can a blk man remain straight after a hubby sucks his cock

I didn't make this post yet someone feels the need to personally attack see why people like magicmike left this site....I don't need validation nor do I seek it lol...if my input is criticism to you...maybe you should handle those demons lol
I didn't make this post yet someone feels the need to personally attack see why people like magicmike left this site....I don't need validation nor do I seek it lol...if my input is criticism to you...maybe you should handle those demons lol
Maybe I took your response Incorrectly. If so. Apologies.
You I mentioned in my first post...being called gay, bi or lesbian isn't meant to be an insult....
Yes, absolutely..I've experienced this numerous times before. Both prep and cleaning up by hubby and wife at times. Most of the time the husband's would tell me that lust consumed them and they felt this submissive feeling overtaking them as they watched as they completely dominated and enjoyed his wife like no else ever has before in their bed. For me as a dominant I see it as my dominance over the pair and I've found that alot of the wives love this but don't want to be the ones telling their husband's to do it. I'm straight as an arrow and in that situation I'm not apposed to having my cock suck by both.
For us it was my idea to have hubby suck my bull… and told my bull as much and when he does it, I get so turned on!
To each their own...enjoy as you please...but there's a definition for heterosexuality and homosexuality, I didn't say anyone was wrong or a bad person for partaking...but let's make this distinction clear, that's what the point of this thread was in the first place. You can only be gay, lesbian, bi, or straight, if you're having sex with human beings....I'm not opening any other cans of worms lol
That makes her bi.... lol....incidental?? A handful??? It's no accident if you get head from another man. I think you have an issue with being called gay or bi. It's not meant as an insult, it's simply a fact. I'm calling you gay, bi or lesbian if you engage in sexual activities with others of the same sex. If you only like sex with members of the opposite sex, you're straight like me. There is no str8
You keep jumping in to correct me when I call out people who don't know the difference between gay and bi. They say, "it makes you gay, no ifs ands or buts." I point out that that's not the case (because there is a whole spectrum of preferences between strictly straight and strictly gay, which is called bisexuality) and you jump in to say, "that's bi," which was my whole point. I tried to use humor to point out that you never see gay men call bi men straight because of a single straight experience, and you were like, "that's because they're bi." I tried to point out that nobody calls bi women lesbians, and you were like, "that's because they're bi." Dude, why do you keep telling ME this? Tell it to these homophobic straight men calling all bi guys gay!

My wife considers herself bisexual. She's attracted to both men and women. When I asked if that dude considered her a lesbian, it was to illustrate that he probably wouldn't call her that. He'd say bi. So why not with men?

I am somewhat bi too, but less so than my wife. I'm not attracted to men. I'm turned on by putting my sexual autonomy in my wife's hands, and letting her dictate things that take me out of my comfort zone, which on a couple of occasions has included her telling me to obey a bull who wanted to be serviced. So yes, I'm to some degree bisexual. The reason I used the word "incidental" is because that word is used in actual studies of human sexuality. I'm about a 1 on the Kinsey scale, which is quite literally defined as "Predominantly heterosexual, only incidental homosexual/same-sex behavior or attraction."

I don't have a hard time admitting this at all. I'm not trying to hide or sugar coat anything. I'm pointing out how fucking assenine it is to call someone like me "100% gay," even though I've never sought any contact with another man on my own, and still haven't met or seen one I'm sexually attracted to. In fact, if I were attracted to men, it would be a different kind of rush altogether. The reason I've enjoyed it is that I enjoy submission. So to others who aren't so judgmental, I say I'm primarily straight, because I'm only really attracted to women, but I'm not concerned if lines get a little blurred if that's what's exciting and comfortable for all involved. I'm quite upfront about it. Call me bi, hetero flexible, a part-time cock sucker, whatever floats your boat. I know who I'm attracted to. On Kasidie, the categories they offer are straight, bi-curious, bi-comfortable, bisexual, open-minded, and gay. On our profile there, I identify as bi-comfortable. I'm well aware that puts me somewhere on the spectrum of bisexuality, so to neanderthals who need to decide on labels for other people, sure. I'm bi. The reason I'll give a more in-depth explanation isn't to hide anything, it's quite the opposite. Explaining which side of the spectrum I'm closer to gives a more accurate description of my sexual preferences and tendencies. Accurately defining things is the whole point of labeling things, right? Unless of course you're doing it to put others down. Then you say things like, “if you aren't strictly, adamantly, completely straight, you're GAY. It's not complicated." You lump everyone you want to see as different from you into the same category, and use the name for the polar opposite of how you identify yourself as an insult, to be dismissive of all of those filthy, un-straight freaks.

