Does cheating make you feel like a good white girl?

I definitely get turned on more when I'm cheating, that sense of its wrong I shouldn't be doing this, and yet the sex feels more exciting! its even more exciting when its bareback the risk of it adds more to the thrill, and later hoping you haven't caught anything!
It may sound strange, and I do feel guilty about cheating on my husband, but when I'm with a black man I get this feeling. Any other women here experience this?

I don't like cheating but when I'm with a black man I don't think about that, I'm only concerned about sex during that time. I enjoy that I almost go mindless during that time and just enjoy...fucking.
Since the 90%of my adventures are organized by him I don’t feel guilty anymore. At the begging I was worried about our relationship, but now I’m sure he is ok with lifestyle.
Really I don’t understand in deep what kind of fun he has watching me being with other men.