Falling in love...

have you gone to men now
That’s all I get and tbh am embarrassed by my lil cock so I don’t want to show it to a girl now so I know that leaves me with being a faggot and sub to dom men. It’s like truly being honest …I might want to really be straight but my lil baby cock means I don’t get to choose I must suck and be a cum hole to men if I want any human contact.
then you have found your calling
I accept my role and it’s embarrassing and hurts sometimes but it’s life. I try to suck and gag the best cock I can and obey them as well. Taking their cock in me always puts me in a realistic gauge of where I really am in life. Below others.
I accept my role and it’s embarrassing and hurts sometimes but it’s life. I try to suck and gag the best cock I can and obey them as well. Taking their cock in me always puts me in a realistic gauge of where I really am in life. Below others.
she may leave you in time
yes i do and had my bf been able to work and support i might not have had him still
i noticed you are not a verified member on this site which could explain a lot. :rolleyes:
Yet i am going to answer that in my own words. Would i have had the embarassement calling you my wife (which i guess wouldn't have happened in the first place) i would have divorced you in a heartbeat!
I catch feelings so quickly so I just go with it and accept that while I love many things about my fiancé, I just don’t love him in THAT way
Sorry what do you mean? In what way do you "love" your fiancé? (And is he black or not?)
i believe for a person (and for that it does not matter if a guy or a gal) who falls in love over sex easily there are only two possible constellations that will not end in big heartaches: A monogamous relationship or polyamory (which is very different to sexual sharing!). But anyway the partner(s) have to be on bord to make it work. - At least that's how i see it. ;)
Ahhh yeah it is
Maybe. Again i say different people may be open to different possible lifestyles. A wife falling in love with another man may still work if all partners are open to polyamory. In real life that may often pose a problem because - at least in my experience - hardly any people are. ImO it is the more usual case for a wife to make a decision for one of the two men than wanting an ongoing partnership with both men (= wanting to have two partnerships/relationships). Also not every man would want such a constellation in the long run. There are relationships like that which actually work well. But AFAiK in all those cases/examples there is also at least friendship between the two men involved - ImO a prerequisite to not let competitive fights and jealousy take over.
I have fallen in love twice in 16 years both with long term bf’s. It happens easily but the going forward is always the hard bit as I was asked by both to leave my husband and start a life with them.
My wife is fallen in love with her long term steady bull. Discussing together she confessed the feelings she has about him but she also ensured me that she would never leave me for another man.