Chicago Getaway

What a week! I had spent the whole week pampering myself, going to the spa, shopping for new clothes and getting ready for a weekend getaway to Chicago. My husband had been gone all week on business and we were going to meet for our first weekend away as empty nesters. I had spent the last 18 years living the soccer mom life, so I was particularly excited to resume living for me. Our ******* had started college this fall, so we planned on completely enjoying this new phase of our lives. I was about to find out what completely enjoying myself meant.

My name is Andrea, I'm 44 years old, and my husband Joe and I live just outside Detroit. We have been married for 20 years, and have one baby. I had always been a stay at home mom, never working while she was growing up. I had spent the last year at the gym, trying to get back into shape from too many years of taking care of everybody but myself and I had finally reached my goal last month, I weighed 130 pounds again! I'm 5' 5" tall, and my measurements are 34(C)-24-34. I had to spend all kinds of extra time lifting weights, trying to keep my breasts attractive, you ladies know what I mean, perky. I just hate that whenever I start losing weight, the first 5 pounds always seems to come off my breasts. The only good part of being heavier was that I had 36D's. Joe told me to just have implants, but I think they're better now than implants would have been. (He agrees with me too!) Now that I was at the perfect weight, I planned on staying in shape for good and using it to drive Joe crazy as much as possible. I figured that I could fight off the creep of middle age for a few years if I worked hard enough.

Joe had joined the gym with me too, and is also in nice shape. He had never really gotten out of shape like I did, he really just joined the gym and went to support me. He is 45, about 6'1" tall and weighs 190 pounds or so.

We have a pretty active sex life, at least when Joe is home. He travels a lot for work, but when he gets home he's all over me now that I lost all my weight. Not that he wasn't before, all over me that is. We've always enjoyed sex as much as possible.

I had made the short flight over to Chicago earlier in the day and checked into the hotel. I took a nap for a while, then got ready for the evening. I showered and got ready, planning on waiting for Joe in the cocktail lounge.

I had set out a new outfit I had bought earlier in the week, a gray silk tank top that had a kind of rattlesnake print to it and showed a little cleavage paired with a short black pleated skirt. I wasn't going to wear any hose; I still had a nice suntan from the summer so my legs looked good. I chose some low black heels that were comfortable. I'm too old for wearing those 4" fuck me heels, I'd way rather be comfortable than 2" taller. I chose a new black lace bra that I had bought to go with this top too. It was pretty thin lace because I wanted to make sure Joe could see my nipples all night, that always drives him crazy. My nipples are kind of large, and can be a problem if I get excited. I didn't think that would be a problem tonight though, Joe was the one that was going to get excited. I had already decided to go without panties, so I could show Joe the surprise I had for him. I had gotten a Brazilian while Joe was gone, my pussy was as bare as it could be.

I had spent a whole day at the spa, getting my hair done, my nails, and the bikini wax of course and I felt about as sexy as I could get. My shoulder length hair was all blonde again, all the gray was covered up, and I was very happy as I looked at my naked body in the mirror. My bare pussy was so sexy it even turned me on, I had been on fire ever since I got it waxed. I had worn a bikini to the beach all summer and the contrast between my suntan and white skin made it look like there was a spotlight shining on my pussy. I was looking forward to getting properly fucked and couldn't wait to feel Joe inside me. I looked at my butt in the mirror. It looked pretty good too, good enough to give Joe all he could handle.

I had decided to get dressed and go downstairs early and see what kind of attention I could attract. Maybe someone would buy me a ******* or two I thought. I have always been a little bit of a flirt, I got a lot of free drinks back when I was single. I even earned quite a few of them, if you know what I mean.

I went downstairs about 6 and took a seat at the bar. Joe wasn't supposed to be there until about 8 so I ordered a Manhattan and looked around the bar. There were only a couple of other people there, so I got my phone out and sent my ******* a text. I answered a couple of other texts I had gotten and was just about to order another ******* when the bartender brought me one.

It's from the gentleman over there, he said, pointing at a nice looking black man sitting at the end of the bar. He must have just come in I thought, I would have noticed him when I looked around earlier. I thanked him for the ******* and invited him over to talk.

His name was Michael. He was from St. Louis, and was in town on business. He had finished up earlier than he expected, and now had the night free before his flight home tomorrow afternoon. He was married, 38 years old, and had 2 children. I told him I was waiting for my husband to arrive from Seattle, but would love to have somebody to talk to.

We talked for quite a while, downing a couple more drinks in the process. Michael was quite intelligent, and was fun to talk to. He was about 6' 5" tall, and was in very good shape. He was a salesman for a medical software company. He said he spent a couple of days in Chicago every month. He normally stayed out by O'Hare, but had opted to stay downtown this time. "I'm glad I did," he said, "I got to spend some time drinking with a pretty lady."

"I'm glad you did too," I told him, "I was getting pretty bored without anyone to talk to."

My eyes kept wandering down to his crotch, wondering if the stories about how big black men's cocks could be were true. I had never slept with a black man, but I had thought about it a lot. I had a black friend during college that had asked me out a few times. I had never gone, but also had always regretted it. Another friend of mine had dated him and said he was great in bed, extremely well hung and he would fuck her all night long. I thought that Mike might have caught me looking down a couple of times so I was trying to be a good girl and not look any more. I wanted to flirt with him a little, but not be a total cock tease.

Mike excused himself to use the restroom after a while. When he came back, he sat facing me on the barstool next to mine, his left leg up on the rung of the stool. I tried to be good, I really did, but after a few minutes I glanced down at his crotch again. I just about about choked on my ******* when I saw his crotch this time. He must have adjusted himself a little while he was in the men's room. The outline of his cock was clearly visible now, going halfway down his left leg. As I stared at his cock, I realized that not only had I been staring too long, but my mouth was wide open in amazement. I could feel my nipples trying to poke holes in my top too; everyone in the bar would be able to see that I was excited. I looked up to see Mike grinning, I was definitely caught now. I took another gulp of my ******* and tried to calm down as I blushed.

About this time, I got a text from my husband:

Whats up beautiful?-Joe

Andrea-Nothing, just waiting for you in the lounge.

Who's your friend?-Joe

I looked around the room and saw Joe sitting at a table behind us. I looked away quickly, and continued texting him:

Andrea-We've been talking. He's kind of hitting on me.

Looks like you like it from here.-Joe

Andrea-It's kinda fun. Makes me feel sexy. I got a couple of free drinks already LOL

You sure look sexy. Looks like you have him pretty excited too.-Joe

Andrea-Can you see the size of that thing!? OMG!!!

Yeah, kinda hard to miss. Looks like he wants to make sure you see it too. Ever had a big one like that?-Joe

Andrea-No way, that thing is big! You're about the biggest I've had. And the only one for 20 years.

Never done any black guys before?-Joe

Andrea-No, thought about it in college, but didn't do it.

So do you think it would be fun, fucking a big black cock like that?-Joe

Andrea-Of course I think it would be fun to try. Doesn't matter, I'm married, to you, remember?

But do ya wanna fuck him?-Joe

Andrea-WHAT? Of course I don't!

That's not how it looked when I got here. You were staring right at it. Your nipples are telling a different story too.-Joe

Andrea-I was just teasing with him, don't worry. It's not like I didn't know you were on the way.

Yeah, but if you could do it, would you want to fuck him?-Joe

Andrea-Why? Would you let me?

Maybe, but not unless you ask real nice.-Joe

Andrea-We've never talked about anything like this before. That's kind of a big step.

Don't you want to feel that big cock in you? It's not like anyone will know. Who knows if you'll ever get another chance like this?-Joe

Andrea-It would be fun to try, but I've never cheated on you.

It's not cheating if you have permission. Do you wanna fuck him or not?-Joe

Andrea-Meet me in our room, we can talk about it. 612

Joe got up and left the lounge after that.

I told Mike I had to make a phone call, and asked if he could save my seat for a few minutes. He said he had to go call home also, maybe he would see me around later. I was disappointed, and afraid I wouldn't be able to find him again. If Joe was serious, I really did want to feel his big cock in me. I told him that was too bad, I was really having fun getting to know him and looking forward to getting to know him a lot better. I leaned toward him and gave him a quick kiss, right on the lips, (I snuck my tongue in his mouth real fast too), then told him thanks for the drinks and that I had really enjoyed meeting him. As I slid off the stool I let my skirt ride up, flashing a little look at my bald pussy to him. I was in full cock tease mode now, he was standing firmly on first base and I had given him a peek of home plate. This time it was my turn to catch him looking as I saw his eyes zero in on my stuff. "Sure you can't wait for me just a little while", I asked, smiling?

