Eggs pick sperm

Did you know that a woman can actually get pregnant & give birth to more than one mans baby at a time? In fact, a woman can conceive a white male sperm AND a black male sperm in the same night and give birth to a white baby AND a black baby in the same pregnancy cycle. It is called heteropaternal superfecundation.
Imagine 2 paternal twin brothers or sisters trying to explain that one throughout life.

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Did you know that a woman can actually get pregnant & give birth to more than one mans baby at a time? In fact, a woman can conceive a white male sperm AND a black male sperm in the same night and give birth to a white baby AND a black baby in the same pregnancy cycle. It is called heteropaternal superfecundation.
Imagine 2 paternal twin brothers or sisters trying to explain that one throughout life.

That is so interesting, looks like I have some reading to do this holiday weekend.