For those of you who fear a Ted Cruz Presidency ....

You just couldn't help yourself, could you. Hey BBB76, I thought we were both in time out for a week on this thread too. Obviously not.

Mac, as for your agreement, it is crap. When you show you are an honorable man and your word can be trusted, I will reconsider. I am not going to give you carte blanche to insult me on a thread and then ask me not to post on it. I am not going to allow you to post lies, half-truths, or slander and then ask me not to post on the thread. Do you really expect me to not see through your plans? I am not as dumb as you seem to think I am, nor as gullible.

I have told you over and over how you can get me to stop posting on your threads. 1. Don't spread lies and rumors. 2. Don't tell half-truths to make your point seem more fact than it is 3. Don't slander me or others. It is that simple. Is it really so tough to do those things?

Finally, I have told you I would never ask you not to post on a thread I start, because unlike you, I believe in the Constitution and Freedom of Speech.
@falcondfw69, @MacNfries
- I screwed up and forgot to complete the Ban - well you guys had a grace period for an extra day but the ban has been activated now.

Please cool off and enjoy the weekend.
there's nothing to fear
he's not a natural citizen so he can't run for POTUS
I wouldn´t even care if where a person were born if they were a decent human being. Of course, descent human beings don´t become politicians or vampires, do they?

I have a feeling it´s going to be that loud-mouthed, arrogant, condescending, authoritarian bully who is going to get it, sadly. Sort of like in 1930´s Deutschland all over again. He provides scapegoats and tells ius how it´s gonna be.
as you already said Hand Solo if you're a decent human being you're not a politician ;)
anyways in my opinion the real point is: these politicians are TOO MUCH human....crooked, insincere, they have all human flaws
we need a new Frederick I here to :help: us
as you already said Hand Solo if you're a decent human being you're not a politician ;)
anyways in my opinion the real point is: these politicians are TOO MUCH human....crooked, insincere, they have all human flaws
we need a new Frederick I here to :help: us
Lol...yup, they seem to take those worst of human traits and then fine tune them...such manipulative, deceitful, greedy, power-hungry, war-mongering Bastardos, lols. They learn to take two people who are able to agree and then drive a wedge between them so that those same two are up-in-arms and ready for all-out-war!!!

Sort of like an extreme episode of that show Survivor with its alliances, lying and backstabbing!
When did it become such a crime to be successfull and wealthy.....thats what America is all about. Dont be pissed and jealous because somebody has what you dont, go out and work hard and get what you want and no you dont have to be a Harvard graduate from a rich family to be successfull in life.
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Suppose the election of 2016 takes place and Nobody wins?

Nobody’s perfect
Nobody should have too much power
Nobody will lower your taxes
Nobody will keep election promises
Nobody tells the truth
Nobody makes better apple pie than mom
Nobody keeps all campaign promises
Nobody will stop wars for Israel
Nobody wants you when you’re down & out
Nobody cares
Suppose the election of 2016 takes place and Nobody wins? .... Nobody cares
Ariella, unfortunately, THIS is exactly what one party would desire... "nobody cares" ... and a lack of voting interest. Actually, I'd go the opposite way. Every single registered voter would be rewarded with $20 as each finished voting. They could write in whomever they pleased, but had to vote. And, on the outside of the voting/polling locations, so the voters would become familiar with the candidates, would be a huge chart with the registered, party candidates on it and how they stood for every major issues ... Abortion, Taxation, Health Care, Immigration, Entitlements, Citizens United (maybe?)etc. Then, for voters who didn't care about the $20, there would be charities set up at the exits to receive those $20 as donations OR to hand back the $20 to the government. The 2012 election had 219 million eligible voters ... so, what, a mire $4 billion theoretically gives this country a 100% voice of its voting population ... gee, we've spent a lot more on a lot less.

Both parties profess wanting lots of voters to VOTE, right? BINGO
You want voters to REGISTER, right? BINGO
You want a President that is truly represented by the MAJORITY of the people, right? BINGO

otherwise, I'm sure THIS man would have no problem with 4 more years as there seems to be a Supreme Court Judge shortage right now ... pic_political-PresidentObama.jpg .......GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
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