostitutes closed in around me, and for some reason I became self-conscious about my nudity. They moved me back until I was sitting on the bed and Daniella climbed behind me and started to rub my chest while Maria gripped my dick firmly in her hand.

"Maria, you need to go back," I stated, thinking she would act as a block.

However, the girl made no move and pulled on my erection several times before answering, "Are you hard thinking of him touching her?"

It was now clear their plan was to keep me occupied as part of some devious plot to allow Caitlin to be seduced. I wondered about their motivation. Were they hoping that if she was busy, they could extract more money from me? Certainly, Maria had been consistent in promoting all sexual activities, so it could be something in this regard. But, for some reason, my thoughts continued to return to the idea that it was in some way equalization; that it proved my wife was no different than them.

"Maria, go back," I pleaded again.

"Nothing will happen that is not desired," she replied, while continuing to fondle me.

We locked eyes while I pondered her words, and despite my instincts that were screaming at me that it was indecent and wrong, I thought there was an element of truth to what she was saying. Plus, with me being so close, just a thin wall away, I took comfort in the fact that I could react quickly, if necessary. Waiting for a minute or two wouldn't hurt, I thought, as I enjoyed the feeling of the hands of the two young girls.

"She's naked?" I asked just a minute later when Maria's description finally registered.

"Yes, and wet," she said, repeating her previous message.

"How did she get naked?" I followed.

"With her own hands and some help from me. She was told it was required to watch," she giggled.

"And...and she did it?" I asked incredulously.

"Without complaint," she responded.

"I need to go," I stated after thinking about her revelation for a moment.

I couldn't fathom that it was true which might mean that she was in trouble. In any event, I couldn't ignore the reality any longer and began to disengage from the two prostitutes. However, just as I came free, a sound emerged from the adjoining wall. It was barely audible, but recognizable as a moan, and the three of us quickly looked at each other.

"As I thought," Maria said as a wicked smile came to her face.

In unison, we moved closer to the wall, but for what seemed like eternity, there were no further sounds. Then, another moan came forth, a bit louder, and this time it seemed to have a needy edge.

"Damn," I let out, unsure exactly how to respond, and started towards my clothes.

Only when I was almost dressed did the girls begin to gather their things, but I was too anxious to wait.

"Maria, let me have the key," I demanded, extending my hand.

"Better to wait for us," she tried, but I shook my head, and she reluctantly pulled the key from her small purse.

I was quickly out the door and took the few steps to the next one where I inserted the electronic card hoping the unlocking mechanism wouldn't click too loudly. To me, it seemed like it rang like a bell, but I stepped inside unnoticed which meant it went unheard or they assumed it was Maria. Caitlin was on her back on the queen-sized bed holding a pillow tightly to her chest which hid her from the waist up, and the local man was leaning over her, completely naked, slowly stroking into her pussy with his middle finger. The moans and whimpers coming from her made it evident she was willingly being pleasured.

Fortunately, the dull light in the hall didn't announce my arrival either, and I had barely eased the door closed behind me when I heard a soft knock. Quickly, I re-opened it and standing there were the two girls who I motioned to enter. This time, Senor Tejeda turned his head and saw us, but only smiled slightly before he went back to work.

"Your wife, she enjoys the sex," Daniella spoke, restating her opinion, and Maria nodded in agreement.

We stood silently and watched the scene for what seemed like several minutes without things really progressing. Although Caitlin, by her sounds, was enjoying the attention, she showed no signs of an impending orgasm. Likewise, the older man seemed content to patiently explore her pussy.

"She is waiting for his cock," Maria whispered, and I felt her hand on mine which had become hard once more.

Almost like he heard her speak, Senor Tejeda looked over his shoulder and gave us a small smile, but when he turned back, he added another finger.

"Uhhhh..." Caitlin grunted from behind the pillow and her legs opened wider.

His thrusts became more pronounced which resulted in more grunts from my wife who showed no signs of stopping his efforts. Mesmerized, I watched the older man plunder her hole, wondering where it was going to go, and it took the girls hands on my clothes to break my concentration. I struggled silently with them for several seconds, but finally gave up, and Maria had my dick in her hand when the local man ceased fingering my wife.

