Spoiler alert. This is a story about cuckolding so don't say you weren't warned.


It's late. We're the last of what had been close to one hundred people. The final five. My wife, Prabh, my boss, Ricky, our hosts, Don and Jean, and me, Brad, Three of us are pretty hammered, but Mr. Richard Johnson, doesn't look like he's had too much to ******* and my wife, Prabh, doesn't *******.

She doesn't like the way alcohol makes her feel less in control. She insists on being clear-headed. She also said she doesn't need artificial stimulants to feel good or to be uninhibited.

Don is my coworker. Jean is his wife. I wouldn't say they need to be buzzed, but would say they find it enjoyable. They are a bit older than Prabh and I and definitely more worldly.

The four of us are in our twenties. Don has been with the company five years while I've only been working there a little over a year. Fresh out of college, newly married, Prabh and I moved halfway across the country so I could take a job here.

Mr. Johnson, the man I say sir to, the man Prabh calls Richard in her accented and proper English, isn't really that old. He just turned forty, but to a couple of twenty year olds, he seems so much more worldly and mature than us. By virtue of his title, he commands our respect; with the stroke of a pen he could can me.

Don and I aren't really worried about being canned. Mr. Johnson likes us. We are damn good employees. We're loyal. We're hardworking, creative, intelligent, and our obedience is genuine.

Even though Ricky barely graduated with a degree in education and is in charge of a bunch of engineers and designers, he's actually a really cool boss.

Besides, he's a legend at the company. The company's founder personally recruited him as reward for their alma mater's winning seasons.

Ricky's speed and strength were legendary. Men aspired to be him. Women wanted him. He was also handsome and charming.

And now it was two in the morning.

I watched Don expertly roll, then light a joint. He inhaled deeply, handed it to his wife who took a big hit; she tried handing it to me, but I declined.

Don said, "Trust me, Brad, you need this."

I declined again. He ignored me.


She smiled, straddled my lap, reversed the joint, put the cherry in her mouth, and pressed her lips to mine. I opened my mouth to receive my shotgun.

I hadn't smoked in a long time. It was much higher quality, smoother than anything I had ever smoked.

"That's some good *******, isn't it Brad?"

I exhaled. Jean gave me a second hit before climbing off of me. I held it in and slowly exhaled.

Jean handed the joint to Ricky. He took a big hit, tried to hand it to Prabh. She declined.

I told him, "She doesn't."

He said, "That's cool. Someone has to be clearheaded."

We all laughed.

"Besides, she has to drive me home."

Don said, "You don't need to go home, Brad. We have the guest bedroom and the couch."

Jean chimed in, "You should stay."

Mr. Johnson said nothing. He and Prabh were standing in front of me. I was in the middle of the couch, Don on one side and Jean on the other. Jean tried tickling me, "Come on Bradley, Say you'll stay."

I was so torn. Too many margaritas and now too much smoke. I was also filled with dread.

I told our hosts, "Another night. Thanks for the offer."

I didn't see it, but Prabh silently mouthed, "Let me talk to him. I know how to handle him when he's like this."

They got up. Jean even gave me a wet kiss on the cheek. She and Don headed to their bedroom after telling Ricky, Prabh, and I good night.

So now it was just the three of us.

More awkward than tense, but Prabh excelled at making awkward moments like this comfortable.

I was staring at their hands. My boss and my wife were holding hands. He was to her left. His ringless, large right hand, with thick, long fingers was holding Prabh's much smaller hand, the one she wore her engagement and wedding rings on. His finger was toying with the diamond on her engagement ring.

Jiggling it left and right. Their fingers were interlaced.

I had watched them all afternoon and evening flirt rather shamelessly in front of me, our hosts, and everyone in attendance. The last couple of hours they had spent dancing with each other.

Prabh's long black hair looked sweaty.

I saw them exchange glances. For a second I thought Mr. Johnson might just say to hell with talking and just take her to the guest room. He didn't like to be kept waiting. After all, he was a legend and my boss.

Standing there in her bare feet, her pink jumper was now damp and clung to her like a second skin. The top buttons of her jumper were undone. She had shucked her bra, but I wondered when. Was it earlier when she and Mr. Johnson had an audience watching them grind on each other?

It really didn't matter. Her breasts were visible through the jumper. Her hard nipples pressed against the fabric covering them. My eyes wandered lower to her flat stomach stopping when I got to her crotch.

Her jumper had crept up between her labia and she was now displaying what they call a camel toe. I bet it happened while she was grinding her crotch against his upper thigh.

"Richard, let me talk to Bradley."

He started to protest.

"Go. I'll be there in a few."

He might have been the Alpha male at work and on the gridiron, but he did as he was told.

Prabh sat down beside me.

She took my left hand in hers. She rubbed the back of it with her thumb while another finger moved my wedding band back and forth.

