Totally agree. Why not put a little effort in your profile?
In addition to this, I would also encourage anyone to get verified. It's just a small effort too, and proves that you are who you say you are!
I’m not verified so I can’t fight with you there. But if you are serious about hooking up then yes I agree. (I’m not actively looking)
It amazes me how few members here don’t fill out their profiles. Tell us what you are into. What are you looking for. Are you just looking around? Trying to hookup? What’s the story?

You don’t need to flood with pics and get personal. It just helps to at least see something about you

Im sort of new here but was going to fill my profile out but its not clear where. Is it bc I’m not a member that maybe I can’t fill anything out?
It amazes me how few members here don’t fill out their profiles. Tell us what you are into. What are you looking for. Are you just looking around? Trying to hookup? What’s the story?

You don’t need to flood with pics and get personal. It just helps to at least see something about you

I’m a newbie would love to post a profile . How do you go about doing it ?
It amazes me how few members here don’t fill out their profiles. Tell us what you are into. What are you looking for. Are you just looking around? Trying to hookup? What’s the story?

You don’t need to flood with pics and get personal. It just helps to at least see something about you


This is the same as those that post dates seeking others but do not state in title or anywhere in post their location. They aren't serious or fake but guys especially will reply stupidly to these kinds of post. If they do not post location or post location when asked move on.

Blank profiles are because most here aren't real or serious. If the site was serious they would require a certain percentage of information be filled in on profiles to be active. Most here are men collecting photos of men or women. The men are pretending to be women or part of a couple but it is just them or their female partner isn't aware. There are also men pretending to be an ideal man or part of a couple to collect photos of women. Couples and females are funny here because they are a lot of times asking for an unlikely or ideal man that isn't realistic most of the time. An example is they are asking for men that are 9 or 10 inches erect. This is unrealistic since most men aren't this large. Sure there are some. In addition many want really fit men or 6ft men. They exist but not as likely to find unless they go to gym or a basketball team to pick up someone. The couples and females a lot of times will entertain those pretending to be this ideal instead of going after real men that are near their ideal but more realistic. The couples should verify any man claiming to be this ideal immediately.

Really anyone real here should request verification in initial communication with anyone they are interested in meeting or having prolonged communication with. I do it all the time and see how fast communication stops.

Most of what I am saying here applies to all lifestyle, dating and social media sites and apps.


This is funny but what was the point. Is it to say that their are women here and other sites that are lying about appearance when they actually look this way. That is true since some steal models, actresses, social media photos, porn stars or use their old photos from 20 years ago but look like this. This is why I recommend everyone verify and request to see part of face because a lot of people have a great body and you will be shocked when you see their face. I have experienced face not being as expected and being disappointed.


This is funny but what was the point. Is it to say that their are women here and other sites that are lying about appearance when they actually look this way. That is true since some steal models, actresses, social media photos, porn stars or use their old photos from 20 years ago but look like this. This is why I recommend everyone verify and request to see part of face because a lot of people have a great body and you will be shocked when you see their face. I have experienced face not being as expected and being disappointed.


This is funny but what was the point. Is it to say that their are women here and other sites that are lying about appearance when they actually look this way. That is true since some steal models, actresses, social media photos, porn stars or use their old photos from 20 years ago but look like this. This is why I recommend everyone verify and request to see part of face because a lot of people have a great body and you will be shocked when you see their face. I have experienced face not being as expected and being disappointed.
I find that lots of men don’t care to see my face prior to meeting up and they are just down to meet up and play after seeing a pic of a piece of my body. It’s quite surprising they are willing to take that chance. I wonder if we met up would they even be attracted or is the face just an after thought after flirting online maybe.
I find that lots of men don’t care to see my face prior to meeting up and they are just down to meet up and play after seeing a pic of a piece of my body. It’s quite surprising they are willing to take that chance. I wonder if we met up would they even be attracted or is the face just an after thought after flirting online maybe.
Some men and it seems quite a few Black men do not have standards. As can be seen by the quality (low standard in my opinion) of a large amount of women openly even trying to get Black men. These women I do not believe could even find any men and definitely not the same quality of men within their own race or ethnicity to be interested in being with them but they can with Black men.

Once I definitely did not care about seeing face for a meet that occurred suddenly though I knew better from prior experiences. I left a boring lifestyle party and before leaving in my car I went on a lifestyle site to see if I could meet anyone while I was out and dressed up. I messaged a few people including I believe someone who just looked at my profile. This White couple who looked at my profile didn't have any public photos showing wife's face. I told them I was fine with coming about an 45-60 minutes away to meet them at a hotel prior to seeing face. I ignored or didn't worry about seeing face because her body was pretty much perfect and I figured there is no way her face could be hideous. However the wife was concerned if I was going to find her attractive so they unlocked private photos on the site showing her face before they agreed on me coming. Yes her face was exactly or similar to what I was expecting. She was very stunning and one of the hottest women I have met in lifestyle and lucky enough to be with. She was hotter than most or all of the women at the lifestyle party. I stated she was beautiful and met them all in a process that took about 90 minutes from initial communication to me meeting them or less. I was lucky enough to be her first single male encounter and her first Black male or so she claimed.

This was one of the few times I ignored my rule when I know better.