Within seconds, he made a clear move towards mounting my wife with his uncovered cock. I expected Caitlin to sense his intention and reject him, but she kept her legs parted, hanging in the air where they had previously been held. He deftly positioned his body between her legs, blocking most of her body from view, and then lowered onto her as Caitlin squeezed the pillow tightly.

"Mmmm...uhhhh..." my wife groaned, letting us know she had been penetrated.

My brain was screaming at me to do something, but at the same time it felt like my mouth was wired shut and my feet were in concrete. I stared, mesmerized, for the few seconds it took him to get fully inside. Then, he was fucking Caitlin, taking her with a rapid movement of his ass while the rest of his body stayed amazingly still. For the first time, I took in his body; a thick mid-section that was out of proportion to his narrow shoulders and ass, a matting of hair that covered him with a peculiar heaviness on his shoulders, and worn, dirty feet as if he spent most his time barefoot. I knew it was easily the raunchiest sex my wife had experienced, yet here we were listening to her being pleasured.

Her climax arrived quickly and we watched as her hands began to rapidly move to different parts of his body as her whines reached a crescendo. He kept after her and maintained his pace which prolonged the release until finally, she started to become quiet. It was then he pulled the pillow from between them and we could see her head thrown back with her mouth partly open, evidently still excited from his penetration. It took several seconds before she opened her eyes, but when she did a shocked expression came to her face.

"Let me up," she cried out, suddenly using her hands to push instead of pull, and when Senor Tejeda showed no sign of slowing, she called out once more, "Get him off!"

"Why?" I replied, remaining with the local girls.

"Please, help me," she tried again when she was unsuccessful in forsing him off.

" Caitlin," I stated.

She didn't reply, but when her eyes landed on Maria's hand working my dick, her worried expression noticeably softened. Breaking eye contact, I took in the whole scene including her firm breasts dancing in circles in rhythm to his movements and the way her legs were ****** to quiver with each of his full thrusts. Though fucking my wife with deep, purposeful movements, he didn't appear to be in a hurry, and I surmised by all that had occurred that he was savoring the experience.

"She feels it," Maria said softly just a bit later.

She was still kneading my cock slowly as if she knew that too much attention would set me off. It took me a moment to understand her words, but looking at my wife's face I could see her eyes were starting to become vacant and her mouth was partly open once more. Caitlin occasionally can be multi-orgasmic, although I thought it would be shocking to see it happen in this setting and with this man.

Senor Tejeda, who had been extended on his arms, suddenly dropped forward blocking Caitlin's upper body and face from our view. It wasn't long before he moved his head, as if to suckle on her breasts, which brought her hands to his shoulders in another attempt to push him away. She tried several times, then in a swift move, the local man grasped her wrists and pinned them over her head. Caitlin gasped in surprise, but before she could say anything or attempt to move, like an uncoiled spring Senor Tejeda began to power fuck her.

"Uhhhh..." my wife grunted in surprise, as his pelvis slammed into hers.

"He likes to fuck like an *******. This is why the girl's do not want to go with him," Maria explained.

The minutes ticked by as somehow this older man was able to maintain a relentless pace that would have been difficult for an eighteen-year-old. Caitlin was reduced to ****** grunting in response which was now coming from her in a rhythmic cadence.

"Ohhhhh..." came the unexpected cry from my wife that clearly held some excitement.

"Yes, she likes his cock," Maria said in her normal voice, and this time when I looked her way, I could see Daniella next to her rapidly rubbing between her legs.

Then, the local man, the pig farmer from the hills, neared his peak. With a quick move, he took my wife's legs beneath her knees and bent her back until he was dropping his body straight down into her pussy, which ****** a strange mixture of grunts and whines from Caitlin. He was relentless as the minutes ticked by before he finally plunged deeply and forcefully held himself in place.