"Don't worry", he chuckled, "I'll be waiting right here for you."

When I got to the elevator, Joe was just getting into the car. He had picked up his luggage from the desk. We were silent until the doors closed.

"You are so bad", I told him, "I wasn't trying to sleep with him."

"You just looked so sexy," he said. "It made me think of how sexy you would look with that black cock in you. Don't try and tell me you were thinking of anything different, sitting there staring at that big cock."

"The thought did cross my mind," I said, "especially after he adjusted his cock so I could see how big it was." I told Joe I had gotten caught looking at his crotch, then he went and adjusted it so I could see the outline.

"Are you sure it's not a pair of socks or something," he asked?

"No way," I said, "his dress slacks are so thin I can see the veins on it, I swear I can see them pulsing. It's just huge! I think he's uncircumcised too."

We got off on the 6th floor and went to our room to finish our negotiations, obviously I had already decided what I wanted to do. "So do do want to fuck him," Joe asked when we got inside?

"Would you really let me," I asked? "Do you really want someone else in my pussy?"

"Only if you promise to tell me all about it," he said, "and you have to ask me if you can."

"You wouldn't get mad at me," I asked?

"You caught me having an affair and let me get away with it," he said, "although you were pretty mad at me. I guess I owe it to you."

I had found out about him sleeping with other women while he was away before, that was why I had worked so hard getting back in shape. I was hoping to get him interested in me, not interested in me fucking someone else. "You don't owe me that," I said. "I am pretty turned on by the thought of sleeping with him, but you don't owe it to me."

"I just think it's sexy," he said, "I'm hard as a rock just thinking about it. I mean think about it, who knows how long it would take to find another cock that size? You've got one right downstairs that wants in your pussy right now and I'm telling you it's alright with me if you do it, as long as you ask me REAL NICE baby. But you had better make up your mind quick or you're going to get jumped on right here and now."

I thought about flashing Joe my bare pussy, teasing him too, but I knew I wouldn't get out of the room without getting fucked. I had already decided that he wasn't going to get his present until after somebody else had used it so I didn't. It was decided, I was going to have sex with Mike.

"Joe, would you mind if I took a little time off from my wedding vows tonight," I asked? "I have met a new friend and I want to make love with him."

"I didn't think you were going to do it," he said, "I didn't think you'd ask. Yes, you can make love with your new friend as long as you promise to come back to me afterwards."

"Thank you Joe," I said, "and you know I'll always come back to you." We hugged for a minute and he kissed me, telling me it would be alright and that I should let myself go, just have fun. It was his gift to me for all the work I had done getting into shape.

"I don't have any condoms though," I said, "you know I'm not on birth control." Joe had gotten a vasectomy years ago, so we didn't need to worry about birth control.

"There's a ******* store across the street," he said, I'll go get something for you. You go back down and seal the deal with your friend."

"Now are you sure honey," I asked. "We can't take this back once I do it. Once I go out that door I'm not stopping, I'm going to get fucked."

"So you're that sure he want's it," Joe asked?

"Oh don't worry," I said, "he want's it real bad."

"We'll be fine Andrea," he said, "you have a good time. If we don't like it, we'll make it just this one time, but I promise I will never hold it against you. Just let me know what room you're in just in case you need help."

I had been trembling up 'til now, worried about what we were agreeing to do, but now a strange calm came over me. I was going to make love with my first new lover in over 20 years, and I couldn't wait to get started. Joe hugged me and told me not to worry again then smacked my butt and told me to have fun riding that big black cock. Then he left to get condoms for my new friend to use, in me. What a great husband!

I went in the bathroom to freshen up a little, then thought I'd tease Joe a little. I sent him a text:

Andrea-Make sure you get large sized condoms. He's kinda big ya know.

Don't worry babe, I've got it all covered.-Joe

I laughed at his little pun, then made my plan as I finished getting ready. I was going to be straight forward with Mike and just ask him to fuck me. I was pretty sure he would do it, and if I liked it, I would let him fuck me all night long.

I went back down to the cocktail lounge. Mike was still there. He was just finishing a call on his cellphone when I sat down.

"There you go," he said, "I'm all checked in at home. I'm all yours for the evening."

"All mine, so what can I do to you," I asked?

"Anything your little heart desires," he said. "I'm all yours."

"I'd better have another ******* and think about that offer," I said. I knew I needed to stall long enough to get the condoms from Joe.

We continued talking, flirting more and more about what we both knew was going to happen, and Mike continued making sure I could see his big cock the whole time. He was getting harder and harder, and I couldn't believe how big it looked. I had never had a really big cock in me before. Joe was about 7" and at that time I thought he was kind of thick too. As I wondered what Mike would feel like in my pussy, I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

About this time, I got a text from Joe:

You're all set, have fun.-Joe

Andrea-How am I going to get them from you?

You can just take it in the morning.-Joe


It's a morning after pill.-Joe

Andrea-NO!!! What? Are you sure? I thought you meant you were getting condoms when you said you had it all covered.

You know you hate condoms.-Joe

Andrea-I know that too, but it's normally not a stranger's cock in me.

I know you, you would take it off him anyhow. Kinda be a shame to cover up a cock like that anyways.-Joe

Andrea-It would be a shame, but what should I do when he CUMS?

I think we both already know what you were going to do when he cums. That's what the pill is for, HAVE FUN BABY, I LOVE YOU!-Joe

I put my phone down and took another long look at the lump in Mikes pants. Joe did know me pretty well, there's nothing I love more than the feeling of cum in my pussy. It had been a long time since it was anyone else but Joe's cum, but that was about to change.

"Everything OK," Mike asked?

"No," I said, "Joe got bumped off his flight. He won't be here for hours."

"That's alright," he said, "I'll keep you company for as long as you want."

"Thanks Mike, I'm glad I met you," I said. "You're great company, I've really enjoyed talking with you."

"I've enjoyed meeting you so far also," he said, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."

"So just how much better do you want to know me," I asked? I had decided it was time to stop flirting and go upstairs. I had the green light and it was time to fuck!

"I think you understand pretty much how well I want to know you," he said. "Do you have any interest in knowing me that well?"

"I guess this is a good time to talk about something I've been wondering about Mike," I said. I've been wanting to ask you something, but it's kind of personal. Is that OK?"

"Sure," he said, "what do you want to know?"

"So is that thing real," I asked, looking down at the outline of his cock. "Is it all you?"

"It's all me baby," he said, "all me, all black, and all yours if you want it." He was smiling now, he knew he was going to be fucking my little white pussy soon.

"Would you mind showing me what something that big feels like," I asked?

"You mean you want to touch it," he asked?

"No," I said, staring directly into his eyes. "I mean I want you to fuck me with it."

"Wow," he said, "I'm glad we got that out in the open. I just love women who know what they want and aren't afraid to say it. So do you want to meet me in my room?"

"What," I said, "are you embarrassed to walk out with me?"

"Not at all," he said, leaning over and kissing me this time. I put my arm around his neck and kissed him back, welcoming his tongue in my mouth. We finally broke our kiss and I swallowed the last sip of my *******.

Mike paid the tab, then we held hands as we walked to the elevator. Everyone in the entire bar knew that a black man had picked me up and we were going upstairs to fuck. I think knowing that, that they all thought I was a black cock slut was one of the biggest turn ons about the whole exchange. Very soon I would prove them right, I would be a black cock slut. I did mention that I like to flirt a little bit, didn't I? I didn't care what anyone here thought anyway, they didn't know me.

Once we were inside the elevator, Mike was all over me and my hands were all over his big cock. We kissed and hugged until the car got to the 6th floor, the same floor I was on, then walked hand in hand to room 637. I was relieved when I saw that, I figured with my luck he would be in the room next to mine. I wasn't ready for that yet.
part 2.

Once inside, Mike excused himself to use the restroom. I quickly texted Joe:

Andrea-I think I'm going to be busy for a while, in room 637.

Can't wait to hear how it goes, love you.-Joe

Andrea-Love you too, see you in a while.

Mike got us a couple of drinks, then we sat on the couch. "So," he said, "have you ever made love with a black man before?"

"No, I haven't," I said, "but I have thought about it a lot. Tonight seemed like a good opportunity for my first time. Have you ever made love with a white woman?"

"Yes, quite a few," he said, "it's kind of my hobby. I love to sleep with white men's wives. Being on the road a lot, I get a few opportunities.

"So does your wife know about it," I said.

"Yes, she knows I like to fuck white women when I'm on the road. It's alright with her as long as I don't bring any bugs home. She wants lots of sex when I'm home, so I stay clean for her. I'm pretty selective about who I choose."

