Cuckold wanabees it's only sex.


Hello to all cuckolds that are wannabees and scared to step into this hot lifestyle. Cuckolding is a new phenomenon that many white couples love to engage on. Many people worry but if she has sex with another man she will no longer love me. Sex is sex and love is another thing. In the end if she has sex with another man it is only sex, it's not like she will run away with the guy she just met and marry him. She will always come back home to you. If you support her and you both love eachother she will always come back to her emotional attachment once her lusty night is over. Second think of it as if she is going to get a massage from a therapist only a pussy one instead. Her pussy needs attention where else to get it than by a professional. The best way is to support her and encourage her to get attention in this area, remember what they say happy wife happy life. "I know my wife loves me, I know she's not going anywhere, but the idea that I'm not man enough for her or that she has needs I can't meet really gets me going," Cuckolding is a stress reliever for both husband and wife, for the husband because he doesn't have to stress of underperforming to make sure his wifes needs are achieved if another man does the job.
i have to agree and disagree on this. orgasms condition people and their minds. there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of examples of women who get with or stay with dudes JUST because of the sex. that is fact.
i have to agree and disagree on this. orgasms condition people and their minds. there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of examples of women who get with or stay with dudes JUST because of the sex. that is fact.
Not if the relationship is based on love. If the couple is fighting alot to begin with and not a strong relationship between hubby and wife than yes she will leave him but if the couple has a strong emotional loving relationship it will only get better.
Not if the relationship is based on love. If the couple is fighting alot to begin with and not a strong relationship between hubby and wife than yes she will leave him but if the couple has a strong emotional loving relationship it will only get better.
Not completely true.
Over time the wife can develop feelings for the bull and fall in love with the bull. Seen it happen a lot of times.
Yes it can work, but do not say it will because there is love between husband and wife. Even then it can fail over time.
Not if the relationship is based on love. If the couple is fighting alot to begin with and not a strong relationship between hubby and wife than yes she will leave him but if the couple has a strong emotional loving relationship it will only get better.
I agree
If you don’t start out with a strong open loving relationship then it’s more like just cheating
I agree
If you don’t start out with a strong open loving relationship then it’s more like just cheating
exactly plus if this is what the couple wants then they should pursue it. We are living in a society that is changing and modernizing their views. Marriage are becoming more open and people view it as if we lobe eachother we make eachother happy too. Why have one cock for the rest of your life when your husband will allow you to have many. It' s a new and improved marriage society. Women can fuck who they want and husbands want to watch. Its a fetish that is catching on very fast. You would be surprised how many husband wish to watch to wifes with other men its like watching live porn with the girl you love.
exactly plus if this is what the couple wants then they should pursue it. We are living in a society that is changing and modernizing their views. Marriage are becoming more open and people view it as if we lobe eachother we make eachother happy too. Why have one cock for the rest of your life when your husband will allow you to have many. It' s a new and improved marriage society. Women can fuck who they want and husbands want to watch. Its a fetish that is catching on very fast. You would be surprised how many husband wish to watch to wifes with other men its like watching live porn with the girl you love.
So you would also be okay of your husband wants to fuck other woman?
No my husband stays celibate. Its an empowering role we white women have we control sex with our bodies. And white man have to watch. Plus not many girls into the cuckquann thing. It's more the man that like to watch their wifes than vice versa.
Then it is not so open after all.
Even worse, he stays celibate, no sex for him. I must say if it is with the complete agreement of the husband, then it is okay of course.
Then it is not so open after all.
Even worse, he stays celibate, no sex for him. I must say if it is with the complete agreement of the husband, then it is okay of course.
it is of complete agreement he proposed it. And that is the reality today many white husband propose that to their wife to get the stress of underperforming so they rather watch and masturbate. And they know their wifes will feel sexually satisfied in the end and will love their husband even more so for giving them what they want.