"Ahhhhhh..." he let forth in a deep, satisfied groan, signaling that his semen was now entering my wife.

Caitlin was reduced to soft whimpers, but several times it looked like her body pushed into his, seeking just a little more. After maintaining his rigid position for almost a minute, his body began to relax and shortly after he pulled back letting his glistening shaft appear. He stood next to the bed with his half-hard cock on display then said something in Spanish to Maria which caused her to gather some tissue from the bedside dispenser and begin to wipe him clean.

My wife had rolled to her side and was slightly curled with her eyes unfocused. It was quite awkward in the small room with only Senor Tejeda acting unaffected. Without speaking, he began to put on his clothes.

"Your wife's pussy is very good. She squeezes nicely," he stated, then opened the door and was gone.

Maria and Daniela departed soon after, which left me alone with my wife, but I just stood and stared at her for several long minutes before I went to her.

"Caitlin, time to go," I announced just as a loud knock on the door, followed by some fast words in Spanish, making me think we had reached the time limit.

I reached for my wife who had been brought back to the moment by the banging on the door. I could smell the scent of sweat and semen on her body, but ignored it while I helped her into her dress.

"I'm sorry," she said as we left the room, which made me think how many times she had offered this apology over the past several days.

Rather than answer, I just held her arm near the elbow and gently guided her to the door of the hotel and onto the street ignoring the stares from several prostitutes and their clients that we encountered. We rounded the corner towards Diego's and when I started to pull her in, she resisted.

"I...I want to go to the hotel...and shower," she said, looking distressed.

"Later, I want a beer," I replied and made her follow me inside.

It was now well past one, but I was wired and didn't have an interest in returning to our hotel just yet. The crowd in the club was maybe half of what it had been when we left, although there was still some life in it. We found two empty stools at bar and then ordered.

"Look, I'm sorry, but let's go to the hotel and talk," Caitlin pleaded.

"Later," I replied tersely.

I realized I was sounding angry, but in-reality that wasn't really the emotion I was experiencing. It was more a combination of disbelief, astonishment and confusion. But, buried within it was something else as well that I knew was excitement. It made no sense, but for some reason discovering my wife's promiscuous side made something click in my head.
Want to meet Juan Pablo," I asked Caitlin, for some reason wanting to keep pushing.

"No, I want to go to the hotel," she repeated and I saw that she hadn't touched her *******.

"Call him," I demanded.

"Why?" she responded, giving me a look of bewilderment and concern.

"I want you to. Call him," I replied, holding out my phone.

Still looking into my eyes, she took the phone but just held it in her hand for several minutes before I nodded my head. She lifted the phone and from memory dialed the instructor's number. I could see on the screen that the call was going through and ringing, but it rolled to voicemail and without speaking Caitlin hung-up and handed the phone back. I sensed some relief in her look that proved to be short lived because less than a minute later my phone buzzed in my hand and looking down, I could see it was a local number.

"Here," I said handing my wife the device knowing it was her lover.

She began speaking and although I couldn't hear every word, I knew they were discussing a rendezvous. Not surprisingly, her attitude improved as she spoke to the young man. They had been speaking for about a minute when I broke in.

"Have him meet you at the hotel," I stated, which caused her to look at me and nod.

"Okay, now what?" she asked when the call ended.

"Go meet him. I'll be there later," I declared which brought a strange look, but she rose and with a last look over her shoulder, left Diego's.

I knew she would likely hurry back to shower and clean-up before her lover's arrival and I was equally sure that the young man would hurry for the meeting. When I finished my beer, I ordered another and idled my time by watching others in the dwindling club while I thought about my wife and my strange, sordid motivation.

I was one of the last to leave the place just before closing at around three. Completely hammered, I stumbled towards the hotel having to stop multiple times to regain my balance. With each step, I could feel my heart beat growing louder in my ears knowing that I would find my sweet wife, who before this trip had been monogamous and faithful, in bed for the second time this very night with a local man.