"How did you choose me," I asked, "how did you know I was clean and willing?"

"Well," he said, "I chose you at first because you were the only woman in the bar. I could tell from talking to you that you were pretty classy, so I think I'm pretty safe from STD's, and I guess I've done it enough that I can tell if a woman is open to the idea pretty quickly. When you kept looking down at my cock, I knew you wanted to know if I was well endowed, if the black myth was true. I made some adjustments so you could have your answer. Have you ever had a really large cock before?"

"I thought I had," I said. "I'll have to let you know in a few minutes. So you specialize in fucking married white women?"

"It's not as bad as it sounds," he said, "a lot of women, when they get to our age are starting to experiment, see if there is anything they have been missing out on. I just like to help them fulfill one of their fantasies. I especially like to be a woman's first black lover and the first time she cheats on her husband. And picking married women means less chance of them having any STD's."

"I don't think it sounds bad at all," I said, "I think I have something you want, a nice tight clean little married white pussy and I know you have what I want, a big hard black cock. Why shouldn't we share a little bit, and maybe have some fun along the way. We're not hurting anybody, are we? I'm not really cheating, my husband and I have a little arrangement, but even if we didn't it wouldn't hurt anything. I could have my fun with you and have it all washed off by the time he gets here. Wouldn't hurt him a bit, would it?"

We moved closer and started kissing, and I started working on getting Mike's cock out. Mike lifted his butt off the couch so I could get his slacks down. Once they were down, his cock popped into view. It was amazing! At least 9" long, uncircumcised and very thick, much thicker than Joe. And he wasn't even hard! It was a beautiful brown color, and covered in huge veins. It must take quite a good ******* supply to support an organ that size, I thought. "Oh wow," I said, "I knew you were big, but I didn't expect this."

"I told you it was real," he said. "Do you like it?"

"I love it Mike, but I don't know if I can handle it. Nothing this big has been in my little pussy since I had my *******."

"Don't worry baby," he said, "you're going to love it. You're going to get touched in places that have never been touched before, but we'll take our time and make sure that you completely enjoy your first interracial experience."

Mike stood up and removed the rest of his clothes. I ran my hands over his beautiful brown butt and kissed his big cock,taking the head into my mouth for a little taste. He was in fantastic shape, I couldn't wait to see that butt flexing, driving his cock into me, to see the contrast in our skin colors as he took me, and I just couldn't get over how big his cock was. He sat back down next to me and we kissed some more while I fondled his cock. This was either going to be the best thing I've ever felt, I thought to myself, or it was going to ******* me.

"Is it OK if I take a couple of pictures Mike," I asked? "I don't want to forget this."

"You can take all the pictures you want," he said, "but I promise you aren't ever going to forget what I'm going to do to you tonight."

I stood up and removed my clothes. I wanted to be naked for him, to see if he approved of my body. When I took off my top and bra, Mike complemented me on my breasts. My nipples were as hard as bullets, sticking out to signal how ready I was for this. When I took off my skirt, he whistled. "No panties," he said, "I love it. I love the tan lines too. And your pussy is shaved, that's so cool."

I turned around and showed him my tight little wight bottom as I said, "I was thinking earlier that the contrast from my tan makes it look like theres a spotlight shining on my bare white pussy."

"Yes," he said, "it is quite an attention grabber."

"I know, I don't think this is the first time you've seen my little white pussy," I said, as I walked over to my purse to get my cellphone. "It's a Brazilian, this style is called the Hollywood, completely bare. Theres not a hair anywhere down there. I got it to surprise my husband. I guess you get to enjoy it before he does."

"I thought you were leaving me at the bar until you kissed me and gave me that little peek," he said. "There was a guy sitting across the bar and he seemed to be texting at the same time as you. I thought maybe he was your husband and you guys just liked to go out flirt a little bit. Get some guy to buy you a couple of drinks."

"You're pretty sharp Mike," I said as I sat back next to him on the couch and held his big cock in my hand. "I told a little fib earlier. That was my husband, he didn't get bumped off his flight, and I had to leave to talk with him about whether or not I could make love with you. He's down the hall in our room now, waiting for me. I was afraid that I would lose you while I was talking to him and giving you a little tease was all I could think of that fast. I still can't believe Joe would let me fuck another man, especially a black man that he already knows has an enormous cock, but I didn't wait for him to tell me twice. I knew before I went to talk to him that I wanted to feel this big cock in me, I just hope it doesn't hurt too much."

"That's all it took to keep me waiting, one little peek at the promised land" he said as he felt my pussy, pushing his finger deep inside me. Even his fingers were big! "I would have waited there all night for you. And actually there are quite a few white men who will let their wives have sex with black men. I have run into it before, they'll let their little white wife fuck all the black cock she wants, but no other white cocks. They don't want anyone to know it, but they like it. And don't worry by the way, this will be our little secret, at least ours and everyone that was in the bar tonight. I'm not saying I understand it, this desire to be cuckolded, but I sure don't mind enjoying it. And don't worry about it hurting, we'll take it nice and slow but you are so wet I don't think we'll have any trouble at all getting this cock into you. You're going to love it."

I had Mike use my cellphone to take a picture of my hand on his cock, my left hand with my wedding ring on it. After that, I got on my knees in front of him, taking his cock into my mouth. He took a picture of this too, me sucking his black cock! I kissed and sucked his cock for a few minutes, then started a steady bobbing up and down, caressing the shaft with my hands. I don't like to brag, but I love giving blowjobs and I'm pretty good at it too. I wasn't used to sucking on anything this size, but from the way Mike was moaning and squirming around I think he was enjoying my work.

"Oh Andrea, that feels so good," Mike said as I kissed and licked his heavy balls

and every inch of that huge shaft. He had a full erection now, easily 12 inches long and as thick as my wrist. He started squirming when I began to bob up and down again, sucking as hard as I could.

"Oh, that feels so good. I'm not going to last much longer baby."

I backed off and said "I would love to swallow you, but what I really want is to feel you in my pussy." I got up, picked up my phone and led Mike to the bed. I laid on my back and spread my legs wide, opening my pussy for him. "Come and get it baby, I need you inside me. Fuck me now."

"Now I know I have some condoms here," Mike said, going to his suitcase.

"Actually Joe went and got some birth control for me," I said. "Don't worry about condoms, I'm clean if you are."

"What kind of birth control?"

"A morning after pill," I said. "Joe knows that I hate using condoms."

"I'm really starting to like Joe," he said.

"Let's forget about Joe for a little while," I said, "just fuck me. Please fuck me with that big hard black cock."

Mike got between my legs and rubbed his huge cock head up and down my pussy lips. "Lets get a picture before you start," I said, "the last sight of my pussy before it went black."

Mike sat back on his heels, and pulled my bottom up onto his legs. I sat up as much as I could, wanting to watch as he took my pussy. He laid his big cock across my stomach and took a picture of it and my pussy. It was so erotic, that big black cock laying across my bright white pussy and tummy. "There's one before," he said. "We'll get some during in a minute."

Mike started rubbing the head of his cock along my pussy lips again, preparing to penetrate me. I really was just sopping wet, I don't think I've ever been that turned on and ready to fuck before. I cooed a little as I watched his head slip inside me, "Ooooohhhhh, oh my, that's big Mike, so thick." He took another picture of my pussy, with the head of his cock inside me and put the phone down.

"Too late now baby," he said, "your pussies gone black."

"Too late for what?"

"Too late to change your mind," he said.

"There was never a chance of me changing my mind," I said, "I want that black cock balls deep in me." He smiled at that and pushed in a little further, stretching my little pussy as he went in. "Oh Mike, it feels so good. You are so big, I just can't believe how good this feels."

"You're so tight," he said, "so fucking tight. This is some fine pussy Andrea."

"How could anyone not be tight for you," I gasped? "You're just huge!"

"Are you sure you're not a virgin," he asked? It doesn't feel like anyones ever been in here before."

"I might as well be a virgin," I said, "I've never done anything like this before. You're further inside me than anyone has ever been already."

"Well you're in trouble then," he said, "there's a bunch more on the way." He continued pushing, stroking in and out as he worked the rest of his cock into me. I just laid there and enjoyed the feeling, trying to remember every inch of my first black cock. I could feel every vein and ridge as he stretched his way into me, filling my pussy like never before.

About the time I felt Mike's balls rubbing against my bottom, I exploded in my first orgasm of the night. "Oh Mike, hold still for a minute. Please wait for a minute, I can't take any more just yet." Mike took one more picture of my pussy with his cock all the way in me and then put the phone on the nightstand. He laid down on me now, his cock still balls deep in me. I was in my favorite sex position now, the missionary position.