So sure, keep lecturing ME on what bisexuality means, everytime I point out where someone ELSE refused to even type the word, and can't seem to recognize that gay and bi don't mean the same thing. People here have some weird fear of acknowledging that bi men actually exist, separately from gay men, and it doesn't mean they're going to make unwanted advances on straight men. Dudes here have a hard time acknowledging that preference is a spectrum, not a light switch. Bi men are a diverse group, and in many cases are more different from gay men than they are from straight men. So why do so many straight men here have a compulsive need to call them all gay? And why are you correcting me and not them?
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Yes, absolutely..I've experienced this numerous times before. Both prep and cleaning up by hubby and wife at times. Most of the time the husband's would tell me that lust consumed them and they felt this submissive feeling overtaking them as they watched as they completely dominated and enjoyed his wife like no else ever has before in their bed. For me as a dominant I see it as my dominance over the pair and I've found that alot of the wives love this but don't want to be the ones telling their husband's to do it. I'm straight as an arrow and in that situation I'm not apposed to having my cock suck by both.
So hot!
Is my wife, whose sexual experience has been probably 99% with men a lesbian because she's fooled around with a handful of women over the years? If you don't call women who are primarily straight but have incidental bisexual tendencies lesbians, why would you call men who only have incidental bisexual tendencies gay men?
Call it what you want. But I get what you’re saying, woman or a man I’m gonna consider them gay. I don’t have a problem with gay people, it’s just I’m not gonna be considered gay by getting my dick sucked by a man. And yes there is a difference between bi sexual and gay I am very understanding of that. I have gay friends that I had shown this post to. they laughed at what I said because they know how I am and they even said “yes, you can consider a man that does that either bi or gay. But if he wants to do that to men all the time along with other things and lust for it…he’s gay”!
this whole site is about labels...why does gay bi, or lesbian hurt so many people's feelings?
Because, people are on the extreme side of Sensitive. I just call it how I see it. if you don’t like the labels then straighten up, lol! If somebody came up to me and said eww, you’re guy my reaction would be eww you’re straight and keep it moving. I find people that are covering up Wanting to be openly gay but out in the open about it. find it way more offensive than somebody that has already excepted being gay and as well as bisexual.
Yes, absolutely..I've experienced this numerous times before. Both prep and cleaning up by hubby and wife at times. Most of the time the husband's would tell me that lust consumed them and they felt this submissive feeling overtaking them as they watched as they completely dominated and enjoyed his wife like no else ever has before in their bed. For me as a dominant I see it as my dominance over the pair and I've found that alot of the wives love this but don't want to be the ones telling their husband's to do it. I'm straight as an arrow and in that situation I'm not apposed to having my cock suck by both.
So I am curious, do you like to be the one to tell the husband to do it or do you prefer that the wife tell him to do it? Has a wife ever asked you to help make her husband do it?
I understand your point, but it does not take away from the fact, once that interaction with the same sex occurs, your status changes. And it is not about labels, it is about what the act does. Mentally one can tell themselves whatever they want to be at ease, but that won't change the dynamic.
[/QUOT😭😭😭 omfg I'm crying laughing over here
I don’t have a problem with gay people, it’s just I’m not gonna be considered gay by getting my dick sucked by a man.
If you don't have a problem with gay people, why would you care if someone were to consider you one? It's totally fine to have your preference not to want male-on-male sexual contact, but why is your preference anyone else's business? And why would you care about their assumptions or how straight they "consider" you?

And yes there is a difference between bi sexual and gay I am very understanding of that.
If you understand that, why do you choose to use what you understand to be the incorrect term? If you know the difference, why not use the correct term for the correct situations?

I have gay friends that I had shown this post to. they laughed at what I said because they know how I am and they even said “yes, you can consider a man that does that either bi or gay. But if he wants to do that to men all the time along with other things and lust for it…he’s gay”!
This sounds a bit like when white people try to prove they aren't racist by pointing out they have a black friend. You're not homophobic. How could you be? You have gay friends!

Look, good on you for acknowledging the difference between homosexuality and bisexuality, and for at least trying to say others can do their thing, but you've got a ways to go if you think the way you talk about this issue promotes acceptance or acknowledges other people's right to be themselves. You clearly think it's better to be straight, or you wouldn't give a rats ass how anyone describes their sexual identity.
If you don't have a problem with gay people, why would you care if someone were to consider you one? It's totally fine to have your preference not to want male-on-male sexual contact, but why is your preference anyone else's business? And why would you care about their assumptions or how straight they "consider" you?

If you understand that, why do you choose to use what you understand to be the incorrect term? If you know the difference, why not use the correct term for the correct situations?

This sounds a bit like when white people try to prove they aren't racist by pointing out they have a black friend. You're not homophobic. How could you be? You have gay friends!

Look, good on you for acknowledging the difference between homosexuality and bisexuality, and for at least trying to say others can do their thing, but you've got a ways to go if you think the way you talk about this issue promotes acceptance or acknowledges other people's right to be themselves. You clearly think it's better to be straight, or you wouldn't give a rats ass how anyone describes their sexual identity.
You really got in your feelings on this… gay is gay, bisexual is bisexual and guess what straight is straight. I don’t have a problem with gay people, I wouldn’t care if someone called me gay if I was gay. I could care less about any other person’s preference. My preference is definitely my business as it should be with anyone else and I don’t care about assumption’s.

I could use the correct terms if need be but,if I see it as being gay then for me it’ll be that and in your eyes bisexual, so be it… pretty simple!

definitely not homophobic but like I said I’m not having that gay s**t around me. A man fucks a woman and not another man in my book. Simple, My gay friends know where I stand on that. When their around me They’re my homeboys but, when they’re around other people like them they call each other homegirls. It is what it is!

im all for people being who they are 1000% and I don’t give a rats ass or a horse cock about someone else’s life to be honest. Just don’t come at me with some gay s**t when I’m fucking a cucks wife and he wants to suck me off or beat my cock…nah, save that for the bisexual’s and gay’s. I’ve stopped sessions for bulls**t like that and have gotten apologies. so keep it moving and rant to the next person. Your trying to validate yourself and nobody cares! Have a beautiful night.

P.S. find someone else to bother Snowflake ;)
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