Eye Candy

After Angie broke up with me after finding out that I'd taken the cherry of her friend, Theresa, I got this Polaroid in the mail. Among other things, Angie told me in the accompanying note that I had "barely scratched" her virginity, while Al had "fully opened" her up. And, that Al was "getting this" every day. After we got back together, Angie told me that not only had she and Al used this photo with ads in "The Seekers" and "Select", but that Jeanne (her older sister), with J.D., and Ronny had used this photo, as well. Angie was just two months past her 18th birthday when this photo was taken in September 1978...


Here's another of the early photos Angie sent to both Al and I after she moved to Rouen. She mentioned that one of the things Jean-Claude intended to do to her was to "Africanise" her body. Angie also mentioned that she had gone off the Pill and Jean-Claude intended to "reproduce" with her.

