Do you think it could be a danger for the baby or an incomparable pleasure?

It's only natural! Pregnant women are often very sexually excitable. Some women are almost insatiable - especially during the second trimester.

There's a biological basis, I think. There's a big increase in b l o o d flow to the belly and pelvic region as pregnancy develops, and many of the tissues are engorged and hypersensitive. Also, pregnancy puts women on a crazy hormonal roller coaster ride that often leads them to seek emotional comfort and reassurance.

In an evolutionary sense, I think women evolved to experience heightened sexual receptivity during pregnancy. Here's how that would work: Humans have a comparatively long gestation period among mammals. In the early days of the human race, life was very tough. A pregnant woman might have reduced ability to survive on her own. On the other hand if she had heightened sexual receptivity during this period, she would be more likely to attract and keep male partners who would help to protect her while she was especially vulnerable to dangers due to the pregnancy.

In short, women who got sexually hotter during pregnancy would enjoy an evolutionary advantage over women who did not. Therefore, this is how the human race as a whole evolved.

Beyond the physical and evolutionary issues, there is also a psychological dimension. In western society, women are strongly socialized to value thinness. Women are constantly judged by this standard. But during pregnancy, maintaining a trim figure has to go totally out the window.

As a result, lots of women feel anxious about their self-image as pregnancy develops. They fear (whether consciously or unconsciously) that they are becoming fat, unattractive, or unlovable. Finding herself to be the object of excited sexual attention by a man is something a pregnant woman might experience as validating, reassuring, and gratifying.

I think pregnant women are beautiful. Thanks so much for these posts!

So, yeah! As I started out by saying: It's only natural!
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It's only natural! Pregnant women are often very sexually excitable. Some women are almost insatiable - especially during the second trimester.

There's a biological basis, I think. There's a big increase in ******* flow to the belly and pelvic region as pregnancy develops, and many of the tissues are engorged and hypersensitive. Also, pregnancy puts women on a crazy hormonal roller coaster ride that often leads them to seek emotional comfort and reassurance.

In an evolutionary sense, I think women evolved to experience heightened sexual receptivity during pregnancy. Here's how that would work: Humans have a comparatively long gestation period among mammals. In the early days of the human race, life was very tough. A pregnant woman might have reduced ability to survive on her own. On the other hand if she had heightened sexual receptivity during this period, she would be more likely to attract and keep male partners who would help to protect her while she was especially vulnerable to dangers due to the pregnancy.

In short, women who got sexually hotter during pregnancy would enjoy an evolutionary advantage over women who did not. Therefore, this is how the human race as a whole evolved.

Beyond the physical and evolutionary issues, there is also a psychological dimension. In western society, women are strongly socialized to value thinness. Women are constantly judged by this standard. But during pregnancy, maintaining a trim figure has to go totally out the window.

As a result, lots of women feel anxious about their self-image as pregnancy develops. They fear (whether consciously or unconsciously) that they are becoming fat, unattractive, or unlovable. Finding herself to be the object of excited sexual attention by a man is something a pregnant woman might experience as validating, reassuring, and gratifying.

I think pregnant women are beautiful. Thanks so much for these posts!

So, yeah! As I started out by saying: It's only natural!
I also think that huge Black cocks makes the vagina wider, if this is practiced several times during pregnancy and therefore more willing to give birth and facilitate it
Thank you very much for this detailed scientific explanation, it's nice to read it. Rare to find someone who gives the real reasons relating to our ******* nature
So anyway, that's my thoughts from a WOMAN's point of view.

Turnabout is fair play! Time for you guys to tell us how a GUY looks at it!
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From personal experience it is not a danger to the baby. The only way it would be a danger is if your are doing some kind of rough play literally that is like a physical assault towards the woman body. I'm talking like slamming and beating the woman causing severe stress. Basically the lady has to be in like a car accident. Believe it or not a womans body as she carries the baby grows to protect her womb. I've had only one partner that was pregnant that I had great sex with multiple times throughout her pregnancy. It was as you said above incomparable pleasure for both of us. First off something about a pregnant woman has always turned me on. I think because she has that glow of something. Also I love how their body changes their breast become filled as the body begins changing them for making milk and I guess I really like breast anyway so that turns me on also the areolas get a little more engorged and the nipples get a little more firm and sensitive. More about that in a minute. It seemed with my partner it became incomparable because as the person giving the scientific explanation said the body is working on all the sensitive areas preparing the female body for delivering the baby. My partner became ultra sensitive as I gave her body attention with caressing and four play. Because her pelvic area was already prepping for delivery she naturally opened up more for me and took me in and she stayed so wet. I could make her go crazy while I was sliding in and out and performing nipple and breast play with my mouth. She actually had her first squirt orgasm from us having pregnant vaginal sex because I think it drove her pelvic senses out the roof. And each time we fucked we could go on and on because she was so excited and I was so mentally excited getting pleasure seeing all the pleasure she was getting. So I definitely say incomparable. I have always wanted another pregnant partner about 3-8 months since but just have not had the luck. Sorry for the book, but I see no brothers spoke up thought I would give my two cents. By the way we had intimate sensual sex and straight dog out fucking every which position. Lol just made think how great it was fucking her doggy.
I think because she has that glow of something. Also I love how their body changes their breast become filled as the body begins changing them for making milk and I guess I really like breast anyway so that turns me on also the areolas get a little more engorged and the nipples get a little more firm and sensitive.
The filling out, enlarging, of breasts with milk is second only to growth of the belly in terms of visible changes. A pregnant woman cannot hide her sexuality. The shape of her body tells the world that she has been bred. I appreciate pregnant women who wear tight clothing to show off their growing, changing shape.
It's only natural! Pregnant women are often very sexually excitable. Some women are almost insatiable - especially during the second trimester.

There's a biological basis, I think. There's a big increase in ******* flow to the belly and pelvic region as pregnancy develops, and many of the tissues are engorged and hypersensitive. Also, pregnancy puts women on a crazy hormonal roller coaster ride that often leads them to seek emotional comfort and reassurance.

In an evolutionary sense, I think women evolved to experience heightened sexual receptivity during pregnancy. Here's how that would work: Humans have a comparatively long gestation period among mammals. In the early days of the human race, life was very tough. A pregnant woman might have reduced ability to survive on her own. On the other hand if she had heightened sexual receptivity during this period, she would be more likely to attract and keep male partners who would help to protect her while she was especially vulnerable to dangers due to the pregnancy.

In short, women who got sexually hotter during pregnancy would enjoy an evolutionary advantage over women who did not. Therefore, this is how the human race as a whole evolved.

Beyond the physical and evolutionary issues, there is also a psychological dimension. In western society, women are strongly socialized to value thinness. Women are constantly judged by this standard. But during pregnancy, maintaining a trim figure has to go totally out the window.

As a result, lots of women feel anxious about their self-image as pregnancy develops. They fear (whether consciously or unconsciously) that they are becoming fat, unattractive, or unlovable. Finding herself to be the object of excited sexual attention by a man is something a pregnant woman might experience as validating, reassuring, and gratifying.

I think pregnant women are beautiful. Thanks so much for these posts!

So, yeah! As I started out by saying: It's only natural!
A thought just came to me, as white males have become sexually attracted to interracial it makes biological sense for the white female to continue to engage in interracial sex. The white cuckold continues to receive gratification from seeing his pregnant wife blacked and he is the stand in ******* for the bull who will likely be busy breeding other women and unable to perform baby rearing. Continued cuckolding ensures the baby’s financial future.
Please enjoy one of my all-time favorites: a creation of artist Sandy Who, who totally GETS IT about the appeal of this subject from the woman's point of view.