Cuckold Social Network

I'll definitely follow up on this more fully when I've had a chance to think about it properly
You absolutely have to tell your wife about your ideas
I can't see how things can progress for most couples without am open discussion. And for most that's just the start of a process.
Of course.
Just trying to help.
I continue to receive Private Messages, calling me a Fake. It is what it is.
As my mentor always says, "that's a YOU problem, not a ME problem"
It's better for me that people who can't move forward, don't want to work with me. LOL
Trying to move forward. How do you suggest finding an "upgraded" Bull. We've have two not very successful encounters so far.
Trying to move forward. How do you suggest finding an "upgraded" Bull. We've have two not very successful encounters so far.
I agree this is definitely an issue

We did a lot of research and read reviews of clubs and targeted am event that had lots of positive feedback. We then struck lucky at the event.

However we had a few "ok" experiences before that which were pretty underwhelming, despite making an effort.

I suppose the secret is to be open minded and not blame yourself.
Trying to move forward. How do you suggest finding an "upgraded" Bull. We've have two not very successful encounters so far.
thank you for the question.

Ill be direct and frank with you. I honestly have no idea what you are looking for. If I was looking for a couple in your location, I would assume that you guys are looking for a sexual partner, ongoing, and maybe into some kink exploration. I'm not sure why you are having difficulty finding men to indulge in those things, but then maybe thats not what you want. And if thats the case, your profile is not ASKING for what you truly want.

Communication is beyond critical for these types of sexual relationships to work, so re-write your profile. Read it aloud to your wife and ask her, does that sound like something you want. Typically, when you have to read something out loud, you can hear how "poor" the wording can be. Not a lot of people use that technique, but its quite effective. It might sound intelligent to you in your own mind, but remember that a Bull is reading this without any prior knowledge of who you are or your previous experiences.

The part that throws me off is that you dont want "training" which says to me you have experience and you should be able to answer direct questions easily. Any Legit bull on this site, will have a short list of questions, if you answer them and both like the responses, there should be ZERO obstacles to having a good time. So think about what went wrong and why? But I cannot see why you would have a bad time, based on the profile you wrote.
I hear you, and I empathesize

It takes a good 2-3 months for me to fully and properly train a couple, this does not happen overnight.
And there are a lot of growing pains.
Everything you said, is a problem. You are not wrong, but you guys are running into those problems because you dont have Full Bulls.
Those guys are just not experienced, mature and knowledgeable enough for where you guys are at in the relationship
You need to upgrade.
She's fine now. What was hard is finding who she has now.

I don't know how else to say it, but if a woman wants to have someone love her, and also have men on the side that have great sex with her, then she is going to have to have sex with alot of men to find the right ones... it is a numbers game. So when she was new and searching, and I don't even think we planned that well, it sucked.... when we befriended some swingers that had a good network it got a lot better.

We also grew together into what we are now.
She's fine now. What was hard is finding who she has now.

I don't know how else to say it, but if a woman wants to have someone love her, and also have men on the side that have great sex with her, then she is going to have to have sex with alot of men to find the right ones... it is a numbers game. So when she was new and searching, and I don't even think we planned that well, it sucked.... when we befriended some swingers that had a good network it got a lot better.

We also grew together into what we are now.
Thank you for your post. Im going to pull out that amazing Nugget

"When we befriended some swingers that had a good network, it got a lot better"

I would love if you post some of the problems you ran into when you were trying to meet men "on your own" and without any network. I have been promoting the network idea for the last 10 years and every woman, man and couple that has agreed with it and joined, has had ENORMOUS fun...the people that want to be Extra Private and do things on their own, without help from anyone, run into 10 times more problems than other people. It's not to say you cant meet people, but there is just more risk, more drama and more selfish men who dont get the LS.

I have a couple profiles on Dating Apps and here, of course, so I do receive messages every week from new people. I deal with a lot of the same drama couples have to contend with, I just dont take it personally and I dont really care what some of these guys "claim" to be their gifts and talents. Most guys that TALK a big game, are making it all up.

If you ask someone questions, its easy to spot a faker after about 4 or 5 questions, because they cant keep their story straight. Also, the more questions you ask them, the more they get agitated. Ive had this happen with a lot of husbands who "claim" their wife is interested. But its clear after 2 or 3 questions, their wives have no idea they are even talking to me. But the funny part is the husbands get angry at me. They start to get overly aggressive. I have 2 choices at that point. Either say, thank you but not interested any longer. Or, I dont think your wife knows, and if you want to move forward we need to talk to her together, or you need to tell her who I am. that usually ends the chat right there. :)

Since this site promotes a lot of IR relationships and dynamics, what I get a lot of on here are white guys who like to call me racist names in private chat. Its quite rude and then they get mad at me, when I insult them back. Usually my insults are more "spot" on the truth, which is why they get soooo ANGRY with me. But am I really insulting them? Or am I just being honest? You decide.

Anyway, thank you for posting, you are providing a lot of great info for new couples.
Thank you for your post. Im going to pull out that amazing Nugget

"When we befriended some swingers that had a good network, it got a lot better"

I would love if you post some of the problems you ran into when you were trying to meet men "on your own" and without any network. I have been promoting the network idea for the last 10 years and every woman, man and couple that has agreed with it and joined, has had ENORMOUS fun...the people that want to be Extra Private and do things on their own, without help from anyone, run into 10 times more problems than other people. It's not to say you cant meet people, but there is just more risk, more drama and more selfish men who dont get the LS.