Through bloodshot eyes, I looked at her.

She looked back at me, "Bradley, we should stay. You've had way too much to *******. You're in no condition to drive."

"Prabh, you could drive."

She put her free hand to her mouth and yawned, "I'm too tired. Don't you think it would be rude to turn Don and Jean's invitation down?"

"I guess so," I answered.

"You can sleep here. I'll get a blanket and pillow from the linen closet."

"Prabh, where are you going to sleep? I want to sleep with you."

She kissed me, "I want to sleep with you too, but not tonight. I'm going to lie down in the guest room."

I accused her, "With Ricky."

She got up and went to the linen closet. She returned with a pillow and a blanket.

"Take off your shoes, Bradley."

I bent over. The room spun.

She told me to sit still. She knelt on the floor and took off each of my shoes.

"Let me get you a trash can and a glass of water."

She came back a minute later with a small wastebasket and a glass of water for later.

"Just in case."

I asked her to lay with me.

"Not tonight. You'll be fine. We'll keep the door closed so we won't disturb you."

I felt so helpless.

"Prabh, I love you."

"I love you too Bradley."

"Why are you doing this?"

I have to give her credit for being so patient, "Bradley, we talked about this. You know why. This is a golden opportunity. We shouldn't pass it up. Besides, he's your boss. You like your job don't you?"

"I do, but.."

She put a finger to my lips, "No more talking. I want you to lay down and try to go to sleep. Everything will be fine in the morning. It will be easier than you think."

I settled my head on the pillow. She covered me with a blanket.

"I don't want to lose you. You're going to leave me."

She admonished me, "Silly boy, you're not going to lose me and I'm not going to leave you. Til death do we part."

"I want you so bad Prabh."

"You can have me tomorrow, Bradley."

I wasn't so ******* that I didn't know it was already tomorrow.

"Can I?"

"Bradley, I need to go.

"Prabh, please may I?"

She rolled her eyes in an exaggerated fashion.

"If it will quiet you."

"I promise you Prabh. It will. I won't ask for anything else. Scout's honor."

She pinched my cheek, "You were never a scout, but okay. Just be quick."

She stood there and allowed me to press my face to her crotch. I kissed it."

"That's enough. Now go to sleep, Bradley."

"Good night Prabh."

"Shhh. Good night, Bradley."

She walked to the guest bedroom and closed the door behind her.

The house was so quiet you literally could hear people having sex. It also helped that the sounds from their bedroom carried through the ventilation system and that a vent was directly overhead the couch. I could hear everything.

I heard Richard ask her, "Is he going to be okay?"

She assured him, "He'll be fine. He's just being Bradley, silly as always."

"I've been wanting to kiss you all night."

"Then kiss me, Richard."

"You're beautiful Prabh."

"Thank you, Richard. I see you like my breasts. That feels good. I like it rough. Bradley is too gentle. Get out of your clothes."

"You have a nice body, Richard. You're very handsome. I feel so tiny beside you."

I had a pretty good mental image of what he was doing when she said, "We can save that for another day. Right now I want you in me."

She stopped him from eating her.

"It' so big."

"I'll go slow, Prabh."

"I'm nervous, Richard."

"Shhh, babe."

"See. Feels good doesn't it?"

"It does. I feel so stretched. How far in me are you?"

"Just a couple of inches."

The suddenness and intensity of her orgasm surprised her.

She wailed, "Oh fuck," before letting out several high pitch moans.

He chuckled as she wasn't the first woman to have orgasmed before he was halfway in her.

"You like my black cock don't you?"

"I do. I can't believe what happened. It was so intense."

"Never that intense with your husband is it?"

"No, never that intense."

"I should go. It's getting late."

"You'd better be kidding, Richard."

He assured her he was joking.

"Prabh, we're just getting started. I'm going to wear your pussy out."

She had another powerful orgasm which caused him to slip all the way inside of her.

"I can feel you against my cervix."

"It doesn't hurt does it?"

"It feels good Richard."

Their fucking became more energetic.

He reminded her he wasn't wearing protection.

"I don't care. Cum in me."

They climaxed together.

By the time Prabh had her third orgasm I had too. I had unzipped my fly, fished out my penis and jacked off. I used tissues to catch my seed. No sooner had I finished that I would be hard again. It wouldn't take much to send me over the edge.

In all our time together she had insisted I use a condom because she wasn't ready to get pregnant. Her first night with my boss and she allowed him to go bareback. No protection from disease or pregnancy.

The thought of Richard making my Prabh pregnant should have made my ******* boil, but all it did was leave my urethra raw as I climaxed just a few drops. I was out of babymakers.

They cuddled. She told him it was so nice. She also told him to stay inside of her. He got hard again. They fucked for a long time. My last climax was a dry one. My penis spammed, but nothing came out.