It took me three attempts to open the door which provided ample time for my wife and Juan Pablo to be made aware of my impending entrance. The light from the hallway illuminated the dark room sufficiently for me to see that the bedcovers had been kicked to the floor and the couple was staring at me from beneath a single sheet that covered them from the waist down. The room wreaked of sex, making me wonder how many times he had fucked her, and he was laying behind her with her body snuggled against his with his right hand gently holding a breast.

"How many times have you fucked her?" I called out in a drunken slur after closing the door.

"Honey..." my wife started.

"We have made love twice," the young man answered in a voice tinged with anger, then, in a show of possessiveness he added, "So far."

Even in my advanced inebriated state, I realized his feelings for my wife were bringing forth gallant behavior on his part. Despite the circumstances, and likely partially a product of his youth, he felt the need to defend her honor. Without responding, I flopped onto the sofa in a half-seated position now only able to see vague forms in the darkness.

"Fuck her again," I demanded, but my words were met with silence and it wasn't long thereafter I knew I was passing out.

Light was filtering through the windows when I awoke to find the room empty and I was able to garner enough strength to make it to the bed where I gratefully fell into its comfortable softness while inhaling the strong aroma of Caitlin's taking. It was well past noon when I finally got up with my head screaming in pain and stumbled to the shower where I sat and let the warm water cascade over me for a very long time.

Finally emerging, I stumbled around the messy room, wondering why the maid hadn't interrupted my sleep, when I saw a note on the small desk. It was from Caitlin and it explained she was spending the day with Juan Pablo, but it made no mention about when I should expect her return. Pissed off, but thinking in my condition the best thing to do was wait in the room, I went back to bed. However, when I woke as the sun was setting and she still hadn't appeared, I decided I better go to the beach and try to find her. The "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door knob let me know why I hadn't been bothered, and finally feeling decent, I left the hotel.

Juan Pablo's hut was empty and a brisk walk along the beach, a quarter-mile each way, yielded nothing. So, I started walking the streets in rough circles hoping, but doubting, I would stumble upon them. Even my calls to his cell number, which was still on my phone, was not fruitful as it rolled to voicemail each time. So, as the clock approached nine, I was left to wonder about my wife, alternating between waves of anger and embarrassment.

After checking the hotel for the sixth time and finding it empty, and left with few options, I decided to go to Diego's on the off chance they were there. As expected, it was quite crowded, but after a circuit of the place I was unable to spot Caitlin. I did notice that Daniela was at the end of the bar by herself, so I approached her.

"Hello Daniela," I said trying to sound upbeat.

" is your pretty wife?" she replied.

"She's fine, thanks," I followed.

"Is she with you?" she asked, looking over my shoulder.

"No, not right now," I said, and I could see my vagueness interested the young girl.

"Is she with her lover?" she immediately queried.

"Do you want a *******?" I replied, momentarily ignoring her probe, as I needed to ask her some questions and wanted her in a good frame of mind when I did.

I bought her a ******* and we were silent while the bartender worked. Finally, with ******* in hand, I decided it was time to try and get some information.

"Look Daniela. I'll be honest. Caitlin and I had a fight and I think she's with Juan Pablo and I need to find her," I explained.

"Let her be with him. It is only for a short time," she responded.

"Daniela, please. I'm worried," I said trying to impart the importance of my question.

The young ******* looked at me for a long time without speaking. I suspected she knew something that she was reluctant to share, so I stayed quiet and concentrated on communicating through my worried expression.

"Sometimes, those that surf will make a fire at the end of the beach," she said slowly.

It took several more minutes to extract the details about how to get there, then I was off, intending to cover what I thought was about a mile on foot to reduce the chance of attracting attention. It took over twenty minutes and when I arrived the beach was deserted. I was just about to go back, thinking it had been a false lead, when through some trees and brush several hundred yards ahead I saw the flicker of a fire. Staying in the shadows of the growth, while wondering what wildlife I might stumble upon, I made my way forward until a bonfire with about thirty people around it came into view.