Mike held still long enough for me to recover. We kissed for a while, our tongues dancing together. "I can't believe it, your cock feels so good in me Mike." I reached down between us and felt his cock, every single inch of it was in me! I caressed his balls for a few minutes, wondering what they had in store for me as my pussy slowly relaxed, adjusting to his size. "I didn't know my pussy was that big, the whole thing is in me. So I guess the answer to your question is no, I've never had a really large cock before."

"So you like it," he asked? "I'm not hurting you?"

"Oh Mike, I just love it. It's like your cock is touching every bit of the inside of my pussy. I've never felt anything like it before, and we haven't even started fucking yet."

"Speaking of that, are you ready for more yet," he asked?"

"I'm more ready than I've ever been Mike," I said. "Fuck me now, fuck me please."

I wrapped my legs around him, resting my heels on his butt as he began stroking in and out of my pussy, slowly at first, and only a couple of inches. He worked his way up to full strokes of his wonderful cock, thrusting in and out of me, fucking my pussy like never before. I was babbling incoherently by this time, telling him how good his big black cock felt in me, how much I loved fucking him, and how I never wanted it to end. "It's soooo gooooooood Mike. My pussy was made for your big black cock baby, fuck me. Don't stop, please don't stop, oohh, yes, yes, I'm going to cum. Fuck me with that black cock! Ohhh, I'm cumming again Mike, oooooohhh ooohh my god that feels good. Ooh, I just love your black cock."

I held on tight, finishing my orgasm as Mike continued to fuck me. He fucked for several more minutes before I could tell he was getting ready to cum. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me for a nice long kiss as he neared his climax. "Oh baby, here it comes," he said, where do you want it?"

I tightened my grip on him with my legs and said "I want it inside me Mike. Put it as deep inside me as you can get it, please cum in my pussy Mike."

He did. He pushed his cock as far into me as it would go and moaned as I felt jet after jet of his hot cum shooting against my cervix. I immediately had another orgasm too, bucking and twisting as he sprayed my insides with his juices, marking me forever as his lover.

I had done it, I thought, as I lay there in the afterglow of our sex, I had done it and there was no way to take it back now. After 20 years of being a faithful wife, of forsaking all others and all that stuff, I was an adulteress. It didn't take long either. Joe had started texting me at 8 and here I was with my pussy full of black cum at 9:15. I didn't regret it it though, I was a black cock slut now and I had loved it. I hoped Joe was still OK with it, but I knew I was. This had been the best adventure of my life, and I love black cock, I absolutely love it.

We laid together for several minutes after Mike finished pumping his sperm into my womb, kissing while his cock ever so slowly softened inside me. At least I thought it would soften. Joe's always does.

"So what did you think," Mike finally asked me? "Do you like black cock?"

"Oh my goodness Mike, I know I love your black cock," I said, "that was the best, most thorough fucking I've ever had. I can't believe how good it feels being that full. I'm going to have to try some other black cocks before I can tell you if I love them all though."

"So have you and your husband been talking about trying this for a while," he asked, "you having interracial sex?"

"No," I said, "we had never discussed it before. He saw me talking to you at the bar and texted me did I want to fuck you. He saw how big you were and thought I would probably enjoy it. Pretty good husband, isn't he?" Mike's cock was still buried balls deep in me as we talked, and it still felt so good I could barely stand it. He wasn't even fully erect, but it still felt just wonderful in me.

"Like I said before, the more I find out about Joe, the more I like him. So were you even thinking about fucking me it before he suggested it?"

"No, I wasn't even considering actually having sex with you," I said. "I was really enjoying meeting you, and of course, I was amazed when I saw the size of your cock, but I never would have cheated on Mike without his suggesting it and giving me his permission. I just wouldn't do that. I was thinking about what a cock that big would feel like inside me, but I wouldn't have done it."

"So a few text messages and a 20 minute conversation was all it took to get you to completely change your relationship," he asked?

"No," I said, "I would say it was more like one look at the outline of this cock that's in me and one text from him saying he would let me was all it took. I had already decided that I would fuck you if you wanted me when I went upstairs to talk to him, that's why I kissed you and showed you my pussy. You know, the pussy that's just loving having your big cock in it right now."

"Well my black cock loves your little white pussy too," he said, "and I definitely wanted to. I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever made love to, and you have the tightest pussy I've ever felt."

"I bet you say that to all the married white women you fuck," I said, "but thank you anyhow."

"I am something of a sweet talker," he said, "but you truly are a beautiful woman and I wasn't joking about how tight your pussy is."

"Maybe I had the tightest pussy you ever felt," I said, "but I don't any more. I think you stretched me out with that big thing. You know what my favorite thing about tonight is, other than this cock in me?"

"What's that," he asked?

"I haven't dated, or fucked anyone but my husband for over 20 years," I said, "but it was always such a game back then. You had to play games and pretend you weren't easy and all that stuff. If I did get laid it was 3 in the morning and I was so tired and ******* by that time it wasn't that great. What we did tonight seems so grown up compared to that. We decided we liked each other, and half an hour later my pussy is fucked and full of your cum. It's so much better than it was back then."

"I hadn't thought about it that way," he said, "but you're right, it was always a pain not getting started until 3 in the morning. No games or anything. As soon as we had the necessary approvals, we got down to business. Sorry about it only taking a half hour though, I told you your pussy was tight. And don't worry baby, you're still tight; I don't even know if I can get it out of you without cumming again."

"Why do you want to get it out of me," I asked, "I didn't mean I didn't want to get finished fucking before 3, I meant it was nice to not to have to get ******* faced ******* and not to start until then. And why don't you want to cum in me again? Do I have to go now?"

"No way baby," he said, "I'm not done if you're not. You got me all night if you want it. I just thought maybe you wanted to get back to your room and I didn't want to make you feel like I wouldn't let you."

"I thought maybe you were off to find another white wife to defile," I joked, "now that you blacked my little white pussy."

"I try to only defile one wife a day," he said, "one jealous husband a day is enough. I just thought you might be in a hurry to get back."

"I'm not in a hurry," I said, "and you don't have to worry about any jealous husbands of mine, this was all his idea. What I really want is for you to fuck me again. Now that I've finally got you in my pussy I want to get to know you real well Mike, really, really well."

"I think we're going to know each other real well by the time we're done here baby," he said, "just like you said, really, really well." ******* was rushing into his cock now, I could feel it swelling inside me, stretching my pussy again.

"It feels like you have some more for me," I said, "can you please fuck me again? Please fuck me more Mike, please fuck me with that big black cock."

"You know I will baby," he said, as I felt his cock returning to full erection, and him start slowly pulling it out of me again. "You're going to find out what sex is all about this time, what black sex is all about that is," he said, as he slammed it back into me all the way. That got my attention! I didn't know what I was in for yet, but I loved it. Every second and every inch of it.
par 3.

I wrapped my legs around him again and hung on as he started to fuck me again, much harder than before. I fucked back as good as I could, but he was so big and fucked me so hard that mostly I just hung on and absorbed his powerful thrusts. He was so beautiful to watch as he worked, his tight brown buns driving that massive cock into me time after time, the contrast of our skin, it was like something primal. I needed him to come for me, to come in me and show me I was his, his slut. He fucked and fucked and fucked, as I came and came and came. Never before had I had sex like this, hard and long, time after time his cock thrusting into my pussy, making me his. Why had I waited so long, I kept asking myself? It's just so fun!

"Oh Mike, I just can't believe how good this feels. I love being your slut, I don't want to ever stop."

"I'm not stopping," he said, "I'm just getting started on this white pussy. You'd better hope those morning after pills are up to the job baby, 'cause I'm not done breeding your pretty little white cunt."

"You can breed me any time you want Mike," I said. "My little white pussy is yours any time you want it, but I just hate that "c" word. Please don't call my pussy that."

"I'm sorry baby," he said, "I just get carried away sometimes. I will treat your pretty little pussy with total respect."

"Thanks Mike. Don't get me wrong, I like talking dirty, I just don't like that word. So fuck me with your big black cock, it's the best thing I've ever felt in my life! Keep fucking me with it, please fuck my little white pussy."

Mike's stamina was amazing! He never slowed down, fucking for what felt like half the night, his cock head battering my cervix time after time before he moaned and shot another load of cum deep in my pussy, sending me off for another orgasm also. I could once again feel jet after jet of his hot juices shooting inside me, filling my womb with his seed. He wasn't joking, he really was breeding me. I didn't want any babies, but I sure loved being bred.