I fell asleep hoping Richard had gotten my bride pregnant. I had no idea how we would explain it. One look at the baby and everyone would know she had betrayed me. I didn't have a drop of African ******* in me and that baby would be half.

Richard and Prabh fell asleep, he spooning her, his cock still inside of her. His manhood never got completely soft and small like mine did.

My full bladder woke me before the four of them. After urinating I went back into the living room and wondered what I should do.

I decided it would be less awkward and a whole lot less humiliating if I snuck out and headed home. I found a pad of paper and pen in the kitchen and penned her a note telling her to call me if she needed a ride home.

I stopped at a coffee shop on the way home.

The waitress said I looked like *******. I told her I felt like ******* too. She laughed. As she waited on me she peppered me with questions. She noticed my wedding band.

"Did you go to the party with your wife? Where is she? You left her there. You're in deep ******* now. Why would you do something so stupid? What's done is done. You had better buy her some roses."

I couldn't tell her why and the excuses I offered were pretty lame. I felt like I had made my situation even worse by sneaking out.

I went home with a full belly and crashed on the couch, only this one was mine.

Physically I felt fine after my nap. I even took a shower. In the shower the sounds of their lovemaking played in my head. I developed an erection. I tried masturbating, but my penis was sore and I just didn't feel like I could cum again.

Mid afternoon Prabh called. She didn't sound surprised or annoyed.

"I'm ready to be picked up, Bradley."

I had always been Brad until we got married. Overnight, I went from being Brad to Bradley. She drew out the last syllable emphasizing the e. She had been born in this country, but she had an almost British accent like her mom and dad.

"I'll be there in fifteen, Prabh."

We both sounded as if nothing earth shattering had happened the night before.

I rang the doorbell. Jean answered it.

She asked, "How are you doing? Rough night?"

I assured her, "I'm fine. Breakfast, nap, and a shower helped. How is Prabh?"

She laughed, "She's fine. Come inside. Do you want a beer?"

I declined, but said, "Coffee would be great."

"It's not fresh. I'll zap it in the microwave."

"That would be great."

She chuckled as she reheated the coffee prompting me to ask what was so funny.

She nodded her head, "I should have known you wouldn't mind. I bet you like leftovers."

I felt myself get red in the face. I was at a loss for words.

She looked like she felt bad. She actually apologized for being so insensitive.

"I forgot it was your first time. This one will stick with you forever."

I answered, "First and I hope last."

She said, "Judging from the wads of tissues I found this morning I don't think you really mean that. You remind me of Don's first time."

"His first time? You mean.."

She interrupted me, "Yes. Richard was intimate with me before he was intimate with Prabh."

"I had no idea."

"Now you know. Don's a cuckold. Do you know how hard it was for me to listen to them last night? I wore Don's tongue out."

I had so many questions for her, but didn't know where to start.

Prabh came into the kitchen, freshly showered, a towel wrapped around her head and one around her body.

"Hi Bradley."

She walked over and kissed me. My reaction was automatic. I pursed my lips and kissed her back which elicited a comment from Jean, "You two lovebirds will be all right. I told you so Prabh."

I asked, "Where's Don?"

"He and Richard went golfing. It's Sunday."

She turned to Prabh and asked her what her plans for Sunday were.


"You can hang out here."

She declined saying she wanted to go hang out at her own house.

"Besides, didn't you say it was really important the first time that I carve out some time for my husband. Bradley, I do have something for you to do. Go take the sheets off the bed and put them by the washing machine."

Jean said, "He doesn't need to do that."

Prabh insisted I did.

I was still in earshot and knew they were talking about me as I stripped the mattress of its sheets. I thought it was a good thing they had a mattress liner or the mattress would have been ruined. I had never seen such a big wet spot. The room smelled of sex and sweat.

I balled up the sheet and pressed my face against the wettest spot. I closed my eyes and smelled Prabh's secretions and Richard's semen.

"He needs to know how good Richard made me feel last night. You can fake orgasms, but you can't fake wet spots. Didn't you say you make Don change the sheets?"

"Yes and no you can't. I'm impressed by how well he is doing. Don broke down and bawled."

Prabh said, "It's early, but so far he is doing well. I know it's hard, but if he loves me he knows it's the right thing to do."

"True. We're lucky women Prabh."

"Yes, we are. Bradley, are you ready to go?"

"Coming Prabh," I made a quick detour to the wash room, dropped off the sheets, and headed to her.

"I think Don was more surprised than Bradley. I've been working on him for months, conditioning him."

Prabh went back to the bedroom and put on the clothes she had worn the night before.

She and I thanked Jean before heading home.

We didn't say much on the drive, but I did study her profile a lot. I pictured Richard and she kissing, his lips sucking her nipples, his cock inside of her. I found myself wanting them to do it again. I imagined his millions of baby makers making their way toward her egg.