My wife was wearing some tiny shorts and a long-sleeved top that exposed her tummy and back. I knew she didn't own an outfit like this, at least she hadn't when she left the hotel, so I was left to wonder where it came from. Juan Pablo was close at her side with his arm around her waist and it looked like they were holding court as people would approach them and chat then move off.

After a while, it dawned on me that my wife was his prize, his trophy and he was showing her off to all his friends.

I surmised the crowd was younger, likely Juan Pablo's age, and although I could see the beer was flowing, and I occasionally caught the smell of pot, nothing unseemly was occurring. I thought about walking into the group, getting her and leaving, but was unsure about her state of mind after my behavior from the night before. I thought about leaving for the hotel, now that I knew she was safe, but I had put so much effort into finding her that I didn't want to lose contact, so I sat in the sand and watched.

Occasionally, they would kiss. Usually, just a quick peck, although every now and then a longer, lingering connection would take place, and now, for some reason I felt jealousy. It seemed odd given all that had occurred and I was at a loss to explain it. In addition, his hand would sometimes find her firm ass cheeks and fondle them a bit, but that was about it. Other couples appeared to be doing similar things, so I guessed this was just a meeting of friends at the end of the week.

I had been watching for over an hour when my wife and her lover looked like they were preparing to leave. Sure enough, soon thereafter they were saying goodbye and walking from the circle headed in a direction that would take them through the stand of trees and shrubs. I was barely able to move in a way that allowed me to see them reappear into an environ of the city that looked like it was wholly made up of local residences. They were a hundred yards ahead of me, walking down an unpaved street, and instinctively I knew they were headed to his place, wherever that might be. It was another ten minutes before I saw them make a right turn, and hurrying to the corner I was disappointed to find that they had disappeared. In addition, there were three houses, two on the left and one on the right along this dead-end street, so I couldn't be sure which one they had entered.

On closer inspection, the one on the right looked deserted and in the first one on the left I could hear a crying baby, so I moved to the next, and when I saw several surfboards propped against the wall of the car port, I guessed it was the right one. In addition to the boards, there was a small SUV, and through the opening I could see into the back yard where a clothes line held several sheets gently moving in the breeze.

I settled into a spot directly across the dirt street, hidden by undergrowth, and wondered what, if anything I should do. For some strange reason, my attention kept coming back to the SUV as if it held some information I wasn't aware of. But, despite wracking my brain, I couldn't make the connection and was just about to take the risk of crossing the street and attempting to see through a window when a bright light flashed inside the house.

Instantly, I realized the connection and without thinking walked briskly over to confirm the SUV was in fact the one Ezzi had used. Looking in, it had the same general appearance, but what sealed it was the artifact hanging from her mirror and the reflective photography disk in the rear. The coincidence seemed uncanny, yet it was real, and I knew I needed to determine if my wife was indeed inside.

As I stood there, the flash went off again and seconds later once more. Squatting low, I started to circle the house hoping to find a viewing port and praying I wouldn't stumble upon a large dog. Fortunately, once I made my way to the backyard, I found the windows open and the cream-colored curtains moving with the breeze. The first room I looked into was a bedroom which consisted of a mattress directly on the floor, an armoire and a plastic table that had five candles burning. Instantly, I wondered if this was where my wife would be taken or if in fact, she had already visited the bed.

The next window opened onto a small dining area but afforded a view across the house to the living room where I saw Caitlin, Juan Pablo and Ezzi. There was a large white backdrop with several spotlights illuminating it, and my wife and the surf instructor stood naked in front of it while the photographer prepared her camera. Juan Pablo was behind Caitlin with his arm around her waist, but when Ezzi was ready he placed his right hand on her lower abdomen, just above her vagina while his left cupped beneath her left breast. The flash ignited, followed by another, then

they stopped and I could see they were talking, although I couldn't make out the words.

By the look on my wife's face I could tell she was a willing participant, and I could smell marijuana again, so it looked like it was all very casual. For a moment, I considered that maybe it was my wife that had reached out to Ezzi, but she was dressed in a simple t-shirt and thin jogging shorts which made me think this was not a paid engagement. I looked on for the next ten minutes as they continued to take photos in various standing positions, which included several where my wife and her lover were locked in a deep, passionate kiss. Finally, they stopped, and after setting down her camera, Ezzi left the room, then quickly returned with a joint. She lit it, and the lovers remained happily naked as they passed the pot around until it was gone.

