Erotic Art - Please add your favorites!

Is this all your artwork
No, this one was shared with me by a friend, who used to airbrush erotic images. Most of them were reposted from an online friend who has an xhamster account. He openly allows people to share his work. His name is on the artwork, and you can look him up. I was a model for a couple of the ones I posted. I have another one an ex BF did that I'm looking for right now to post. Probably more information than you were looking for, but there it is! :)
Please do! Everyone is invited to add their own work or favorites!
Ok & over a decade ago while I was in the building process of my company ( I met a lot of cool people on ILI & had some free time to train my graphics team ) and all of the pics I asked them could I put my own spin on it & for them to approve it or disapprove it & everyone loved a lot of my visions & it became popular so called it "The Remix " where they sent me a photo or let me play with a photo that they liked & when approved by them I put it up on the site (Some members here know this to be true) So I'll start with one & tell me what you think & if you like I'll add more
So the "Best " & coolest natural & full figured woman overseas (Plus to appreciate it fully you would have to see the original)
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