She smiled, "You've fallen deeper in love with me, haven't you?"

I said, "I think I have."

She answered, "I know you have. I can see it in your eyes."

She took me by the hand and led me to our bedroom.

We stood and kissed. She turned her head exposing her neck and the hickey Richard had left. I kissed it.

"Undress me cuck."

My fingers shouldn't have been shaking because I had undressed her plenty of time, but they were shaking like a leaf.

"Nervous? When you saw me in this outfit it stirred up some strong memories. I took my bra off after everyone left. I figured you were humiliated enough watching Richard and I grind on each other in front of all those guests."

"Take off my jumper. Now my bra and panties. Go get a towel cuck."

I did as she asked.

She looked and sounded so calm and in control, "Spread it out there. Take off you clothes cuck, but leave your underwear on."

She got on the bed and laid down so her bottom was on the towel.

"You're so white compared to Richard. Get on the bed, between my legs, cuck. That's it. Smell me. I feel like he's still dripping out of me. Kiss it cuck. I like that word. You're my sweet cuck."

"That's it. Use your tongue on me cuck. Jean says you liked listening to us. Your tongue is what I need today, something soft and tender. Tell me you like being my cuck. Tell me you want me to have a boyfriend."

"Tell me you understand why I need other men. You were sweet last night. I could tell you were hurting, but you were really strong. You could hear us couldn't you. Jean said you would be able to."

"When you see Mr. Johnson I want you to thank him. Will you do that for me? He needs to hear it from you or he won't call me. French kiss my pussy, cuck. You have such a nice tongue. Don't forget my asshole. You are so nasty, Bradley."

It took a while, but she experienced a very nice orgasm.

She pushed my head away. I rested my head on her thigh.

We didn't say anything for a few minutes.

I asked her, "Prabh, you're not ashamed of me are you."

"Not at all. Just the opposite. I'm very proud of you. Most women go around unsatisfied, but not Jean or I. Our husbands love us."

Without prompting I told her, "I wouldn't leave you if he got you pregnant."

She smiled and said, "I know you wouldn't. Deep down, you hope he got me pregnant. We didn't use protection."

"I know. Do you want him to get you pregnant?"

"I wouldn't mind. It wasn't anything I planned, but what we were doing felt so right. I know this will sound weird, but I wanted to mate with him. He just seems superior, not just to you, but to all the other men I've dated."

"Just think what our baby would be like. Athletic, tall, quick, strong, intelligent, handsome."

I added, "Beautiful if it's a girl."

She tousled my hair, "You see it too. And yes, beautiful if it's a girl. I feel like I'm glowing. Take off you underwear and get on top of me Bradley."

I stood up and quickly pulled off my underwear.

She asked me to slow down and stand there.

Between my legs was the obvious reason why she needed another man.

"Get on top of maman," she said referring to herself in Farsi.

It was another change that happened after marriage. I noticed her mom did the same thing with her dad. He rarely called her by her name, but by the Farsi word for mom. I wondered if she did this when they were intimate and if Prabh had picked it up after listening to them.

Intercourse was the only time where she really treated me like a baby and spoke to me in Farsi.

"Put your peepee in maman. That's it."

She would draw her knees up and join her legs together at the ankle. I would thrust, but I never had much stamina. She would tell me, "Biya showhar," and I would expel my seed closer to the entrance of her vagina than to her cervix.

It was weirdly erotic. My penis did seem to befit a baby and referring to her self as mommy instead of my wife excited me. After having been with Richard, I was also surprised she allowed me, much less wanted me to have intercourse with her.

We laid there a few minutes. My penis didn't shrink much but it got noticeably softer.

She caressed my back.

I rested my head on the pillow.


"I like the closeness. You're still my husband."

"But you want his baby."

"I do."

I will never be able to explain it. In fact, she said I was quite sullen, but I began kissing and licking my way down her body. I feasted on her breasts. She reminded me to be gentle.

He could be rough, but not me.

I guess she thought I was going to be content sucking her breasts, but when I started kissing my way down her abdomen she stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me get up. I'll be back."

"I'm dirty down there."

"You don't need to do this."

I ignored her protests and resisted her half hearted attempts to push me away.

I experienced my first cream pie that afternoon tasting my own seed.

She got into it, really got into it, encouraging me to clean her so she wouldn't get pregnant.

We cuddled afterwards. She said my breath smelled of cum, but she still kissed me.

We stared at each other sharing the same pillow.

"Since he became a cuckold, Don has the same obsession."

"With sperm?"

"Yes, especially after she's been with another man."

"There are others besides Richard?"

"Of course. You don't think she'd limit herself to just one man do you?"

"I didn't know. Are you?"

She answered, "For now, just one, but who knows how I'll feel down the road. I have a hard time believing sex could be better with someone else."

My boss and my GF