Caitlin and Juan Pablo left the photographer and headed towards the bedroom I had passed with the candles. I stayed in the shadows, and let them leave my sight, then quietly moved to the window. They were already sprawled on the mattress, once again in an embrace. When they broke, it was my wife who took the initiative and quickly she was in position between his legs with one hand on his shaft while her other cupped his large balls. He was not yet completely hard and his pink head was only partially revealed. Caitlin used her tongue to gently caress the sensitive knob and it wasn't long before he was at full attention. Then, after looking up at him and smiling, she let her mouth descend and several inches disappeared.

I saw Juan Pablo arch his back from the sensation, but he soon settled back and was content to let my wife make love to his shaft. Her eagerness surprised me as she had always been willing, but uninspired when she gave oral sex. Now though, she acted like it was the most wonderful treat in the world.

She gave him her full attention for several minutes, then she suddenly moved, and raised over him with his heavy cock still in her hand. It was like her desire to feel it inside her had reached the boiling point and she could no longer hold back, and with only minor difficulty she made the connection then pushed down as she let out a loud, satisfied sigh. When she hit bottom, she paused just for a moment, then started a rolling of her hips that ****** his cock to feed her a good five inches on each cycle. Her hands were on his shoulder and she looked down into his face with her mouth partially slack as an assortment of whines and mews escaped.

I don't know how many times they had mated, but it was quite evident that he had taken my wife into a sexual world she had never experienced. Call it taming or conquering or whatever, but she was his and I knew at that moment he could do anything he wanted.

Just then, I looked up, and watching discreetly from the mostly open doorway was Ezzi, and before I could move, we made eye contact. I had been too close to the window, which allowed me to be spotted, and now I wondered what she might do. Would she raise an alarm? Call the police?

We kept eye contact for several seconds as my thoughts churned, then with a barely perceptible nod, she indicated I should go to the back door. I walked towards it quietly, but with trepidation, and arrived at the same time she did.

"Are you angry with your wife?" she asked in a surprisingly pleasant manner when the door was open.

Despite the situation, she had opened the door completely and stepped aside as if inviting me to enter. So, before answering, I moved inside and then turned to her.

"I'm not mad. I just wanted to be sure she was okay," I replied.

"I think she is enjoying herself very much," she said with a smirk, just as we heard a feminine groan emanate from the room.

"Can I stay?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't see me as a threat.

"Yes, of course," she responded.

I had expected some concern about my presence, but she was acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. I followed her into the tiny living room where the pictures had been taken and after picking up a small camera, she once again turned to me.

"I am going to take some photos of their love," she stated.

The reality of her words hit me with ******* and for a second, I felt off-kilter and slightly dizzy. So much, in such a short period of time was hard to process, yet here we were and it was indeed real. With a smile, she moved past me and towards the room while I remained frozen in place.

It was the flash that brought me back. It was quickly followed by another, then by a third as I made my way towards the bedroom. When I arrived, I tilted my head in small increments to see into the room without being spotted. Finally, their mating bodies came into view and I was stunned to see Ezzi on her knees, behind my wife, with the camera mere inches from the thick shaft that was plundering her hole. The flash went off again, and I realized she was going well beyond sensual and erotic shots to the realm of sordid porn.

Ezzi bent into an awkward position for another shot and her thin shorts pulled up tightly against her mound giving me a detailed view of her cameltoe. It certainly didn't look like she was wearing panties, and recalling the nubs of her nipples I saw in the other room, I wondered if she was braless as well.

As I watched, she whispered something to the couple, causing them to stop, then Juan Pablo rolled my wife onto her back. He was quickly back inside her and now took control pushing deeply inside with a slow but powerful motion. I could hear Caitlin start to mew with pleasure and seconds later the flash went off once more capturing the look on her face. Three more times the light exploded with the last two showing my wife's lover sucking on her neck as her arm pulled him tight.

