Black Sex Partner for My Wife

Because of health problems I can't get hard and perform sex with my wife, Carol. I have talked to her about having sex with a black man to satisfy her. She has never been attracted to black guys. But lately she thinks Antonio Brown of the Pittsburgh Steelers is good looking. She gambles at the local casino. How would I get a black man to approach my wife at the casino, m At the casino,ake friends with her, flirt with her then convince her to have sex with him? At the casino, Carol has no control over herself. She loses herself in her gambling. She is weak when there. I think this would be the best place for a black man to approach my wife. But how can I get one to do that? How do I approach a black man with this request? It would take a few meetings at the casino for my wife to become friends with him so I am asking a lot of a man. I want to do this for Carol's pleasure and for mine also. It has been a long time for her to have normal sex and I can see how frustrated she becomes after we do it. Any help with my problem would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe the black males can chime in, but I suspect a Queen of Spades anklet may be a help. That or a temporary QoS tattoo.


Thanks for your suggestion. But I'm not sure my wife would accept that. I am looking for a way to get her to just accept the idea of another man to have sex with her for her to have the pleasure she deserves.