Body made for black babies?

@sarahotblonde 👇👇👇

Hot, im only attracted and would be with a white woman I would desire sharing to a black lover and wanting her to be bred and black pregnant for us. I look for women with 0-2 ******* so i could add one of our own to the mix and then possibly one more mixed baby if it happened by a bbc alpha lover we picked out together that hopefully ends up in a relationship with feelings and a connection long term so when and if she agrees to not take birth control and have his baby, he would be around in ours/babys life long term for support and play a positive role in its life and my wife have a natural connection to him forever and feel obliged to sexually satisfy him and feel ok having feeling a natural desire to make him a permanent part of our marriage and life because of their baby and me stepping aside as a beta when he is around which makes her look to him sexually as the alpha provider and leader of us as a couple when she sees her husband visibly stepping aside as a sign to her he is a beta to this male and he is the better more deserving lover for her and them both, and is showing them he immediately knows he cant physically compete with this other male and so he is stepping aside for him to lead and dominate and lead them as a couple while he is there and his wife's and his own desires are their priority right now and as her cuck, im the low man on the chain to only please and support them both.