Then she moved away and started from the room as if done, brushing against my tented shorts in a way that left me wondering whether it was an accident. I let her pass and looked back in, but just a second later the flash lit the fall and turning I saw her smiling as she lowered the camera.

"Now, the husband, too," she whispered.

She turned and headed towards the living room with me following, and after setting the camera on a low table, we were suddenly face-to-face.

There was an awkward pause before I asked, "How do you...what relationship do you have with Juan Pablo?"

"He is my cousin...and roommate!" she declared with a laugh, then added, "Do not worry. We are not lovers. That is reserved for your beautiful wife."

Another moment of tense silence ensued, then she said while looking at bulge my dick was forming, "Is it exciting to watch her make love?"

"'s difficult to...uh...I don't know," I stammered.

"I think it must be," she replied, and her hand reached out and squeezed me.

Her touch ignited something in me and instantly my hands were on her breasts, delighted to find that she was indeed braless and had small nipples much like my wife. She kept her smile and her grip on me as my hands fervently explored her body.

"I think you must be on fire," she whispered in a seductive voice that helped drive me forward.

I lifted her shirt off, exposing her firm breasts, while she continued to fondle me. Then, my mouth went to her nipples and I began to suckle, while Ezzi let out some purrs.

"Let's go to your bed," I stated more than asked.

"And your wife?" she asked, giving me a probing look.

"She has Juan Pablo," I answered.

"I think it is Juan Pablo that has her," she responded, but at the same time she began moving and took my hand.

Her bedroom was right across the hall from Caitlin and looking in as we passed, I could see that her lover was now on his back with my wife at his side with her head on his chest. Her eyes were closed and with her right hand she was slowly massaging his cock. When we stepped into the room, I kicked the door with my foot, but it didn't close completely, and seconds later we were on a real queen-sized bed, working at each other's clothes. Along with Ezzi's firm breasts, she had a flat tummy, that merged into some full, but not overly heavy thighs. In addition, her pussy had a neatly trimmed bush, which I found enticing.
My hands went directly between her legs, and I was delighted to find that she was very slick, indicating she too had been excited by watching. I began stroking the length of her slit with a firm motion, and she pulled my head down to feed on her nipple once more.

"I am ready," she declared in less than a minute.

I thought about prolonging the foreplay, maybe using my tongue to get her even more excited, but in reality, I was ready, too. I rose off her body and moved between her legs as she spread them then felt her hand take me and guide me in.

"Mmmm...uhhh...yes..." she whined softly as we joined.

When we began to move, her sounds locked into our rhythm and when I looked into her face, I saw her looking back with a pleading, vulnerable expression. I knew that even though she was older, and likely quite experienced, the intimate act of sex required a connection, an emotional bridge. I leaned forward and found her lips, which instantly pressed hard against mine as our tongues slowly danced.

Our kiss lasted a long time and when it finally ended Ezzi began panting into my ear in time to our motion and the squeals of the bedsprings. Her hands had moved to my ass and she was using them to help us move, which we were now doing with a faster pace.

"Baby...oh baby..." she moaned, and I felt her legs lifting from around me.

It seemed she was close to an orgasm which I was glad to see as her warm, soft pussy had me very close, too. It was only seconds later that her purrs turned into grunts and her movements became more forceful.

"Ohhh...ohhh...oh baby...oh yes...uhhhh...uhhhh...ohhhh..." she wailed, much louder now.

My climax was just seconds behind hers and my groans joined the noise. I pushed hard inside her, and she locked onto me as I fired my seed into her depths. I came hard, so wound up from what I had witnessed, and she seemed to be in the same place. Slowly, our orgasms subsided, but we stayed connected while slowly rocking side to side.

"You fuck good," Ezzi whispered to me when our breathing had returned to normal.

"So, do you," I replied.

We were silent again for several minutes as we basked in the afterglow, then Ezzi whispered, "Your wife, she is watching."

