Erotic Art - Please add your favorites!

That's real art. But also quite sardonic. I got two strikes for a cartoon that depicted black people in a "stereotypical way" despite the fact that it was a straight copy of a publish bit of porn and the black male was in superior position like here. So, I love the humour, the quality and the sarcasm but wouldn't dare to post something like that here.
That's real art. But also quite sardonic. I got two strikes for a cartoon that depicted black people in a "stereotypical way" despite the fact that it was a straight copy of a publish bit of porn and the black male was in superior position like here. So, I love the humour, the quality and the sarcasm but wouldn't dare to post something like that here.
People can sure be overly sensitive and downright stupid sometimes! We can hardly tell jokes anymore without offending someone, and that's a shame on us...