I have a couple profiles on Dating Apps and here, of course, so I do receive messages every week from new people. I deal with a lot of the same drama couples have to contend with, I just dont take it personally and I dont really care what some of these guys "claim" to be their gifts and talents. Most guys that TALK a big game, are making it all up.

If you ask someone questions, its easy to spot a faker after about 4 or 5 questions, because they cant keep their story straight. Also, the more questions you ask them, the more they get agitated. Ive had this happen with a lot of husbands who "claim" their wife is interested. But its clear after 2 or 3 questions, their wives have no idea they are even talking to me. But the funny part is the husbands get angry at me. They start to get overly aggressive. I have 2 choices at that point. Either say, thank you but not interested any longer. Or, I dont think your wife knows, and if you want to move forward we need to talk to her together, or you need to tell her who I am. that usually ends the chat right there. :)

Since this site promotes a lot of IR relationships and dynamics, what I get a lot of on here are white guys who like to call me racist names in private chat. Its quite rude and then they get mad at me, when I insult them back. Usually my insults are more "spot" on the truth, which is why they get soooo ANGRY with me. But am I really insulting them? Or am I just being honest? You decide.

Anyway, thank you for posting, you are providing a lot of great info for new couples.

I think this lifestyle is not for everyone. I have come to love her for who she is, and I have accepted her sexuality. I do have a bit of a submissive side with her, although it is nothing like I read on alot of the forum posts. I do worship her... I love her. I believe the right word for my relationship is compersion. I love that she feels empowered. I'm her man, and we are happy. We fight like everyone else and the lifestyle does have it's challenges. Racism sucks. In all honesty, I started in this website during a bad part of our lifestyle experience. She was seeing other men, and when I saw that ALL the other men she was texting and talking to were black, well I ... found this website as an outlet.
The majority of the problems come from her NOT being honest with me. We were living together. She would tell me she loved me then she would still text, talk and have lunch with other men. When I tried to get control over her she would run off for a while. She was "brainwashed" or introduced to all this by a man that frequented a coffee shop she worked at.... and they are still friends. The day I stopped focusing on their relationship was the day she and I came to an understanding.
To try and push this Social Network Forward
I get a lot of profiles on here "following me" And while I appreciate it, I dont want to use this site as a version of FB. Its not important to me to gain followers, unless you like what Im writing about and you just want to be notified of something that I post. I do appreciate the support, honestly. This is one of the best sites on the internet for a number of reasons. Not least of which is the promotion and celebration of women :)

But If you are going to follow me, please also follow @Neilson
He is a real cuckold from the UK. He is experienced and he has gone through a lot of initial hurdles of the LS. He and his wife have an incredible bull in the UK. I know he's remarkable because he and I talk about what the bull does with his wife, about her training and he asks me questions about how he should approach certain things. Because I know he has a legit bull, its been super easy to give him advice. And everything we have talked about and every question he has asked me, has helped him form a close bond and love with his wife, and he is enjoying being a cuckold, without his own sense of self being destroyed, which is critical.

I truly enjoy connecting with cuckolds and submissive men that enjoy serving women. The friendship I have with men like this is unlike other friendships with other bulls or Dominants. Its obviously more special when I can connect with a cuckold and then take his wife, but that isnt always feasible or available. His wife has a bull, a good one at that, she doesnt need me. If that makes sense.

Legit Bulls respect boundaries. Legit Bulls also acknowledge other bulls and what they do for women. I respect other Bulls. And whats great is they respect me and what I do for my women too. Its a brotherhood. And its good company.

I want there to be a similar type of brotherhood for cuckolds and submissive men. For some reason, you guys dont seem to get along with each other, and I have been trying to figure out why? but thats why I am trying to help promote this social network idea.

There is a rumor or a misguided myth going around the internet that there are no WOMEN into this LS. That is complete BS and a fabrication of the truth. for the guys that "try" and talk to women about this LS, the issue is you, not the LS. Please dont get that confused. Most of the women that I talk to, are open to the idea of a primary relationship with a man that adores them but isnt sexually satisfying and the idea of a 2nd man being their sexual dream. I dont know why cuckold wannabe and submissive have such trouble talking to women, but again, its YOU, not women, not the LS.

What id love is if we had a good network of cuckold men, both married and single, women would feel less "nervous" about talking to some of you guys. Cuz frankly, if you are a cuckold wannabe and you are bringing up this LS to a woman you are dating, her first question is going to be "who am I having sex with?" And since none of you are best friends with a bull, the answer is "I DONT KNOW!!"
And thats what freaks women out. Not the LS, the fact they are placing too much trust in you, who has not Planned this out very well.

Thats why every cuckold I have trained, has met several women to be friends with and found a woman to date within 6 months. Women just dont want to be responsible for making this type of relationship work, on top of their own life, career and frankly YOU! Because most cuckolds are VERY high maintenance people.

Hope that helps. :)
And specially age... its a lot how it affect her mind... I always choose partners older than her for the swing or share
I would highly suggest "verifying" as a couple before hosting anyone, and also take your time here. This is a marathon not a sprint.
Agreed. From our experience dont want anyting in a rush... thats why we like older partners... mostly now how to enjoy
I would actually be willing to work with the owners of this website to create a Facebook like network app for cuckolds and sissies and bills and their wives and partners etc to sign up and meet and create events etc
I would actually be willing to work with the owners of this website to create a Facebook like network app for cuckolds and sissies and bills and their wives and partners etc to sign up and meet and create events etc
that sounds great, im not sure the owners of the site are interested in what you are talking about.