I slowly turned my head, and there in the doorway was Caitlin, completely nude, staring at us, with Juan Pablo just behind her. We looked at each for several seconds, and although I tried to decipher her look, I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"He is for me tonight," Ezzi boldly stated, breaking the silence.

There was no verbal response from Caitlin, but the photographer's words did seem to prod Juan Pablo to step forward and wrap his arm around my wife's waist. He kissed her shoulder, then her neck, and after a moment she reached behind her no doubt to fondle her prize. Then, the young man pulled her away and together they disappeared.

"She wants more," Ezzi said.

"How long have they done it?" I asked.

"Many times, she will find walking difficult tomorrow," she said.

"Did Juan Pablo see the beach pictures?" I asked, as the thought somehow jumped into my head.

She giggled for several seconds, then replied, "He saw them first!"

After getting back to the hotel in the early hours of the morning, we barely made it to the bus to the airport. Ezzi and I had listened as my wife had sex with Juan Pablo again, then we did the same, but finally, in a moment of lucidity, I collected her and we left.

There had been no discussion on the walk to the hotel, nor did either of us feel like talking during the bus ride. It seemed that, for the moment, we preferred to be left with our own thoughts. It was much the same at the airport and on the plane too, but as soon as we landed back in the states, our real world seemed to come rushing back with a vengeance. Caitlin instantly went into a funk, ashamed by what had occurred. She struggled to understand her wanton behavior, and several times became quite angry with me for not only pushing her, but allowing the situation to continue. It didn't help that Ezzi's warning proved to be true and her raw pussy was for days a constant reminder of what had occurred.

Of course, there was hell to play for bedding the photographer, as Caitlin rejected any concept of quid pro quo. Suddenly, in her mind, everything that had occurred had a root in my desires and efforts. Slowly, we began to delve into our actions or inactions and what it meant. In the end, we never really reached a conclusion, at least not one that wrapped a bow on things, but we did manage to move to a state of acceptance.

Unfortunately, there was one thought I couldn't get to leave my brain. It was the vision of my wife on her back with her legs widely spread receiving the surfing instructor's large cock while she whined in *******. Seeing it on the trip, I realized for the first time, perhaps naively, that a part of her was a pure sexual being. Several times, I found myself treating her differently, acting sexually more aggressive, and as a result, I had to maintain a conscious focus to not cross the line, at least not too far. If she sensed the change, she never mentioned it, and in fact, after a month or so, when I started occasionally suggesting she go naked under some loose-fitting clothes, she went along. Maria and Daniela had stated matter-of-factly that Caitlin loved sex, as if that explained everything, and I had to admit their simple view might have been quite close to the truth.

Then, there was the irony of the vacation itself. If we had taken our normal "splurge" excursion, I knew it was unlikely anything like we experience would have occurred. On those trips, we were generally removed from the street, surrounded with people like ourselves, in a much more upscale environment. There were no seedy bars, working girls or short time hotels in the routine to tempt fate.

It was about a month after we returned that I saw an odd email address in my inbox. Opening it, I saw that it was Ezzi and that there were numerous attachments. We had exchanged email addresses when we planned the beach shoot, but the short message made it clear what I would find.

Memories for the husband. I know you will like...Ezzi

There were two-dozen pictures and I quickly opened each. Several were aggressive shots of Juan Pablo's cock in her very wet and stretched opening, but the vast majority were erotic shots of Caitlin's face in a moment of deep passion. In fact, there were two where it appeared she had been caught in the middle of an orgasm. It was only when I was finished looking at them that I realized my dick was rock hard. It made my thoughts go to the timing of the email and I wondered if Ezzi knew that if she waited for things to settle the pictures would have a greater impact. In addition, since there was no mention of Caitlin and I was left to ponder what the photographer expected to happen. Did she think I would share them with my wife or keep them for myself?

Months have elapsed as I've pondered the question. Since we've returned to a place close to normal, I'm reluctant to risk it, although there is this nagging urge that seems to be drawing me ever closer.