Everyday selfie

This is the truest statement I know of! It’s one thing to be a paid actress doing porn or whatever. Not knocking that by no means I hope you understand. But for the everyday walk of life woman who might be the housewife next door, the soccer mom you see at a game, the nurse at the hospital, or even a business woman executive at the bank etc. that has the side like we see on here, THOSE are the ones that REALLY get me the most. I absolutely admire and adore the ones who NOBODY would suspect of doing anything like this. My God they are the hottest by far!

I’m straight. I never think of myself as the one getting fucked.

But what gets me off is trying to get into the head of that normal everyday woman/wife/girlfriend and thinking about what went on in their head to get them naked on that bed, legs wide open, a black man fucking them.