
It's nice to see the white boys being so pussywhipped and submissive that they act as if they're happy that black men are about to take away their dates and fuck them. Inside, they are of course humiliated and realize that they are sexually inadequate to satisfy the opposite sex. Within a few months, they will accept it and even encourage their girlfriends to take black lovers.
Sometimes it comes down to the white boy is just scared. He might want to look cool, or woke, or whatever by taking his girl to mixed clubs. But when a Alpha male makes the moves on his women I feel sometimes it is fear that keeps them quiet. The woman sees this and takes it as either it is ok with her man or she sees how little he is to fight for her. Either reason will give her the green light to spread her legs.
I've found that if you go through the photos of virtually any clubs facebook page, you're going to see tons of pictures of white girls dancing with black men. I think my favorite types of photos are these though: View attachment 4066522View attachment 4066525View attachment 4066527View attachment 4066528View attachment 4066524

You can see that these girls ostensibly came with their white boyfriends. But look at the body language. It is clear what's happening, or about to happen to all of these girls.
This last cuck looks like he wants to run. Like reality is hitting home as he gets nervous. LOL It's funny to see a nervous cuck.
When a woman doesn't serve a black bull, visiting a club can be a good substitute. So many outwardly respectable white ladies let go at a club and enjoy bbc.
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