Cut off?

I am sure you knew how it's going to play out once you share or give your wife/gf to someone like BBC. Once you open the Pandora box, she will experience someone who is better than you, its only a matter of time, you become less and less in her life, unless she is keeping you there just to pay the bills or the inferior role you wanted to be as a cuckold. Don't blame her, it was your idea.

Remember, you should never cut anything, unless you measured it twice or more. once its cut, its done.
Some good things there to always ponder, but one thing you are forgetting is that every person, every couple is different. People are not all the same,
and many people forget that. What is right for you, and works for you, might not be what works for others. But thanks for your advice, it's always good to listen to others opinions.
Any white guys in here actually get cut off completely by their wives? Like no sex at all...?

How do you handle it?
So being cut off is kind of a turn on sometimes.....for most men it can be a very hot experience. My wife may be exclusive to her bull from time to time and it’s usually him that wants nobody else to be fucking around in his pussy. I respect that since I was ok with her fucking him to start with. Being cut off can be a very fun time if you make a game of it!
So being cut off is kind of a turn on sometimes.....for most men it can be a very hot experience. My wife may be exclusive to her bull from time to time and it’s usually him that wants nobody else to be fucking around in his pussy. I respect that since I was ok with her fucking him to start with. Being cut off can be a very fun time if you make a game of it!
I’m at that point and trying to make being cut off a learning experience and to be fun for me.
Her happiness was always the most important thing for me and this became the driving ******* that changed how we looked at sex with each other and with others. Look guys, some of us just don’t age well sexually. While I was a freak of a stud in my twenties and through most of my thirties, as I entered my forties I started becoming impotent with her and with every year it got worse. It was killing me that I couldn’t satisfy her like I knew she wanted and deserved and I even became afraid of what she might do if she became really sexually dissatisfied. So the whole “she cut me off and I’m just going to fuck another woman” issue never was a thought for me or a worry at all for her. It was my idea to give her what she needed, but to make that happen she had to be convinced that 1) that she was frustrated sexually (fairly easily done). 2) That BBC was what she really needed and wanted (not easily done at all) and 3) that I was 100% totally cool with her literally getting sex like she never had before and enjoying it guilt free (really really hard). That one was tough and go for awhile. She loved the sex and then hated me for allowing it and not being insanely jealous. I.E., how could I love her and yet allow her to fuck any cock she wanted kind of thing. Once we got through those hurdles, me turning to a more homosexual lifestyle for sexual relief was almost easy for both of us.
Her happiness was always the most important thing for me and this became the driving ******* that changed how we looked at sex with each other and with others. Look guys, some of us just don’t age well sexually. While I was a freak of a stud in my twenties and through most of my thirties, as I entered my forties I started becoming impotent with her and with every year it got worse. It was killing me that I couldn’t satisfy her like I knew she wanted and deserved and I even became afraid of what she might do if she became really sexually dissatisfied. So the whole “she cut me off and I’m just going to fuck another woman” issue never was a thought for me or a worry at all for her. It was my idea to give her what she needed, but to make that happen she had to be convinced that 1) that she was frustrated sexually (fairly easily done). 2) That BBC was what she really needed and wanted (not easily done at all) and 3) that I was 100% totally cool with her literally getting sex like she never had before and enjoying it guilt free (really really hard). That one was tough and go for awhile. She loved the sex and then hated me for allowing it and not being insanely jealous. I.E., how could I love her and yet allow her to fuck any cock she wanted kind of thing. Once we got through those hurdles, me turning to a more homosexual lifestyle for sexual relief was almost easy for both of us.
i think a lot of us cucks have found that the lifestyle benefits both husband and wife. the wife gets the great sex she wants and need from any cock she wants. and for us some of us cucks it releases us from having to worry about pleasing her, and like you said with her help moving us more to the homosexual lifestyle that we were meant to be in.
Her happiness was always the most important thing for me and this became the driving ******* that changed how we looked at sex with each other and with others. Look guys, some of us just don’t age well sexually. While I was a freak of a stud in my twenties and through most of my thirties, as I entered my forties I started becoming impotent with her and with every year it got worse. It was killing me that I couldn’t satisfy her like I knew she wanted and deserved and I even became afraid of what she might do if she became really sexually dissatisfied. So the whole “she cut me off and I’m just going to fuck another woman” issue never was a thought for me or a worry at all for her. It was my idea to give her what she needed, but to make that happen she had to be convinced that 1) that she was frustrated sexually (fairly easily done). 2) That BBC was what she really needed and wanted (not easily done at all) and 3) that I was 100% totally cool with her literally getting sex like she never had before and enjoying it guilt free (really really hard). That one was tough and go for awhile. She loved the sex and then hated me for allowing it and not being insanely jealous. I.E., how could I love her and yet allow her to fuck any cock she wanted kind of thing. Once we got through those hurdles, me turning to a more homosexual lifestyle for sexual relief was almost easy for both of us.
This sounds similar to me and my wife. We always had great sex before our last 2 children came along back to back. 15 months apart. Then she really wasn’t into sex for a long time. I have figured out that she loves oral sex on her and not really into penetration. I want her to have great orgasms from penetration and think a big cock may do that for her. I also think it is something we would share together and bring us closer. She won’t do it though. She gets upset with me because she thinks I should be jealous of other men having her or even the thought of it should bother me. I love her more than anything but she thinks I shouldn’t want her to be with anyone if I love her. She can’t understand my feelings.
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