We kissed for a few minutes, recovering from our latest orgasms, then Mike pulled out and lay beside me. We kissed a little, and dozed a little, recovering from the most incredible sex of my life. My pussy was just on fire! I was still so wet, both from my juices and his, that I knew I could handle it again, probably several times if he wanted me.

After a while, I got up and went to the window. As I was looking out at the city, a woman came to the window of a hotel room across the street. She had dark hair, and appeared to be about 35, and was standing there fully dressed, looking right at me, standing there naked less than 50 feet away. I waved at her, and she smiled and waved back at me. Right then Mike came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. The woman across the street opened her eyes wide and put her hand over her mouth, jokingly when she saw Mike. I just smiled back at her as Mike fondled my breasts. The next thing I knew, she was pulling a chair over to the window so she could watch us!

I pointed her out to Mike, and told him we should put on a little show for her. He was cool with that idea, but we decided that she had to strip for us first. I pointed at my breasts and then at her, trying to get the point across. She understood immediately, and stood up. She took off her blouse and threw it out of view, revealing a very sexy white bra that was covering up a pretty big set of tits. Next she reached behind her back and unfastened the bra, slowly uncovering her beautiful breasts. They were pretty big, and very nice. I even wanted to suck on them. "What do you think of those Mike?"

"Those are pretty nice," he said, "let's see the rest." I pointed to my pussy and then to her, and she nodded her head. She lifted her skirt and pulled down her pantyhose, sitting down to get them off her legs. Then she stood up and came right up to the window. Next she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing a pair of white panties. With one swift motion, they were gone too and she stood there naked, her thick dark bush very visible to us. I gave her a thumbs up, telling her she was very beautiful, then moved out of in front of Mike.

Mike came close to the window as I got down on my knees in front of him. I looked at her as I took Mike's once again hard cock in my hands. She had pulled the chair closer to the window and was sitting, her legs spread and her fingers in her pussy already. I took Mike's cock in my mouth and sucked him for a few minutes while she watched us.

After a few minutes, I stood up and faced the window, bending over a little bit. Mike got behind me and the next thing I knew, he had bent down and put his cock inside me. When he lifted up, his cock went all the way in me and my feet came right off the floor! My mouth went wide open in amazement as he impaled me with his cock. Our friend across the street once again had her hand over her mouth. I knew she was dying to be me, but this was still my turn. I wasn't done with him yet. Mike started moving his hips in a circular motion, which caused his cock to fuck in and out of me, not all the way, but it was still nice. This was new, I thought, never done this before either.

Our friend kept watching, and kept fingering herself while Mike fucked me until she had what looked from our vantage point to be a nice long orgasm. She sat there in the chair smiling for a minute, then got up and got a pad of paper. She pointed at us and made a hand sign like she was talking on the telephone. I pointed at myself, asking if it was my number she wanted and she nodded yes. I held up fingers to show her my cell phone number as she wrote it down.

After this, I waved bye-bye to her and told Mike we should move to the bed. He let me down off his cock and we got back into our new normal position, the missionary one. Mike guided his cock back into my pussy and made love to me. Unlike the last time, we went slow, taking our time and really enjoying ourselves. We had gotten that first, hungry fuck out of the way, then the hard one, now we took our time and made love. Mike kept locking his arms on top of my shoulders and slowly pushing that huge cock all the way into me, pushing at my cervix as hard as he could. We fucked like this for so long that I started to feel guilty about Joe waiting for me. Not real guilty, but a little bit.

Oh what the hell, fuck Joe, I thought, this was fun. It felt so good I didn't ever want to stop. I can't even remember how many times I came while Mike was fucking me, making love to my white pussy.

Like normal, all good things must come to and end, Mike was ready to cum again, so he picked up speed, thrusting powerfully into my pussy as we both reached another wonderful orgasm. We laid together, still coupled until he had completely softened inside me then he rolled onto his side and rested.

I just laid there with a stupid looking grin on my face, so completely, thoroughly fucked that I couldn't even move. I was so completely satisfied that it didn't matter what vows I had broken, I was cool with it. I hoped Joe was still alright with it too, but if not, he would just have to get over it. Mike had fucked me better than anyone ever had before, and I had loved every second of it.

Mike's come was running out of me, making a huge wet spot on the bed, so I had him take a picture of my pussy. I figured I could send it to Joe, and tell him I was going to bring him a cream pie in a little while.

I rolled over and kissed and cleaned Mike's cock, licking our juices from it and thanking him for sharing it with me. "You were right Mike, I will never forget this. Your cock is just magnificent." I was delighted when I felt a little life coming back into his cock. I still might get some more, I thought!

"So did you mean it," he asked, "that this sweet little white pussy is mine any time I want it?"

"Yes, I meant it," I said, holding onto his beautiful cock. "I want this cock any time I can get it. I just love having your big black cock in me."

"I was just thinking," he said, "Detroit is my sales territory too. I get there for a couple of days every two months. I always stay at the MGM Grand, maybe you can bring this little pussy to see me."

"You have a date," I said. "Maybe my pussy will be back to it's normal size again by then and you can stretch it out again."

"Sorry again about the "c" word," he said, "I won't do it again." I gave him a big wet kiss and told him not to worry about it, he was forgiven.

"Did I earn my drinks," I asked?

"It's a start," he joked, "but you've still got more work to do."

I got up to use the bathroom, then got my phone and texted Joe:

Andrea-You still OK?

I'm fine, horny as hell but fine. Did you do it?-Joe

I stood in the bathroom door, so Mike could see me naked still, and texted him my cream pie pic with the heading:

Andrea-Just in case you thought I wouldn't go through with it. You'd better hope those pills work because Mike wants me to have a little brown baby!

WOW!!! Sooo sexy! How was it? And when did you shave your muffin?-Joe

Andrea-It was Un Effin Believable! And SOOOOOO BIG!!! LOL!!! And the bare pussy was supposed to be a present for you.

Done yet?-Joe

Mike was watching me, his cock just about fully erect again.

Andrea-Thought I was, got f'd 3 times already, but I see that it's hard again. I want more, that OK with you?

Wouldn't be very nice to leave him like that, would it? You go ahead and have more fun and then bring that pussy to me. I want it.-Joe

Andrea-Sorry you're still going to have to wait for yours, I'll save some for you though.

Don't worry about me, you just have fun honey, can't wait to see you.-Joe

Andrea-I'm having a lot of fun. I don't know if I can stop though.

"I've still got some time," I said to Mike as I climbed on the bed and nuzzled up to his swollen cock, "I need to get back to Joe, but do you want me to help you out with this before I go? Do you want to cum in me again?"

"I think I would like some help," he said, "and I'd love to cum in your white pussy again."

"This white pussy is all yours now Mike," I said. "You can cum in it any time you want."

"Watching you standing there naked, there was no way I wasn't going to get hard again," he told me, "but I think you knew that. I think you just wanted more black cock, and more black cum too."

"I don't ever want to stop getting your black cock," I said, "I think you've ruined me. And I love having your cum in me."

"You really are beautiful," he told me, "and completely uninhibited. I just love it when a woman is comfortable with her body, with being nude."

"Thank you," I said, "I do a lot of work keeping my body where it is comfortable for me. It only seems natural to let someone see it, kind of makes all that time at the gym worth it. I love being naked for you anyhow, and I love being yours. I'm so glad we did this, I just love this big cock Mike, your big black cock."

I kissed and loved on his cock and balls for a while before straddling him, sitting on top of him. His cock stood up almost to my breasts, I just couldn't believe all that could fit in me! I had him take a couple of pictures of this too, then I rose up, guiding his head to the entrance to my well used pussy. After getting a couple of pics of this, I slowly lowered myself, impaling my pussy on his cock. (He used my camera to take a video of this, starting out real close, his cock head spreading my lips as it entered my pussy, and finishing wide angle, with me riding up an down his black monster. Joe says the look on my face is priceless, complete contentment.) It only took me a couple of minutes to work his cock all the way into me, but I think it went even further in with me on top. After he was all the way in I started fucking him. Long, slow strokes, all the way out, then back through my pussy lips and traveling all 12" back in. Time after time I felt his head stretch my pussy lips apart, then felt it push against my cervix.

When he was all the way in me, I would grind my groin against him, stimulating my clit. I was really starting to like fucking with a bare pussy too, and I don't mean bareback; that's the only way I like to fuck. My bush had always been pretty thick, and it was a pain when hairs got ******* inside of me. I could only imagine how many would get ******* in by a cock this big. None of that now, I was as bald as I could be, and no hair around my clit seemed to make everything more stimulating. I had always had a thick curl of hair right above my clit that I think now that it always got in the way, causing less sensation. It had really hurt when she waxed that part off, but now it was worth every bit of it. I think this is going to be my new hair style, down there anyhow.

