My boys have been following f1 since 2012. I used to watch with them, initially it was just a family bonding exercise but i got drawn into the sport as well. Not a die hard fan. But i felt my heart sink when Verstappen binned one of the best Quali laps of the turbo-hybrid era. Still am not normal even after like 10 hours or something..
My boys have been following f1 since 2012. I used to watch with them, initially it was just a family bonding exercise but i got drawn into the sport as well. Not a die hard fan. But i felt my heart sink when Verstappen binned one of the best Quali laps of the turbo-hybrid era. Still am not normal even after like 10 hours or something..
... I'm sure you've seen the final; one of the most exciting race ever, and I'll leave the politics aside, but I lost respect for the stewards and Mercedes team equally. Let's see what Abu Dhabi brings...
How are you feeling now? :)

Ecstatic and lucky, now that Max/ RBR has won the championship! Ever since the win yesterday, I've been getting lucky in all aspects of my life... :cool:

With that being said, hats off to Lewis Hamilton for demonstrating a masterclass in sportsmanship - it wasn't fair to him, and I can only imagine how he's feeling right now.
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