I continued fucking like this until I collapsed on top of him, in the throes of yet another orgasm. I had always enjoyed sex, but before this I hadn't really been multi-orgasmic. A couple in one night was my previous record. "I thought you were helping me out with my problem," Mike joked.

"Sorry," I said, "I just couldn't help myself." Really I wasn't sorry at all.

After a few minutes of kissing and recovery time, I got off Mike and got on my hand and knees, my head on the pillow and my bottom in the air. Mike didn't need any hints, he knew I was in the breeding position and it was his turn to cum now. He got behind me and resumed his attack on my little white pussy. He went even deeper from this angle, so deep it almost hurt. Not quite, but almost. He held me tightly by the hips as he fucked, making sure I couldn't get away as he drove his cock as far into me as he could. I gave myself to him completely, squeezing my pussy as tight as I could as he fucked me doggy style, fucking me relentlessly as he was seeking his next orgasm, breeding me again.

It wasn't too long before I felt that familiar feeling, his thrusts becoming more random, grinding as deep as he could into my pussy when suddenly he collapsed on my back, pumping spurt after spurt of cum into me again. "Oh Andrea, fuck yes," he said, "take it all baby, take my load again. Oooohhhh that feels good. I'm gonna give you a little black baby for sure." This felt like his biggest orgasm of the night! I swear I could feel his cum stretching my womb as he pumped his load into me. There was so much cum in me that I started to wonder how many days it would take for it all to run out.

Mike finished his orgasm, holding me in place with his hands on my shoulders now for several minutes until his balls had finished emptying themselves into me and his cock had softened. I just loved feeling his big cock slowly subside in me, knowing that I had brought him so much pleasure, that I was his slut and had taken his seed. Finally, he pulled out and we laid together on the bed, kissing and hugging. We kissed for several more minutes before I said I needed to get back to my room.

"Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful cock with me," I said, "I don't think I'll ever be the same. I really do love black cock now, at least your black cock."

"I can't wait to share it with you again," he said. I sure hope we can get together next time I'm in Detroit."

I gave him my cell number and got his, and promised him that he could use my pussy whenever he was in Detroit as I was getting ready to leave. I sure hoped Joe enjoyed doing this, because I knew that I didn't want to stop.

"Thanks again Mike," I said after kissing him goodnight, "it was wonderful."

"Send me all those pictures we took," he said. "I'd love to have them."

"Sure Mike," I said, "but no posting them online. I don't want to be a porn star."

"I promise," he said, "I don't want to be on the web either. Some things are better if they're kept private. I might show them o my wife though."

"That's fine," I said, "I'm going to show them all to Joe too."

After one more long french kiss, I wore the bathrobe from Mike's hotel room down the hall, carrying my clothes. I didn't want the cum that was running out of me to get all over my new outfit. Thankfully, I didn't run into anyone in the hallway.

When I opened the door and went into our room, it was exactly 3AM. Joe was still sitting up in bed waiting for me. "I didn't think you would ever get done," he said.

"Don't worry," I said, "I got done quite well. Actually, I got done quite well 4 times." I put down my clothes and dropped the bathrobe on the floor, standing naked before Joe. "See anything different about me?"

"I think so, but I'm going to need to take a closer look."

I laid down on the bed and spread my legs, showing Joe my obscenely messy and swollen pussy. Mike's and my juices were spread all over my lips and halfway down my legs.

"So you shaved it for me," he asked?.

"It's a Brazilian," I told him, "they waxed it all off at the spa. It was supposed to be your surprise, but Mike got to play with it first. Do you like it?"

"I like what I can see through this mess. You are just leaking cum and your pussy is so wide open I can see right inside it. Just how big was he?"

I held my hands about a foot apart to show him. "This long and real thick too." I'll show you some pictures later.

"So how was it," he asked? "Did you go black and you're never coming back?"

"It was fantastic," I said, "oh my God did I ever go black. I'll get blacked some more if you give me the chance, but I'm always going to come back."

"So is it that much better with a big cock?"

"Oh yeah, it was way better. I don't know if it was that he was big, that he was black, or both, or just that it was him, but it was so good. I don't think I could do it all the time, fuck someone that big, but it sure was good tonight. He filled me up so much I just couldn't stop cumming on him. I must have had 20 orgasms, all while he was pounding away in my pussy. Don't worry though honey, I saved some for you if you don't mind sloppy seconds, or if that bothers you I could give you a real nice blow job."

"That's good," Joe said, "I'm glad you saved me a little bit. You're pussies not too sore from all that cock?"

"I'm not sore at all," I said. "I think I was so turned on that I stayed super wet all night. I'm not kidding about the sloppy seconds though. There isn't the tiniest little bit of the inside of my pussy that hasn't been fucked for hours by a big hard bare naked black cock tonight and also nowhere inside me that doesn't still have black cum in it."

"I don't care about any sloppy seconds," he said as he climbed between my legs, "I want this pussy right now."

Then my wonderful husband put his cock in my well used pussy and fucked for a few minutes before cumming, adding his juices to those already in me. I think it was the biggest orgasm I've ever felt Joe have in me and I loved it. I knew we would be alright when I felt how hard he came. At first I had hoped he would hurry up, thinking I would get sore, but to tell the truth, I could hardly feel his cock in me. It would take a few days before everything returned to normal down there, especially after the rest of the weekend. More about that later...

I told Joe how much I loved him for letting me have such a beautiful experience, then fell asleep smiling, thinking about all the cum in my pussy, by far the most cum I'd ever had in me at one time, at least up 'til then. I could see it in my dreams, swimming around my womb searching for my egg, fertilizing me. I did mention that I love having cum in my pussy, didn't I? I really love it.

I woke up about 8 in the morning to Joe, laying on his side and staring at me. "What are you doing," I asked. I din't mind him waking me up early, I was hoping to sneak in a visit with Mike before he left.

"Just watching you," he said. "I've never seen you look more beautiful, you're just glowing. Black cock really seems to agree with you, I think we should look into getting you some more."
part 4.

"So you're still OK with it," I asked, "with what we've done?"

"Oh yeah," he said, "I think it's the sexiest thing we've ever done. Last night was probably my favorite night we've ever spent together, and we've had an awful lot of good times."

"I really don't get it," I said, "why it would turn you on so much for me to fuck another man. Not that I'm complaining, I'll help you out with this particular fantasy any time you want. I really do love black cock, at least Mike's black cock." I told him about Mike coming to Detroit every couple of months, and he said it was no problem. He said Mike could even stay with us and fuck me in our bed if he could watch. I just couldn't believe how much my life had changed in such a short time.

We used the bathroom and brushed our teeth, and I made sure to take my pill, it was the morning after. We got back in bed and then I proceeded to tell him all the details about my time with Mike, and show him the pictures of course. About halfway through the story, Joe was too horny to go on so we made love again. My pussy was still soaked from last night and cum was still leaking out of me. Joe said I was starting to tighten back up, but it would probably take a while. It still felt good enough for him to add another huge load of cum to what was already inside me. I had a nice orgasm too, rubbing my clit against his shaft as he came in me. The new hairstyle was really paying off, I thought.

After we had finished, we talked for a few minutes about where we should go with our new hobby. We decided that for now we would look into swinging a little bit, but mostly we would be on the lookout for more black men to fuck me. We would keep it on the down low and be smart about it, but I would be getting more black cock, maybe lots more. Joe also wanted to watch me fuck some of them. Mike was right, Joe said he would let me have all the black cock I wanted but he didn't think he wanted me sleeping with any other white men. If I found someone white that I really wanted to fuck, we could talk about it, but he wasn't in favor of it. I didn't care about that, I had a white cock to fuck right at home. He didn't want me to have a regular lover either, at least not close to home. He would rather that I fuck a lot of different black men than if I just had one steady boyfriend. Once every couple of months with Mike was OK, but he didn't want me falling in love with somebody local. I was alright with that plan, I had permission to fuck any black man I wanted and I wanted a lot of them, I was going to be such a slut! I even had a couple of them in mind already. I told him not to worry, I have the best husband in the world and there was no way he was getting rid of me. All he had to do was say the word and I would stop, I would return to being monogamous I was just in heaven, and I couldn't wait to try another black lover, to see if he was as good as Mike. I really needed more black cock.

Oh yes, Mike! When Joe went in the bathroom, I started thinking about the black cock right down the hall from me again. I got my cellphone out and texted Mike:

Andrea-Are you up yet Mr. BBC?

Yep, up and at it. Feel OK this morning?-Mike

Andrea-Never felt better. Kinda empty though.

Come down here and you won't feel empty.-Mike

Andrea-You're not checking out 'til 12?

That's right, flights at 2.-Mike

Andrea-Want some white pussy? Some married white pussy?

You know I do, bring it down here and I'll put a black cock in it. I need to cum again real bad.-Mike

Andrea-Ooh, sounds fun!!! I can't wait to feel you cum in me again. I'm going to run through the shower. Be there in 30.

I'll do the same. Bnya soon.-Mike

Andrea-I can't wait!

When Mike came out of the bathroom, he knew who I was texting. When I finished, I said "I'm going to run through the shower and then I should take Mike his bathrobe back. He might get charged for it if it's missing from his room."

"But he might try to fuck you again," Joe said.

"I'm pretty sure he'll try to fuck me again, and I'm even more sure I'll let him," I said as I was climbing into the shower. "Not just once either," I said to myself. I just love my new life, I was thinking.
What a week! I had spent the whole week pampering myself, going to the spa, shopping for new clothes and getting ready for a weekend getaway to Chicago. My husband had been gone all week on business and we were going to meet for our first weekend away as empty nesters. I had spent the last 18 years living the soccer mom life, so I was particularly excited to resume living for me. Our ******* had started college this fall, so we planned on completely enjoying this new phase of our lives. I was about to find out what completely enjoying myself meant.

My name is Andrea, I'm 44 years old, and my husband Joe and I live just outside Detroit. We have been married for 20 years, and have one baby. I had always been a stay at home mom, never working while she was growing up. I had spent the last year at the gym, trying to get back into shape from too many years of taking care of everybody but myself and I had finally reached my goal last month, I weighed 130 pounds again! I'm 5' 5" tall, and my measurements are 34(C)-24-34. I had to spend all kinds of extra time lifting weights, trying to keep my breasts attractive, you ladies know what I mean, perky. I just hate that whenever I start losing weight, the first 5 pounds always seems to come off my breasts. The only good part of being heavier was that I had 36D's. Joe told me to just have implants, but I think they're better now than implants would have been. (He agrees with me too!) Now that I was at the perfect weight, I planned on staying in shape for good and using it to drive Joe crazy as much as possible. I figured that I could fight off the creep of middle age for a few years if I worked hard enough.

Joe had joined the gym with me too, and is also in nice shape. He had never really gotten out of shape like I did, he really just joined the gym and went to support me. He is 45, about 6'1" tall and weighs 190 pounds or so.

We have a pretty active sex life, at least when Joe is home. He travels a lot for work, but when he gets home he's all over me now that I lost all my weight. Not that he wasn't before, all over me that is. We've always enjoyed sex as much as possible.

I had made the short flight over to Chicago earlier in the day and checked into the hotel. I took a nap for a while, then got ready for the evening. I showered and got ready, planning on waiting for Joe in the cocktail lounge.

I had set out a new outfit I had bought earlier in the week, a gray silk tank top that had a kind of rattlesnake print to it and showed a little cleavage paired with a short black pleated skirt. I wasn't going to wear any hose; I still had a nice suntan from the summer so my legs looked good. I chose some low black heels that were comfortable. I'm too old for wearing those 4" fuck me heels, I'd way rather be comfortable than 2" taller. I chose a new black lace bra that I had bought to go with this top too. It was pretty thin lace because I wanted to make sure Joe could see my nipples all night, that always drives him crazy. My nipples are kind of large, and can be a problem if I get excited. I didn't think that would be a problem tonight though, Joe was the one that was going to get excited. I had already decided to go without panties, so I could show Joe the surprise I had for him. I had gotten a Brazilian while Joe was gone, my pussy was as bare as it could be.

I had spent a whole day at the spa, getting my hair done, my nails, and the bikini wax of course and I felt about as sexy as I could get. My shoulder length hair was all blonde again, all the gray was covered up, and I was very happy as I looked at my naked body in the mirror. My bare pussy was so sexy it even turned me on, I had been on fire ever since I got it waxed. I had worn a bikini to the beach all summer and the contrast between my suntan and white skin made it look like there was a spotlight shining on my pussy. I was looking forward to getting properly fucked and couldn't wait to feel Joe inside me. I looked at my butt in the mirror. It looked pretty good too, good enough to give Joe all he could handle.

I had decided to get dressed and go downstairs early and see what kind of attention I could attract. Maybe someone would buy me a ******* or two I thought. I have always been a little bit of a flirt, I got a lot of free drinks back when I was single. I even earned quite a few of them, if you know what I mean.

I went downstairs about 6 and took a seat at the bar. Joe wasn't supposed to be there until about 8 so I ordered a Manhattan and looked around the bar. There were only a couple of other people there, so I got my phone out and sent my ******* a text. I answered a couple of other texts I had gotten and was just about to order another ******* when the bartender brought me one.

It's from the gentleman over there, he said, pointing at a nice looking black man sitting at the end of the bar. He must have just come in I thought, I would have noticed him when I looked around earlier. I thanked him for the ******* and invited him over to talk.

His name was Michael. He was from St. Louis, and was in town on business. He had finished up earlier than he expected, and now had the night free before his flight home tomorrow afternoon. He was married, 38 years old, and had 2 children. I told him I was waiting for my husband to arrive from Seattle, but would love to have somebody to talk to.

We talked for quite a while, downing a couple more drinks in the process. Michael was quite intelligent, and was fun to talk to. He was about 6' 5" tall, and was in very good shape. He was a salesman for a medical software company. He said he spent a couple of days in Chicago every month. He normally stayed out by O'Hare, but had opted to stay downtown this time. "I'm glad I did," he said, "I got to spend some time drinking with a pretty lady."

"I'm glad you did too," I told him, "I was getting pretty bored without anyone to talk to."

My eyes kept wandering down to his crotch, wondering if the stories about how big black men's cocks could be were true. I had never slept with a black man, but I had thought about it a lot. I had a black friend during college that had asked me out a few times. I had never gone, but also had always regretted it. Another friend of mine had dated him and said he was great in bed, extremely well hung and he would fuck her all night long. I thought that Mike might have caught me looking down a couple of times so I was trying to be a good girl and not look any more. I wanted to flirt with him a little, but not be a total cock tease.

Mike excused himself to use the restroom after a while. When he came back, he sat facing me on the barstool next to mine, his left leg up on the rung of the stool. I tried to be good, I really did, but after a few minutes I glanced down at his crotch again. I just about about choked on my ******* when I saw his crotch this time. He must have adjusted himself a little while he was in the men's room. The outline of his cock was clearly visible now, going halfway down his left leg. As I stared at his cock, I realized that not only had I been staring too long, but my mouth was wide open in amazement. I could feel my nipples trying to poke holes in my top too; everyone in the bar would be able to see that I was excited. I looked up to see Mike grinning, I was definitely caught now. I took another gulp of my ******* and tried to calm down as I blushed.

About this time, I got a text from my husband:

Whats up beautiful?-Joe

Andrea-Nothing, just waiting for you in the lounge.

Who's your friend?-Joe

I looked around the room and saw Joe sitting at a table behind us. I looked away quickly, and continued texting him:

Andrea-We've been talking. He's kind of hitting on me.

Looks like you like it from here.-Joe

Andrea-It's kinda fun. Makes me feel sexy. I got a couple of free drinks already LOL

You sure look sexy. Looks like you have him pretty excited too.-Joe

Andrea-Can you see the size of that thing!? OMG!!!

Yeah, kinda hard to miss. Looks like he wants to make sure you see it too. Ever had a big one like that?-Joe

Andrea-No way, that thing is big! You're about the biggest I've had. And the only one for 20 years.

Never done any black guys before?-Joe

Andrea-No, thought about it in college, but didn't do it.

So do you think it would be fun, fucking a big black cock like that?-Joe

Andrea-Of course I think it would be fun to try. Doesn't matter, I'm married, to you, remember?

But do ya wanna fuck him?-Joe

Andrea-WHAT? Of course I don't!

That's not how it looked when I got here. You were staring right at it. Your nipples are telling a different story too.-Joe

Andrea-I was just teasing with him, don't worry. It's not like I didn't know you were on the way.

Yeah, but if you could do it, would you want to fuck him?-Joe

Andrea-Why? Would you let me?

Maybe, but not unless you ask real nice.-Joe

Andrea-We've never talked about anything like this before. That's kind of a big step.

Don't you want to feel that big cock in you? It's not like anyone will know. Who knows if you'll ever get another chance like this?-Joe

Andrea-It would be fun to try, but I've never cheated on you.

It's not cheating if you have permission. Do you wanna fuck him or not?-Joe

Andrea-Meet me in our room, we can talk about it. 612

Joe got up and left the lounge after that.

I told Mike I had to make a phone call, and asked if he could save my seat for a few minutes. He said he had to go call home also, maybe he would see me around later. I was disappointed, and afraid I wouldn't be able to find him again. If Joe was serious, I really did want to feel his big cock in me. I told him that was too bad, I was really having fun getting to know him and looking forward to getting to know him a lot better. I leaned toward him and gave him a quick kiss, right on the lips, (I snuck my tongue in his mouth real fast too), then told him thanks for the drinks and that I had really enjoyed meeting him. As I slid off the stool I let my skirt ride up, flashing a little look at my bald pussy to him. I was in full cock tease mode now, he was standing firmly on first base and I had given him a peek of home plate. This time it was my turn to catch him looking as I saw his eyes zero in on my stuff. "Sure you can't wait for me just a little while", I asked, smiling?

"Don't worry", he chuckled, "I'll be waiting right here for you."

When I got to the elevator, Joe was just getting into the car. He had picked up his luggage from the desk. We were silent until the doors closed.

"You are so bad", I told him, "I wasn't trying to sleep with him."

"You just looked so sexy," he said. "It made me think of how sexy you would look with that black cock in you. Don't try and tell me you were thinking of anything different, sitting there staring at that big cock."

"The thought did cross my mind," I said, "especially after he adjusted his cock so I could see how big it was." I told Joe I had gotten caught looking at his crotch, then he went and adjusted it so I could see the outline.

"Are you sure it's not a pair of socks or something," he asked?

"No way," I said, "his dress slacks are so thin I can see the veins on it, I swear I can see them pulsing. It's just huge! I think he's uncircumcised too."

We got off on the 6th floor and went to our room to finish our negotiations, obviously I had already decided what I wanted to do. "So do do want to fuck him," Joe asked when we got inside?

"Would you really let me," I asked? "Do you really want someone else in my pussy?"

"Only if you promise to tell me all about it," he said, "and you have to ask me if you can."

"You wouldn't get mad at me," I asked?

"You caught me having an affair and let me get away with it," he said, "although you were pretty mad at me. I guess I owe it to you."

I had found out about him sleeping with other women while he was away before, that was why I had worked so hard getting back in shape. I was hoping to get him interested in me, not interested in me fucking someone else. "You don't owe me that," I said. "I am pretty turned on by the thought of sleeping with him, but you don't owe it to me."

"I just think it's sexy," he said, "I'm hard as a rock just thinking about it. I mean think about it, who knows how long it would take to find another cock that size? You've got one right downstairs that wants in your pussy right now and I'm telling you it's alright with me if you do it, as long as you ask me REAL NICE baby. But you had better make up your mind quick or you're going to get jumped on right here and now."

I thought about flashing Joe my bare pussy, teasing him too, but I knew I wouldn't get out of the room without getting fucked. I had already decided that he wasn't going to get his present until after somebody else had used it so I didn't. It was decided, I was going to have sex with Mike.

"Joe, would you mind if I took a little time off from my wedding vows tonight," I asked? "I have met a new friend and I want to make love with him."

"I didn't think you were going to do it," he said, "I didn't think you'd ask. Yes, you can make love with your new friend as long as you promise to come back to me afterwards."

"Thank you Joe," I said, "and you know I'll always come back to you." We hugged for a minute and he kissed me, telling me it would be alright and that I should let myself go, just have fun. It was his gift to me for all the work I had done getting into shape.

"I don't have any condoms though," I said, "you know I'm not on birth control." Joe had gotten a vasectomy years ago, so we didn't need to worry about birth control.

"There's a ******* store across the street," he said, I'll go get something for you. You go back down and seal the deal with your friend."

"Now are you sure honey," I asked. "We can't take this back once I do it. Once I go out that door I'm not stopping, I'm going to get fucked."

"So you're that sure he want's it," Joe asked?

"Oh don't worry," I said, "he want's it real bad."

"We'll be fine Andrea," he said, "you have a good time. If we don't like it, we'll make it just this one time, but I promise I will never hold it against you. Just let me know what room you're in just in case you need help."

I had been trembling up 'til now, worried about what we were agreeing to do, but now a strange calm came over me. I was going to make love with my first new lover in over 20 years, and I couldn't wait to get started. Joe hugged me and told me not to worry again then smacked my butt and told me to have fun riding that big black cock. Then he left to get condoms for my new friend to use, in me. What a great husband!

I went in the bathroom to freshen up a little, then thought I'd tease Joe a little. I sent him a text:

Andrea-Make sure you get large sized condoms. He's kinda big ya know.

Don't worry babe, I've got it all covered.-Joe

I laughed at his little pun, then made my plan as I finished getting ready. I was going to be straight forward with Mike and just ask him to fuck me. I was pretty sure he would do it, and if I liked it, I would let him fuck me all night long.

I went back down to the cocktail lounge. Mike was still there. He was just finishing a call on his cellphone when I sat down.

"There you go," he said, "I'm all checked in at home. I'm all yours for the evening."

"All mine, so what can I do to you," I asked?

"Anything your little heart desires," he said. "I'm all yours."

"I'd better have another ******* and think about that offer," I said. I knew I needed to stall long enough to get the condoms from Joe.

We continued talking, flirting more and more about what we both knew was going to happen, and Mike continued making sure I could see his big cock the whole time. He was getting harder and harder, and I couldn't believe how big it looked. I had never had a really big cock in me before. Joe was about 7" and at that time I thought he was kind of thick too. As I wondered what Mike would feel like in my pussy, I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

About this time, I got a text from Joe:

You're all set, have fun.-Joe

Andrea-How am I going to get them from you?

You can just take it in the morning.-Joe


It's a morning after pill.-Joe

Andrea-NO!!! What? Are you sure? I thought you meant you were getting condoms when you said you had it all covered.

You know you hate condoms.-Joe

Andrea-I know that too, but it's normally not a stranger's cock in me.

I know you, you would take it off him anyhow. Kinda be a shame to cover up a cock like that anyways.-Joe

Andrea-It would be a shame, but what should I do when he CUMS?

I think we both already know what you were going to do when he cums. That's what the pill is for, HAVE FUN BABY, I LOVE YOU!-Joe

I put my phone down and took another long look at the lump in Mikes pants. Joe did know me pretty well, there's nothing I love more than the feeling of cum in my pussy. It had been a long time since it was anyone else but Joe's cum, but that was about to change.

"Everything OK," Mike asked?

"No," I said, "Joe got bumped off his flight. He won't be here for hours."

"That's alright," he said, "I'll keep you company for as long as you want."

"Thanks Mike, I'm glad I met you," I said. "You're great company, I've really enjoyed talking with you."

"I've enjoyed meeting you so far also," he said, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."

"So just how much better do you want to know me," I asked? I had decided it was time to stop flirting and go upstairs. I had the green light and it was time to fuck!

"I think you understand pretty much how well I want to know you," he said. "Do you have any interest in knowing me that well?"

"I guess this is a good time to talk about something I've been wondering about Mike," I said. I've been wanting to ask you something, but it's kind of personal. Is that OK?"

"Sure," he said, "what do you want to know?"

"So is that thing real," I asked, looking down at the outline of his cock. "Is it all you?"

"It's all me baby," he said, "all me, all black, and all yours if you want it." He was smiling now, he knew he was going to be fucking my little white pussy soon.

"Would you mind showing me what something that big feels like," I asked?

"You mean you want to touch it," he asked?

"No," I said, staring directly into his eyes. "I mean I want you to fuck me with it."

"Wow," he said, "I'm glad we got that out in the open. I just love women who know what they want and aren't afraid to say it. So do you want to meet me in my room?"

"What," I said, "are you embarrassed to walk out with me?"

"Not at all," he said, leaning over and kissing me this time. I put my arm around his neck and kissed him back, welcoming his tongue in my mouth. We finally broke our kiss and I swallowed the last sip of my *******.

Mike paid the tab, then we held hands as we walked to the elevator. Everyone in the entire bar knew that a black man had picked me up and we were going upstairs to fuck. I think knowing that, that they all thought I was a black cock slut was one of the biggest turn ons about the whole exchange. Very soon I would prove them right, I would be a black cock slut. I did mention that I like to flirt a little bit, didn't I? I didn't care what anyone here thought anyway, they didn't know me.

Once we were inside the elevator, Mike was all over me and my hands were all over his big cock. We kissed and hugged until the car got to the 6th floor, the same floor I was on, then walked hand in hand to room 637. I was relieved when I saw that, I figured with my luck he would be in the room next to mine. I wasn't ready for that yet.
I love it so far!